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The Sword of Elseerian: The White Mage Saga #2 (The Chronicles of Lumineia)

Page 19

by Ben Hale

  "Shears!" Lisa yelled, and released a blast of fire below and toward Tess.

  Tess obeyed the order, and cast a wide line of flames from her right gauntlet. The two columns of fire combined below and between them, creating an arrow that closed on the rearmost foe. With nowhere to turn, he was caught as the V shaped flames tightened on him like a pair of scissors.

  Kyle took out a second with a trio of blasts. Desperate, the last flyer unleashed a barrage of fire as he swerved and twisted to avoid getting burned. It was obvious he was headed to gain allies, but they never gave him a chance.

  The four of them pummeled the surrounding space, preventing the blue flyer from returning toward his star. Giving up on escape, he whirled and targeted Lisa, the closest to him. Lisa swerved twice, but her leg exploded in flames as she was hit. A heartbeat later the blue flyer was struck simultaneously by Tess and Kyle.

  "See you in two minutes," Lisa said as her board turned away.

  Tess called to her as she left, "Good idea on the shears!"

  Lisa grinned before a planet obstructed her from view.

  They regrouped after she was gone. "Good job," Parker said. "The detonators should have their traps in place, and it looks like the speed flyers managed to distract them. Take up positions around the suns and stop them from getting any fire."

  Tess accepted the order and found a position above a planet. For the next twenty minutes Tess fought to keep the Brokins players from capturing the suns. With so many fire sources both teams had an abundance to draw from. Streams of fire and explosions filled the space, making it impossible to avoid being burned.

  Then Tess was caught from behind and eliminated. Most of their team had already been knocked out at least once, and one player had been hit three times already. Evenly matched, Brokins was faring about the same. Two minutes later Tess returned rested and ready for more.

  Lisa was out for the second time, so Shorn ordered Tess to rejoin Parker and Kyle. Arriving in time to intercept an opponent that was pursing Parker, she blasted him from behind and then slid to a stop next to Kyle. "How are we doing?" she asked.

  Kyle jerked his head. "They've gotten better since last time."

  Out of breath, Parker slid to a stop beside them. "No one seems to be gaining ground, so it looks like we are in for a long game."

  "Isn't there something we could do?" Tess asked.

  "Want to go for their star?" Kyle asked. He flexed his fingers in anticipation.

  Tess laughed. "Won't they expect that?"

  "Not from you," he growled, "and not this early in the game. People usually only go after the star if most of the other team is gone. Besides, haven't you been practicing wind? If Parker and I can knock out the traps and occupy the Watcher, could you come from above and take it?"

  Parker turned to her, his eyebrow raised as he waited for her response.

  "It could work," Tess said. "But I'm not as fast as the speed flyers. Once I take it they will be all over me."

  Parker shrugged. "Let's do it. Kyle, hit them from the right and try to knock out their traps. I'll follow and feint a move toward the star. When you see an opening, Tess, take it. We won't last long so don't hesitate."

  Tess nodded and turned away from them. Leaning back, she sent a surge of power into her board and it exploded upward. As she neared the top of the arena, she had to dodge the comet. Then an idea struck her and she swerved into the comet's trail. White light enveloped her, making it difficult to see—but equally difficult for the opposing team to spot her.

  The comet bounced off the top of the arena shield and sped toward the Brokins star. She twitched as a series of explosions sounded. She eased her path so she could peer out of the white light. She ducked back as three traps exploded at the same time.

  The ensuing fireball was massive, and engulfed the entire side of a planet. Skirting it, Parker and Kyle burst into view, and released a torrent of flames from their gauntlets. One of the defenders was caught unaware. He shouted to his allies even as his board turned toward the Brokins shelf.

  Two wings of four attacked Parker and Kyle, leaving only the watcher to guard the star. Parker burned one opponent before getting caught in the rain of fireballs. Kyle shouted and corkscrewed downward before turning toward the blue star. Instead of aiming for the mass of Brokins players, he launched a quartet of fireballs at the traps around the blue star. The move was suicidal, but it had the desired effect. The Watcher soared away from the exploding traps and sent a furious barrage of fire at Kyle.

  Kyle dodged and flicked, amazingly avoiding being struck for the precious seconds that Tess needed. As the comet passed the star, she darted out and grabbed it. Then she ducked back into the comet's trail. Just as she disappeared from view Kyle went down under a hail of fire. The Watcher nodded in satisfaction, and then turned back to the star he was tasked with protecting. He froze, and then bellowed to his friends.

  In seconds the entire team was after her. Knowing they would realize where she'd gone, Tess dropped out of the comet trail and surged her magic into wind. Answering her call, the air around her pressed into her back, driving her forward at twice her normal speed.

  Her breathing accelerated as she added a coil of fire into her wake. She sped faster, and she hoped it would discourage pursuit. The blue speed flyers appeared behind her, and shouted to their team. In seconds a wave of blue gathered, howling and speeding after her. Threads of flame closed the distance and passed her by, placing traps ahead of her. She stood on the back of her board and exploded upward.

  More fire threads reached out to cage her in. Desperate, she banked between a trio of planets and reached the center of the arena. She slowed as she encountered the furious battle raging between the two teams. A stray blast of fire almost caught her, and she rolled upside down to avoid it.

  She spotted the trap in her path at the last second, and on instinct sent her own fireball into it. The explosion sounded loud in her ears, but she used the resulting smoke to change direction again. She came out facing a pair of blue flyers. Crying out, they sent a hail of fireballs at her. She swerved up, and the fireballs exploded on the surface of a planet at her side.

  Desperate to catch her before she could return to her side and end the game, the blue flyers focused their whole attention on her. Explosions of fire filled the air, detonating on planets, asteroids, and in the air close to her. She jerked and dived, searching for a place to escape. Then they found her.

  Marked by the gold sweeps on his shoulder, the blue captain lifted into her path. Flanked by two girls, they released an unstoppable volley at her. She banked so hard her board went sideways, missing the cascading fire by inches. Then the blue captain drew closer and leveled the entire might of his gauntlets at her.

  The explosion cracked the very air and engulfed Tess, a planet, and it's moon. Then it was siphoned off by her board, which turned black beneath her. The star under her arm pulled free and zipped away, headed for its home. Tess emerged from the fire and smoke angry at herself. Alone, she soared toward the Tryton's bench.

  She threw a glance at the scoreboard, and was surprised to see the blue team down to just nine players. Tryton's still had fifteen on the field. Glancing back she realized the discrepancy. The Brokins team may have caught her, but their desperation had come at a price. Her Tryton's teammates had been quick to take advantage of their focus, and had attacked from every flank. The battle had decimated the Brokins team, severely weakening their ability to battle.

  Many of the flyers that had been burned would only be out for two minutes, but that was more than enough time for Shorn to lead a full assault on the Brokins base. Tess grinned as she realized that she'd had a hand in the impending victory.

  For the first time she heard the noise from the crowd. Like she'd pulled plugs from her ears, she realized the deafening volume coming from the stands. Families and adults were on their feet, screaming and shouting. The ones in blue were yelling in protest, but the ones in white were giddy with del
ight. Some dressed in white had even lifted an enchanted banner that blared, The Oracle fights for us!

  Tess felt a surge of pride, and couldn't stifle the wide grin. With her board black and burned, she felt like a victor. Joy suffused her frame, causing her to look upward at the enormous dome of water that rested above the city. She saw her surroundings with new eyes, and they were incredible . . .

  —Then she spotted a dark shape in the water to the west. She blinked, and peered toward it. Even with the enhanced clarity around the city it was barely discernible in the murky distance. It loomed round and dark, and had a distinct auren feel. She felt a tremor of fear seep into her gut as she sensed that something was amiss.

  An idea crossed her mind and she cast a vision spell on herself the way the Swordsman had taught her. Like she'd put on a pair of binoculars, her vision focused into clarity, and the truth resolved into frightening reality.

  A mile out from the city a submarine glided into view—and it wasn't alone. Four other submarines were slowing to a stop at its side, and the hulls of an armada pierced the ocean above them.

  Tess felt a tingle of foreboding spark across her skin, but she did her best to convince herself that it was nothing. They must be an auren fleet performing war games or something. But the dread refused to budge. Cold and hard, it solidified into the pit of her stomach . . .

  And then the torpedo doors of the submarines began to open. Sliding out of view, they revealed dark holes that pointed directly at Brokins. Before she could move ten torpedoes exploded into sight.

  There was no mistaking their target.

  Chapter 29: Threat

  They closed the distance fast—faster than Tess though possible.

  "Shorn!" she screamed.

  Hearing the panic in her voice, he swerved his board around and met her gaze. Across the arena his eyes were questioning, and then they went wide as he looked past her, and saw what she had seen. Summoning the Tryton's players with a single word, he abandoned his assault on the opposing team and rocketed to Tess's side. By the time he reached her the torpedoes had covered a third of the distance.

  The Tryton's team was a babble of confusion, but Shorn took command and stabbed a finger at the threat. "We don't have time for questions. Roe, get everyone that's burned off the shelf and evacuating the city. Tell Parker to make sure the Brokins directors know what's going on. Brody, get to the other Brokins captain and have him help the teachers with the evacuation. Tess, Kyle, and I will do what we can to stop the first wave. Move!"

  Tess kicked off her board and discarded her helmet as she launched herself toward the incoming torpedoes. The referee blasted his whistle at the penalty, but the sound died away, indicating that he'd seen what was coming. The stands dissolved into confusion and screams of panic as others noticed the threat.

  Kyle joined Tess and Shorn as they passed through the Tempest shield and entered the city. "Twenty seconds!" Tess yelled, and poured her magic into speed. The three of them reached the outer wall before the torpedoes, but not by much.

  "Turn them on each other!" Kyle shouted.

  Taking his own advice, he reached toward the lead torpedoes even as she skidded to a stop at the aquaglass. Purple threads of light pierced the water and closed the distance. Catching the torpedoes, he pushed them together.

  The explosion was sudden and deadly. Fish and coral were charred, the aquaglass rippled and cracked. Tess and Shorn looked at each other and then followed Kyle's lead.

  Purple strands of light reached for the remaining torpedoes and slammed them into each other. Tess flinched as each one detonated. Closer and closer they came, until all but two had been destroyed. The aquaglass dome was lined with cracks in its liquid surface, and water cascaded through the countless gaps. At the last second Tess managed to crush one of them, and it detonated close. The damage was nothing compared to the last torpedo.

  Tess desperately sought to destroy it in time—but it was too late. Shorn dived into her, knocking her aside as it pierced the dome. A dull shriek filled the city as its engine lost the ability to propel itself. Then it detonated.

  Aquaglass shattered, buildings were incinerated, and a torrent of flames cascaded over them. Instinctually Tess shielded herself and Shorn, but even through her shield she felt the searing blast. It was the first time she'd felt heat since learning the heat shield, and it scared her to the core.

  When the fireball evaporated they climbed to their feet. Tess blanched as she saw the carnage. Nearby buildings were shredded and burning. The dirt was scorched, pockmarked and broken. And the aquaglass dome was on the verge of collapse. Fully a quarter of the barrier showed signs of damage, and the blast had left a gaping hole. Seawater roared through the gash like a broken fire hydrant, flooding the entire area.

  "I'll find Kyle." Shorn had to yell to be heard over the water. She nodded, and he jumped into the air. "Do what you can to slow the breach!"

  Tess staggered to her feet and flew to the break. The water burst through the hole and thundered fifty feet before slamming into the ground. The torrent erupted into mud as it gouged into the soil, washing out the supports of a burning building higher up. The sheer power from the deluge was frightening.

  She didn't know how to do an aquaglass charm, so she did the next best thing. Starting at the edges, she began to chill the water. The shards of ice were swept away before they could grow. Gritting her teeth, she tried again.

  She yanked the heat from the surrounding area of aquaglass, freezing it solid. Then she reached out to a large piece of coral a hundred yards away. Purple magic blossomed from her hands and closed the distance. Like hundreds of hooks, they latched onto the rough surface. Digging underneath it, she tore through the material until she felt a section the size of a car weaken. Abruptly it snapped free.

  Tumbling into the vortex of water it was sucked into the gap—where it stuck fast, slowing the water to a hundred hissing streams. The surrounding aquaglass that she'd frozen trembled and cracked, threatening to burst. Even as the fissures blossomed across its surface, she gathered her magic and sucked the heat from the makeshift cork.

  Ice expanded and thickened, closing holes, gaps, and solidifying the plug into place. Warmth flooded her frame as she pulled it from the water, but she ignored the wave of weakness and cast her spell again, and then again. Impeded by the salt composition, the water nevertheless froze solid as her magic took effect. Foot by foot the entire spread of aquaglass turned to solid white. The sounds of rushing water were gradually replaced by the groan and creaking of ice.

  Tess felt a rush of relief as she wearily dropped to the flooded ground. The moment her feet touched she collapsed into the muddy pond. Panting from her effort, she forced herself to rise and examine her work.

  Encapsulated in clouded ice, the coral plug poked through the wall. All around it rainbows of ice arced to the ground. A jagged twenty foot ring of white circled the hole, preventing it from breaking further.

  But the repair only blocked a portion of the damage. Smaller holes and breaks blossomed across an entire side of the dome. To her dismay, some reached to the very top of the curve. Water spurted from them, and coursed down the interior of the dome like water on a car windshield. By the time it reached the bottom it had become a flood.

  A splash caused her to jerk to the side, but it was only Shorn. Exhausted, he stumbled to a landing next to her.

  "Kyle?" she asked.

  "Burned pretty bad, but alive," he gasped. "I got him to a healer. Nice job on the plug." He gestured to it.

  "It's not going to hold for long," she said. "What's going on?"

  Her need to understand burned in her voice, but he shook his head. "I don't know. It's too far out for the techno mages to get much. All they've been able to figure out is that the aurens think they are attacking an underwater terrorist base."

  "They're American?" She felt betrayed.

  "Does it matter?"

  She rose to her feet. "Of course it matters," she said heate
dly. "We could talk to them, tell them who we are."

  He shook his head. "They don't know we're mages. We can't just reveal our whole world to them."

  "But there are thousands of people down here," Tess all but shouted. "What are we supposed to do?"

  "They have started an evacuation," Shorn said. "The Brokins officials and the Magtherian have ordered everyone out. The sundrop is too small and would be spotted, so they're opening an old terra train under the city. It hasn't been used in a while, so it will take some time for them to get it going."

  "How much time?" Tess demanded.

  "At least an hour," Shorn said.

  A distant whine interrupted her reply, and she turned in time to see another volley of torpedoes launched. "I seriously doubt we have an hour," she said.

  "I'll take care of them," Iris called. She sloshed through the water on her way to join them. "But there isn't much I can do about the planes."

  Shorn frowned. "What are you going to do?"

  Iris ignored him, and clenched a fist at the lead torpedo. It burst into a ball of muffled white. "They have a self-destruct ability," she said as she pointed to the next in line. "I'm just activating it."

  "Iris," Tess breathed. "You're incredible."

  Shorn echoed the statement while Iris glared at Tess. "You should have brought me with you. It's chaos up there, and I had to run to get here. Do you have any idea how much I hate to run?" She shuddered.

  "I know, Iris," Tess said. "I'm sorry. I sort of panicked."

  Iris sniffed. "If you knew techno magic, you could do this yourself."

  "Don't you think I know that?" Tess said, and rubbed her forehead. "I'm very aware of how much I rely on you."

  The heat in Tess's voice caused Iris to grin. "As long as you know it."

  Iris threw her a glance, and Tess interpreted it to mean that Iris had forgiven her. Before she could respond Iris turned away to answer someone else.

  "No, Uri, you can't gather your gear. Get out before you drown—you too River. I can see you throwing your stuff into a bag. Yes, I would leave my stuff behind if my life depended on it—don't take that voice with me . . ."


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