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Predestined: Nathan McCoy's Story (Hell Yeah! Book 37)

Page 37

by Sable Hunter

  “Yea, I’m better now.” She buried her face in his neck. “I needed this. I needed you. You’re the best medicine for me.”

  Relieved, he cradled her to him. “Go to sleep, Mrs. McCoy. Tomorrow’s a big day.”

  They were on the road again bright and early. Romy didn’t seem concerned where they were headed. “Hey, aren’t you going to ask me where we’re going?”

  “Nope.” She gave him a big smile. “You only want to make me happy. I trust you. Besides, I’m sexually sated. You’ve satisfied your wife very well, Mr. McCoy.”

  He laughed. “You’re very welcome. I have a feeling you’ll let me know if I ever fall short in that area.”

  “Impossible. You’re too good of a lover.”

  “Sweet-talker,” he muttered as his cell rang. “It’s Aron.”

  Clare looked out the window as they spoke. She could tell Nathan had something up his sleeve. After a very one-sided conversation, he hung up the phone.

  “What was that about?” She decided to be nosy.

  “Your wedding present. Want to know more?”

  She thought a minute, checking out the road signs. “Lubbock, Texas. Seventy-five miles.” Whirling to face him, her eyes were bright as stars. “We’re going to Tebow?”

  “As fast as we can. Is that okay?”

  “That’s perfect! I can’t wait to see your home.”

  He took her hand. “I’ll be glad to show it to you – but know this, Romy McCoy, you are my home. Anywhere you are is where I want to be.”

  …The rest of the trip was idyllic. They talked. They shared. They stopped at a food truck and bought homemade hot tamales. The miles melted away as they neared Tebow Ranch.

  “This is glorious.” Clare found herself entranced with the rolling green hills dotted with giant spreading oaks. “I thought I knew how it would look, but this is even more beautiful than I expected.”

  “Well, it’s not Colorado but the Hill Country has its own charm.”

  Once they turned beneath the gate, Clare could see the main house in the distance. “You talked to Aron, so they’re expecting us?”

  “Not tonight. I have something special to show you.” He pulled up to the barn where Denver waited with a two-seater Mule. “Hey, stranger.”

  “Hey yourself.” Denver tipped his hat to Clare. “Mrs. McCoy. Welcome home. Denver Bolden at your service.”

  She beamed with joy. “Glad to be home, Denver. Nice to meet you.”

  “Same here.” He made eye contact with Nathan. “Everything’s ready and waiting, including your coywolf.”

  “Oh, great. I knew Jacob and Jessie would get him here safely.”

  “He’s fine. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Great, thanks.” Nathan loaded their stuff. “We’ll come up for air in a day or two.”

  “Take your time. You only get one honeymoon.”

  “Au contraire,” Clare corrected him. “I expect Nathan to take me on a second honeymoon and a third.”

  “Just three?” He teased her as they climbed aboard. “We could make it an annual affair.”

  “Sounds good to me.” She held her arms high in the air. “I’m so happy I could scream.”

  Nathan kissed her. “Go ahead, baby. Yell as loud as you want. You’re at home.”

  In a few minutes, she did just that. Letting out a squeal of sheer delight at the sight of the surprise Nathan arranged for her. “Nathan, what is this?”

  “Your home away from home.” He pulled up in front of the McCoy hunting cabin. Although, it no longer looked like the McCoy hunting cabin. The small dwelling was now painted white with gingerbread trim. A white picket fence surrounded it and as much landscaping had been done as the season would allow.

  “Oh, my God. This is amazing. I love it!” She launched herself into his lap to cover his face with kisses. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  “I know it doesn’t take the place of your cabin and I’ve already made arrangements for it to be rebuilt. I promise we’ll divide our time between here and there.”

  “Yes, I’ll miss my animals,” she muttered as she made her way to the door, marveling at each wondrous detail she noticed.

  “Well, maybe not as much as you think you will.” He led her inside to show her the interior decorated just for her. Lobo danced around them, thrilled to be reunited with his family. “We’ll look at everything but check this out first.” Nathan flipped up the lid of his laptop sitting on the kitchen table. “Feast on your eyes on this, baby. You’ve got your own private Bear Cam.”

  With open mouth, she leaned down to peer at the screen. “Koda! I see you!” She laughed with joy at the sight of the bear in his cave. “I think he’s looking at the camera!” She waved at him.

  “It’s not a two-way system, unfortunately. If I can figure out how to do that, I will.”

  “Oh, this is perfect. I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  Nathan frowned. “I would do anything for you. Anything.” Wanting to surprise her further, he pressed a couple of additional buttons on the keyboard. “And there’s another camera near the spot where you always feed your animals.” He checked the time. “Keep watching, I think you’re about to have company.”

  About that time, Storm came into view. “Hey, Clare! Look who’s come to see you.” She almost cried when she saw Bentley and Seymour happily eating some fruit that Storm was feeding them.

  “Oh, this is wonderful! Marvelous! I love it all. Everything” She threw herself in his arms. “Mostly, I just love you!”

  Nathan closed his eyes as she nestled against him. He was content. Happier than he’d ever been in his life. “I love you, Romy.” He vowed nothing or no one would ever take her away from him.

  …Deep in the night, Nathan stared toward the ceiling. Clare lay with her head on his shoulder, her breathing easy and even. They’d made love again, christening their new bed in their own private hideaway. By the moonlight shining through the window, he studied her face. She looked to be the picture of health. Yet, he knew her life hung in the balance each and every day. He wanted to be so careful of her, handle her with kid gloves, wrap her in cotton wool. But Romy didn’t want that, she wanted to love and be loved. She was determined to live life to the fullest and Nathan ached to give her that. Most of all, he wanted his wife to be happy.

  Now, how he would do both of those things – keep her safe and keep her happy? Well, the answer to that question was still up in the air. Nevertheless, Nathan was determined to give Romy exactly what she needed.

  Feeling chilled, Nathan eased from the bed to stoke the fire. After adding a couple of pieces of wood, he decided to bring some more from outside. Opening the door carefully, he tried to be quiet. He didn’t want to wake Romy. He’d taken about a half dozen steps into the shadows when he saw someone standing near a tree. “Hello?”


  The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it. “Yea? Who are you?”

  “You don’t recognize me?”

  “No.” He moved closer. When he did, he realized the figure he was looking at wasn’t corporeal. “Grandpa?”

  “Yea, it’s me. Your imaginary friend. I heard that family of mine use the term when they were discussing my midnight visits with Colt. He’s a good boy. He’s just going through a tough time, like you did.”

  “You came to see me when my folks passed.”

  “Yea, I come when I’m needed.” He laughed wryly. “This is all part of my rehabilitation program. I made some poor decisions in my lifetime.”

  “Is Libby…?” He couldn’t bring himself to say the words.

  “No, Libby is not why I’m here.”

  Nathan’s heart almost stopped. “Romy. No…”

  His grandfather shook his head. “I’m not here for Romy, I’m here for you. I’ve come to tell you that you’re stronger than you think.”

  “What are you saying? Do I need to be strong for Romy? Because I’m going to
lose her? No!”

  “Listen to me. I’m not telling you to be stoic, I’m telling you that your love is a formidable force.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean. Tell me what to do.”

  “Love Romy so hard that she’ll live. For you.”

  “She’s got to be okay. I love her so much. I need time with her. I need a lifetime to show her how much I care.”

  His grandfather moved a step closer. So close that Nathan could see opalescent colors in his translucent skin. “Love can’t be measured by time, Nathan…only by the few timeless moments we’re blessed with. Love isn’t about how many days or months or years you have together, it’s about how much you love each other every day. Believe me, I didn’t learn that lesson until it was too late.”

  “Can’t you tell me how to help her? Or if I can help her?”

  “I did. Like Cady told you your love is powerful.”

  “You know Cady?”

  “I met Acadia long ago, but we don’t have time to go into that.”

  He put a hand on his grandson’s shoulder. Nathan didn’t feel weight or pressure, he felt a vibration. “You’ve been where I am now, son. Yet, you returned to this life with a gift. You’ve used this gift before, and you can use it again.”

  “I don’t know how. Tell me how!” Nathan was desperate for answers.

  “It’s not complicated. Love her. Just love her.”

  With those simple words his Grandpa Isaac faded away, leaving Nathan standing alone.

  In a daze, he picked up the wood he’d come for and made his way back into the house. After feeding the fire, he placed the extra logs in the bin. For a few moments, he stared into the flames, his mind processing the mysterious words of his deceased grandfather.

  Returning to their bed, he crawled beneath the covers. Even though she slept, Romy shifted into his embrace. He stroked her hair, kissing her forehead. Nathan knew the path they were called to walk would not be easy. They’d discussed her needed treatments, but she wouldn’t commit to a timeframe until after they were married. Well, the wedding was over, and Nathan intended to do everything in his power to make sure she received the best care possible. “Nothing is more important to me than you, Romy,” he spoke so softly he didn’t think she would hear him.

  “What did you say, love?”

  “Nothing. Close your eyes.”

  “They are closed.”

  Lying in the dark, Nathan weighed the words of Cady and his grandfather. He wished he understood things more fully. The encouragement they gave seemed so simple – yet it gave him a sense of hope.

  Closing his eyes, Nathan smiled as he made plans for their life. He dreamed big. He let his imagination soar. He willed them a future full of laughter and love. There was nothing they couldn’t do, no obstacle they couldn’t overcome. As he drifted to sleep, he sent one great truth out into the universe. “I love her to the very depths of my heart, to the very limits of the universe.”

  If loving her was the answer, the battle was already won.

  An epilogue, a peek into the future:

  He stood in the waiting room of the hospital. “Please let her be okay. Please.”

  “Nathan!” Aron and Jacob came running in. “We got here as soon as we could. How is she?”

  “I don’t know. They won’t tell me anything.”

  “Well, come on sit down. Everyone else will be here soon.”

  “Thanks for coming.” He bent over, holding his head in his hands. “I don’t think I could handle this alone.”

  “You don’t have to, that’s what family’s for.” Jacob put a steadying hand on Nathan’s back. “Have you notified her brothers?”

  “Yea, they’re on their way,” Nathan told him, his hands shaking so hard he had to clasp them together.

  About that time, two carloads of McCoys arrived. “What’s the word?” Isaac asked as he hurried through the automatic glass doors.

  “No word, yet.” Nathan accepted half a dozen hugs from his brothers and their wives. “I’m going crazy with worry.”

  “Just breathe.” Libby rubbed his back. “She’s going to be okay.”

  Nathan wiped his damp eyes. “I remember being here before. Not sure if she’d survive. Not sure if she’d be coming home with me or not.”

  “But she did.” Cady sat on his other side. “She came home with a new heart.”

  “Yea.” Nathan nodded. “But that’s not why we’re here today.”

  A noise from the end of the hall drew everyone’s attention. Nathan jumped to his feet as a man in scrubs exited the double swinging doors.

  “Nathan McCoy?”

  “That’s me,” he said nervously.

  “We’re ready for you.”

  He looked around at his family. “I’ll be back.”

  “Tell her we love her.”

  “I will.” With impatient steps, he made his way to the room where Romy was waiting. He was here to be her strength. Her protector. The one whose hand she could hold when the pain became too great to bear.

  “Right inside here.” A nurse guided them in. “She’s waiting.”

  Nathan ran to her side. “Oh, love. How do you feel?”

  “I hurt.” She grabbed his hand. “It hurts a lot worse than I expected.”

  Alarmed, Nathan turned to the doctor. “Can’t you help her? Can’t you give her something?”

  “It’s a little too late for that. Mrs. McCoy elected not to take any drugs. I’m afraid, she’s going to have to do this on her own.”

  “No, she’s not. I’m here.”

  The nurse giggled. “Well, I’m not sure how much help you’re going to be. Having a baby is a one-woman job.”

  Clare cried out and squeezed his hand. “I’ve got to push!”

  As the doctors and nurses did their part, Nathan stayed at her side. “Just breathe, baby. We’ve got this. I’m here. I’ll be your strength.”

  She sat up and pushed hard. Her face was scrunched up as she bore down with all her might. As their child slipped into the world, Nathan sprang to his feet. “You did it, love. You did it. Our baby is here! Alive and well.”

  In a few moments, the whole clan knew the good news. The newest McCoy was blessed with a strong set of lungs.

  Nathan watched as the doctor cleaned up the baby, then brought the squirming bundle to lay at Romy’s breast. “She’s beautiful, honey. You’re both too beautiful for words.”

  Clare cried as she kissed her baby daughter. She cried as she lifted her face for her husband’s kiss. “Look what we did. Isn’t she perfect?”

  “Absolutely.” Nathan couldn’t believe his heart could hold all the love he was feeling. “She’s almost as lovely as her mother.”

  “Go tell your family.” She held out their baby. “Go show her off. I know you’re dying to.”

  Nathan grinned as he carefully took the tiny girl from her mother’s arms. “They’re gonna love you, precious. You’ve got a whole family who’s gonna spoil you rotten.”

  Clare watched as her handsome husband cuddled their newborn. “Hurry back.”

  “Oh, we will.” He angled the baby so Clare could see. “Tell Mama we’ll be right back.”

  A few moments later, he was strolling into the waiting room full of anxious McCoys and Connellys. “Here she is. Aurora Hope McCoy. We’re gonna call her Rory.”

  As choruses of oohs and ahs filled the room, Nathan felt on top of the world. He relinquished his hold on the baby long enough for her to be passed around and kissed by a whole slew of adoring relatives.

  Once she was properly welcomed, Nathan returned to the room where Clare was waiting. “Here she is. I think she’s ready for some dinner.”

  “Give her to me.” Clare brought their baby to her breast. “I’m so happy. I didn’t think I could be any happier, but I am.”

  “I know.” He came to sit at their side. “And just think of the joy our tomorrows will hold.”

  “We’re doing it, aren’t we?” Clare asked him with l
ove in her eyes. “We’re building our future together.”

  “Yes, we are. We’re going to have a full and happy life. We’ll be together until the end of our days, Romy.”

  “And beyond…” Clare added for good measure.

  “Yes, and beyond. You and I were meant to be,” Nathan agreed softly as he gazed at his family. “Our love was predestined.”


  for now…

  NOTE TO READERS: I always said that Nathan’s book would be the end of the HELL YEAH! Series – well, I was wrong. I have too many ideas to stop now. So, if you’re interested - - there’ll be another, and another, and another….

  I love you all,

  Sable Hunter.

  About the Author

  Sable Hunter is a New York Times, USA Today bestselling author of nearly 60 books in 9 series. She writes sexy contemporary stories full of emotion and suspense. Her focus is mainly cowboy and novels set in Louisiana with a hint of the supernatural. Sable writes what she likes to read and enjoys putting her fantasies on paper. Her books are emotional tales where the heroine is faced with challenges. Her aim is to write a story that will make you laugh, cry and swoon. If she can wring those emotions from a reader, she has done her job. Sable resides in Austin, Texas with her two dogs. Passionate about all animals, she has been known to charm creatures from a one ton bull to a family of raccoons. For fun, Sable haunts cemeteries and battlefields armed with night-vision cameras and digital recorders hunting proof that love survives beyond the grave. Welcome to her world of magic, alpha heroes, sexy cowboys and hot, steamy to-die-for sex. Step into the shoes of her heroines and escape to places where right prevails, love conquers all and holding out for a hero is not an impossible dream

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