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My Sweet Paige

Page 3

by Mallory Funk

  So, when he looked at me across the room, I couldn’t help but turn away and avoid eye contact. Shit, I must have looked like an idiot. Why couldn’t I talk to men? It would be so much easier.

  “Check out that hottie looking at you, Paige!” my best friend Courtney exclaims as we eat our supper at a local pub.

  I could feel my cheeks burn, “He is not.”

  “How do you know who I’m talking about?” She raises her eyebrow at me. Damn...

  “Uh…. Shit... okay...” I can’t believe how red I’m getting from having some guy look at me across the room.

  “You should go over there! He can’t take his eyes off of you.”

  “Uh... you know I can’t do that! I’m completely incapable of flirting! I tend to say embarrassing shit. Or worse, I can’t talk and he looks at me like I’m crazy. Either way, I’ll pass.”

  “Girl, all I have to do is give you a couple shots of whisky and you will be able to talk to him. If you say anything embarrassing, you can blame it on the alcohol!”

  We both start laughing. We order a shot of whisky for our table, and Courtney sends shots to him and his friends. They come over and sit with us the rest of the night and I managed not to say anything embarrassing, at least I don’t think I did. I end up going home with him which culminated in a six-month relationship.

  Everything was fine in the beginning. He was sweet and was always wanting to take care of me. I never noticed that he didn’t want me out of his sight until a few months into the relationship. We hardly argued in the beginning. Then, we started arguing because he didn’t like Courtney. I didn’t think much of it at the time and I just kept going with it. Courtney never said much to me about it either, so I don’t think he was an asshole to her. Otherwise, she would have told me. He just didn’t like me going out with her. He didn’t mind us staying at my place and having a girl’s night in, however.

  During the last month, he started getting paranoid. He was always asking me who was texting, or who I was talking to, or going out with. He didn’t like me going out with Courtney because “we would go out and pick up guys like we did with him and his friends.” No matter how many times I told him that I loved him and I wouldn’t do that to him, it didn’t matter. We never went out and, if I did, I was always with him.

  One night we got into a fight because I was tired of feeling like I didn’t have any freedom. He started getting worse and not giving me any space for myself except for work. He was constantly at my house. He had always known when I was going to be home because he always seemed to show up when I got there. I didn’t know how to tell him that I didn’t want him over all the time.

  “I can’t keep doing this. I need some time away from you, from you and me… us,” I yelled at his face.

  “Why, so you can go sleep around and fuck someone else?” Shaun yelled back.

  He started turning red the angrier he got with me.

  “No, that’s not it! I love you. It’s just that we’re together all the time! I just want a night out with my best friend and some girl talk. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “Why can’t I be there? I won’t even sit at the same table. You won’t even know I was there!” His eyes were pleading with me.

  “Because I just want a night away from you,” I say quietly.

  “WHY? Are you done with me, is that it? You want to try to get rid of me?”

  “BECAUSE YOU’RE SUFFOCATING ME!” I yell at him and instantly his eyes turn angry. I don’t even see the hand coming until it’s over. The sting in my face is undeniable.

  Shock registers on his face. “Shit, baby. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” He starts to put his arms around me, but I push him away.

  “Don’t!” the tears are streaming down my face, and I run to grab my purse and phone and run out the door while he’s yelling how sorry he is and saying that he won’t do it again. I slam the door in his face and race to my friend’s house as fast as I can.

  I already had my mind set as soon as I’m at Courtney’s house. I will not be in that kind of relationship. I don’t want the kind of love that hurts like this.

  Over the next few weeks, I get texts, calls, drunken voicemails, and unexpected visits. No matter how many times I tell him it’s over, he doesn’t seem to get the hint. One night after work, I head home and come to a stumbling halt when I see him sitting on my bed.

  “How did you get in here?” I ask a little panicked. I have my phone hidden in the back of my pants pocket so that he doesn’t see me pressing my speed dial button.

  “Shit, baby. I told you I was sorry. I promise I won’t do it again. I just miss you. I can’t keep having you ignore me.”

  “Ignore you? Shaun… we’re over. I won’t be that girl that takes back her boyfriend after he hits her.”

  “I won’t do it again. Baby, please. We can work past this.”

  “No, Shaun, we can’t. I don’t want to see you anymore. Stop calling or texting. We are done, and you have to accept that.” My hands are shaking as he slowly stands up from the bed.

  “NO! We are not done! I love you and I’m never letting you go! You’re not leaving me!” he moves so fast that I barely have time to react. Next thing I know, I’m on the ground after he had taken his fist across my face.

  Tears are streaming down my face and I look at him in shock. I look into his eyes and I see no regret, only anger, and they look colder than I have ever seen them. How could this be the same man I had fallen in love with in the last few months?

  He gets a couple of kicks to my ribs and then I see police coming in. Throughout everything, I forgot that I had dialed Courtney’s number. She must have heard him and called the cops. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if she hadn’t had heard me or picked up the phone.

  I spend the next couple of days in the hospital for my bruised ribs. I move in with Courtney and battle nightmares every night. I dedicate my time to the salon and don’t concentrate on anything else. I spend the next three years afraid to get close to another man, or love another man, because of Shaun. It’s the only reason my salon is as successful as it is. I’ve only let Courtney close to me for the last three years. How could I let someone else in?

  Chapter Four


  The afternoon with Tara goes off without a problem. A lot of the people remember her and tell her how much they miss her. We help out with the walk-ins that day, and I get to know my staff before we leave. As we head home and decide what we should do for supper, Tara brings up our new neighbours.

  “So, Trevor seems really into you.”

  My heart rate picks up from the mention of his name. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lies… He pretty much made me very aware that he was interested in the kitchen this morning.

  “You’re not fooling me you know. Plus, Courtney warned me that you’re a terrible liar,” she says with a small smile.

  “Look, I’m just not interested in dating right now. I have to get reacquainted with my salon and staff. I just moved back to my childhood home and I have to go through my parents’ personal belongings. It’s already a lot to deal with without adding a man into the mix.”

  “I know, I know, but there’s no harm in looking or flirting right? I know I just left that asshole yesterday so there is no way I’m ready for anything, but you have to admit they are hot.”

  I sigh like it pains me to say it, “okay, they’re hot. They do have good genes.” I wink at her.

  She laughs. “We should suggest swimming tonight, so we can check out the shirtless eye candy.” She waggles her eyebrows.

  I’m pulling up to our house, laughing as I get out of the car. “Oh god, please don’t do that.”

  “What? This?” She waggles them again and then starts laughing and has to stop.

  “What’s so funny?” Sam and Derek are walking over to us.

  “Oh, you know, just talking about men,” I say and look over at Tara who blushes and looks away.
  “Any men in particular?” Derek asks while he’s looking at Tara.

  “Yeah, we were just wondering if you looked as good without your shirts on.” I make a point of looking them up and down.

  Tara looks at me horrified, “Paige!!”

  They both start laughing. “What? We can skip all the boring shit. You want to see their abs, so here I am making that happen. Lift up your shirts.” I snap my fingers at them.

  They both raise their eyebrows, but I don’t miss the smirks on their face.

  “Well, chop-chop, let’s see those muscles,” I say clapping my hands.

  “Oh- my- god,” Tara covers her face with her hands looking completely embarrassed. I grab her arms and stand behind her holding them down.

  “No, you wanted to see, now see.” I start laughing.

  They both lift up their shirts while laughing.

  “Damn,” Tara whispers. I pretty sure only I was supposed to hear her, but judging by the look on their faces they heard too. Damn, I could only imagine if Trevor was as well built as his brothers.

  Damn it! All my thoughts today kept coming back to him. There’s no question that one look from him has me in knots. Just as Sam and Derek are showing us their abs, the other three pull up.

  “Oh, this should be good,” I hear Sam mutter.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” I hear Trevor yell at us.

  His brothers look at him and smirk giving Tara and me a wink.

  “Well, the girls here just wanted to check out the merchandise,” Derek says.

  Cole looks at us amused, “And Paige is holding Tara down why?”

  Everyone looks at me. “She was in denial about wanting to check them out,” I say with a dramatic sigh.

  “Oh, like you don’t want to check out these guys’ abs. I mean, you have to be crazy not to want to see these five shirtless. Seriously, what do you guys eat? Do you work out all day and not even run your gym?” Tara goes on her little rant.

  We all start laughing. “Well, to be truthful we have only seen these two, so we don’t know that they’re all cut like that,” I say, dramatically looking all of them up and down.

  “Yes, that is true. Maybe because they own a gym they look like that, but since these other ones don’t, maybe they’re not as built,” Tara says pointing at Cole, Liam and Trevor, sighing.

  Sam and Derek both have smirks on their faces, and the other brothers are looking at us girls like we should know better.

  “Oh well, we better go get started on supper. See you boys later!” Tara and I both run inside the house before they can get a word in. Once inside with the doors closed, we start laughing.

  “Oh my god, did you see their faces?” Tara said with tears streaming down her face.

  One thing I have always been good at was teasing guys. I’m glad Shaun never took that away from me. It’s been awhile since I have been able to tease or be playful with the opposite sex. That may have something to do with the fact that I feel safe with these guys. It’s all easy banter between friends. Well, mostly- Trevor is a different story and I could never really see him as a friend. I feel some sort of connection to him, and I am definitely afraid to explore it. I don’t like how he makes me feel after only knowing him for a few days. If we keep hanging out like this then I’m not sure how I could handle that.


  I’m left with my brothers staring at the women as they walk into the house. We can hear their laughter from out here. When we had first pulled up, and I had seen Sam and Derek with their shirts lifted up, I couldn’t help but feel angry at the thought of my brothers making a move when I had called dibs. Then I heard Tara rant and had seen her flushed cheeks, and I could tell it was for her benefit. Something seems to be going on between her and Derek. I see the way they look at each other.

  “Well shit,” I hear Liam say.

  “Isn’t that right. How did that conversation start?” I ask my brothers raising my eyebrow.

  They both chuckle. “Well, we pulled up at the same time they did and heard them laughing really hard, so we asked why they were laughing and they said they were talking about men. We asked them if it was any men in particular,” Sam says with a smirk.

  We all laugh. Still standing on the lawn, we see the women look out the window.

  “Hey ladies, what’s for dinner?” Cole hollers at them.

  “Whatever you’re cooking for us!” I hear Paige yell as she opens the door.

  “You don’t want me cooking for you, darling. My brothers don’t let me near the kitchen,” Cole says grinning.

  “If I weren’t afraid of food poisoning again, I would let you in the kitchen,” I say with a laugh.

  “Again?” I hear Paige ask.

  “Again,” the four of us repeat while Cole looks a bit embarrassed.

  “Well, I haven’t gone shopping for food yet, except for what I need, so I was just going to order take out again,” Paige says.

  “Come over and we will cook for you. I’m sure you could use a good home cooked meal,” Liam says.

  “We? What’s this we business? I’m pretty sure Sam and I are the only ones that do any cooking out of all of us,” I remind Liam.

  Everyone laughs. I see Paige look at me with curiosity. I would cook every night if it meant she would come over.

  I start making pasta and salad for everyone which means I’m alone in the kitchen while everyone else is talking in the living room. I hear someone come in, and I just know it’s her. I can’t tell you how I know it’s her, but it is.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Sure, if you want to help me make the salad, that would be great.” Not that I need any help, but anything to spend a moment alone with her.

  She moves right beside me, and I can’t help but smile.

  “Where did you learn to cook?”

  “My mother. I always loved to watch her in the kitchen. She would always tell me that everyone says that a way to a man’s heart is to know how to cook, but a woman can’t resist a man who knows how to cook. I just picked it up and it beats eating takeout every night,” I say shrugging.

  “My nannies taught me how to cook. I don’t do it much since I have lived by myself for the last year. Before that it was Courtney and me, but we were both too busy to cook.”

  I couldn’t help but hear a hint of sadness in her voice. I couldn’t imagine not having my brothers around. We became closer after our parents died. Paige has no siblings, no parents; just her friends. It seems to me that Courtney is the only person she lets close to her, but if that’s true then why is she letting five strange men in her house or coming to ours?

  “Well, if you want to cook for me or my brothers anytime, feel free,” I say jokingly.

  “We’ll see,” she says with a small smile.

  When Paige looks up at me and we lock eyes with each other, I can’t help but feel at peace. The sadness from losing my parents is gone. She’s so beautiful and, in this moment, she has a light in her eyes and seems happier than she had when we first met her. I lean in closer and put my hand on her cheek hoping that she doesn’t stop me. The first brush of my lips against hers is light, giving her a chance to change her mind. When she doesn’t make an attempt to move or push me away, I go in for another one. I press my lips softly against hers and nip at her lower lip. When she gasps into my mouth, I put my tongue in hers. She tastes sweet like I knew she would. The kiss goes from soft and exploring to passionate. I place my other hand on her hip and pull her closer. She puts her hands around my neck and pulls me closer to her, like she’s lost in the kiss a much as I am. I don’t know how long we stand there and kiss. It’s not until someone clears their throat that we pull away. I look at her swollen lips and flushed cheeks, and then look to see who walked in on us. Cole is wearing a big Cheshire cat grin on his face.

  “How’s the supper coming along?”

  “… Ahh…umm… good, just chopping vegetables, you know how it goes,” Paige says as s
he starts to chop the tomatoes, avoiding eye contact with me or Cole.

  “Oh, well if that’s what happens when you cook I might have to take some lessons,” he says with a smirk.

  I see the blush in her face while I send him a glare. All he does is laugh and everyone else piles in the room.

  “What’s so funny?” Liam asks.

  Cole is still grinning, and he puts an arm around my shoulder. “Well it seems that little brother here was ‘chopping vegetables’ with dear, little Paige.”

  At that moment, everyone starts grinning. I roll my eyes and push my brother away.

  “It was a kiss, okay? It’s not like we were fucking on the countertop on everyone’s salad,” Paige says making everyone laugh.

  I can see a little blush in her cheeks. With everyone grinning at us, I could see why. “Okay someone set the table, and someone grab the drinks. Dinner is ready.”

  Paige looks at me, grateful that I changed the subject on everyone’s mind to dinner. While we were eating, I could tell Paige was avoiding looking at me and I knew that was because of the hot as fuck kiss in the kitchen. I wouldn’t let her take it back now. Knowing how she tasted and how she easily melted in my arms, I was prepared to fight for her. I could tell in her eyes that she was hurt before, and I wanted to kick the guy’s ass who had hurt my woman. That’s what she was. Mine. I would do whatever it took to make her see that. Even if I had to wait for her to see that I wasn’t going to hurt her like the asshole before.

  I never did girlfriends before, but I couldn’t help the connection that I had felt with Paige from the first moment I had looked at her. The moment I had seen her, I knew that she was different from all the women before. Other women just wanted me for my cock, my body, or because my brothers and I owned businesses. My parents always told us that once we found the one that we would know. We would be automatically drawn to them and feel this connection. Over the years, I hadn’t particularly believed them, but I do now. I knew without a doubt that Paige was the woman meant for me. I just had to wait, and waiting was what I was going to do.


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