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Predestined: Nathan McCoy's Story (Hell Yeah! Book 37)

Page 23

by Sable Hunter

  “No, I want you to rest.” He put a pillow on the couch. “Put your feet up.”

  She wanted to argue, but she still felt faint. If she passed out, Nathan would be the one having the coronary. “Okay. Fine.”

  Clare put her feet up and lay against the couch cushion facing Nathan. “You have to understand, my brothers and I have gone round and round about this for years. They’ve finally accepted that every person has the right to live their life the way they choose.”

  Her declaration mirrored the one he’d used on his family. Now he knew what it felt like for the shoe to be on the other foot. “What are your rules about someone sharing this life with you?”

  She made a circular motion in the air, encompassing the small space where she chose to live. “I’m afraid my simple existence would drive anybody else bananas.”

  Nathan wanted to tell her the details of his dream, how they’d lived here happily. Him working down the mountain, then returning to her each evening. How they’d built a life together, sharing the things that made one another feel fulfilled and content. “You might be surprised to find someone else could want the same things you do.”

  “Yea, maybe.” She let out a long sigh. “Would you mind if I closed my eyes for a few minutes?”

  “Not at all.” He pulled a blanket from the back of the couch to spread over her legs. “You rest and I’ll be right here if you need anything.”

  “Okay.” She settled in for a nap, but her mind was too full of thoughts to sleep. She was so confused about her situation with Nathan. They’d shared so much in such a short amount of time. She didn’t know how to go back to the way they were before the blizzard. She didn’t even know if it was possible.

  But if not? Where did that leave them?

  In an impossible position, that’s where.

  This was the last thought Clare processed before drifting off to sleep.

  Beside her, Nathan sat very still. He didn’t want to do anything to disturb her rest. Worry settled over him as deep as the blanket of white outside. There was something she wasn’t telling him. Hell, he could tell there were a lot of things she wasn’t telling him. But…that was normal, he guessed. He needed to remember that she didn’t know him as well as he felt he knew her. Romy needed space to catch up. Besides, they’d come a long way in just a short amount of time. What he needed to concentrate on was proving to her how much he cared, how much she needed him, and how happy he could make her. Tall order, cowboy.

  As she slept, Nathan watched through the fogged-up glass as snow continued to fall. Huge drifts pressed to the windows. Nathan felt like they were the only two people in the world. This idea didn’t scare him. He was content with Romy. Yes, he missed his family and he wanted to see them soon and often. But he couldn’t ignore the feeling that he was home.

  …When Clare opened her eyes, she felt a bit chilled. The fire had died down. Glancing over at Nathan, she saw he was fast asleep. He looked so handsome, so dear. An overwhelming tenderness for him rose up to steal her breath. She gazed at him for a bit longer, admitting to herself how she felt about him. Of course, this truth wasn’t new. She’d felt this way a long time. Having him near, having him miraculously return her feelings – that was new.

  Easing from the couch, she moved to the fireplace as quietly as she could. With slow, careful movements, Clare placed a couple of logs on the fire so the room would warm up. A peek out the window told her another storm was battering them. Visibility was diminishing quickly. Rubbing her arms, she acknowledged her relief Nathan was with her.

  Returning to the couch, Clare moved close enough to study him. He really was the most beautiful man. She found deep joy and satisfaction in watching him sleep. As she watched him breathe, the desire to be close to him overwhelmed her. The top three buttons of his shirt were open, and she could see the dusting of dark hair. Her fingers itched to touch him. Licking her lips, she debated the wisdom of her weakness. She’d insisted they could only give in to temptation once, then she’d succumbed to her hunger for the second time. Now, she ached for more.

  What would be the harm? she asked herself. The weak spell was over. At the moment, she felt good. They were alone, cut off from the rest of the world, insulated in their own fantasy. Clare knew in her heart this moment would never come again. In fact, she didn’t know how long she had left. She’d already lived longer than the limits her doctors had set. Every instinct she possessed told her to make the best of borrowed time.

  Inching close to him, she began to unbutton his shirt, bending over to kiss each inch of sexy skin she exposed. In his sleep, he shifted restlessly beneath her, but she kept going with an ultimate goal in mind. When she reached his belt buckle, Clare went to her knees at his feet, settling herself between his spread legs. Tentatively, she began to undo the buckle, then unzip his jeans. By the time he began to rouse, she’d eased his underwear down to find him growing long and hard in her grasp.

  Nathan thought he was back in the midst of the dream. Romy was at his feet, he was in her hands. It took her bending over to claim a kiss from his lips to convince him this was really happening. “Romy?”

  “Shhh. I feel fine. I want to do this.”

  Nathan couldn’t find the words to argue as she proceeded to kiss and lick her way down his chest to his pecs, the flat brown discs of his nipples, his abs. Nathan’s cock surged at the feel of her soft tongue as she left a path of fire behind. He’d never felt anything as good as the touch of her mouth on his skin, no one had ever kissed him this way – softly, tenderly, like she valued him beyond reason. Like he did her.

  When she reached what he hoped was her destination, she lowered her head and looked up at him through her lashes. Nathan’s heart almost stopped. Talk about a fantasy. There was a promise in her eyes that he intended to cash in and take to the bank. “You’re so beautiful. I could look at you forever.”

  Clare knew they didn’t have forever, but they did have today. “Let’s live in the now, make this moment count.”

  Bracing herself on one hand she raised his shaft to her lips with the other, tracing the shape of her mouth, learning his texture and his taste. When she swept her tongue over the crown, Nathan inhaled sharply. The anticipation of what was to come nearly paralyzed him. Clenching his hands into fists, he stared at her – mesmerized. Romy didn’t rush, she relished. Every silky lick, every tantalizing stroke. Leisurely she tended him, seeming to luxuriate in the act of loving him. Nathan wanted this to last forever, even as he trembled awaiting the heaven of her mouth.

  At last, when she slipped her lips over the throbbing head, his hips lifted of their own accord. He groaned as she sucked him gently, his hands moving to cup her head, holding her hair away from her face. He didn’t want to miss a thing. “My God, Romy, you’re amazing.”

  Clare was enjoying herself, way more than she’d expected to. She felt powerful. Sexy. In a way, eternal. She was alive and living life to the fullest. Wanting to make this last, she didn’t rush. Watching his face, she could see how her touch affected him. Addicted to his need, she lavished attention on the sensitive tip, swirling her tongue around and around – loving the way his body stiffened, the way his hips helplessly pumped.

  Nathan was past just enjoying, he was well into the begging stage. “Please, I need…”

  Romy had never done this before, but her instinct took over. “I know what you need.”

  The world almost stopped for Nathan when her plush hot lips slid over his cock. Her mouth was incredible, soft, and silky. When she lowered his head, taking him deep, he groaned at the ecstasy. Her petal soft lips caressing his shaft, the way she held them tight to increase his pleasure. Nathan felt the muscles in his thighs clench, his mouth going dry as his breath came in sharp shallow pants. She was killing him. He watched in near disbelief as Romy worked her mouth up and down his cock, one small hand massaging the base. No one had ever done this for him before and he wanted no one else but her to do it.

  “I don’t know…�
�� There was a lot of things Nathan didn’t know – what he was about to say, what he ever did without her, how he would ever let her go. Nathan was rendered speechless at the sight of her head bobbing and the sexy kittenish sounds she was making. He wanted to believe she was enjoying this as much as he was. Damn, he was living every man’s fantasy. A beautiful woman was going down on him. Not just any woman, but the woman of his dreams. Literally.

  Another groan escaped his lips as she took him even deeper, her soft hand pumping up and down his shaft. He fought for self-control, allowing himself to make only the barest thrusts with his hips. He wanted to do nothing that would cause her the least bit of discomfort. He was the luckiest son of a bitch in the world that she was doing this for him at all. Still, he clamped down on the impulse to buck hard as tension rose and pressure built – mounting and mounting. Nathan threw back his head and moaned, wondering how he would survive this. Romy was a goddess, and he was completely unworthy.

  Sensing he couldn’t hold back any longer, Nathan attempted to withdraw. Romy stopped him, shaking her head. Too far gone, he surrendered, his hips rocking with helpless abandon. In a blinding flash of white-hot ecstasy, Nathan came hard.

  Clare held him as he came, taking within herself the very essence of him. She marveled at the intimacy they shared. She felt both vulnerable and invincible.

  When Nathan recovered enough to function, he reached for her, pulling her up into his lap. Seeking her lips, he kissed her reverently. “You are everything. Everything I want. Everything I need.” Laying her gently on the couch, he sought to undo her pants.

  Clare stopped him. “I’m perfect. Giving you pleasure is all I need.”

  Nathan could see she was out of breath. “You shouldn’t have.”

  “I wanted to.” She gave him a big smile. “And I was good, wasn’t I?”

  “You were unbelievable. For two rank amateurs, I think we’ve managed to sew this sex thing right up.”

  She laughed at his light-heartedness, glad to see less worry and concern on his face. “Since the electricity is working, I think I’ll take a shower. I got a little excited.”

  “I need one too. Never know how long we’ll have power. How about I join you?” Remembering her need to take it easy, Nathan added, “Just to shower and then we’ll eat.”

  “Okay. I’d like that.” She knew it wasn’t wise in so many ways. Everything they shared only brought them closer. Forged the bond a little tighter. Insured their inevitable parting would only hurt the more.

  But she was weak – in soul as well as in body.

  Together they retreated to her small bathroom. Crowding in together only heightened the intimacy. Sharing kisses, they undressed one another, waiting for the water to get hot.

  “Since we have power, after we eat we can watch a movie,” Clare suggested.

  “Or you can play the piano for me?” he asked hopefully.

  “Maybe both.” She gave him a smile as they stepped into the tiled stall.

  With his pulse racing, Nathan’s eyes roved over her beautiful body. “Romy, would you let me wash your hair?”

  “You want to?”

  “Oh, yea. Your hair does it for me, for sure.”

  “All right.” She handed him her shampoo and stood beneath the spray to wet her hair. Turning to face the wall, she gave him free access. A moment or two later she was sighing with bliss as he massaged her scalp. “You’re good at this. Have you been moonlighting at a hair salon?”

  “No, but I’ve shampooed a few horses and prize cows in my day.”

  Giggles bubbled from Clare’s lips. “You were good at sex too. Dare I ask how you came by that skill?”

  His fingers tightened in her hair as he blew a raspberry on her neck. “Good?” He whispered in her ear. “I fucked you like a rock star.”

  She giggled even harder while he rinsed her hair. “Yes, you did. Still, that doesn’t explain your advanced skill level with no prior training.”

  “You’re the reason. Making love with you came as natural to me as breathing.”

  Clare felt her heart skip a beat again. “Quit saying those insanely romantic things, you’re going to make me swoon again.”

  He caught her close to him. “I’m here to catch you if you fall.”

  “I know you will.” After applying conditioner, they took turns soaping one another up. After rinsing, she rose on tippy toe to wash his hair, tears coming to her eyes as she did so. When she finished, Clare turned quickly under the spray, letting the evidence of her tender emotions flow down the drain.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  “Sure.” She turned off the water. “Can you reach the towels?”

  “I can do better than that.” Nathan took one and began to dry her off. When she was all set, he dried himself. “Now, we’re good.” Stepping out, he turned to steady her until she found her footing.

  Before she could move away, he pulled her close. She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. As she’d done before, Clare took such comfort from the strong steady beat of her heart. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

  Nathan rested his head on her hair. “My pleasure.” Closing his eyes, he placed another precious moment in his memory bank – just in case.

  Supper was good, the movie was so-so, but Nathan fell head over boots for Romy’s piano playing. She played song after song, anything he could think of – she knew by heart. “You should be performing or singing in a band. Is there anything you can’t do?”

  “Oh, the list is long. Very long.” She stood and shut the lid on the keyboard.

  Seeing how tired she looked, Nathan suggested they make it an early night. “I’ll lock up while you get ready for bed.”

  “All right. Make sure you can see the barn light.”

  “I’ll look,” he told her. When he did so, Nathan noticed the wind was dying down. Something told him the storm was about to move out. A sinking feeling hit him in the pit of the stomach. He wasn’t ready for their time together to be over.

  Returning to her room, he found Romy already under the covers. There was no sign of the white gown. Instead, she wore a simple t-shirt. He thought she looked adorable. When he drew the covers back to get in, he could see her from head to toe. “You’ve got the prettiest legs.”

  She crossed one over the other as if to make them less noticeable. “Sometimes my ankles swell.”

  “What can we do about that?” he asked as he eased in beside her.

  The ‘we’ in his question made her want to cry. “Elevate my feet and drink more water.”

  “Okay, so that’s what we’ll do.” He rolled over to face her. “I’d do anything for you, you know.”

  Clare threw caution to the wind and cuddled up next to him. Their time together was growing short, and she felt a sense of urgency. “Make love to me, Nathan.”

  “Anytime. You’ll never have to ask me twice.” Taking her in his arms, Nathan loved her. This time wasn’t rushed, it wasn’t frantic – it was gentle, tender, and sweeter than anything he’d ever known. He captured her cries in his kiss, his hands moving reverently over every inch of her body. And this time when they came, they came together. Nathan thought his heart would burst with love.

  When they were sated, he cradled her to him, and they slept. Nathan didn’t dream, there was no need – he was living it.

  The next morning, the sun was shining. Nathan woke first and spent the first few minutes of the morning memorizing the way Romy looked while she slept. Every moment he spent with her just made him love her more. Nothing he’d learned about her disappointed him. She was kind, loving, and more talented than any one person had a right to be. He knew she cared for him, that was obvious – he just didn’t know what that meant for her. Nathan knew what it meant for him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, showing her everyday what she meant to him.

  Wanting to surprise her, he rose quietly to make coffee and fix breakfast. If she’d let him, he’d spoil her rotten.

  …In bed, Clare turned over and stretched. Without looking, she reached for Nathan. When she discovered he wasn’t there, a spear of pain sliced through her insides. Was he gone? She sprung up so fast, a dizzy spell hit her like a freight train. Gasping, she sat on the side of the bed. When she did, she heard him humming and the relief was so intense she felt tears come to her eyes.

  “Romy? Are you awake, doll-face?”

  “Yea, I’m getting up now.” She stood to her feet. “I’ll be right there.”

  Carefully, she made her way to the bathroom. The first thing she did was take her medicine. After freshening up, she dressed in a warm pair of pants and a fluffy sweater. She could look cheerful even if she didn’t feel the best in the world.

  Even though the distance was short from the back of the cabin to the front, Clare felt as if she was making a long journey. She wished she could freeze time and make their few remaining hours last for days. Already, she was debating what she should do. What she would say.

  “Hey, pudding.” Nathan came forward to kiss her when she drew near. “I hope you’re hungry. I made you an omelet.”

  “It smells wonderful.” She accepted the cup of coffee he offered her. “Thank you.”

  “Sit down, beautiful.” He pulled out her chair. “Would you like some toast?”

  Seeing he’d already pulled out two slices of bread, she nodded. “Yes, please.”

  Clare watched him as he moved around her kitchen. This morning was different than so many in her past. Before Nathan, she hadn’t fully realized how lonely was her existence. Now she knew the difference and she dreaded those days to come.

  “I see the weather is clearing up.”

  “Yea, it is.” Nathan tried to keep his voice even. He was saving his big speech for later. “When I went to check on the horses, I saw several forest animals scurrying about.”

  “Oh, good.” She lifted up from her chair to peer out the window. “I wonder if Bentley will come.”


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