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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

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by Rachel Wilson

  Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions

  20-Book Adult Romance Erotica Bundle


  Rachel Wilson



  Free New Life Books Publishing

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright 2015 Full Moon Climax

  The characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are completely fiction and are in no way meant to represent real people or places.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to others. If you would like to share this eBook with another person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Passion Hotel: The Boss’s Expectations

  Passion Hotel: A Bloody Lesson

  Thrill: Trembling Torture

  Thrill: Naked Touch

  Claudia Comes Clean

  A Sibling’s Promise: Stepping Forward

  A Sibling’s Promise: Stepping Back

  Blinded By The Star: Drafted

  Blinded By The Star: MVP

  Erotic Heroics: Nerves Of Steel

  Erotic Heroics: Joining Forces

  XXXperimental Lessons: A Stranger’s Return

  XXXperimental Lessons: Missionary Emotions

  Streets Of Surprise: Incognito

  Streets Of Surprise: Discovery

  Paranormal Passenger: Animal Control

  Paranormal Passenger: Wicked Wishes

  A Night At Home

  An Emotional Easter

  Neighborly Embrace

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  Passion Hotel: The Boss’s Expectations

  Chapter One

  Hotel Nyx stood against the glittering skyline, its ornate windows and fanciful turrets giving rise to the imagination, which was just what its designer had intended.

  Hotel Nyx had been designed with one thing in mind: pleasure. The hotel was not listed on any of the usual cut-throat pricing websites; one had to book directly through the Nyx and one could not just book online either. A private phone call was required, upon invitation and instruction, and then a formal orientation was the way things were handled. But, in some cases, exceptions are made.

  Natasha Cross had gotten a referral from a friend. According to her friend Jill, there was plenty of excitement to be had at the Nyx, and if there was anything that Natasha was lacking in her life it was definitely excitement.

  At thirty two years old, Natasha was a beautiful woman with long chestnut hair that highlighted her hazel green eyes and pale, almost porcelain, skin. She was tall and slim with stubborn curves of breast and hip that gave her an almost perfect hourglass silhouette.

  She worked long hours at a painfully boring corporate job and the tedium of it had finally begun to tell on her nerves, She craved, literally craved, something besides the same boring sex with the same boring men she picked up in the little bar not far from her company’s offices. She wanted adventure and whirlwind romance with no strings attached, she wanted opulence and sex, preferably at the same time and so she had decided to book a suite at the Nyx.

  The first sight of the Nyx set her heart to racing. It had an air of mystery around it, a cloaking of sensuality that shone through the darkened windows with their heavy draperies. That impression grew when her car door was opened by a valet who waved her toward the lush garden filled with tinkling fountains and the scent of jasmine.

  Exotic birds paraded through the garden, and Natasha’s belly filled with tiny dancing butterflies as she came across a peacock parading his colors on her way to the front door.

  The door was opened by a stunning woman with hair so black you could swear that it had a slightly bluish sheen. The woman's skin was olive smooth and her eyes were slightly tilted but the orbs were a startling bright blue that made her seem as exotic as the birds parading past them.

  The electric woman held out a hand and smiled, “You must be Natasha.”

  Natasha paused, her anticipation was running high but so were her nerves and she had to take a long breath before she could reply, “Yes, I am.”

  “I’m Annalise, I’m the concierge here at the Nyx.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Natasha replied, wondering if the sound of her heartbeat was audible to Annalise.

  “I know you said you weren't sure which suite you would like to book,” Annalise spoke. “We have several open and I would be happy to show you around those suites if you like.”

  “That would be wonderful, Annalise, thank you.”

  Annalise beckoned and Natasha willingly followed with anticipation as they entered the Nyx’s lobby. The incredibly ornate but tasteful lobby was a testament to wealth and fantasy. Nude water nymphs danced by a fountain whose spray was a bright blue and scarlet mixed with gold. The glorious floor shifted colors occasionally as well.

  “Let me take you to the Full Moon Suite first,” Annalise offered in her softly accented voice. “It’s not for everyone, but you may like what it has to offer.”

  Natasha nodded and followed her into an elevator that whisked them high above the colorful courtyard. As they ascended, her mind filled with doubt that she would want to spend the night with a werewolf but she wasn't going in with a closed mind.

  Excitement mounted within her as they headed down a long dim hallway and Annalise stopped at a door. “I will take you in, and bring you out, if you like.”

  They stepped across the threshold. Natasha quivered with excitement as a man unfolded his lean length from a chair set close to the window. His hair was as black as Annalise’s but his eyes were a deep dark chocolate color and his lips were much fuller, lusher and almost sinfully red.

  “Hello,” he greeted in a deep baritone that sent shivers running down Natasha's spine. “Who might you be?”

  Her nipples tightened into painfully hard peaks and juices began to dampen her panties. This man's sole purpose at Hotel Nyx was to give pleasure, a pleasure that she so desperately ached for. “Natasha.”

  “Would you like to stay the night?” His tongue swiped across one gleaming fang and Natasha's stomach clenched in want. But the wolf was not her fantasy, that much she was sure of.

  “No, not tonight.” He was undeniably sexy, and she would have been lying if she said she didn't want to stay, but the hotel had more to offer and she didn't want to settle on the first option.

  “Maybe soon,” His teasing smile was as cool and sexy as the rest of him.

  “Annalise led her out and said, “The next floor features a similar experience, the Bloodthirsty Suite.”

  “You have a vampire?” Natasha asked, intrigued.

  Annalise smiled, “We do, and she is always hungry. Are you interested?”

  “I’m interested in almost everything behind these doors, but I'm not sure a paranormal fantasy is what I'm after tonight."

  Annalise nodded with a smile. “Well. Perhaps you would like to see our Glory Suite.”

  Natasha would like to see that. Jill had raved on and on about it. “I hear it gets a little rough in there.”

  “It can, but it's all up to you. We are here for your pleasure, remember, and we guarantee satisfaction for every guest, no matter which suite they choose to pass the night the in.”

  “Well, I do have this one particular fantasy.”

  Annalise grinned, “Everyone does and there is no shortage of willing people here to help you make those fantasies come true. Perhaps if you
could tell me more about your fantasy then I can show you suites more suitable to your tastes."

  Natasha knew she had been a bit blithe when she called so she decided to go for it and tell Annalise the whole thing. There was a vampire and a werewolf, not to mention a fully equipped dungeon here so what she wanted would probably seem fairly tame.

  “I want a one night stand with a sexy billionaire. I want oral sex, maybe some anal. I want everything, to be honest.” Natasha could feel her cheeks redden.

  “But of course,” Annalise said and nodded. “Do you want adventure or romance, or maybe a little of both?”

  “Yes,” Natasha said eagerly, her stomach tightening at the thought of how close she was to her fantasy. “I want both.”

  Annalise smiled her cunning little smile, crooked a finger, and started down the hall. “I have just the thing for you. Follow me.”

  The elevator stopped as if by magic. Annalise stepped out onto a carpet so thick and lush it completely muffled their footsteps. There was only one door on this floor and anticipation created nervousness within Natasha. What if this turned out to be a mistake? She doubted that it would; the hotel and its concierge all promised everything that she had been craving for so very long. The grand door stood before them and Natasha sucked in a deep breath.

  “This is the door to the Presidential Suite. Open it and find your pleasure within.”

  The quiet urging in her voice made Natasha gain her courage back. She reached for the knob, expecting to find the door locked but was a little shocked when it opened with ease.

  She turned her head but Annalise was gone, she had practically vanished in fact. Natasha stared and then she heard a soft dinging sound as the elevator door opened and a nervous chuckle escaped her lips.

  The dimness in front of her brightened as a golden colored puddle oozed from a tall standing lamp near one wall. Natasha shut the door firmly behind her, her eyes darting right to left. She hadn't noticed the lamp when she had looked in a moment ago; maybe it was set on a motion detector.

  The room opened up around her and she realized it was not a room at all but, rather, a very wide and long foyer. The floor was done in the finest marble; the walls were a soft cream color but on those walls hung priceless works of art. Natasha gasped as she recognized several of the masterpieces hanging there. Goose bumps rose all along her skin as she began to walk down the hallway, looking into the rooms as she went.

  There was nobody there but her. Her spirits sank lower with each step. Was her billionaire supposed to show up at any minute or was she going to end up spending the night alone and horny and out a couple thousand bucks?

  Just then she stepped into a room that took her breath away. It was obviously the living room, and it was glorious. The wall- to-wall windows were open all along one side, the long white drapes billowed with the breeze running through them and she saw a man standing out there, almost as if he were waiting for her.

  He turned and she saw him more clearly but still not distinctly. What she could see was impressive: Gorgeous blond hair waving back from a chiseled face, a lean and elegant body in a well-fitted grey suit.

  In one hand, he held a single blood red rose and she stood there, unsure of what she should do. He raised one hand and gestured for her to come to him. Her panties became sodden immediately. This stunning creature before her was there for her pleasure and her pleasure alone. The thought of what tonight was going to bring made her head swim with delight.

  Natasha had never known a man who could make her want to obey that imperious hand gesture but he did, and she didn't even have a full view of his face yet! This was what she was here for, but still she hesitated.

  Her pussy released even more fluids into her satin panties. That wetness trickling between her thighs was what propelled her out and onto that balcony.

  The minute she stepped out onto the terrace she stared, dumbstruck with pleasure. The entire city laid spread out below them, glowing like a jewel. The glorious man leaned against one side of the brick and stone wall and gave her a slow, sensual smile that made her go weak in the knees.

  “Hello Natasha.”

  “You know my name,” she replied because she had no idea of what else to say.

  “Of course. I’m Craig. This is for you.” He extended the rose and she instinctively leaned in to smell it. Its velvety petals met her face, stroked her with their scented caress and she grew even wetter.

  “It’s beautiful. The rose, and the view,” she said. “Do you come out here often?”

  “I have no choice,” he said in his rich bass voice. “I’m here under an enchantment, you know.”

  “Really?” She believed it. The entire moment felt enchanted. “Why?”

  “It doesn’t matter. Why are you here?”

  “I wanted some adventure and a little romance.”

  He nodded, “Those are good things to want. Look, there’s our ride.”

  A hot air balloon glided up and she stared, sure she was seeing things. She had always wanted to go for a ride in one of the majestic looking things but she had never dared. Craig held out an inviting hand towards Natasha, palm up. “Let me help you.”

  Chapter Two

  She placed her trembling hand in his and Craig's other arm reached over to caress her bare upper arm. That single, simple touch made her burn with lust. His finger traced down her skin, leaving a burning trail of need running through her veins. She didn't hesitate when he lifted her into the basket of the hot air balloon, she smiled at him and held out her hand to help him in as well but he swung over the side as easily as if he were merely stepping through a door and they were off.

  The night air ruffled her hair, and lifted the hem of her dress to show her flat upper thighs. Natasha was grateful for the lace tops of the stockings she had worn, she knew that they looked particularly good on her and she saw Craig’s eyes go to those lacy and flimsy tops and the visible desire in his face when he looked back at her.

  The city unfolded underneath them and she gasped as they glided perilously close to a tall building with a long spire. They missed it and Craig’s hands slid around her waist, held her close.

  She leaned against him. The very male hardness pressing into her bottom made her breath catch in her throat. She looked down. His fingers were long and elegant. The moonlight struck his diamond and platinum cuff links and the gold Rolex on his wrist.

  The scent of his cologne came to her nose: spicy and still subtle. His chin rested on top of her shoulder and his lean hips moved from side to side, igniting a fire in her that she could not deny, did not want to deny.

  The hot air balloon began to drift to the left and she saw the hotel coming closer. The man piloting the balloon had been silent the entire ride and he remained silent now as the balloon’s basket bumped gently against the one opened side of the terrace.

  Craig got out first and held out his hand once again. She took it and stepped onto the stone platform below. The touch of Craig’s fingers made little sparks run through her body and he drew her in close for a long and sensual kiss.

  His lips were warm and firm. His tongue found hers and teased it into responding to the quick thrust and parry of his. Natasha gasped as his hand moved to her throat, his fingers sliding to the nape of her neck and then upward. He took a handful of her hair in his strong fingers and yanked her head back, his teeth and lips going to the creamy arch.

  Her nipples hardened, pushing against the fabric of her bra. His hand dropped from her hair and went to her dress. It tore with a low purring sound. He watched as two halves of it fell away from her slender shoulders, and puddle on her feet with a soft sigh. She kicked it away and it became a brief blur in the dimness.

  "I want you, Natasha," he whispered against her skin.

  Her body responded with a rush of goose bumps. "Then take me."

  Craig took her by the hand and led her into the penthouse. Her heart beat more rapidly as he picked her up and cradled her close to his broad, strong chest a
nd she ran a finger over the smooth plane of his suit collar.

  He strode through the living room and into the bedroom beyond. He laid her down on the bed, his able hands going to her bra. Her nipples grew even tauter, aching to be released, as he stroked them through the silken material that covered them.

  Juices flowed into her panties, creating a damp spot there.

  Craig’s clever fingers found the clasp of her bra and released it. Her breasts tumbled out, her back arching as she sought to get them closer to his mouth and fingers. His teeth and tongue worked across her aureole then the hardening peaks of her nipples while his hands moved below her ass, his fingers squeezing hard and causing more juices to flow from her. They dripped down her ass crack, oddly chilly, and pooled into the thin strip that was the back of her panties.

  The sight of his dark head bent to her breast caused her to whimper. It was so erotic, and tantalizing that she could do nothing more than tangle her fingers into his thick, coarse hair and hold on tightly.

  Craig’s mouth came back down on hers in a demanding and fiery kiss that left her breathless and moaning helplessly. His body was made of lean muscle and hard angles and she relished the feel of those muscles under his satiny skin. Her fingertips ran along his back, pressing into the hard knots of his spine and the points of his shoulder blades. She strewed kisses along his chest, his crisp chest hair tickling her nose slightly as she did.

  His slacks had a tricky button and zipper but she managed to get them undone. His cock sprang free of the material and filled her hand; she wrapped her fingers around it, eliciting a growl from him. The hot thickness in her hand throbbed slightly and made a shudder roll across her body. She ached to have it inside her.

  Her hand moved of its own volition, slowly squeezing and caressing his massive length and all she could think of was what this man was going to do to her. When she reached the swollen head she loosened her grip slightly and used the ball of her thumb to spread the tiny oily drop of pre-come across the delicate and taut skin that was the head of his enormous cock.


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