Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set) Page 17

by Rachel Wilson

  “You swear to me that the accusations this girl is making are false?” I said to Latrelle, sheepishly, deep in the comfort of his arms. Lately we utilized after sex time for naked cuddle sessions and Netflix.

  “Yes, baby. I have met this girl a couple times at parties, but it never went further than talking. She is crazy.” Latrelle defended.

  “Okay. I am going to trust you on this and be there for you every step of the way. When is your court date?”

  “December 5th.” That was a little less than three weeks away.

  “And what exactly do you hope to prove? Is this going to be one of those cases like on the Maury Show?”

  Latrelle laughed. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. I just want to prove that this child is not mine so I can move on with my life and get back to football.”

  “Can I come?” I muttered.

  “Of course. I could not picture going into that battlefield without seeing your face in the crowd.”

  The last comment made me feel whole again. Perhaps the phase he was going through was finally over. Now we could truly be happy again.

  Chapter Two

  Veronica Beachum was the accuser. I knew very little about her prior to the news stories, but in the weeks that led up to Latrelle’s trial I dug as much as I could into her past.

  She was not in a sorority, which was surprising given her attractive features. Usually girls with hair that blonde and skin that flawless were sure to be in some version of Greek life. Her Facebook profile had most of the security features set up, and I did not want to interfere with anything by adding her as a friend. I could however see her past profile pictures. Four pictures back, with a time stamp of June 12th was Veronica; dressed in a lime green crop top and white, almost see through, jeans standing next to a tall muscular black man. I would recognize that t-shirt and that smile anywhere: Latrelle.

  I decided to just keep that information to myself. Latrelle was under enough stress as it was, and I had seen plenty of occasions where Latrelle made someone’s profile picture in the past. He was a superstar.

  They lost the last two games of the season to finish up the month of November. Latrelle played terribly and people were beginning to speculate that he was not ready for the NFL now, contrary to all bets from last year that he would be the number one pick in the draft after he became eligible following this season. I was always there to hold his head against my breasts after each game.

  We rode silently back to my apartment when the final game against UCLA came to a close. Cal-State was down three with 1:34 left on the clock. We had the ball, and everyone in the stadium started to chant his name as he walked out to the huddle. It was a surreal feeling for me, watching from my usual spot in our boxed seats. The gossip about who was sleeping with who had ceased from the five of us, as we anxiously awaited a miraculous game winning drive from the love of my life.

  He threw an interception on the first play, and that was it. Boos rained down from every section of the stadium. Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes, watching him silently march off the field; head down, helmet off. The walk of shame. The last time I saw Latrelle McKay in a Cal-State uniform.

  There we were. Me; driving left handed with my right gripping his leg to remind him that he was not alone. Him, looking out the window in a depressed sulk.

  “I am going to the NFL next year.” He broke the silence.

  “You are sure?” I said, a bit surprised.

  “Yes. I have to get out of this place. This college, this town, this life. I have to start fresh.”

  “What does that mean for us?”

  “We can worry about that some other time. I do not want any more stress on me right now. I feel like all of my limbs are being pulled four different directions and I have no control over it.”

  “Fair enough. But, just know that wherever you go, I want to be with you.”

  “Me too.”

  We turned onto my street, and Latrelle shook his head.

  “Not yet. Can we just ride around for a little while?”

  I had no qualms with this idea. He knew how much I liked to ride around and listen to music when life was becoming too difficult. So that is what we did. For hours we just sat in silence watching the streetlights whiz by. I plugged my phone into the auxiliary chord and we let the music wash the world out of our minds. I felt closer to him than I ever had. M83’s “I Need You” pumping out of the speakers. I had the urge to sing along, but my body could not bring itself to speak. The atmosphere was too perfect to disrupt. Like something out of a movie.

  Have you ever had a feeling

  That we're not alone?

  Hold to call the feeling senile

  They unearth more

  Going down the dusty roads

  We are cold and see-through

  I need you

  There's a reason after all

  All the things that I have done

  Pump the blood and leave it alone

  Anywhere you take me

  See it all

  Just go and solve it all

  We entered my apartment around 2 a.m. A silent darkness was the only thing that waited up for us to get home. I kissed Latrelle’s tear stained cheek as he lay down on my navy satin sheets. Our souls connected as I felt his warm body against mine.

  “I love you.” He said, staring into my eyes.

  “I love you too.”

  The last thing I remember is making passionate love in the blank black void. There was no light penetrating my bedroom. No lamp was lit. The only sense evoked was the way he felt against me, inside of me. The only sounds were the sheets under our protracted movements, and the occasional smacking of our lips to the others’ skin.

  Cameras flooded the streets as Latrelle made his way up the stone steps to the courthouse. His lawyer held his head down and two police officers weed wacked a path through the chaos to the front door.

  Veronica carried a six month cooked belly full of child as she lumbered up those same steps only a few minutes later. She was less rushed, and even pointed a smile to a few of the camera flashes.

  Since the baby was not due until Late February, there was not a lot to be done on the first day of trial. Both lawyers gave their stance, the judge said a few words, and they were dismissed. The next court date set for March 10th, which was agreed upon by Veronica as enough time to recover from childbirth. I sat in the back corner of the room, alone. I pushed to get Rachel in here with me, but it was just too packed for anyone else to be admitted. The only reason I was even able to attend was because they listed me as an advisor to the defendant.

  Veronica tried to approach Latrelle after the room emptied, and was quickly escorted away by security.

  “Oh, real mature Latrelle. I can’t believe my child’s father is such an asshole.” She screamed and exited the premises.

  The media buzz died down tremendously over the next few months. No evidence surfaced, and the sports world was getting prepared for the NFL playoffs and the College Football championship. Due to this, there was only about half the media presence when March 10th rolled around as there was for the first day of court. Still, it was a significant presence of people dying to tell the world of every minute detail of Latrelle’s case. What had we become? A society so bored with our own lives, that we resort to prying open the personal details of someone famous.

  As the court entered session I was not sure what to expect. My whole heart was on Latrelle’s side. I believed every word he told me. But, the anxiety of not knowing what the outcome of all of this would be weighed heavily on my mind.

  It started off just how anyone expected it would. Both sides agreed for DNA testing of the child to decide if in fact the man accused was the biological father. Veronica’s lawyer showed pictures of the two together from Facebook, with the time stamp of June; things that I already knew. He stated that this was damning evidence, proving that the two had some sort of relationship. A relationship that was obviously friendly enough to take mul
tiple pictures together. Latrelle’s lawyer must have been ready for this, because he countered with about twenty other social media photos containing Latrelle and other women, all from the month of June.

  Then, Veronica’s lawyer brought down the house. Text messages.

  June 7th

  Veronica: It was so nice meeting you tonight! We will have to get together sometime soon!

  Latrelle: Girl, anytime you want to see me you just say the word.

  Veronica: How about right now?

  Latrelle: Call me. Tell me how to get to your house.

  Stunned reactions showed on every face in the room, including Latrelle’s lawyer. He whispered something in Latelle’s ear and Latrelle shook his head, eyes never leaving the ground in front of his feet.

  June 8th

  Veronica: Last night was amazing. How did you get so good at that?

  Latrelle: A magician never reveals his tricks. Especially in between the sheets.

  Veronica: Well a magician could not make his tongue to the things yours does.

  Latrelle: I am glad you enjoyed yourself. I guess it is safe for me to assume that will not be the last time I give you a show?

  Veronica: God… I sure hope not.

  “Objection, your honor.” Latrelle’s lawyer responded. Grasping at straws for anything to end this charade.

  “Overruled.” The Judge stated solemnly. “Evidence is relevant, therefore permitted.”

  June 10th

  Latrelle: I want you.

  Veronica: Oh really? How bad?

  Latrelle: I have to feel your smooth skin against my tongue. I crave your taste in my mouth.

  Veronica: Oh… A bit of a wordsmith are we? Tell me more. Make me want it as much as you do.

  Latrelle: Imagine me inside of you, pushing further and deeper into your body. Picture yourself on top of me while my hands take firm grip of your hips to guide your rhythm.

  Veronica: More. Make me wet.

  Latrelle: I could make you so wet you have to shower afterward.

  Veronica: Then the only other question I have for you is: What are you waiting for?

  Latrelle: On my way.

  No Objections.

  June 11th

  Latrelle: How is that thing feeling?

  Veronica: Lol. A little sore. Nothing I can’t handle though. Worth every second.

  Latrelle: Glad you are confident in your ability to handle me. Maybe next time we up the ante to three times in a night. Hey, speaking of next time. You are on birth control right? I know we did not use a condom the second time last night. I just want to be safe.

  Veronica: Of course I am. You think I would let you inside of me unprotected if I wasn’t?

  Latrelle: Just wanted to be sure. Now, back to our future.

  You could hear a pen drop in the courtroom. The absence of sound and the dizzy churning of the entire world around me made me feel like I was floating through space, alone. Veronica’s lawyer was the first to cut the silence.

  “As you all can see, the allegations by my client are not unfounded. The only groundless thing in this courtroom today, is that man right over there.” He pointed at Latrelle. “If that is what you want to call him anyway; a man. A man that publicly denied this poor girl, painting a belief to the world that she was just some crazy girl trying to take advantage of his fame. Sending her through a roller coaster of emotions, and embarrassment. As you can see quite clearly by their conversations, Latrelle was a man that she trusted. She tried to call him countless times to avoid the situation that we are in right now. She pleaded for him to just put his ego aside, admit to the nights they shared with each other, and help her raise their child. He had his chance to correct the lies that he told to each and every one of us, but he did not. We are not asking for much, your honor. We just want for justice to be served, and for my client’s child to have a father.”

  The court adjourned. Latrelle was to get a DNA test and the results would be revealed in eight weeks at the next court date. I fled as soon as we were dismissed. I could not look at that rat faced bastard any more. But, I did not cry. I was stronger than that, and did not intend to let a man keep me up all night with a pint of ice cream again.

  “Hey. I know this is slightly random and spur of the moment, but do you have anything going on tonight?” I did not know who else to call.

  “Hey! It is great to hear from you. No actually. I am free. Why what is going on?”

  “Nothing more than a terrible day. That is all I want to say about it. What do you say we get takeout and watch some movies?”

  “Sure! That sounds great. There is this great Chinese place on the other side of town. I will call it in now and have it picked up and ready to consume by the time you get over here. Oh, wait… Do you know how to get to my place?”

  I laughed. I needed it. “No I don’t believe I do. Send me your address and I will plug it into the GPS on my phone.”

  “Deal. Do you like chicken fried rice?”

  “Tonight, I like anything.”

  Will was the only guy other than Latrelle that would have ever dreamed of calling on such short notice like this. Honestly, on any other day I probably would not have even felt secure enough to do this with him. But, this was no ordinary day. One phrase kept going through my mind on repeat. Something Rachel said very often whenever she was going through heartbreak.

  “The best way to get over somebody, is to get under someone else.”

  Latrelle called so many times during Will and I’s dinner that I finally just put my phone on airplane mode. What could he possibly say to me to make things right? The baby was mixed for heaven’s sake. How could I be so naïve? The resolution that all men were lying cheaters was beginning to take over my mind.

  Will proved that theory wrong. Even back when I was in college he was always the good guy. No matter how many late night study sessions we had, he never made a move. Being the socially awkward gal I am, neither did I. But, there were occasions when the thought crossed my mind.

  On this night, it seemed to be the only thought that my mind could find tangible. Will bought the food, I bought the alcohol. I drank the whole bottle of wine before the movies’ plot had developed. I would only be guessing if I attempted to put a number on how many times I tried to mount the long haired stallion that was Will Freemont that night, but a safe estimate is more than 15. But, to my dismay, each time he would turn me down.

  Saying, “this isn’t right, Olivia.”

  I barely remember passing out in his bed.

  I woke up and Will was in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon. The couch that we had watched the movie on the night before was now sporting a pillow and a small fleece blanket.

  “Well good morning, Vineyard Vines. How’s that wine hangover?” He chuckled. Apparently very impressed that he had come up with such a play on words.

  “Did you sleep there last night?” I ignored his banter.

  “Yeah. It’s no big deal. You seemed like you needed a bed more than I did.” He laughed again. I thought it was awfully cute how he thought his own jokes were funnier than I did.

  When I got home that day, Rachel had already heard the news on TV and was waiting to support me. We discussed how boys were just stupid and had lazy days together for a week or so. She left a few times to take care of her players’ needs, but for the most part it was just the two of us.

  Then one day, during a binge marathon of How I Met Your Mother, I heard a knock on the door.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  I opened it and was relieved to see Will standing there.

  “I just thought you girls would like to add some candy to your sitcom extravaganza.” He handed me a grocery sack full of sugary goodies.

  “Will! You shouldn’t have.” I exclaimed.

  “Now, now. Don’t get all cliché on me. Just trying to fulfill my manly duties.” He chuckled.

  “Well you can come in and join us if you want!”

  “I am afraid I can’t do that, Ol
ivia. This guy is not one to interfere with girl time. I just try to make it more enjoyable! You two have a good night.”

  He smiled, turned, and walked down the hall out of sight.

  “He’s cute.” Rachel jeered, smirking as she inspected the bag of candy.

  He was more than cute. Will was a tender soul. His features were that of a teenager, but in the best way possible. His baby face always seemed to be gleaming beneath his long wavy brown hair. He was not overweight in the slightest, but it was apparent that he had not touched a weight in years. His go to outfit was a t-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of grey Converse. If you did not know any better, it would be easy for one to assume that he was in a band. His hazel eyes always held eye contact with yours, a feature of a confident man. Those soft yet penetrating eyes held you in limbo, wondering what was going through the mind that lay behind them…

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  “Maybe lover boy changed his mind and wants to join us.” Rachel said, downing a handful of gummy bears.

  “Yeah, Yeah.” I quipped back at her. “He would be a fool to hang out with a couple of losers like us. Don’t worry, I’ll get the door again.”

  I turned the handle, expecting to see the familiar brown locks back on my doorstep. I was wrong.

  “Latrelle.” I gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  “I have been trying to get ahold of you for days! Please, just hear me out.”

  “I have nothing to say to you right now.”

  Rachel piped up from the living room, “yeah! We are a little busy right now.”

  I shot her a distasteful look, and she turned back to the television. My attention returned to Latrelle.

  “Can we talk?” He pleaded, again.

  “Fine. Let’s get some privacy.” I said half-heartedly. He followed me into my bedroom, and in a moment of the telepathy that only best friends and siblings can have, I turned to make eye contact with Rachel. She understood, picked up the grocery bag, and retreated to her bedroom on the other side of the apartment.


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