Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set)

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Erotica: Handcuffing Inhibitions (New Adult Romance Bundle)(Erotic Sex Taboo Box Set) Page 18

by Rachel Wilson

  “Please understand, Olivia. I never meant to hurt you.” Latrelle said as he sat on the edge of my bed.

  I walked over to turn my bedroom TV on to provide some background noise, so that if Rachel got nosey she could not hear us. “Oh, I don’t doubt that. Not for one second. You did not mean to hurt me, because you never intended to get caught.”

  “Look, we were not together. You can’t fault me for just living life like a normal college guy.”

  “Bullshit!” I yelled. “We were more than just friends and you know it! Oh, and if it was not a big deal then why did you lie to me about her?”

  “I panicked. I felt the world caving in around me from every direction. I knew that if I lost football, you would be the only thing that I had left. I did not want to ruin that.”

  “That is probably the most selfish thing I have ever heard…”

  “I am not proud of it. But, the past is the past and I can’t go back and change anything now. I just have to move on, and accept the consequences of my actions. The thing is, I do not want to face those consequences alone.”

  “Well I am sure Veronica would love to be your right hand woman.”

  “I don’t want Veronica. I want you.”

  “It is a little too late for that.” I said, practically in tears.

  His hand rested on my shoulder. “It is never too late for love.”

  “If you think that you can just waltz in here, say a few cheesy lines and…”

  “Shhh.” He cut me off. “Don’t get trapped inside your thoughts. Just do what you feel.”

  I grabbed his face and yanked it towards mine. My tongue pierced between his lips and into his mouth. “Take me. Take me.”

  Latrelle picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He ripped my shirt off of my body while I hung suspended in the air. Then, he dropped me back on to my bed with so much force that the bed rocked and my headboard clanged against my bedroom wall. My pajama bottoms were off in a blink, and I felt his face between my legs. I gently rocked my hips up and down, feeling every movement that his tongue made against me. Breathing and gasping for air, I flipped around so that he was on his back. Gently my lips made their way from his rock hard abs to his belt. Once his pants had found their proper place on the floor, I returned to his waistline and filled my mouth with him. Latrelle let out a slight moan and his body clenched from the pleasure. Up and down my head bobbed, struggling to fit his entire girth into my throat. My tongue traveled up his length as if it were climbing the climactic peak of a roller coaster. Once I made it to the top, my mouth opened wide once more and I swallowed his shaft.

  Licking my lips, I made my way back up the same rocky terrain of his stomach, to whisper two words into his left ear. “Do me.”

  He did. There was not one stone left unturned in my bedroom that night. He threw me against my desk and bent me over doggy style. He picked me up and pinned me against the wall, lifting my left leg up into the air to rest on his shoulder.

  “Harder.” I challenged.

  I grabbed my knees while his hands took hold of my shoulders and pulled me back and forth against him.

  “Harder.” I desperately cried.

  He threw me back onto the bed, put the back of both legs on his shoulders and submitted all of his weight on them so my knee caps were parallel with my ears. Folded up like a sheet of paper, he plummeted inside of me over and over.

  “Harder!” I screamed.

  Over and over he flung his hips into me.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my Go…” I came so hard that every piece of my body felt it. Every muscle and every joint contracted simultaneously, resulting in the most euphoric feeling that my short life had encountered up to that point. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He said, panting heavily.

  The next 2 months flew by. On top of getting ready for his court date to reveal if he was the father of Veronica’s child, Latrelle also was diligently preparing for the NFL draft. He met with team owners, worked out at team facilities, and about half of the sporting community projected him to be the first overall pick; despite his negative reputation.

  The best part, we were inseparable again. I walked him to class and we ate lunch together in the student center almost every day. Oh, and the sex. The sex was great too. It was as if no matter what happened, no matter how long we spent away from one another; we always came running back head over heels.

  “Good luck, baby. I love you.” I said as he nervously adjusted his tie. The time had finally come. Judgment day awaited us, and I could not help but feel like our entire future rested on the results of the paternity test.

  “I love you too. Everything is going to be fine.”

  I sure hoped it would. I had trusted him and been let down previously, but I had to put my faith in him. Sure, there were sleepless nights when all hope seemed lost and the wave of insecurities crashed onto me. But, I always talked myself through it. I had to trust him to be healthy. I had to trust him and put faith in him so that he did not end up down that dark path again. I had to trust him for us.

  The room fell silent as every person in attendance awaited the verdict. This time, there were more reporters and journalists than I had ever seen in my life. All patiently waiting to either sling mud on the legacy of Latrelle McKay, or to move on to a prediction of his NFL future.

  After what seemed like years, the judge came into the room and took his seat in a tall leather backed chair. He put on his glasses and shuffled some papers in front of him. “We are here today to reveal the paternity results of a Mr. Latrelle McKay, compared to the child of a Ms. Veronica Beachum. Does either parties’ representative have anything to say before we move forward?” He looked up briefly, and continued when the silence and stillness of both lawyers reflected the mood of everyone there. We were not here for ceremony. We were here for the results.

  “Very well then. The DNA testing of Veronica’s baby boy, Andrew, has provided conclusive results that Latrelle McKay is not the father. Mr. McKay, you are free to go.”

  A gasp exited the gaping holes of every dropped jaw witnessing the news. Latrelle raised his right fist, and lightly pounded it at the air; similar to the gestures he made after every touchdown he scored. He hugged his lawyer, and everyone began to file out. Some were whispering amongst themselves, others were approaching Latrelle to shake his hand.

  Veronica balled into her hands as her lawyer and family members comforted her with encouraging words and gentle pats on the back.

  I on the other hand, sat expressionless in my seat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Latrelle look at me as he walked by in the midst of a growing crowd of people, but I did not return my attention to meet his gaze. I simply stared, seemingly at nothing, as the weight of the world began to dissipate off of me bit by bit.

  Chapter Three

  Latrelle gained his life back. Now almost all sports analysts had him going number one, and no one was talking about his off the field problems as if they had disappeared over night. On our walks to class he would yell at people and shake hands, always carrying a smile of victory. But, his born again confidence quickly led to the recklessness that I had come to expect.

  One day, we were eating lunch together in the Student Center as usual. He had one afternoon class on Wednesdays, and we were detailing our plans for the night. One by one, people flocked around him, which was nothing out of the ordinary. Some came just to wish him luck in the draft, and others came to take selfies and joke around. He welcomed all the attention with open arms.

  Then, a group of four freshmen boys came up and began to joke around with him about Veronica.

  “Hey man. How was that old slut in the sack anyway?” The backwards cap wearing leader of their group asked.

  Latrelle nervously looked across the table at me. “I would rather not discuss that information.”

  “Come on.” The boy sneered. “Tell us what you did to her. We are all friends here.”

  “No offense but I would rat
her not…”

  The boy cut him off, and began to chant two words over and over, “Tell us. Tell us. Tell us…”

  Now all four of them were chanting it.

  “Tell us. Tell us. Tell us.”

  Soon, the tables closest to us who were within earshot of the conversation joined in.

  “Tell us. Tell us. Tell us.”

  Before I had a chance to get Latrelle out of there, the entire student center had fixed their gaze in our direction and were all repeating the same words.

  “Tell us. Tell us. Tell us.”

  Never one to disappoint for his fans, Latrelle stood up in his chair, and stepped onto the table. Almost knocking over his drink in the process.

  “Do you want to know what I did?” He asked the backwards cap kid.

  “Yes!” The boy yelled in response.

  “Do you want to know what I did?!” He yelled, opening his arms for the entire crowd’s response.

  “Yes!” Everyone anxiously replied.

  “I fucked her right in the pussy!” Latrelle screamed at the top of his lungs.

  Uproars poured through the dining hall.

  “I said…” Latrelle belted again. “I fucked her right in the pussy!”

  At this point every soul in that place was repeating his words back to him.

  “Fuck her right in the pussy! Fuck her right in the pussy!”

  Videos of the event spread like wildfire. The worst part: I was in almost every video. Sitting arms folded, staring helplessly at Latrelle as the chaos ensued.

  Reporters and newscasters were flocking on the University. They would catch us on our way to classes asking for a statement. It got so bad that finally Latrelle’s teachers had to start e-mailing him lessons while he holed himself up in his room.

  As for me… Whether I was so broken that my emotions had become numb, or be it the fact that I just did not care anymore; I may never know. All I thought, was that it was not his kid. That was enough for me. If he wanted to make a fool of himself and give into peer pressure, so be it. But, at least he did not have a baby mama.

  The night before the draft came, and so did I. Latrell had been busy with interviews all week, meaning that we had not made love to each other in days. Finally, we had some alone time. The draft was being held in New York this year (like most years) and they had put him up in an eloquent hotel room. It was the New York Marriott Marquis, on Broadway. Our room was a spacious Executive Suite complete with: a couch, 2 sofa chairs, dining table, office desk, and an incredible view of Times Square. The best part, however, was behind the double doors at the far side of the room, the bedroom. A huge king sized bed with the most engrossing mattress my body had ever felt lay flush against a wooden headboard. The foot of the bed faced a flat screen TV. If you looked to your right while lying in the bed, one could look right out the full wall of a window and right into the heart of New York City. It was breathtaking.

  Even more breathtaking, when your naked body is pushed up against it and the future number one draft pick is pushing all of his weight into you from behind. If they inspected that room with a blacklight after we were done with it, I am sure that it would have lit up like the Fourth of July. I mounted him as he sat on the wooden desk. My hands gripped the back of the couch as my knees sunk deep into the cushions from the amount of force he was projecting on me. We lathered each other’s bodies with soap in the shower between sessions, and then went back at it again. I was sure that we were going to go at it all night until at last our bodies gave out and we passed out next to each other, nude, looking out into the city.

  There were not enough tickets for me to sit at the round table at the front of Madison Square Garden with Latrelle and his family. I did not mind. I sat in the back, with the general public. I was not as excited for this as everyone else seemed to be. Latrelle and I had talked, and I was planning to quit my job at the school, to become his Public Relations specialist. In essence, I would be doing the same things for him just at the next level. It made me uncomfortable, to say the least, that Latrelle would be writing my checks. But, the silver lining was that no matter what city we would relocate to, it would be a trip that we made together.

  At last, the anticipation came to a close. The commissioner of the NFL came to the stage.

  “With the first pick in the NFL Draft, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers select: Latrelle McKay, Cal-State University.”

  An equal mix of cheers and boos filled the air of the Garden. Latrelle hugged his mom and dad, and proceeded to the stage. I watched as the man I had fallen for put on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers hat, shook the commissioners hand, and posed for thousands of simultaneous pictures. I stared in awe as those perfect white teeth glinted brilliantly in the lights of the arena, at the man of my dreams. The only man I had ever loved.

  To Be Continued…

  Blinded By The Star: MVP

  Chapter One

  An equal mix of cheers and boos filled the air of the Garden. Latrelle hugged his mom and dad, and proceeded to the stage. I watched as the man I had fallen for put on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers hat, shook the commissioners hand, and posed for thousands of simultaneous pictures. I stared in awe as those perfect white teeth glinted brilliantly in the lights of the arena, at the man of my dreams. The only man I had ever loved.

  Tampa Bay, Florida was an experience. The odds of him getting drafted by a team on the complete opposite coast of the United States had to be pretty slim, in my opinion. Three flights and a delay later, we were home. Though, it did not feel like home.

  Quitting the job I had held for less than two years was easy. I had only spent time around Coach Bub twice. Not near enough time to build a relationship that would make it difficult to say goodbye. He seemed indifferent on the matter, and I could not help but feel like he was disappointed in me for all of the trouble that Latrelle found himself in. But, they won a National Championship, so I felt content with my two year stint for the athletic department.

  Leaving Rachel – that was another story. Both of us tried to stay happy and act as if the inevitable was in some distant future that would not come to reality for years during our last couple of months as roommates. As they say, all good things must come to an end. And I said goodbye to my best friend, moved almost as far away as possible without leaving the country; all for a man.

  What had I become? They girl that was so independent and who prided herself in being stable as an individual, was now making life choices based on a love interest. But, I could not say no. Not when it came to Latrelle. I even pondered trying a long distance relationship for the first few months to a year. The fact was, I did not trust Latrelle enough for him to be in the next county, let alone Florida.

  On the bright side, the weather was not much different from that of southern California. Warm, oceanic, cool breezes, and stunning sunsets would surely keep my mind off of the life that I left behind for him.

  The second silver lining was the astronomical signing bonus that Latrelle received from the Buccaneers. It was more money than I had ever dreamed of being close to. This meant a new car for me, and a spectacular condo right on the beach for the two of us.

  They sky was a medley of crimson, orange, and pink as the sun lowered itself onto the horizon first night we spent at the new place. It looked like a perfectly blended tub of sherbet. Each color faded into the other like the waves that crashed below them.

  “Enjoying the view?” Latrelle asked as he stepped out the sliding door to join me on the patio.

  “It’s breathtaking, babe.”

  “You’re right. Almost as pretty as you.” He smiled and gently raised my left hand to meet his lips.

  “Don’t be a sap.” I said, blushing.

  “Say, I think it is about time we broke in the new house.” He wisped me out of the chair and cradled me in his arms as if I weighed no more than a feather.

  “Mr. McKay, it seems as though you are trying to take advantage of me.”

  My body met the soft cushion of our king
sized mattress with ease. Our lips met and I pulled him on top of me and slowly pulled his white tank-top off of his smooth caramel skin.

  “I love you so much, Olivia.” He whispered after he pulled my t-shirt over my head.

  “I love you too, babe.”

  His firm grip massaged my bare thighs, and made their way down to my calves and finally my feet. Then he coated my toes with a generous dab of lotion, and worked the kinks out one by one. Calmly kissing and sucking at my toes along the way. The dim orange glow that the sun was now struggling to radiate penetrated the glass doors of our bedroom, enveloping his whole body in a glow while he stared into my eyes. Never had a foot massage turned me on so much.

  He teased my naked body, making sure that his hands touched every inch of my skin before he ultimately made his move. I was lying on my stomach, stretched horizontally across the bed facing the flickering sunset. His hands made their way up to my shoulders, then to my arms, stretching them out in front of me as our fingers intertwined. I felt the weight of his muscles lower themselves down to my back. My legs subconsciously spread apart, and I felt him inside of me.

  “Oh.” I moaned, wrapping our arms up against my chest.

  We did not switch positions that night. I remained flat on my stomach with his entire body on top of me. His head was level with mine and we watched the remainder of the sunset, together, connected. We both peaked together, and lay in that same spot all night long. Well after the sun had faded into black. Long after all of the stars poked through the dark canvas of the sky and the moonlight reflected against the clear gulf ocean.

  Unfortunately for me, as much as this paradise reminded me of a vacation, it was not in fact. Latrelle was gone for most of the day six days a week for football. With nothing to do but grocery shop, clean, and cook for him this left me alone and bored to tears. Sure, the beach was our backyard, but being introverted kept me from generating new friendships. Looking at the sand and the water from the comfort of my own bed was good enough for me.


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