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Bride's Holiday Gift

Page 2

by Solange Ayre

  “Look, honeybun!” Beth showed Taddus the MP3 player. “Jan wants me to buy this for three hundred delikins. Do you think it’s worth it?”

  Taddus slipped his arm around her waist. “My dear, you needn’t bargain like an Orthian in the markets of Jahariz.” Raising his voice, he addressed the ship’s computer. “Belmarra! Transfer five hundred delikins from my account to Janis Stone’s.”

  After a moment, the computer’s dulcet voice answered, “It’s done, Primus Taddus.”

  Squealing with delight, Beth embraced her husband. Taddus gave Jan a look that said, See how well I treat my wife? You could have had this position.

  Coolly, Janis thanked them both.

  “I suppose you want to buy yourself some black tunics, now that Delos has gained Primus status,” Taddus said.

  Jan gasped. “When did that happen?”

  “The Council voted a few hours ago.” His expression darkened. “Naturally I was against it. Del is too young for such an honor.”

  “Every Terilian on this ship owes his life to my husband,” Jan retorted. “He was the doctor who realized you had to find mates or die.”

  Taddus stroked the glittering upper-arm band he always wore, looking as though he were trying to come up with a snappy reply. With a brief farewell, Jan left to find her husband.

  Of the thousand males aboard the ship, only fifty held Primus status. Was Delos happy about this elevation to the upper echelon? Or would he feel bowed down by his increased responsibilities?

  Although the loss of her MP3 player was still painful, she was doubly glad that she’d be able to buy a gift for her husband. Now they’d have his new rank to celebrate as well as the holiday.

  She hurried to his cabin. When the door slid open, she found Delos watching a computer-generated image of himself clad in a gray tunic. Around the image’s upper arm was a thick copper band set with a black stone. Jan halted, struck by how handsome he appeared in Primus garb.

  Delos rose, quickly shutting the image down.

  “I have incredible news.” He took her into an exuberant embrace. “You’ll never guess.”

  Jan decided not to spoil his surprise. “You’re aroused and want to mate immediately?”

  Rubbing his cheek affectionately against hers, he shot back, “That would hardly be news.” He drew away, looking into her face. “The Council voted this morning.” His voice shook, which let her know how much this news meant to him. “They made me a Primus!”

  “That’s wonderful!”

  “I never expected it to happen on this ship. I thought maybe on the new planet—after many years of service—can you believe it?”

  Jan smiled, listening to her usually calm husband babble on about new clothing and how they’d be allowed to wear jewelry now. Pleased to see him so happy, she asked, “Is this something you’ve wanted for a long time?”

  “Always,” he said. “My family has long held Secondus status but eighty years ago my grandfather saved a Council member from assassination and was awarded a Primus spot. One male in each generation is chosen for the rank.” His expression turned somber. “At one point I thought my father might award it to me…but I was wrong.”

  “Why did you expect it?” Jan knew he wasn’t the oldest son.

  “I was the first in my family to withstand the Twelve Educational Ordeals and become a doctor. My father was so pleased and proud…but my brother Jaheel was a son of his favorite wife, so he received the Primus rank.”

  “I would have given it to you,” she said. His expression brightened. Hugging him, she added, “You deserve to be a Primus. I’m so glad for you.”

  “For us,” he emphasized. “The wife takes the husband’s status. Thank the Mother, I’ll no longer have to watch the Primus wives lord it over you.”

  Some of the women put on airs but they’d always amused rather than hurt Jan. As a former American and a believer in equality, Jan had a hard time taking the Terilian rankings as seriously as the natural-born Terilians did. Now that she was a Primus wife herself, she resolved to be gracious to the Secondus wives.

  Releasing her, Delos went to one of the drawers set into the cabin’s wall and pulled out the copper upper-arm band she’d seen on the computer-image. “Someday I’ll be able to wear this,” he said, handing it to her.

  She weighed the attractive bracelet in her palm, admiring the sparkling depths of its dark stone. Yet something was missing. The bracelet was only a half-circle.

  “Where’s the other half?” she asked. “You can’t wear it like this.”

  He took it back, holding it against his muscular arm. “I bought it years ago but a Secondus is not permitted to purchase a complete band.”

  “Can you buy the other half now?”

  “I don’t need it right away. There are so many things I want to buy for you, beautiful one.”

  Warmth centered around her heart. Delos always put himself last, whether it concerned his patients or his wife. Impossible as it seemed, she loved him a little more each day.

  “But you’ve given me all kinds of things,” she protested. He was always surprising her with little gifts—pretty tunics in interesting colors, decorations for her long hair, odd delicacies unavailable at regular mealtimes. “You should get the other half for yourself.”

  “Oh, I don’t need it right away.”

  An odd note sounded in his voice. After a moment she realized it was hurt pride. He must have depleted his account buying her those presents.

  As he placed the bracelet in the drawer, she asked, “How much does the other half cost?”

  “At least four hundred delikins. Don’t worry. I’ll start saving for it.”

  Jan hid her satisfaction. Thank goodness, now she knew what to buy him for the holiday.

  Taking her in his arms again, he nuzzled her neck. Heat filled her pussy at his sensual touch. “I’ve always wanted to see you in black,” he said. “My sole regret about marrying you was that I couldn’t give you the status you deserved. Now you’ll have it.”

  “I’d have married you even if you were only a Quartus,” she replied and was rewarded with his brilliant smile.

  She longed for him to touch her breasts. Her nipples tingled in anticipation.

  “We should celebrate,” she suggested.

  He caught her meaning immediately. “You know we’re fasting.”

  She attempted to appeal to his healing instincts. “Isn’t there some kind of exemption available? I need to mate, Delos. Deprivation is making me ill.”

  Even after six months of marriage, he didn’t always know when she was teasing. “Do you really feel sick?” Concern filled his voice.

  “I think you should examine my breasts, doctor.” To speed things along, she sat on his bed and lifted off her tunic. “They hurt.”

  His gaze riveted to her rosy nipples. “They look fine to me,” he said hoarsely. “Very…healthy.”

  “This one is sore.” Determined to inflame his desire, she cupped her right breast, lifting it toward him.

  His eyes widened. “Perhaps you bumped it when we mated in zero-gravity.” Turning away hastily, he hurried into the bathroom.

  Jan murmured instructions to the computer-controlled bed, which obeyed her and repositioned itself. By the time Delos reappeared, she was reclining languorously against the raised back, her hands behind her head. The position displayed her breasts prominently.

  He paused in the doorway for a long moment, his chest rising and falling quickly as he stared at her. Then he looked down. It seemed to take an inordinately long time to uncap the vial of lotion.

  She waited for him to come closer, knowing that scent was even more important than sight when seducing her husband. Happiness filled her when he joined her on the bed.

  “Tell me exactly where it hurts,” he said in the steady, professional tone of a physician.

  While she appreciated his medical skills, she valued his sexual prowess even more. How could she switch him to lover mode?

sp; She gave a sensual wriggle, causing her breasts to bounce. His chest heaved.

  “My nipples are sore,” she claimed. “Both of them.”

  “Both?” He squeezed the spicy-smelling orange lotion onto each nipple. She sucked in her breath as delicious heat tingled along her sensitive skin. “Perhaps we should avoid the zero-gravity chamber in the future.” He was working hard to stay detached but he didn’t fool her—he couldn’t take his gaze off her breasts.

  “Oh no, I’d like to try mating there again,” she said.

  “Let’s not talk about it tonight.” He clamped his mouth shut.

  “Next time I’ll be the one tied down.” She lowered her voice. “Won’t that be interesting? I’ll lie there…helpless…waiting for you to take your—”

  “Rub that lotion into your breasts,” he commanded. He brushed a hand across the sweat glistening on his forehead.

  She gazed innocently at him. “It’ll feel so much better if you do it.”

  He returned a skeptical look but complied. She gasped with delight as he rubbed both nipples with his fingers, massaging the lotion into the flushed areolas and the peaking tips.

  “Mmmm.” She couldn’t help the long murmur of pleasure that escaped her lips. His touch was intoxicating. “How about another hour of that?”

  His fingers moved in circles, his gentle yet firm caresses heightening her arousal. “The lotion works in five minutes,” he said. “A full hour is not necessary.”

  “Mating every day is not necessary,” she retorted, “but you seem to enjoy it.”

  “Science has proved that frequent mating increases bonding between a married couple.” His hands slowed, trembling with the effort to retain control. He dropped the pompous tone to murmur, “Your skin is softer than cizelia petals.”

  Now they were getting somewhere. Her pussy clenched. She needed the fast plunges of his hard cock. Deliberately she parted her thighs, releasing the distinct scent of arousal into the small cabin. Delos’ nostrils flared.

  She waited hopefully, expecting him to discard his clothing and mount her. Surely he wasn’t serious about a sexual fast. Hadn’t he said repeatedly that he was a skeptic of the Old Religion?

  “Feeling better now?” he asked. To her vast disappointment, he withdrew his hands.

  “I’m sore here too.” Raising her knees, she reached down to touch her labia. “Look—right here. See? Isn’t it swollen?”

  His breathing quickened, a familiar sign that told her he wanted to mate as badly as she did. “Your vagina looks the same as always—as beautiful as the rest of you.”

  “I need more lotion. I think you were too vigorous when we mated.”

  His brows rose. “But Janis—you were on top.”

  “Don’t you know better than to argue with your wife?”

  “Don’t you know better than to fib to your doctor?” Nevertheless he dripped lotion onto his palm then began smoothing the creamy substance onto her labia.

  As always, she trembled under his skillful touch. The warm lotion heated her pussy. When he slipped two fingers between her damp folds, she moaned, frantic with desire.

  “You’re making this very difficult for me,” he growled.

  “Oh? You mean I’m making this hard for you?” Reaching out, she traced the outline of his erect penis through his tights.

  He jerked back. “We’re fasting,” he said in the tone she’d learned was final.

  “You’re fasting.” Putting her palm over her mound, she stroked herself.

  “You’re disobeying the Great Fur-Mother’s canons,” he said.

  “Is watching prohibited?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Let’s consult a religious scholar,” she said. “After I climax.”

  He moved closer, eyes intent as her fingers brushed swiftly over her clitoris. “Are you determined to torture me?”

  “Leave the room if you can’t take it,” she said, knowing full well that he wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Janis, it’s my cabin!”

  “Then you’re welcome to stay.” She slid a finger inside her vagina, gasping at the tingling pleasure. “This always feels nice,” she murmured, “but I prefer your hand.”

  “You’ve never shown me how you pleasure yourself.” His voice lowered. “I find it…very exciting.”

  She’d never displayed herself like this for any Earth lover—never even dreamed of such a thing. But with Delos there was no need for restraint. She could reveal the wanton side of her nature and he wouldn’t judge her.

  Maybe he’d love her even more. From the fascinated look on his face, he was enjoying this as much as she was.

  Her left hand played with her nipple, teasing the flushed pebble in the center. He reached out involuntarily, then set his mouth and moved his hand away.

  Parting her thighs farther, she let the heel of her hand vibrate swiftly against her clit. Demanding need pulsed through her. Should she delay? Make him watch until he couldn’t bear it, until he thrust his cock inside her again and again and she shrieked with the overwhelming sensations?

  But she couldn’t stop. She was nearly there. She drew in her breath, holding it while pleasure expanded inside her. She was so close…so close…

  Lowering his head to her breast, Delos drew her nipple into his hot mouth and sucked. A bolt of ecstasy shot through her. She cried out, lifting her hips as she climaxed.

  “My beautiful one.” Delos gathered her into his arms, holding her as she reveled in the last, delicious pulses of her orgasm. His voice dropped to a sexy murmur as he spoke into her ear. “I’ll make you pay for this on the holiday.”

  She rubbed her cheek against his. “Promise?”

  She couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Two

  The shops on Third Level were crowded the next day. Jan spent hours searching for just the right piece to complete the arm-band, finally settling on a copper half-band studded with tiny black stones. When she returned to her cabin she wrapped the present in blue paper that had once packaged an assortment of delicious tregarth shoots.

  They’d agreed to spend the night in Delos’ cabin. She took the present with her and hid it in one of the drawers built into the wall.

  Usually she stayed up until her husband finished his work-shift. This evening, exhausted from shopping, she went to bed. She barely woke when Delos stretched out against her back. She snuggled against him, utterly content.

  “I love you,” he whispered, putting an arm around her waist.

  “I love you too.” The words had barely left her lips when she fell back asleep.

  The next morning she was awake early, trying to remember why she was alight with anticipation. Something wonderful was about to happen. Then she remembered—it was the Great Fur-Mother’s holiday.

  Beside her, Delos leaned close. “Blessings in Threes, Janis.” He kissed her tenderly.

  “What does that mean?” Was she supposed to respond?

  His smile broadened into a grin. “It means it’s time to break our fast. I must pleasure you with my hands, mouth and penis before we exit this room.”

  A flash of arousal went through her. “I hope the bathroom doesn’t count as leaving the cabin.” Sitting up, she found her wrist was bound by a cord fastened to an eye-bolt in the wall. “What is this?”

  “The holiday binding, traditionally not unfastened until we’ve mated.” He sat back, looking at her with the hungry gaze of a panther stalking its prey, then released the cord. “Go ahead. I’ll give you five seconds.”

  In the bathroom, she hurried through her morning routine while excitement chased along her nerves. Although this was a Terilian day, it reminded her of holiday gift-giving on Earth. As a child she’d anticipated receiving toys. Now all she could think about was the lovely gift she’d bought for Delos. How fine it would be to see him wearing the arm-band of a Primus. He’d be shocked and thrilled with the expensive present.

  Taking the clasp from her long black hair, she brushed it o
ut around her shoulders. She was almost finished when Delos strode up behind her.

  “Enough delay.” He bit her shoulder lightly, causing her to tremble. “Come back to bed.”

  “Make me,” she challenged him, eager to see what he’d do.

  Without a word he scooped her up in his arms, then gave her a deep, plundering kiss. She adored her husband in this mood—determined, demanding and dominant. His tongue stroked hers until she quivered, overtaken by ragged jolts of arousal.

  He released her mouth and moved to her ear. His rough tongue explored the whorl. When he nipped her earlobe, moisture flooded her pussy.

  “You’re wet for me,” he said in a tone of smug satisfaction.

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.” He carried her to the bed and laid her down. Fastening the cord around her wrists, he pulled it taut so that her arms were pulled back behind her head.

  She was helpless.

  He was her husband…she trusted him… Still, the thought of being displayed for him like this, her breasts and pussy exposed so wantonly to his view, sent a frisson of apprehension along her nerves.

  “Delos? What are you going to do?”

  He didn’t answer. Reaching out, he brushed a lock of hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear. The tender gesture both reassured her and made her more eager than ever to mate.

  Using his hands to part her thighs, he knelt between them, eyes wide as his gaze devoured her. An indrawn breath made the taut muscles of his stomach and chest ripple.

  “What about oral sex?” she suggested.

  “Quiet.” He laid a finger across her mouth. “I’ll make the decisions here.”

  She didn’t care what he did, as long as it was soon. He was hard, his cock pointing toward her. She wanted him inside her. The orgasm she’d given herself yesterday hadn’t truly satisfied. She needed to feel him thrusting inside her, his long length stroking the walls of her channel until she came in a furious rush.

  Leaning forward he kissed her mound. So he was going to start with oral sex. A happy glow went through her. He always gave her a strong climax that way…and he always wanted to mate immediately afterward. She loved it when he sank his cock deep inside her while she was soaked from his tongue and her own juices—and still in the throes of orgasm.


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