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My Sweet Paige

Page 10

by Mallory Funk

  “WHAT?!” Courtney yells at her. I see Tara flinch. If I were her I would be scared. Court is one friend you do not want to keep stuff like this from. She lives for details on men. One time, I didn’t tell her I was seeing someone for two weeks and she all but gave me a two-hour lecture on friendship and my best friend duty to give her all the details. She lives for this shit.

  “We didn’t want everyone to know, so we didn’t say anything,” Tara says looking at me and not Court, probably because Court looks hurt more than angry.

  “But we are your best friends. I thought that once you finally gave Derek a chance, you would tell us all about how he finally broke down your wall and you couldn’t help but fall for his charm. Then we can hear all the details and have girl talk like we did with Paige when she finally gave this thing a go with Trevor. We talked about him over tequila and got wasted. I had a bottle of vodka that you like in which we were going to girl talk over Derek. I have been saving it for two months!” Tara looks away feeling guilty and I admit, so does Derek.

  “I’m sorry Court, I was just nervous on how this would work, and I didn’t want to say anything in case, I don’t know, it jinxed it or something. Then Paige’s stuff happened with stalker ex and her brothers came along, and the days pressed on, and I didn’t know when to say anything. I don’t know, it’s stupid and I’m sorry. Let’s girl talk and I will tell you everything about how Derek is in the bedroom.” Courtney looks up at her and grins widely. I now know that T just got played.

  “FANTASTIC! No boys allowed though!” She gives Derek a look.

  My bedroom door opens and Trever walks out with just his boxers on.

  “dammnnn… Paige you have been keeping that all to yourself?” Courtney asks while she openly checks out my man.

  “Hey, focus! Tara totally just betrayed the girl code!”

  She starts to fan her face. “How can I care when I have that standing in front of me?” I go and walk to Trevor and stand in front of him and put his arms around my waste facing Courtney.

  “Eyes off, woman!” Everyone starts to laugh at my obvious possessiveness of my man.

  “What’s going on here?” Trevor says as he wraps his arms tighter around me.

  Courtney just rolls her eyes and has a look of mischief in her eyes. “Well, your brother has been sampling the T smoothie for a month, and they never said a fucking word!”

  Trevor chokes out a laugh.

  Derek groans. “Did you have to word it like that?”

  “Yes, I fucking did!!”

  “You were fucking Tara for a month and never said shit? Man, that’s not like you,” Trevor says.

  “And they never said a fucking word! I mean, now that I had some time to think about it, I’m wondering if maybe he’s shit in bed? You know? Maybe she fakes it and doesn’t want everyone to know so they can’t make fun of him. Because T is a terrible liar and she wouldn’t have been able to hide that fact,” Courtney says with a serious face.

  “There is nothing, I mean fucking nothing, wrong with me in the bedroom! Tara wouldn’t be able to fake the orgasms. I have her screaming!” Derek says, his voice getting louder.

  I can’t help but start laughing. Tears are coming out of my eyes. Trevor starts laughing with me and I see Court smirk. I know she’s not done fucking with them for keeping this from her.

  “I bet you have a small dick too. She didn’t want to embarrass you because of your size. That’s probably the real reason she didn’t want to girl talk about you.”

  Tara looks like she’s ready to hit Courtney. Wow, she must really be into Derek.

  “He does not, and I repeat, DOES NOT have a small dick! It’s the biggest one I have ever had, and he is amazing in the bedroom, and I don’t have a problem getting off with him- there would be no reason to fake it because he knows how to work his hands, tongue, and cock! Don’t you start to question everything!” After she finishes, Trevor shudders in disgust and I am trying to hold back my laugh. Courtney is grinning widely like she just discovered the secret to life. Tara takes a look at the expression on Courtney’s face and gasps.

  “You little bitch! You did that on purpose!”

  “Of course! Do you not know me at all? I had to do something to get you back for keeping this from me.” She smirks at Tara and Derek whose eyes narrow on her.

  “Just for that, I’m going to warn Cole and Trevor about your next prank!” Tara yells.

  “Hey! That’s not just her prank you know! I could say the same for the prank you are planning on Luke, Kyle, and Noah!” I yell at her.

  “Oh, like you’re so innocent! What about what you were going to do to Sam, Liam, and Derek!” Tara looks at me and I don’t notice that Trevor unwraps his arms from me, and he and Derek sneak away. The three of us are in a stand-off in the middle of the hallway.

  “Oh shit,” Courtney says.

  “What?” Tara says.

  “Trevor and Derek left. No doubt to tell the other guys that we were planning another prank and who was pranking who. How the fuck are we going to pull this off now?” We all run downstairs and see the lights going on in the brothers’ rooms one by one. Oh shit indeed.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Wake the fuck up!” I yell as I get into the house.

  “Hurry up and get your lazy asses downstairs,” Derek says, and he calls Noah’s phone and puts it on speaker while we wait for my brothers to get downstairs.


  “Yo! Hang on a sec we need everyone down here. Go wake your brothers and put us on speaker.

  “Everything alright?”

  “Yes, no one is hurt or in danger at the moment. This has something to do with the women and pranks.”

  “Ahhh fuck- Kyle! Luke! Wake up! Derek and his brothers have something important to tell us about the pranks that the girls are cooking up!”

  I hear shuffling and see all my brothers are sitting in the living room waiting on Derek and me to start.

  “Okay, we are all here and you’re on speaker phone,” Noah says.

  “Well, we were talking with the girls and, all of a sudden, they decide to rat each other out. I think they forgot that we were there. Tara yelled at Court that she was planning on pranking Trevor and Cole. Paige yelled that Tara planned on pranking the Johnson brothers, and then Tara yelled that Paige planned on pranking Sam, Liam, and myself.”

  “Well at least we know who to target now,” Cole says with a look in his eyes that tells me the girls should be scared of what he wants to do.

  “We know they are planning something now. We can wait for them to do it, or we can go in with our own plan of attack,” Luke says on the phone.

  “I say that we come up with a plan of attack. It’s obvious that they aren’t stopping, and they find it funny to fuck with us or catch us off guard,” Sam says.

  “Fuck, don’t let your guard down!” Cole says.

  I can’t help but laugh. “Fuck, this sounds like we are going to war.”

  “We pretty much fucking are! Twice they caught us unaware! We have to get them back now!” Liam says.

  “They probably won’t come after us now, or at least come after us the way they planned since they are probably figuring out that Derek and I came over here to let you guys know.”

  “Well, we still have got to fucking brainstorm something,” Kyle mutters.

  We spend the next few hours brainstorming and coming up with a perfect way to get back at the women. Once we are done figuring everything out, we head to bed. I walk over to Paige’s place since I can’t imagine sleeping without her anymore. I make sure to lock up and set the alarm before I head up to bed.

  I crawl into bed and Paige cuddles into my chest. “What are you guys going to do?” Her voice is muffled by my chest.

  “Baby, you know I can’t tell you that,” I chuckle.

  “Ugh! You were never supposed to hear that!”

  “I believe you ladies started a war.”

t you have us out numbered!” She lifts her head to look up at me.

  “You should have thought of that before you attacked us twice.” I smirk down at her and her eyes narrow on me. Cute.

  “But I thought you loved me?” She gives me a pout even bringing out her big bottom lip to look even more pouty. I can’t help but bark out a laugh.

  “Baby, I do love you, which is why we have to go to war.” I run my hand down her back.

  “Well then, as long as we are at war then maybe you should sleep in the enemy’s house.” I narrow my eyes at her.

  “Hell no, baby. We have been sharing a bed since we started dating and that ain’t going to stop now that I have to take you down.”

  “So, is this where the term ‘sleeping with the enemy’ comes from?”

  At that, we both laugh. “I guess so, baby.” I roll her under me and kiss her. I make love to her before we fall asleep, and I can’t help but think that this woman makes me happier than I have ever been. I love that she can be serious when we need to be, but that she also has a fun and silly side. I knew she was it for me for a long time, and now I just need her to see that too. We are meant for each other.

  The next few days fly by. The girls had blurted out that Derek and Tara were fucking the next day during coffee. I don’t think that anyone was surprised because we were all witnesses to the sexual tension whenever they were in the same room. We still take turns watching the girls, but Paige’s brothers now help. I hate letting Paige out of my sight, but I have a company to run. Sure, I have my brothers, but I’ve got to pull my own weight. I just wish this asshole was caught so that he could stop fucking with my girl’s head. I do know one thing for sure; this guy has a lot of patience. I hate wondering why he is waiting so long to make his move. The uncertainty of the whole situation is leaving me stressed and I know everyone can tell.

  When I’m not with Paige, I’m grumpy as fuck. I lash out at everyone. I know my brothers are getting fed up with it, but every time I think about that fucker and how he wants to take my girl from me, I see red. I never thought I would fall in love or even find a great girl like Paige. I know my parents would have loved her. She fits and treats my brothers like her own. Somewhere along the line, this girl became a part of our family and I can’t picture my life without her in it.

  It’s Friday, and the girls have banished the men to our house. We are all sitting in the living room with our blinds wide open. The girls wanted to have their girls’ night which I don’t like, but I understand. They went from just having each other to having eight men in their life. It would help if we were able to feel they were safe enough to leave them alone.

  “They probably just wanted to have this girls’ night so that they could change their plan of attack since we know about it now,” Cole says.

  “Well, from the conversation we heard, Courtney just wants Tara to tell her about how Derek fucks.” I see the way Cole turns his glare to Derek. I knew it. He’s into Courtney. I bet that fucker isn’t going to do anything about it.

  “Why the fuck would she want to know that?” He narrows his gaze.

  “Probably to have something to think about at night.” Derek gives him a smug smile while he puts both hands behind his head further pissing Cole off. Oh yeah, we all know that he’s into her and that he’s not going to do anything about it. I look around the room and see everyone’s amused smiles centered on Cole. Even Paige’s brothers who haven’t been a part of our life for very long have noticed the way Cole stares at Courtney.

  “She wouldn’t want to think about you, you fucker.”

  “Why not? I mean I can’t help it if she has good taste. Try not to be jealous, big brother.” Derek smirks at Cole.

  “You know, she could be thinking about me at night. I have noticed the way her eyes follow me whenever I am in the room,” Luke says, and Cole turns his glare onto him.

  “Keep your hands off of her!” Cole’s voice gets louder.

  “Why? I’m single and so is she. We would be two consenting adults.” The asshole taunts him. I try hard to keep from laughing. I know everyone is just egging him on. I wonder how much it’s going to take to get him to admit that he likes her.

  “Because she’s our friend…” I look at his face and see he doesn’t really believe that reason either.

  “So? She’s single, hot, and has a nice body. I mean have you seen that ass?” Luke says, his lips twitching with amusement.

  “You shouldn’t be checking out her ass at all! She’s your sister’s best friend.”

  “Luke is right. She is hot. You have to be blind not to see that. Maybe I should ask her out myself,” Sam says, but I know he’s fucking with our brother because I see the laughter in his eyes.

  “What if I want to ask her out? Luke is right, she has a fine ass on her,” Noah asserts.

  By now, I see Cole getting red with anger. No doubt ready to punch anyone of these assholes before they try to ask her out. Then I see the moment he realizes what everyone is trying to do.

  “Fuck you, assholes. I know what you’re doing!”

  “Oh yeah, and what’s that big brother?” I ask him with a smirk.

  “If you think I’m into Court like that then you fuckers have it all wrong. I’m just trying to look out for Paige’s best friend. You of all people should be happy that someone is trying to look out for your girl’s best friend.”

  “Why would that make me happy? I don’t care who she fucks. If she wants to fuck you, Luke, Derek, or Sam then I don’t give a fuck. She’s not the type of woman to be told what to do. I bet if you went over there right now and told her to not go out with Luke then she would be calling him the minute you stepped out the door.” He has his eyes narrowed at me and I know he can tell I am speaking the truth. Courtney is that type that if you tell her not to date a guy, she’s going to do it just to fuck with you.

  “Fuck! What the fuck is happening to me?” At that, we all burst out laughing. Cole is fucked. He was the only one of us that said he would be single forever and live the bachelor life. He never even saw Courtney coming.

  “You’re fucked, bro. I have a feeling I’m about to win a bet,” Sam says.

  “What bet?” Noah asks, and he and his brothers lean in closer to hear what we have to say.

  “Fuck no, don’t even think about it!” Cole says yelling at us.

  “We all bet that he would be pussy whipped in a year’s time. The girls bet six months. Everyone bet one hundred dollars. If he loses then he owes one hundred dollars to each and every one of us.”

  “It’s too late to get into the bet now!”

  “I think that would okay by me if they wanted to wager in on when you finally get out of denial.”

  “I say that we stick in the middle, brothers. How about nine months?” Noah says, and his brothers nod in agreement.

  “You do know, big brother, that the second you call dibs on Courtney that you lose the bet?” Derek asks.

  “That was not part of the original bet!”

  “Well, I think it’s safe to say that if you call dibs on her then that means you are pussy whipped. Because there is no way you can fuck and chuck her. Not only would we all kick your ass since she’s like a sister to most of us, but I think that Paige and Tara would personally see to it that you can never have sex again. I’m just saying,” Liam says.

  “And there is the fact that he has never called dibs on a girl before, so if he does with her then that means he is whipped. With other women, he didn’t care if we had fucked them too,” Sam says.

  “You guys seriously call dibs on chicks?” Kyle asks.

  “Yeah, when someone is interested in a girl for more than a quick fuck, we call dibs so the rest of us know not to touch her. Saves us from fighting over the same girl,” I explain.

  “Well, I like it. I say include us in that. So, Derek did you call dibs on Tara?” Kyle asks as a slow smile spreads across his face.

  “Fuck yes, I’m calling dibs you fuckers.” We all laug
h. I knew none of the others were interested in Tara, but I think they wanted to fuck with him like they did with Cole.

  “Alright. Now that it’s settled we can work on our plan of attack on the girls.”

  We spend the rest of the night going over everything while keeping an eye out the windows in case anything happens to the girls. I think the girls had a good idea to do this. I talk and bullshit with my brothers and Paige’s brothers until I get a text that their girls’ night is over.

  At least over the next few hours I can somewhat take my mind off Paige’s ex. I know that the other men here would do anything and run over there in a heartbeat if something happened.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Spending the night with the girls was so much fun. We laughed and talked about all the guys including the new editions- my brothers. Tara and Courtney don’t mind telling me that my brothers are hot which grosses me out. Tara tells us about Derek and how he finally got her to give him a chance. Courtney tells us how she has no interest in dating at this point, but I think that’s just her being in denial about Cole; however, I am not going to get into the middle of that mess because he’s in denial about her too. Trevor and Derek come over after we all are pretty drunk and ready for bed.

  The girls and I have planned to change our prank since the guys know who is attacking who and that’s who they will be watching out for. I have a feeling they are actually going to do something, but I’m not sure what it is. We need more women in our group to even the numbers.

  The next day, we help the elderly couple move their stuff into the moving truck. We walk through the house and see that they kept the house in pretty good shape. It just needs a few updates. The guys decide that over the next couple weeks they are going to work on it together and the women can pick out the furniture for it.

  On Monday, the girls and I do our same routine, and that’s usually being crazy busy at the salon. There is barely any time between clients. Kyle is in my office with the door wide open in case anything happens. The men have taken upon themselves to put a T.V. in there as well as a mini fridge. I don’t mind since I sneak some snacks for myself in there. My brothers have put their house up for sale and are currently in the process of packing everything. I know that the guys plan to spend many evenings over there getting the place ready for my brothers to move in while doing renovations on the house. They said that as long as they have beds and the plumbing works then everything else will come in time. I’m beyond excited to have my brothers right next door. I like having everyone who means something to me close. It makes me happy. Having all these people around me, not to mention Trevor, makes me happier than I ever thought possible.


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