Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set) Page 16

by Rachel Wilson

  “Good morning,” she greeted with a smile, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She’d pulled on a large t-shirt, and Keegan thought there was a pair of short shorts underneath, though he couldn’t tell for sure beneath the shirt. “I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

  He shrugged, all his frustration dissipating at her apology, coupled with the sight of her face. She was so beautiful, especially now. She’d slept soundly, without being drunk out of her mind or used by some random guy. She hopefully had been truly satisfied, and now she glowed with a radiant expression. “It wasn’t your fault. A couple people got angry when I asked them to leave. It took a little longer than I thought.”

  Callie scowled. “This is your house, and you have a right to decide when people come and go. If you want them out, they leave.” She shook her head. “Some of my friends are asses, but they don’t have that kind of sense of entitlement.”

  “Like I said last night, I don’t really count them as friends anymore. Anyway,” he went on, shifting subjects, “we still need to talk.” He placed a steaming mug of coffee in front of her, and she sent him a grateful expression. He wanted to lean down and kiss her, but he wasn’t sure what she wanted to do about all of this. She’d expressed serious interest in him last night, but it had started with the influence of alcohol. What would she say now that she was stone sober?

  He set plates full of bacon and sausage in the middle of the table, handed Callie a saucer, and then presented her with a bowl of oatmeal he’d prepared with raisins, pecans, and cinnamon. Sliding into his own seat, he asked, “How do you feel about me?”

  She made a strange face. “I don’t know. I mean, I’ve never really felt anything for anyone, so it’s hard to describe. And with the complications of our situation, it feels weird to even think about it.”

  He nodded. “Put that aside for a minute. You have to realize, in a few weeks, our parents won’t be married anymore. I don’t even use my father’s last name, except for legal purposes. With the divorce final, this whole problem of being stepsiblings disappears. So, without that hang-up, tell me how you feel about me.”

  She stared at her food. “I care about you, Keegan. I can’t really place words on it. I know I’ve never felt so special sleeping with someone before, and I’ve never thought about how nice it would be to wake up next to that person every morning. But with you, it was like you were fresh air that my lungs needed, and it was okay if you never moved away from me.” She stopped and gazed up at him in question. He could see the vulnerability in her eyes as she asked, “Is that okay? I mean, I still don’t know what you want from me.”

  Keegan didn’t have a clear answer for that, either. “My instant answer to that is, let’s make a go of it. I think we could really have something special. You know, I’ve never seriously dated anyone because no one ever quite felt like they fit the mold. But you just feel right. It feels like I was meant to hold you, and even our stupid teasing games make me happy. You’re smart and funny and outrageously beautiful.”

  “But?” she asked, hearing the indecision in his voice.

  “But…my life is in Europe, and your life is here. I don’t know if you’d be willing to come with me, or if I’d want to stay here. I had a clear plan of action, and now that’s been shot to hell.” He laughed sarcastically. “You threw my life into upheaval twenty years ago, and now, you’re doing it all over again. I don’t know, Callie. My feelings for you right now are too strong and confusing for me to think rationally.”

  “I understand that,” she muttered, and the fact that she was in the same place of befuddlement went a long way in easing his mind. “What do you want to do, Keegan? I’ll say this. I’m not tied down here. I mean, I have my friends and my life, but I’m really tired of what I do. I have a reputation here, and you’d probably hate to be associated with me in anyway because of the media and whatnot. But I don’t know if you want me to tag along when you leave. It’s a big decision for both of us.”

  Keegan would have loved to bring her to Germany with him and start a life there. But he didn’t want to scare her, either. Clasping his hands in front of his face, he said, “I think we should take it one step at a time. We’re going to be here for a while. Why don’t we just…cool it down a little and really get to know each other? Then, when your mother and my father have finished settling their affairs and this divorce is final, we’ll explore our options. We’ll know better how we feel about each other, and we’ll be free to be together without a negative stigma hanging over our heads.”

  Callie seemed to consider that, but she scowled. “It sounds good except I don’t know if I can keep my hands off you, Keegan. It’s like a compulsion. If we’re here together, which we have to be, it’s going to be impossible to ‘cool it’, as you say. Maybe I can tone it down. But your physical touch makes me feel like I’m alive.”

  Keegan felt the same way, and he couldn’t deny that he’d be more than tempted to kiss her, to run his fingers up and down her arms. He could wait for sex, but he couldn’t be distant from her. “Okay, so we’ll keep it toned down. We’ll act like normal people who are starting to date. We’ll work on it until we feel comfortable with it, and when things calm down around us, we’ll take the big leap and call it a relationship.”

  That made Callie laugh, which relieved Keegan greatly. Things had gotten entirely too serious for a moment. Now, he had confidence that they could get through this and come out happy together on the other side.


  The last three weeks had been a blur of heaven for Callie, and she saw a real difference in her happiness and well as her health. She had more color to her cheeks and more confidence overall. Keegan was amazing, and she knew that, whether it was appropriate or not, she was falling for him.

  She had never considered she would fall in love with anyone really, and it was exciting to be in the midst of such an adventure. Sure, Rena thought Callie was crazy; they hadn’t gone out on the prowl during the last three weeks, and Callie hadn’t offered an explanation as to why she wasn’t interested. Her best friend kept threatening an intervention, claiming Callie must be seriously depressed and maybe suicidal if she didn’t want to go out.

  Other than that, Callie didn’t miss anything to do with her old lifestyle. She smiled at her reflection, wondering what her mother and ex-stepfather would say when they got home in a few minutes. She really was the picture of what they’d pretended she was all along. She adjusted her summer dress, checked the clip in her hair, and joined Keegan down in the sunroom to wait.

  He looked as anxious as she felt, and they exchanged a quick kiss as they heard the car drive up. Laughter preceded their parents’ entrance into the room, and Callie was actually glad the divorce had been amicable. She didn’t want her mother to hurt.

  But as the two older people entered the room, Callie’s jaw dropped. Both of them sported very lovely golden tans, which wasn’t a surprise, considering they’d been in the Canary Islands. But they were draped over each other with a twinkle in their eyes like newlyweds.

  They barely addressed either Keegan or Callie as they took a seat almost on top of each other on the formal settee, and Callie moved instinctively closer to Keegan, as if she needed his protection. He brushed his hand against hers in quiet support, and she knew that whatever her mother and his father had to say was not going to come as good news.

  “What’s this about?” Keegan asked in a deadpan tone. “You two seem awfully cozy.”

  Not taking their eyes off each other, Callie’s mother beamed. “Well, we got there, and as we went over property and whatnot to try and settle our affairs, we started reminiscing and missing those good times. I remembered why we fell in love, and it sort of rekindled our relationship. I’m just not ready to be done, and we reconciled.”

  Callie felt sick to her stomach. “So, are you saying you two got divorced and are getting back together, or are you cancelling the divorce altogether?” she asked, tasting bile in her throat.

  “We negated the
divorce process,” her stepfather told her, looking smug. “And we’re renewing our vows later this summer.”

  That was it, then. Callie had finally found what she wanted in life, and her wicked stepfather had yet again found a way to ruin it for her. “What about selling the property and moving and all the crap you’ve put Keegan and me through in the last few weeks?”

  “Oh, honey, it couldn’t have been that difficult to be here with Keegan. I mean, you had free run of the house, the pool, everything. And I don’t see any boxes, so I doubt you actually packed anything.”

  She had…when the news had first come. And she would pack the rest. She was done. She wanted her own apartment. She glanced at Keegan, blinking back tears, and he looked as upset as she did. Of course, he was a master at hiding his emotions, but she’d learned to read him. Feeling spiteful and hurt, she took it out on him. “Well, I suppose you should go ahead and buy your one-way ticket back to Europe. Let’s make it a point to have a reunion in another twenty years, okay?”

  She didn’t wait for a response and rushed up to her room. She slammed the door and locked it, and she was on the phone with Rena in a heartbeat. She ignored the infernal knocking and first Keegan calling out to her, then her mother. There was only one cure for this sort of devastation. She was going to go out with Rena, dance until her feet fell off, and find someone who could knock her socks off in bed. She would forget about Keegan. It had been a pipe dream, and she never should have let herself believe they could be together.

  She should have stuck with what she knew and stayed in the comfortable little pocket of her life, where she belonged. Now, it was going to be an adjustment to get back into the swing of things, and she had memories of a wonderful relationship for comparison, something she should never have experienced.

  That was fine; Callie knew it would take time, but eventually she would find enough men and enough liquor to blur and replace those memories.

  To Be Continued…

  Forbidden Fruit - The Complete Box Set

  Blinded By The Star: Drafted

  Chapter One

  “Cal-State quarterback and former Heisman trophy winner, Latrelle McKay, is in the spotlight again as an alleged lover reported to TMZ last night that she was four months pregnant with his child. Fellow California State University student says that the two had multiple relations in the summer leading up to this football season, all of which were unprotected. The validity of her claims have not been determined, and Cal-State Head Football Coach Bobby Lindell has yet to comment on the matter.”

  “Call me back!” I practically screamed into the phone as it went to voicemail yet again. Latrelle was missing in action. He would not answer my calls, was not at his apartment, and had not been to practice or class since the news broke two days ago. Anger was slowly being replaced by worry as I sat alone in my room.

  When I first heard about his mistress and presumed “baby ma-ma” my stomach dropped to the floor along with the spatula from its previous perch in my right hand. Not because his stupidity was a shock to me. Rather, because this was something that I did not ever want to know about. I am not a naïve person. When he won the Heisman and cast me off to the side at his newfound fame, it would be stupid to not assume that he whored it up with other lovers. After all; this man just lead his team to a National Championship, won the biggest individual award in all of college sports, and was the hero to many people across the country. Females throw their naked bodies onto guys like that, not just in college.

  But, Latrelle was also young. Arguably, too young to handle such a prompt rise to fame. I saw it early, and made the critical mistake of thinking that I could change him. The correct answer dawned on me just before the ESPN story broke, right as he kissed me and left for class.

  It was just a phase. I just had to let it run its course, and he would grow out of it.

  In that brief moment of epiphany, I decided that I did not care what he did when he was away. I did not care who he slept with, because he was back with me. Back where he belonged.

  The news of an alleged child ripped that idea out of my head and spat in my ignorant face. A kid with another woman would forever link him to her whether they were together or not. Anxiety threw my mind into a future vortex of future problems. If we got married, would she be a crazy ex? How often would Latrelle see his child, and would I be able to look that kid in the eye and not be reminded of the worst despair my life had ever felt?

  Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzz.

  My phone rang. Too eager to hear Latrelle’s voice, I swiped right on the touch screen without comprehending who was calling.

  “Ms. Burke we need to talk. Come to my office immediately.” Coach Bub’s deep voice echoed through the phone.

  Worrying about my relationship with Latrelle made my mind temporarily forget about the job I was supposed to be executing.

  “Yes, sir.” The only two words I could muster.

  The last time my feet touched the pavement in front of the football offices I was apprehensive at what awaited me beyond those doors. I was in a rut, trying to find myself professionally and personally. The only thing that kept me going, was knowing that my best friend was by my side to go on this journey with me.

  This occasion was far different. Apprehension was not the emotion that had turned my blood cold as soon as Coach Bub called. It was fear.

  “Take a seat Ms. Burke.” Coach Bub sat behind his desk, looking far more stressed than the last time we had seen each other. The fingers of both hands were locked together and rested on the desk in front of him like some sort of jumbo fist, ready to swing a right hook and knock me out.

  “Coach… I am sorry. I know I let you all down.” I stammered.

  “You have nothing to apologize for. Some skank is taking advantage of Latrelle’s situation and is trying to capitalize.”

  “Wait. You think that she is lying?”

  “Of course. Look at what happened to Kobe Bryant a few years back. It is just another matter of greed leading to false accusations.” I did not catch the reference, but nodded my head in agreement since it did not appear as if I was getting fired. “I put all of my faith and trust in Latrelle. When I talked to him this morning he told me that he barely even knew this broad.”

  “You talked to him this morning?!” My heart raced.

  “Yes, Ms. Burke. He wanted me to talk to you before he could. And what I am telling you now is what I and the entire University believe. Look, I know what is going on between the two of you. I would be a fool if I did not. Just be aware that we have arranged a deal with Latrelle’s lawyer, and this will all be settled when we see a judge next month.”

  “Okay. Is that all that you need from me? I would like to speak to Latrelle.”

  “Not exactly. Look, we have already lost a game this year. Our hopes of repeating as National Champions are slim, but not nonexistent. Keep him on track. Make sure that he stays level headed. Court can be a tough thing for anyone to endure, let alone someone in his situation.”

  “Understood, sir.”

  “And no TV. I do not want him hearing what people are saying about him.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Latrelle was waiting at my apartment when I got back home. He slowly stood up from the couch when I entered the door, and began to speak. I did not hear a word he said.

  My left hand pressed against his chest, just between the firm pecks behind a dri-fit California State shirt. I put my right index finger to his lips, shook my head, and pushed that incredible body back down to the couch. I straddled his lap and felt all eight inches of excitement.

  “Put your hands behind your head.” I said as my tongue made a wet trail from his Adam’s apple to his left ear.

  He did not take this demand well. “Baby, let me touch you.” He whispered as his fingers found their way up the back of my shirt.

  I leaned back, grabbed his wrists, and forced them behind his head to rest on top of the leather couch. “Don’t move a muscle.”

bsp; My shirt hit the front door as I rode up and down on his lap. I grabbed the back of his head and pushed his face between my bra confined breasts. Like a puppet, I grabbed his hands and relocated them to my spine. Carefully maneuvering his fingers to the strap of my bra, we unhooked it together. I through his hands back behind him and squeezed his forearms. Leaning forward so that my now unhooked bra straps fell to my shoulders, I slowly pulled my hands off of him and pressed the cups of my bra back to my chest to conceal my nipples. I returned to my feet and turned around so that my butt was just a few inches above his knee caps. The bra landed on top of my shirt by the door. My thumbs peeked between the waistline of my jeans at the hip, and I bent over as I coaxed them down; past my thighs, calves, and they nestled around my ankles.

  Panties being the only piece of clothing left on my body, I remained facing the same direction as him, and sat back down on his lap. He pleaded for the use of his hands, but my mind was numb. I did not care to deal with begging. The riding continued, which segued to a side to side motion. I felt like a porn star while I grabbed at my chest, touched myself, and then fell backward into his chest. His arms wrapped around me. I did not care that he had broken the rule. It surprised me that he was able to resist this long. His fingertips brought goose bumps to every piece of skin they contacted. I turned around and ripped his clothes off in what seemed like one motion. Naked, he pulled my body to his and we fell back onto the couch together. He positioned his hips and began to put himself into me so I popped up, away from his member. A confused gaze stared at me with bewilderment. Smiling, I stepped up onto the leather so that my feet were on either side of him. I gained my balance, stepped forward and lowered myself to his face. His hands reached parallel with his ears to grab the tops of my thighs. The tip of his tongue tempted me with every touch. I looked down between my legs and could only see the top of his head; the rest was buried in me. Finally, I receded to the other side of the couch and he embraced me. I screamed his name for the world to hear.


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