Reality of Life (Perception Book 2)

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Reality of Life (Perception Book 2) Page 14

by Shandi Boyes

  “Noah had it doctored last week that Emily was his power of attorney. She is solely responsible for any financial matters that affects Noah. I had no choice but to advise her that he was being sued!” Cormack replies angrily.

  “I’m sorry Emily, but I had no choice. As soon as they filed the documents, I am legally required to tell you” he advises, while allowing me to see the remorse all over his face.

  “How much are they suing him for?” I ask directly into Cormack’s eyes.

  I am silently praying the band has earned enough money the past few months to be able to cover the amount that they are claiming. But when I notice Cormack hesitates in replying, I soon realise that it is going to be a lot more than I had been expecting.

  “Two million dollars” Cormack slowly breathes out.

  I instantly feel sick, I quickly dart over to kneel next to the waste bin located in the corridor. I only end up dry retching as I don’t have anything left in my stomach from the numerous times I had already been sick this morning.

  “Fuck” Nick groans roughly as he starts running his hands through his hair, while pacing back and forth in the small corridor.

  Jacob moves over towards me and starts to gently rub my back as I continue to dry reach.

  “Is that just Noah’s share or is that amount for the whole band?” Jacob questions confused.

  “Can’t the record label help us out; can’t they do something?” questions Marcus.

  “The label would normally pay but… they…umm don’t know if they will have the ability to recover their loss or not” Cormack stumbles nervously.

  Jacob’s hand suddenly stops the soothing movements on my back, and his stance becomes more stern, while he breathes harshly out of his nose. Just as he is about to rebut on Cormack’s statement a deep voice interrupts our private conversation.

  “I will pay it”

  I quickly lift my eyes to look towards the voice and I notice a pair of grey eyes that belong to Isaac. He is wearing a black suit with a light grey business shirt making his eyes stand out even more than normal.

  “You can’t do that” I reply queasily as my stomach continues to swirl.

  “Yes I can, consider it a loan” he states as he leans down and offers me a handkerchief from his suit pocket, before helping me to stand back on my feet.

  “Once Noah is back on his feet, you can pay me back” he advises, while his intense eyes stare directly into mine.

  Jacob replaces Isaac’s grasp on my hand with his own, as he slightly pulls me closer towards him. I glance over at Nick and notice that he is frozen in place, his eyebrows are pulled together closely as he looks at his brother in surprise. Nick was obviously unaware of his brothers’ substantial wealth.

  Chapter 23

  After a long hard discussion, the band decided to accept Isaac’s offer of a loan, on the clear understanding that it will be paid off in full once Noah has fully recovered. Cormack tried to suggest to the remaining members of the band to continue with the tour as scheduled, but to have a replacement singer brought in for Noah. They all refused, point blank. They said there is no ‘Rise Up’ without Noah and they would rather stay struggling in debt than to go on and play without him. These guys are Noah’s brothers, they have been with him through thick and thin, and they have that much confidence that he will be able to fight this and come out the other side stronger than ever.

  It had been a long and tiring day today with everything that has happened, but I am glad to know that Noah has everyone’s full support, so he can concentrate on getting better and not have anything hinder his progress.

  “Here you go Em” says Jacob as he hands me a sandwich from the vending machine out in the corridor. Jacob has been making sure that I consume enough nutrients as per the doctor’s request, very rarely does he leave mine or Noah’s side.

  “Thank you Jacob” I reply softly.

  I really appreciate everything that Jacob is doing for Noah and I, he truly is a remarkable man and friend. I open my tomato and cheese sandwich and take a bite as Jacob walks over to Noah. I watch as he places something around Noah’s neck gently, while talking to him in hushed whispers.

  “Happy Birthday Noah” Jacob declares softly, before he turns towards me.

  My heart sinks once I realise that I had completely forgotten that today is Noah’s birthday, it also causes tears of guilt to spring into my eyes. I did not even have a present for Noah as I was planning on our wedding being his gift. How could I have forgotten his birthday? I am a truly terrible person.

  “Don’t cry Emily, this gift is from both of us” Jacob insists quickly when he notices the tears that are starting to stream down my face.

  “Come here” he requests while holding his hand out for me to grasp.

  When I walk over towards Jacob, I notice the wooden guitar shape pendant around Noah’s neck.

  “It is done in the same shape as the guitar you brought him for his birthday last year” Jacob smiles, before he flips over the pendant.

  On the other side of Noah’s pendant is my name written in my handwriting.

  “How?” I ask Jacob, as the tears continue to stream down my face.

  “Ryan found part of the inscription you had written on Noah’s guitar at the accident site just before you arrived. I wish he could have gotten the whole inscription, but he found the most important section, your name. Jenni assisted me in getting it placed onto the pendant” Jacob advises softly.

  “It’s perfect Jacob, he will love it” I announce, as I wrap my arms around Jacob and weep softly into his neck. Although Noah’s present is technically from both of us, I still felt incredibly guilty that I had forgotten that today was Noah’s twenty third birthday.

  Over the next several days you could start to see an improvement to the swelling on Noah’s face. The bruises have gone from black to a purple colour and the open gushes on his lip and nose had started to heal.

  Slater, Marcus, Nick and Jacob spend most of the time filtering in and out of Noah’s room, reminiscing about the band and how it formed. They would share stories about the things they have achieved over the past few months, what the future will hold once Noah recovers, and how they are planning on doing an even bigger and better concert than being a supporting act for the ‘O’Reilly Brothers’. They also shared a few stories about how they all get propositioned by groupies and members of the public when they drink in the hotel bar. Marcus told me I had nothing to worry about once he saw the stern look on my face, but I hated the idea of women constantly throwing themselves at Noah, and Nick had only just become a father. Some women have no boundaries or morals when it comes to chasing taken men.

  When my stomach loudly declares its hunger, Jacob and the guys decided to go and get some real food, as the hospital food we have been eating the past week is absolutely disgusting. They tried to convince me to go with them but I can’t leave Noah’s side. I want to make sure I am here when he finally wakes up. Once they all leave, the room is plunged into silence. You can hear the ventilator slowly pumping oxygen into Noah’s lungs, but other than that it is eerily silent. This is the first time that I have been left alone with Noah. I move over towards him and gaze over his face, even all battered and bruised he is still incredibly handsome. I look out into the corridor and notice the normal flurry of nurses that filter around Noah’s room are absent. I quickly slip out of my ballet flats and slide into Noah’s hospital bed, cuddling in close to his side. I am careful not lean to hard against him, as his leg is still in plaster, and he is still badly bruised. The instant I snuggle in against the crook of his neck I can smell his delicious scent.

  “I love you Noah” I whisper softly into his ear, just as I hear the sound of his hospital room door opening.

  I quickly jump out of his bed, not wanting to be reprimanded by his nursing team.

  “It’s ok Emily, it’s just me” whispers Jenni as she slowly walks into the room.

  “Nick asked me to come and keep an eye on you wh
ile they went to collect some dinner” she advises, before walking over to Noah to kiss him on the cheek, while she whispered a greeting into his ear.

  The boys all came back with enough Chinese food to feed a small army. The silence of Noah’s room was soon replaced with the pleasant moans of the boys enjoying food that didn’t taste like cardboard. I was famished that I had managed to eat over half a container of fried rice and nearly a full container of honey chicken. Feeling full, I look over towards Noah and I notice that his fingers appear to be tapping.

  “Do you see that?” I quickly whisper to Jacob, who is sitting next to me.

  He looks over towards Noah before his face breaks into a huge grin.

  “Marcus look” Jacob shouts excitedly as he nods his head towards Noah, causing Slater and Nick to follow his gaze.

  We all continue to watch Noah as his fingers move along to a beat, tapping against the hospitals white sheets.

  “That’s the beat to Hollow” Nick whispers softly, as he stands to move closer to Noah’s bed.

  “One two three, one two three, one two three four” Slater chants, as he taps his fingers on his jean covered thigh, copying the rhythm that Noah’s fingers are tapping.

  “It fucking is” Marcus beams excitedly, jumping out of his seat to jump onto Nick’s back, his face beaming with excitement!

  We all move closer to the bed watching Noah as his fingers continue to tap in rhythm to the beat of ‘Hollow’. I have heard Noah sing that song numerous times before, if I close my eyes I could pretend that he is singing it in front of me right now. I look around and see that the guy’s faces have all broken into huge smiles. The ecstatic happiness of seeing Noah’s first movement in over a week clearly written over their faces. He is fighting to come back to us and I am so incredibly proud of him.

  A brief tap on the glass of Noah’s room window causes all our heads to turn in sync.

  “Oh god, what does she want?” snarls Slater angrily.

  “Who is that?” I ask Nick.

  I have never laid my eyes on the women that is standing outside Noah’s door. I offer her a quick smile and notice that her eyes narrow towards me. She seems to know who I am, and I don’t think she likes me.

  “That’s Delilah” Nick sneers, as he rolls his eyes before walking out the door to greet her.

  I turn my gaze back to Noah and feel deflated when I notice that he is no longer tapping his fingers.

  Chapter 24

  The next several weeks Noah’s recovery follows along a similar path, his bruises on his face have fully healed and they were able to remove the bandages that were wrapped around the top of his head. He has a very large deep gash that runs down his forehead from the impact of the truck hitting the rear door of the taxi. It hit with so much force that the door frame crumbled inwards and struck Noah hard on his head, causing a large split that the doctors managed to stitch back together. The specialists tried to advise me that Noah was unconscious from impact, but I know that isn’t true, he said my name when I arrived at the scene of the accident.

  The doctors have been keeping him heavily sedated as with the extensive injuries to his body and broken bones, they want to ensure that he is healing in comfort. I hate the thought that Noah could be feeling any pain. I try to tell myself that he is sleeping and once he is well enough he will wake up. I can’t let myself think negatively as I don’t want the negativity to impact our baby that is slowly growing inside of me.

  Christmas day, New year’s day and my twentieth birthday came and went during those past few weeks. My mom begged me to come home for Christmas, but I couldn’t leave Noah alone. I tried to convince Jacob to spend the day with his dad and his brother, but he also didn’t want to leave Noah’s side. So Jacob and I both spent the day together eating the hospitals version of Christmas turkey and pudding, it was absolutely disgusting! This Christmas the mood was more quiet and subdued then the previous Christmas I had spent with Noah, but I kept reminding myself that in time he will wake up and then we will have a lifetime of Christmas’s together, as a family with our little baby.

  Jacob and I had both settled into a routine the past few weeks, normally I will sneak into Noah’s bed to sleep by his side, while Jacob slept on the recliner next to his bed. I have been busted twice the past few weeks sleeping by Noah’s side. The first nurse was very understanding and she smiled when she noticed me lying against his chest, but the older nurse told me that “this is a hospital and wasn’t the place to be playing games” as I quickly removed myself from his bed, only sneaking back in once she finished her shift.

  Each morning Jacob would go down to the hospital café and purchase us breakfast, as neither of us can stomach the idea of eating the hospitals version of porridge. This morning Jacob had only been gone a few minutes before he arrived back at Noah’s room empty handed.

  “It’s all over the media” he grumbles, as he quickly strides towards Noah’s bed to grab the remote control off the side table.

  “What is?” I ask Jacob.

  He flicks on the television screen that is hanging from the ceiling in Noah’s room.

  When I look up at the screen the story of Noah’s accident is breaking news on every television station that Jacob flicks past. The headlines all state ‘Noah Taylor lead singer of the band ‘Rise Up’ in tragic accident’.

  “Noah Taylor lead singer of the band ‘Rise Up’ has been reported to have been in a serious accident nearly six weeks ago. Reports originally were that ‘Rise Up’ failed to fulfil their contract agreement with Summit Entertainment as supporting act in the concert series with the ‘O’Reilly Brothers’ as Noah was admitted to Hills Hope Rehabilitation Centre for a mandatory drug and alcohol program. We have since found out that Noah was on route to his first concert in San Francisco when his transport was struck by a semi-trailer, instantly killing taxi driver Ben Ebbett. We have been in contact with ‘Rise Up’s’ publicist Delilah Winterbottom who has confirmed that Noah is currently in a serious but stable condition at Ravenshoe Private Hospital. We will continue to keep you updated on his progress as it comes to hand. Back to you Kylie” reports a gossip reporter, who appears to be standing at the front of the hospital entrance.

  Jacob switches off the television before his eyes turn towards me, his face clearly showing his confusion. He nods his head requesting for me to follow him into the corridor.

  “Why would they report that?” I ask Jacob the instant we walk out of Noah’s room.

  I had been surprised that the news of Noah’s accident wasn’t being covered by all of the gossip magazines, and now I know why.

  “Why would they say that he was in rehab for drug and alcohol issues when he was in a traffic accident? It doesn’t make any sense?” I question confused.

  “I don’t know Emily, but I am pretty sure I know who would have done this” Jacob says angrily as he runs his fingers roughly through his hair.

  Who would want to do to this to Noah? What benefit would there be having a false story published? Then the realisation dawns, oh god, that bitch.

  “Delilah” I breathe out harshly, while I feel my anger starting to rise. That god damn woman!

  “That was my first guess too” admits Jacob, as he murmurs several curse words harshly under his breath.

  Why would Delilah issue a statement saying Noah was in rehab? It doesn’t make any sense, isn’t she supposed to be make sure the band gets good publicity? Isn’t that her job as their publicist?

  “Will you be ok if I leave you here with Noah for a couple of hours?” Jacob questions calmly, making me notice he has gathered his composure quickly.

  “Yes” I reply while looking at Jacob. I am surprised that he wants to leave Noah’s side, as he has been adamant from the start that he would never leave.

  I can only hope that Jacob has decided to get some sleep as he looks truly exhausted! I manage to get a couple of hours every night snuggled next to Noah, but someone of Jacob’s size would have to be incredibly uncomfortab
le sleeping in a reclining chair, that doesn’t even fully recline.

  “I’ll be back in a few hours, but if anything happens you call me straight away Emily. Okay?” he requests while grabbing a hold of my hand.

  I give him another quick nod before he places a peck on my cheek and turns to take off swiftly down the hallway. I stand frozen in the empty hallway wondering exactly what Jacob is up to. I am pretty certain for how quick he just bolted out of here that he has no intentions of getting any sleep.

  I return to Noah’s room and decide to rub some vitamin d cream into the scar on his forehead, a nurse had said it would help the wound to heal better. The doctors have advised me that Noah can have plastic surgery on the scar to help improve its appearance. But the large scar doesn’t hinder Noah’s sexiness; it just adds even more allure to his bad boy reputation.


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