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Predestined: Nathan McCoy's Story (Hell Yeah! Book 37)

Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  “You should,” Nathan used his fingers and tongue to give her pleasure. “You deserve to be cherished. Pleased.”

  “Oh, God.” Clare clawed at the sheet when his tongue circled slowly over her clitoris. “Nathan!” Her voice rose to a high-pitched keen when he slipped his tongue inside of her. The most delicious heat radiated out from her center. The intimacy was almost too much. Yet…Clare wanted more. She wanted everything. She wanted Nathan most of all. Lifting her feet from the bed, she wrapped them around his shoulders as he brought her to an earth-shattering orgasm. Her first to share with anyone.

  “Now me. Me.”

  “Yes, impatient little miss.” Chuckling, Nathan started to go down on her again. She raised up, stopping him. “No, it’s my turn.” Moving her hand between them, she found his shaft. Taking it her hand, she began to pump him, mesmerized by the thick length.

  “Baby, stop.” He captured her hand, stilling it. He was so afraid he’d lose it when she touched him. He was so far gone now. If he came before he was inside of her, he’d never forgive himself.

  “Please.” She urged him on top of her. “I ache.” Clare needed to be filled. Claimed. If only for a little while.

  Nathan prayed he’d do her justice. Suddenly, he regretted his lack of experience. “I want you. I’ve never wanted anything so much.”

  “Take me. Make me yours.”

  “You are mine. You always have been.” As he moved over her, Nathan trembled at the importance of the moment. If he couldn’t have her now, he’d lose his mind.

  As he brought himself into position Clare’s hands roved over his back, memorizing his body. She regretted the lack of light. She would’ve loved to watch him, read the emotion on his face. Remembering what he’d confessed about his abilities, she sought to give him a gift. “For just a little while, I wish you could hear my thoughts.”

  Bending, Nathan kissed the round, full globe of her breast. “I don’t need to. I can feel your heart racing under my cheek. I can taste your desire for me on your skin.”

  “Don’t you want to know the rest? How I think you’re gorgeous with your full lips, dark hair, and sexy abs? How if I’d searched the world over I couldn’t have picked anyone more perfect to give my virginity to? How I can’t wait to feel your full weight on me.” Clare knew she’d feel safe. Nothing bad could ever happen when she was in his arms.

  Nathan felt his heart clench in his chest as he guided the head of his cock to her tender opening. “If it’s in my power, I’ll always give you whatever you want.”

  “You. I want you.”

  Nathan prayed that was so. “Are you ready for me?”

  “Past ready.” She kissed him on the shoulder. “Bordering on desperate.”

  “I’ll go slow,” he promised softly as he began to push in. The feel of her warm, silken body making room for him made his mind go blank and his eyes shut in ecstasy. This was so perfect, so much better than he’d even dreamed. “Heaven. Paradise. Perfection,” he murmured.

  Clare clung to him, not nearly as patient as he. Nipping his shoulder, she bucked her hips upward. “Come on, cowboy. Ride me.”

  At her seductive urging, Nathan couldn’t wait one second longer before he buried himself inside of her with one powerful thrust. Her shocked gasp stole his breath. “Are you okay?”

  “Oh, yea. I’m good.” She began to pepper kisses on his throat and jawline. “Just move, McCoy, move.”

  Nathan didn’t need any more encouragement. Their mouths collided as he began to thrust, making love to the woman he valued more than life. The pleasure of being inside of her sent bolts of electricity down his legs. As every muscle vibrated with tension, he prayed he wouldn’t disappoint her and come before she did. “Don’t do anything sexy, okay?”


  Bracketing his forearms on either side of her head, he continued to pump. When she twined her legs around his waist, lifted her bottom, and squeezed him tight – Nathan thought he was a goner. “Romy, have mercy. I’m not gonna last.” In his dream, he’d been amazing. Going slow. Whispering sweet nothings. He would impress her with his size and stamina. Be so creative, such a good lover she’d never forget him. Never want anyone but him.

  “I’m don’t mind. I’m so close.” She urged him on with kisses, her hips tilting to take him even deeper. His breathing matched hers, even as her heartrate soared out of sight. Clare didn’t spare the danger a thought, she didn’t have time for such things now. Not when something so wonderful was building inside of her – mounting up like a tidal wave.

  Running her palms over his back and shoulders, scoring his skin lightly with her nails. “Nathan, I didn’t know. I never knew.” And to think, this was her one chance. She’d allotted herself this one time. How in the name of all that was holy could she make do with touching the gates of heaven only once?

  “No, no,” Nathan groaned. “I’m gonna come. I’m sorry.”

  “Just don’t stop, I beg you. Faster! Harder!”

  Her pleas and sweet cries pushed him to the breaking point. “Come with me, Romy. Meet me in my dream.”

  His request sent her over the edge and the wave covered her in pure, pulsing bliss. “Nathan!” She held him tightly as he stiffened, his manhood throbbing as he emptied himself inside of her. Her secret name on his lips like a prayer.

  “Romy, my Romy.”

  For a moment, Clare thought how wonderful it would be to have his child. To bring something tangible into the world to prove what he meant to her. Oh, how she wished she could tell him. But some truths were too painful to acknowledge.

  Seeing she’d grown quiet and still, Nathan raised himself from her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m wonderful.” She gave him a smile he couldn’t see. “Thank you. Was it good for you?”

  “Good?” Nathan pulled her on top of him. “Try incredible. Life-altering. The pinnacle of my existence.” He stroked her hair.

  Clare sighed, content to relax in his embrace. She was a little winded, her heart rate was a little fast – but she was alive dammit. “It was amazing. You were amazing.”

  Nathan wound her hair around his hand, thinking he’d bind her to him forever if he could. “I’m just sad this was a one-night stand.” He voiced the thought, not knowing how she’d respond. Hoping against hope she might feel differently than before.

  “If we get up really early in the morning, we could have sex again. I mean, technically, it would still be the same night.”

  Nathan grabbed his phone. “I’ll set the alarm. Four am.”

  Clare groaned. “Why so early?”

  When he spoke, his answer made her question everything.

  “Simple. The less I sleep, the more time I have with you. I don’t want to waste a moment.”

  Chapter 11

  Unable to sleep, Clare kept waiting for the alarm to sound. Surely it was later than four o’clock. She stared out the window. She couldn’t tell if it was still snowing or not. As long as the storm lasted, Nathan wouldn’t leave. Part of her wanted it to snow forever.

  Lying next to him, she took comfort in listening to him breathe. Sleeping with him – just sleeping – was a pleasure. He was like a big teddy bear, he loved to cuddle. Since she’d risen to take her medicine, however, he’d sprawled on his back taking his part out of the middle just like he’d said he would.

  As she counted out the seconds, it seemed like an eternity was passing. She should probably use this time to reinforce her resolve, to reconstruct the barrier she’d erected around her heart. Only that ship had sailed. Her defenses were down as far as Nathan was concerned. The only thing she could do was make the most of this time they’d been given. Tomorrow would have to take care of itself.

  With her patience wearing thin, she sat up and ever so carefully leaned across him to check the time. When she did, she saw his phone was dead. With a soft grumble, she tried to maneuver herself over him and back to her side of the bed.

  Beneath her, Nathan wasn’t asleep
. He was enjoying her crawling around on top of him. She must think he slept like a log. “May I help you?”

  “Oh, fiddlesticks. I’m sorry.” She tried to move away, but he held her fast.

  “What were you doing?”

  Clare was a bit embarrassed to say. “I was trying to see what time it was. Your phone battery is dead. I think the sun is about to come up.”

  Suddenly, it occurred to Nathan that she’d been anxious for the alarm to sound. “Did you have an appointment? Somewhere you needed to be?”

  Since he had to ask, all she could assume was that he’d forgotten. “No, I just wanted to get up.”

  He hadn’t forgotten and he wasn’t about to let her leave him. Wrapping a strong arm around her waist, he stopped her forward progress. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “To get the fire going. Start some breakfast. Make coffee.” With another wiggle of her body, she attempted to climb from the bed.

  “Not so fast. I think we have some unfinished business.”

  She stilled, fighting a bit of a dizzy spell. “I thought you’d forgotten.”

  As his eyes sought her in the darkness, the dark shadows lightened to gray. He could see her clearer and clearer by the second. “I’d sooner forget my name, beautiful.” Nathan eased her over his lap, then yanked her gown off her head. “Remind me to buy you some short gowns.”

  Clare didn’t say anything to spoil the mood. Instead, she placed her palms on his chest, massaging the sexy ripples of muscle. “I do love to touch you.”

  “I’m glad.” He raised his head, tempting her to come to him. When she did, he joined his lips to hers, softly stroking them with his tongue. To his delight she framed his face, kissing him tenderly, gently, softly, asking nothing from him in return – and he wanted her to ask for anything. Everything. He’d give her his world if she’d only take it. “Cause I need you more than I need air.”

  Clare shivered as his mouth moved down the side of her throat. “You have me. I’m right here.”

  But for how long? The thought made Nathan’s heart hurt. “I know. I just wish…”

  “If wishes were horses we’d all take a ride.”

  “I don’t think that’s how that goes.” As the sun came up, Nathan gazed at his beloved. She was so perfect. “No reason you can’t take a ride though.” He gently shifted her into a position to take him. “Interested?”

  “Very.” She soothed her hand over his cheek, bending to kiss the bridge of his nose and the corner of his mouth. “I love to touch you. You feel so good.”

  “You make me feel good.”

  “Good, because I can’t get enough.”

  “I invite you to try.”

  “How generous of you.” Clare smiled at his invitation as she began to run her hands feverishly over his body. “I’ve enjoyed you so much, Nathan. This is an unexpected gift, this time with you.”

  As she found his cock, taking him in hand, he palmed her breasts. Playing with her nipples, he teased them into hard little peaks. “I’d like to be the gift that keeps on giving.”

  “Don’t tempt me to be greedy,” she whispered as her hips began to move in tiny up and down movements – a prelude of attractions to come.

  “You deserve nice things.” As she laughed at his poor joke, he eased his hand between her legs to find her wet, warm, and creamy. “And I’ll be so nice to you, you won’t ever want me to leave.”

  Closing her eyes, Clare rode his hand. “To be a virgin, you’re damn good at this.”

  “Guys think about sex all the time. I’m no different. I did a lot of rehearsing in my head.”

  “Yea, me too.”

  Nathan almost bit his tongue when she palmed her own breasts and gave them a rub. “Did you ever…touch yourself?”

  Clare thought of all the times she’d thought of him – reading and rereading the fantasies she’d penned. “Oh, yea. Lots of times.”

  “That’s hot,” he mumbled.

  “You’re hot.”

  She leaned forward to find his mouth, her long golden hair flowing over her shoulders. Nathan kissed her hungrily, frantically, groaning when she nipped his lip. He welcomed her aggression, the slight sting proof this was really happening. “Minx.”

  “What can I say? You bring out my bad side.”

  “You don’t have a bad side.” His ran his hands over her body, touching and admiring the beautiful curves. “Dreams don’t do you justice, my beautiful Romy.”

  Clare kissed him once more as her hand found his engorged shaft. “You’re a silver-tongued devil, McCoy.” Leaning back on one hand, she opened her legs wide enough to rub the tip of his cock against the swollen pearl of her clit.

  Nathan’s whole body jerked with desire. “Take me inside you.”

  “But I like this.”

  He groaned loudly as she rubbed herself in slow circles with the sensitive head. “Tease.”

  “Poor baby.” She rubbed her lips against his hair as she rose over him, easing herself down on his cock. “I guess even a handsome devil deserves mercy.”

  As Romy enveloped him in the blessed warmth of her unbelievably tight channel, Nathan shut his eyes. The rapture was almost too good to be true. “This isn’t mercy, this is grace – undeserved grace.”

  “If you start quoting scriptures, I’m out of here.” She gave him a wicked smile as she began to rock over him.

  “You’ll be back, it’s still freezing outside.” He held her hands as she rose and fell, massaging his grateful cock with each sexy move she made.

  “Do you promise to keep me warm?” Clare asked as she set a rhythm composed to drive them both insane.

  “Or die trying.”

  “Good answer.” She didn’t say so, but Clare hoped the temperature didn’t rise for a week.

  As their pace quickened, the heat and the delicious friction grew to a fever pitch. The time for talking was over. Midst moans and harsh pants, Clare took her pleasure, grinding herself against him. Watching her come was indescribable, Nathan was almost delirious with pleasure as she throbbed around his bare cock. Fireworks danced behind his eyes as all of the pent-up tension released in one mighty explosion. “Romy!”

  As Clare held him deep inside of her, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. In the throes of orgasm, he was a sight to behold. The rays of the morning sun came through the window burnishing his tan and creating glints of gold in his dark hair. He was so beautiful. So precious. So dear to heart. How was she going to let him go? The sculpted muscles of his arms and chest drew her fingers as she bent to place a kiss over the place where his heart beat a rhythm steady and strong. As if in answer, her own heart skipped a beat. For a moment she panicked, her breath coming in shallow delicate pants. She rested her head against him until the dizziness passed.

  “Romy, are you okay?”

  Each time he used that name, she questioned everything. What created the ties that bound them? If she had no future, what kind of game was destiny playing? “I’m good. You wore me out.”

  He cradled her in his arms. “Next time I’ll do all the work.”

  She didn’t say anything out loud, but he could imagine what she was thinking.

  There won’t be a next time.

  Can it, McCoy. You can’t hear her thoughts. This is your own fear talking. Stop borrowing trouble.

  “I don’t want to move, but I guess we need to.” Clare lay there for just a moment more before rising from the bed.

  Seeing her shiver, he grabbed the voluminous gown and robe. “Here, put this on while I work on the fire.”

  “There’s still no electricity, I take it.” She tried the bedside lamp to no avail.

  “That’s okay, I’ll have this place warm in no time.” After visiting the restroom, he pulled on his clothes.

  “I’ll heat more water on the stove. We can freshen up. I’ll start some breakfast too.”

  “Give me a second. I’ll help.” He hurried to stoke the dying embers in the fireplace, adding kind
ling and wood until he had a good blaze. Next, he did the same thing to the woodstove. “I can’t believe you cook on this contraption.”

  “You made spaghetti on it, it works fine.”

  “I know, but you could have one of those digital jobs with the smooth surface.”

  “Not my style.” Clare told him. “I like things a little rugged. Challenging.”

  “Guess that’s why you like me, huh?”

  “You’re pushing it, cowboy.” She gave him a teasing smile. “Let me put on coffee, then I’ll go change clothes.”

  “Aw, I was beginning to really like your granny gown.” Nathan winked at her. Actually, she looked like a bride in that gown. One who’d come to her honeymoon bed a virgin and left well-loved and satisfied.

  “Too bad. Tonight I’ll be sleeping in my footed pajamas.”

  “Good thing I like a challenge.”

  Clare almost ran from the room. Once she was behind the bathroom door, she sagged against it. “Remember, this is temporary. Don’t get carried away. None of this is real.” Which wasn’t true, her feelings for Nathan McCoy were very real.

  As was her heart disease.

  “How ironic, I have two heart problems and neither of them are going away.”

  Chastising herself for self-pity, she dressed quickly, even applying a little make-up to boost her mood. When she returned to the kitchen, it was to find Nathan outdoors chopping more wood. She went to the window to watch him, her gaze straying to the still gray sky. Snow was still falling, but not nearly as hard. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Clare wondered if the storm was over.

  Allowing the curtain to drop, she went to make breakfast.

  In the garden, Nathan raised his axe high to split a log. As he worked, he debated what to do. He wished there was some way for him to check the forecast. Snow was still falling from the sky and the electricity was still out. Nathan wished he knew more about the electrical grid out here. He couldn’t imagine the line up the mountain would be a high priority unless the Connelly’s money made it so. One thing for certain, he wouldn’t be leaving Romy until the storm was over and she’d regained power.


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