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Shadow Boxing

Page 2

by Girl, Breukelen

  My hand flattened against Tarin’s torso, and I let my hand drop lower, following a wet trail of hair down between his hip bones.

  “Thank you Katelyn.” He murmured from behind me, his face close to my ear.

  “Oh and you too.” I smirked wrapping my hand around his cock and sliding along it. “You know Tarin, if I let you fuck me one more time my legs might just give out completely.”

  Tarin leaned in close to me. “I don’t have a problem with that.”

  I moaned back at him. “Well that would slow me down somewhat.”

  “I don’t see a need for us to run at the moment, do you?” Tarin said back at me.

  “Don’t get too comfortable, I’ve worked pretty damn hard over the last week to stay alive.” I dropped my hand away off him and he groaned unhappily back at me.

  “Death would kind of ruin our reunion.” He agreed, pressing his front into my back. “I’ve rather liked the whole, you not hating me part of it.” Warm hands slid around to cup my breasts and squeeze my nipples between fingers, rolling them expertly.

  “Personally I think the sex has been sensational.”

  “Yes, it has been a highlight for me too.” He replied as I dropped a hand to the slickness between my own legs. Tarin made me want my own release, whether he gave it to me or not. I worked my fingers eagerly on my sensitive flesh.

  “I love the smell of you when you masturbate for me.” Tarin muttered still playing with my breasts and now rubbing himself against my ass cheeks. “You have no idea how much it turns me on, to know that the taste of you, is even more exquisite than the smell of you. You’re like an intoxication Katelyn, that seeps into my pores.”

  A red warning flag flared up in the part of my brain that wasn’t totally consumed by the idea of endless sex with Tarin, again. Some part of me still suspected I had to be slightly on guard around Tarin.

  I had to be aware of him and his ability to deceive and more importantly, something that had been hinted at in front of me by others, but hadn’t really been spoken about by Tarin himself. He had at some point in his life it appeared had a drinking problem.

  Only Tarin’s drinking problem, wasn’t of the alcoholic kind. It was of the blood kind. Truth-sayer blood, like the kind of blood that ran through my veins. There was always the possibility when Tarin bit me during sex that he might take things too far and kill me, despite his claims that he knew what he was doing.

  We’d had a lot of make-up sex. In doing so, I’d never once given Tarin the go-ahead to bite me during sex. Which was a shame, because fang-banger sex was mind shatteringly good. It brought the sex up to a whole other level of blissful pleasure.

  “God Tarin, if we keep this up, we’ll die of starvation and malnutrition from lack of room service and mini bars in this place.”

  Tarin’s mouth traveled around my shoulders, to the front of my breasts, he avoided my neck when possible.

  I thought it had something to do with testing his self control when it came to biting me. I wasn’t sure Tarin had all that much self control around me. He’d gotten a seriously good taste of my blood now. Three times within a week, he might have just about fallen off the wagon because of me.

  Tarin stopped kissing me and lifted his head to look at me, his hand sliding down to cup mine as I kept masturbating myself in front of him now. “I’ll take you out to dinner. Somewhere away from here. You deserve a proper meal and I do miss them, fast food is so unbecoming.”

  Tarin wasn’t exactly used to slumming it in his life. I on the other hand, was rather accustomed to it having grown up on the streets and fending for myself. Besides, hiding out in a motel with hot showers and sex, wasn’t exactly rock bottom slumming it as far as I was concerned.

  But I did think it was about as much of a shock as Tarin could culturally cope with. He was rather used to the good life. And we had been living on the take-away options of a nearby fish and chip shop.

  “Aren’t we supposed to be in hiding, lowing lay, staying out of trouble, avoiding those that would harm us?” I said and went to drop my hand.

  He pushed my fingers back inside of me. “I think after you’ve gone shopping for clothes in public, you’ve already given the game up.” Tarin commented referring to our days earlier, quickie stop into a few shops to pick up fresh clothes. “Besides, I won’t let anything happen to you. “

  “Okay.” I said back at him. We did seem to be doing alright so far.

  “After you come. If you won’t let me fuck you, then you can at least let me watch you as you come by your own hand.” Tarin moved and turned us around, so he now stood under the spray of the shower, a hand on himself, slicking water up and down his rigid shaft as I stood before him rubbing myself into a frenzy.

  “Go over to the basin.” He instructed. I looked outside of the shower and at the bathroom basin. “Sit on the edge with your legs open and show me how you intend to come before me.”

  There was something arrogant in his voice again, and that was the Tarin I was rather used to. But I wanted now to come as much as he wanted me to. Being close to him, naked like this was also turning into somewhat of a turn on for me too.

  I left the shower cubicle and lifted myself onto the bathroom basin’s ledge and did as instructed. Watching Tarin through the open shower door watching me. He slicked all that blonde hair down and before he put his hand back on himself, squeezing and pulling.

  Tarin came first. He couldn’t stop himself, when I licked my lips before biting my lip and feeling the orgasm grip me hard as I clamped a hand down on the edge of the basin to steady myself from falling off it.

  He came, spurting himself amongst the streams of water in the shower, shouting out loudly as he jerked with each release.


  Our dinner felt like a first date. When we weren’t busy hating each other, fighting each other or fucking and touching one another, we were fairly silent. Or maybe that was tiredness creeping in. I’d never been a big talker or drinker, I’d never been around much company for long, so quiet suited me.

  Tarin was the kind of person who didn’t speak unnecessarily. It just wasn’t something he felt he had to do. Which was fine with me. The silence that between us wasn’t awkward, it was accepted.

  We went to a little Cuban restaurant in Greville Street and sat at a table for two in the front where the windows were floor to ceiling and opened out onto the street. There was a small candle ornament on our table.

  “Do you have a favorite type of food?” Tarin asked me out of nowhere causing me to look up at him.

  “Any food, is good food as long as it doesn’t poison you, isn’t moldy, rancid and doesn’t come out of a bin or you have to fight another animal for.” Tarin nodded his head back at me, his eyes never leaving the menu. I put my menu down. “I need to go to the ladies, would you order me a mojito?”

  “Of course.” Tarin said pushing out his chair and standing as I stood back up again. I walked towards the back of the restaurant and into ladies restroom.

  I took a moment to realize how peculiar my life had become in the week I’d known Tarin. I was sitting down to a civilized dinner with a demon, one who had tried to kill me, or at least, faked a damn good attempt at my murder. “Good fucking grief girl.” I muttered to myself flushing the toilet and stepping back out to wash my hands in the basin.

  I was so wrapped up in my own world of thought that I wasn’t really paying attention to the woman who walked in. Until she stopped and stood before me and didn’t move and I looked over at her.

  “Peyton,” She stood opposite me in what was surely designer clothing, just not ballroom attire as I’d first seen her in. She was taller than me, merely because she was wearing some seriously outrageous heeled shoes, tight leather pants, twin-set with her red hair styled in glory rolls.

  “Katelyn darling,” She purred at me with sarcasm. I arched an eyebrow at her greeting.

  Peyton hadn’t liked me upon our first meeting and I doubt that much has changed now. Espe
cially since I hadn’t given her an reason to think any better of me than she had back at the party when we’d been introduced to one another and I’d decided to be a bitch right back to her, by showing her up in front of her two brothers, Shaye and Tarin.

  “Uh, Peyton, what are you doing here?” I was thrown by her appearance in vicinity to me.

  “I live around here. I see you’re here with my brother. Still dating, huh? That’s cute.” She replied back at me, watching me closely.

  “I’m surprised Tarin didn’t mention you live around here.” I said ignoring the rest of her taunt.

  “My brother probably doesn’t know that I’m a resident of this neighborhood. Tarin doesn’t tend to interact with the family all that much. He seems to go out of his way in fact to keep himself distanced from family connections.”

  “Why is that?” I ask unable to help myself.

  “Who knows, Tarin does what Tarin wants.” She replied coolly.

  “So he doesn’t play by the rules. Why does that not surprise me?” I smirk back at her.

  “Probably because you’ve figure out his fetish by now. He hates himself for it too. He will refuse absolutely outright to talk about it. But well, he can’t deny it.” I frowned looking at her, having absolutely no idea what she was talking about to me. “After all, what do you expect from a half-breed demon? Sexual tendencies will be different, I suppose.” She sighed heavily and turned to face the mirror inspecting her flawless complexion in it.

  “So he likes sex with humans, so what?”

  Peyton turned to me and glanced me over deliberately before laughing. “Oh Katelyn,” She muttered softly. “Not humans darling, vampires.”

  I frowned harder. Peyton was screwed up. There was no way Tarin liked sex with vampires. He hated them on sight. I’d seen enough behaviour from him to tell how much he despised them.

  “What are you talking about? You hate me because I’m a human and your brother and I are having sex, and if anyone has vampire tendencies out of us, it’s Tarin with the…” I found my mouth drying up and Peyton’s smile grew large.

  “Where do you think those fangs come from Katelyn? Shaye and I do not have them. Hmm, maybe they skip a generation? He is the middle child so…”Peyton moved her hands like she was weighing something invisible. “Yeah, that makes sense right?”

  I wanted to bitch slap her. But not for me, for her brother, my lover, Tarin. “Probably you’re the same as him right? I did wonder why he’d chosen a human to date and parade around in front of our kind, back at that party. It occurred to me later on that you might be of a similar nature to him.”

  I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Was Peyton trying to pump me for information? “I mean, you’re pretty enough, I guess. But you’ve seen Tarin, it’s not like he couldn’t do better, lots of women are attracted to him.” Okay now she was just being out rightly insulting to my face. It was incredibly rude, but I could bitch fight that back at her.

  “But you probably like the whole fang banger sex scene too, so really it’s almost a perfect match. You two being together if that’s the case, otherwise I am truly perplexed as to why he is so stuck on you.”

  “So why does that bug you so much Peyton? Do you have a thing for your brother Peyton, is that why you can’t handle me being with him?” I threw back at her, ensuring my body language remained relaxed and that I smiled widely back at her. The look of anger on her face was instant and priceless. So glad I knew how to play this game. She really should have known better.

  “I can handle anything.” She seethed back at me. “Especially you.”

  “Try me.” I said jutting my chin up at her in a dare. There was a knock on the rest room door just as Peyton opened her mouth to respond.

  “You have no idea what love feels like, do you Peyton?”

  “Katelyn, are you alright in there?” Tarin asked through the door. Peyton’s face hardened before me.

  “And you can not stand the thought of your brother being happy, happier than you, because that’s just how big a bitch you are.” I smile at Peyton and walk past her, opening the rest room door and step out with Peyton not far behind me. I wasn’t sure why she was attacking me when she clearly wanted to make her brother’s life unhappy. Why wouldn’t she say all this stuff to his face, rather than mine?

  “Peyton, what are you doing here?” Tarin looked from his sister to me and back to her again.

  “Turns out amongst other things, you’re sister is a local here.” I said stepping out of the rest room. “Care to join us Peyton?” Her eyebrows went up high, like she suspected me of something. Wonder why? Probably because she didn’t get how to switch from bitch to personable. Well being a hooker had taught me how to have acting skills, so score one for the street urchin, me.


  I’d give Peyton one thing, she wouldn’t back down from a challenge easily. So of course she joined us for dinner. Like she’d let me get off that easy from her bitchiness. Of course, in front of her brother she toned it down a bit. Two faced demon bitch.

  “So the real question should be, how’s it going between you two dating love-birds?” Peyton asked as a waiter brought her a glass of wine. I glanced across at Tarin and noted him, glaring at his sister before again, looking to the food menu.

  “Katelyn did you decide what you’d like to eat?” He asked me. I smiled.

  “You mean other than you’re fantastically long cock in my mouth, or those fangs gliding along my tongue? Hmmmm…” I picked up a menu for good measure. Tarin’s hand gripped my thigh tightly under the table. He practically dug his finger nails into my jeans. Pretty sure he could’ve ripped them apart if he’d actually tried.

  “Yes, other than that.” Tarin replied looking at Peyton and lifting up his own drink to his lips. I couldn’t help but notice a slight smirk at the corner of his mouth.

  “Nope, can you choose for me? Pretty sure I’ve never eaten Cuban food before.”

  “Fine.” Tarin muttered relaxing his hand on my thigh. I smiled back at Peyton widely. Tarin’s hand crept up my thigh, towards my crotch.

  “So you’re having sex, everyone does in the honeymoon period.” Peyton threw back I at me. “But how are things beyond the sex going, I mean are you really getting to know my brother Katelyn or are you just using him. Siphoning him for your own whims?”

  I paused drinking my cocktail and Tarin’s hand stopped advancing toward my crotch. We both looked back at Peyton suspiciously. Siphoning off Tarin. What the hell was she talking about? If anything, it was the other way around with Tarin siphoning my truth-sayer blood out of me for his sexual delight.

  “It’s no surprise, coincidence that we ran into each other here.” Peyton said looking from me to Tarin. “I have a message to deliver.”

  “From who?” Tarin asked.

  “That’s not important, what is important is,”

  “It’s important.” We both stated at the same time and briefly glanced at each other.

  Peyton clapped her hands together. “Oh how cute, you’re finishing one another’s sentences. That is so, couple like, don’t you think?” We both remained silent and Peyton matched us. Testing us I think, just to aggravate.

  “What’s the message Peyton?” I said breaking first. Her line of sight shifted from Tarin to me.

  “No, it’ll take more than that to get the message brother.”

  “Who sent you to us Peyton? Who are you doing this for? Why are you doing this?”

  Peyton laughed and shrugged her shoulders at her brother’s questioning. “Tarin, so many questions, I forget them already, now one by one and be specific.” Peyton replied picking up her wine glass, signaling another waiter over. “Yes, we’ll have a bottle of this and three glasses.” She had no intention of going and leaving us, at least not without annoying us further first.

  “Peyton, whatever you think you’re achieving here..”

  She laughed cutting him off. “Do not try and play darling big brother for me, Tarin
. That doesn’t work between us, does it?” Peyton said sipping her wine. “Never really has.”

  “Because you hate me. Not the other way around.” Tarin replied softly back at her. The waiter returned dispensing with our wine glasses and proceed to uncork the wine. Tarin grabbed it out his hands and dismissed the waiter ungraciously fast. “You’re jealous of Katelyn and me, I can tell.” Tarin said as he stood up to walk around to his sister’s side as she lifted her wine glass to him.

  Tarin poured Peyton a top up. “Let’s play nice for your human play thing, brother.”

  “Call her a play thing again Peyton and I’ll do more than cut your bullshit.” I watched the exchange between brother and sister. Their anger was controlled but real and I could see this situation worsening before it got anywhere near better. If at all.

  “Why don’t you just stop pretending Peyton, are you capable of that and just get on with whatever you’re mission here to do is, so Tarin and I can then eat our dinner in peace.”

  Peyton looked at me bemused and then looked at Tarin, as he walked around to my side of the table and poured me a glass of wine. “Bossy isn’t she, how’s that working out for you?”

  “Stop trying to toy with us Peyton and get on with it. You’re no match for doing this, with me.” Tarin said back at her as he sat back down again and poured himself a glass of wine.

  Peyton had enough decency to look a little put out by Tarin’s call out on her. “Fine. Why don’t you tell Katelyn why you like imitation vampire sex.”

  I saw Tarin tense immediately. “In particular, why you like having it with her. I mean, that’s what he does right?” Peyton said looking over at me. “Sinks those fangs into you while he,”

  “Peyton, you are in serious danger of my anger here.” Tarin said softly cutting her off, his eyes drilling into her.

  “Shall I tell her?” Peyton continued pushing.

  “Why don’t you just shut the fuck up and leave, you ungrateful bitch. I know what happened to him when he was fourteen. Which means, I know what also, happened to you, at the hands of those vampires. I’m guessing you carry as much baggage as Tarin does over that. Because quite frankly, how could you not? Is that why you hate you’re younger brother, because unlike you’re older brother Shaye, Tarin couldn’t save you. Couldn’t stop what those vampires did to you?”


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