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SURGE (Kenshaw Ranch #2)

Page 5

by Piper Frost

  I watch Bo round the front of the truck and when he pulls the door open, I'm still gripping my phone because I was too busy staring at him to even unbuckle my seatbelt. He's an old friend of mine, how is it that I'm so attracted to him? It shouldn't be any different than with Chase. But it is, and I don't want to like him like that. We're too different to even try to work.

  "Ma'am." He holds out his hand for me to take and helps me hop down. "I like the simple things too. There are only a few things I don't like simple. My cars. My bulls. And my women." He closes the door and holds out his arm to escort us in and my stomach drops at the mention of 'his women'. It shouldn't. I have no claim to him and he pretty much just told me I'm not his type, whether he realizes it or not.

  I'm simple to the max. Work, work, work, pay bills, run out of money, rinse, and repeat.

  "I think I need a drink," I say, heading for the gate.

  It doesn't take long for people to start flocking to Bo. I wish I could say these are old friends, happy he's back in town, but they're not. These are people that know who is because of what he's become and the longer we're bombarded by this crowd, the more aggravated he seems to be getting.

  I set my beer down and walk over to him, grabbing his hand in mine. When his stressed eyes hit me, I smile. "I kinda wanna take a walk. You up for keeping me company?" There's really no place around here to 'walk', per se. It's a tractor pull. But I know he needs a break. Hell, I need a break. If the men flocking him aren't bad enough, I'm not a fan of watching breasts being flaunted and shirts being tied up to try to get the attention of the hot, hometown bull rider.

  "Any day. Any time." He smiles, happily walking away from his fans. "Sorry, y’all, but when a beautiful lady wants your attention, you show some respect," he apologizes and nods his head right before a big breasted brunette practically jumps in front of us. She bumps our connected hands and wraps her arm around his neck, almost like she's going to kiss him! Bo dodges the girl and pulls me to his side. "When did the south lose its dignity?" he mutters, but loud enough for the girl to hear.

  "The minute the awkward nineteen year old left town and came back five years later looking like this," I say, nodding at him and laughing. "I hate it for you. That looked miserable." Our hands are connected still and I should probably pull away, but it feels nice touching him. Different.

  "It's not all so bad, but not when I'm on a date."

  I smile, looking away so he can't see how happy his statement makes me. "Is it like that every time you try to go somewhere?"

  He smiles and glances down at me. "Being a bull rider ain't like being a music sensation. Only reason people in this town know me is 'cause I'm from here. I can walk into any given bar in Nashville and not be recognized."

  I grip his hand tighter as we pass through a crowd of people. For someone as rich and popular as he is, and I don't care what he says about people not recognizing him, in my world he's famous, and he's actually pretty humble about all of it.

  "How's your back been feeling?" I glance up at him the minute the words flow from my mouth. It's like the elephant in the room each time we're together. I just want to know about him, about his career, and I'm not going to be afraid to ask.

  "My back?" He chuckles, his smile trying to tell me not to worry about it. "There ain't nothin' wrong with my back. Them doctors are crazy."

  "I'm having a hard time believing you." I grin but drop it, not pushing the subject tonight. "But you're moving good. And working on the ranch, so I mean, that's fun, right? Workin' with your best friend again?"

  "We don't work side by side or nothin'. But seeing him around is a hell of a lot better than not. I'll admit that. Missed that guy like crazy and I'm happy for him. He's happy. He's a lucky bastard with all that happiness. He's got a good head on his shoulders and a better family to back him."

  "You've got a lot of happiness, Bo." I nudge him, stopping when we get to the end of the bleachers with nowhere else to go. "Just a different type than him, I'm sure." I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows. "I mean, all the money you could want. All the cool cars and stuff you can buy with it. And all the girls, I'm sure."

  The look on his face makes me pause but he suddenly forces a chuckle. I think I offended him. "Yeah, I guess. Just would be nice for someone to actually get me. The way Brandt has." Glancing around, he ends that conversation quickly by pointing and saying, "Hey, you wanna move to the stands? It'll be startin'."

  "Sure," I reply softly.

  I want to 'get him'. I thought I did get him. He seemed to have everything he wanted. If it ain't bull riding and money that makes Bo happy, what is it?

  He starts up the bleachers and when we make it to the VIP area, we find a table where hopefully no one will flock to us.

  "Hey, I didn't mean anything by what I said back there. I just mean you're pretty lucky too." I grin at him and my hand reaches across the table, my fingers tracing around his. How his hands can turn me on I'm not sure, but they're so big, and strong. I rest my hand on top of his to block out the distraction I don't need right now. "You do get to spend the evening with me. That's pretty lucky."

  He laughs and locks his eyes with mine. He's got a demanding stare that entices you and I'm sure he's used it on a million and one women. "I got your attention tonight and that makes me the luckiest guy I know." He reaches toward my face and softly, but quickly, touches my chin.

  Just that one touch does things to me that I haven't felt in years. I try not to sigh but I think I fail when he chuckles quietly, shifting in his seat. I sit here, watching him, letting my eyes flick to where our hands are still connected, and wonder what the hell I'm doing. This man's too good for me. He could have anyone in the entire world, there's no reason for him to be here with me right now. But he is and he seems happy about it.

  "You really like this stuff?" I ask, trying not to laugh as the pulls start. I've never understood the allure of tractor pulls, and I only said yes to tonight because I really did want to spend time with Bo.

  "I like excitement." He smiles at me, not saying anything for a moment while I wrinkle my nose, watching people go crazy over the tractor that's on the strip right now. "You're still the prettiest girl in the state, Kinlee."

  "It's a pretty big state, Bo," I say, not pointing out that there're a million other girls out there.

  "I'd say in the world, but then you'd think I was lyin'." He waves over a girl that's serving beers and she rushes him like she thinks he wants more than a drink. "Darlin'." He nods to me. "You want a drink?"

  "Please." I smile, enjoying the look of disappointment on the waitress's face. "Bud light lime."

  "What about you, cowboy?" She turns her back to me and Bo looks her in the eyes.

  "I'm driving my lady home tonight. I'm fine, thank you." After his reply, he shifts his shoulder to her and she walks away sulking.

  "You could have one with me so I don't look like a lush," I whisper. "But thanks for getting rid of Barbie. Maybe next time we can go somewhere with only dudes workin'."

  He cracks a smile. "I didn't peg you for the jealous type."

  "I didn't peg you for comin' back here lookin at me like you have been either, Bo Hart." I shrug and shift in my seat, throwing my legs up on the chair in front of me.

  "Well, Kinlee Jones." His eyes scan from my boots up to my hips, lingering on the rip on my thigh. "I didn't plan on coming back and remembering what I left."

  "You did leave a lot." I nod, uncertain what he really means by that.

  It's like he completely forgot about all of us when he left. He wasn't at my parents' funeral. He wasn't in town for any of the Kenshaw births. How can someone just walk away and not look back like that? Not that I blame him much. His parents were always too strict on him, and this town doesn't have much to offer if you want anything other than working at the family farm, or in his case, getting into politics like his daddy.

  "No I didn't." He chuckles with a shake of his head. "I left a small handful of people I really cared about
. But," he shifts in his seat, "isn't that what growin' up is all about? Guess I coulda stayed to watch everyone else grow up around me and still been awkward but funny Bobby Hart. By now, I'd probably be my dad's mail boy at his office downtown."

  "You were pretty awkward, weren't you?" I scrunch my nose. "I mean, you were cute, but real awkward." I start to laugh at the look on his face, and I can't stop. "I'm so happy you're out of that phase!"

  He's smiling, and when he stands, he yanks me out of my chair by my hips then grabs my thighs so I have no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. His hands hold me up at my ass and I gasp at the completely unexpected move.

  "I'm long out of that stage, darlin'." His eyes flash to my lips and my only reaction is to stare with my lips parted and my chest almost panting for him. It feels like he's going to kiss me, and hell I want him to, but he unwraps my legs and slowly sets me back on the chair. "I need to find a john. Don't leave this spot." When he struts away, looking for a bathroom, I lick my lips, staring at his ass in those tight jeans as he goes.

  What did he just do? What the hell was that? And then to up and walk away like that?

  My heart's racing and I barely notice when Chase walks up. "Hey, you," he says, gripping his beer. "Didn't know you were comin' tonight." When he takes Bo's seat I shake my head at him, still in a daze from what Bo just pulled.

  Did Chase see it? Does it even matter?

  "I didn't either. But that seats taken, Chase." I laugh at the hurt expression on his face. "Sorry."

  "Yeah? Don't look like it." He shifts to get comfortable and I roll my eyes.

  "Seriously. I'm here with someone. He'll be back soon." I suddenly wish I woulda told Bo no, only because I don't want our friends catching on to whatever this is. Because it can't be anything, as much as I want it to.

  "Who you here with?" His eyebrows push together and he takes a swig of his beer.

  I huff and lean back in my seat, my body still reeling from being that close to Bo. "Bo," I whisper, glaring at the tractors.

  "Bo, as in Bo Hart?" Chase laughs. "I heard he was back, but I never believed it! What're you two doin' out without the rest of us? We coulda gotten the gang back together!" His laughter is patronizing because I know that's the last thing he wants to do.

  I pause and shake my head. "Sounds like a good time. This was a last minute decision." I haven't dated in years, really since Chase, and though we've been cool I still feel awkward as hell right now.

  "Well, I guess I can leave you two to it..." He trails off, the expression on his face changing from mocking to possibly hurt. "Talk to you tomorrow?"

  "Of course," I manage, panicked that Bo's going to come back and take this whole thing the wrong way.

  "Well, shit," Bo's voice comes from behind me.

  That's not the direction he went when he left, which means he's seen more of me and Chase interacting than I'd care for. Again, I don't know why I care, but ex-boyfriend and...well...Bo just makes things awkward. I whip around to see his smile plastered on his face while he stares at Chase.

  "Kinlee told me they cleaned up the town." He chuckles and walks up to Chase. They do that man hug, slapping each other on the back. "You botherin' my date?" Bo takes his seat and looks at me.

  My eyes fly to Chase whose expression has gone from confused to hurt and I wince. "Nah, he's just heading out. Right, Chase?" I give him a look like I'm begging him to go.

  "Date." He chuckles. "Nice, man." He bumps knuckles with Bo then looks over at me. "Actually I'm not headin' out for a little bit. Mind if I join you?"

  "Up to the lady." Bo gestures to me, the smile on his face says he's clueless to my past with Chase but there's still tension there because these two had the biggest falling out of them all.

  "Sure." I grin. "I think we're gonna have to get going soon. I can't be out too late, what with the twins at home." I could kill Chase for this. And Bo. And myself for getting into this situation.

  Chase grabs a chair and swings it around to our table, sitting between Bo and me. He catches Bo's gaze. "So how's life been treatin' ya, Hart? Heard you got hurt. How ya feelin'?"

  "Fine. All healed." Bo's attention goes to the strip as an engine roars.

  "So you'll probably be heading back out on the road soon then, huh? That big city callin' your name again? I bet they're itching to get you back on a bull. More rides, more money, am I right?" He nudges him and I stare at Bo's face.

  His eyes narrow slightly but he recovers quickly. "Actually, I'm not ridin' right now. I fulfilled my contract, so I'm a free agent at the moment. I just bought my granddad's place so I planned on sticking around for a while. Didn't think I would." He looks at me. "But, I think I changed my mind."

  If I'm the deciding factor that changed his mind…god, that shouldn't make me feel the way it does. I bite my lip to keep my smile from spreading too wide.

  "What changed your mind?" Chase asks, either completely clueless or playing a game that's gonna end in a black eye.

  Bo laughs with a tinge of annoyance and looks at the table. "Let's talk about you, Chase. What've you been doin' these past five years?"

  "Still runnin' the parlor in town. Bar backing on the weekends and some nights throughout the week." He takes another swig of beer then grins over at me. "Keepin' this town rollin'. And keepin' this one in line." When his head nods my way, I roll my eyes.

  "I don't need to be kept in line, thank you very much," I scoff. "Pretty simple, easy life here." I play it down, because I know if Bo hears about all the shit I've gone through these past five years, and how Chase was there for every second of it, this date won't end the way I hope.

  "Yeah? Keepin' her in line? What's she been up to that the likes of you needs to keep her in line?" Bo's smiling, and though he looks different than when he left, he's always gotten a wrinkle on his forehead when he didn't like something. It always gave him away. Even when he's smiling through it.

  "Ah... I mean I don't wanna bring up sore topics. Shit just kinda fell apart after the accident..." Chase cringes and I clear my throat, widening my eyes at him. "Just, you know, man. She needed people. I was there."

  I try not to growl, because it's obvious this is becoming a pissing match, at least on Chase's side. "Chase, we're headin' out," I blurt, standing from my seat and holding my hand out for Bo. "I gotta get back home." I'm in no hurry to leave, but I want to get away from him. I shoulda just said no when he asked to sit, but I couldn’t do that! He's my closest friend!

  "Take it easy, Chase." Bo's eyes stay on him when he takes my hand.

  As I pull him away, Bo glances back. "Calm down, cowboy." I chuckle, giving his hand a squeeze. "He's harmless."

  "No need to comfort me, darlin'. I've known Chase since we were kids. I'm not worried 'bout him, or his backhanded comments."

  I'm not really sure what to say. I don't feel like I need to apologize for Chase, or apologize for whatever type of relationship we've had in the past. I also don't want to hide whatever this is with Bo from our friends, but I need to figure out what the hell this is first. He's too good for me, he has stability, and land, and cars, and probably has too much money at the end of his month. Whereas I'm sitting here waiting to pay last month's power bill until I can scrape up enough and still be able to feed the three of us. Bo and I are totally different and since he's been back, I've been drawn to him. Though, I always have. I did have sex with him before. But it's different this time. The only turn off is the money. That's something I'm not interested in, and I'm not interested in the rumors that'll start about how that's all I'm interested in.

  "I don't really need to get home," I mutter, praying I didn't ruin this date.

  "Just wanted away from Chase being a douche?" He chuckles and opens the door for me, helping me up into the big truck. Before I can comment, he gets in and leans his elbow on the console, slowly drifting his hand to tuck my hair behind my ear while he stares into my face with a serious expression. "Hey, I'm sorry I wasn
't here to lean on when that happened. I didn't even know it happened, but if Brandt woulda told me, I woulda came back. I suppose it's my fault for not checking in more often, but I wanted to leave a few things behind and that made me leave a few, more important things behind."

  A frown plays on my lips, because I really don't want to talk about my parents' death over and over again. "You did what you had to do, Bo. I get it. We all grew up. Drifted apart. I didn't expect you to drop the big show just to come back for a funeral. Not sure if you know this or not, but those things aren't fun to attend." I grin, trying to lighten the mood.

  "If I had known, I woulda came back. Not for a party, just to pay my respects as a friend." His knuckle trails down the side of my face before he moves away and starts the truck. "You want to grab a shake at Dotty's?"

  "That sounds amazing." My smile is real this time. "And don't beat yourself up over there, cowboy. You can't change the past, and I'm not mad about it." I poke his side and let out a laugh when he squirms away. "I'm happy you came back, Bo. This town needed some excitement."

  His smile is forced but he looks over at me with that glow in his eyes. "I'm not as excitin' as I used to be. But a shake sounds pretty damn exhilarating right now."

  "Mint chocolate chip?" I grin, remembering his favorite from high school.

  His smile's real this time when he looks over and winks. "You know it, princess."

  We get to Dotty's and we're the only ones here, so we take a seat at a booth in the corner after ordering our shakes. I bring the twins here once a month for ice cream treats. At least, I used to before my brother became such a thorn in my side. Remembering he's at a friends house tonight, I pull out my phone and swipe over the cracked screen, yet again telling myself I need to get it fixed before it breaks even more. No missed messages. Nothing from him for a few hours now. I type out a quick text, asking for him to check in.

  "Sorry, I had to check in with Will. It's been a few hours since I've heard from him and he's at a friend's house tonight."


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