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Reality of Life (Perception Book 2)

Page 22

by Shandi Boyes

  It took a lot of convincing to get Emily to tell me what had happened, but once I found out my mother was the receptionist at the doctor’s surgery, I instantly knew the reason why she wouldn’t go there….

  “I really liked Dr Morgan too” she advises with her puppy dog eyes on full display and her bottom lip sticking out.

  “I’m sorry beautiful” I reply, as I move near her in an attempt to help her to find a new doctor.

  I knew Emily wanted to stay with Dr Morgan, but the past two weeks Cormack and I have been dealing with a whole heap more shit with my fucking mother. She is trying to renegotiate the payment she was given with the disclosure statement. She has been using the baby Emily is carrying as her leverage, having the hide to say that she should be entitled to visitation of her grandchild. That is never going to happen, she might forget the years of abuse she made me endure, but I will never forget what she put me through. I will do everything in my power to make sure Emily and the baby stays as far away from my greedy, selfish, bitch of a mother as possible, even if I have to throw millions of dollars at her.

  I quickly take control of Emily’s laptop and scroll down the small list of doctors she has displayed on her laptop screen. I notice most of the doctors are men, and they aren’t elderly men either.

  “I was thinking Dr Curtis” Emily advises while pointing to a doctor’s profile on the screen.

  I click into his profile and it brings up all of his details along with a picture. He looks like he would have only just left medical school. His dark brown hair hangs loosely on the top of his head and his green eyes shine brightly.

  “Hell no” I instantly reply.

  Emily turns towards me, shocked by my sudden rejection of the doctor she had chosen.

  “Emily, he looks like he is not much older than me. There is no way I am letting him look at your pussy, there is no fucking chance he is getting close to it. Here what about this one?” I state while showing her a profile of a female obstetrician.

  “She is already booked out, I have tried every female doctor there is and they have no availability. Most of the other doctors don’t want to take me on knowing I am in the third trimester already” she replies angrily as she closes down her laptop screen harshly.

  “And don’t be an asshole Noah, I am the one that is giving birth to a watermelon out of my vagina, not you! They won’t be looking at it like that anyway” she angrily replies, while poking her finger into my chest.

  “Baby they wouldn’t care if a calf was coming out of there, they would want to look at it, and I can’t believe you just said vagina!” I chuckled loudly, as I move towards her to wrap my arms around her expanding waist. But Emily doesn’t laugh, she just looks at me and bursts into tears. Oh shit!

  “I’m sorry beautiful, I was just joking. You can have any doctor you want” I apologize, while pulling her tightly into my chest.

  “I really liked Dr Morgan” she sobs into my chest.

  “Then you will have Dr Morgan” I instantly reply.

  I don’t care what it takes, I don’t ever want to see Emily cry unless they are tears of happiness. I will find a way to get her the doctor she wants.

  It took a lot of negotiating but I had managed to get Emily looked after by Dr Morgan. But instead of her going to his surgery, he visits Emily at our house instead. It’s costing me a pretty penny but it was worth it when I saw the look on her face when Dr Morgan came for her first fortnightly appointment.

  Emily is now thirty-six weeks pregnant and we have just found out that the placenta has moved out of the way, so Emily will be able to have a natural birth. I was ecstatic when I found out, as the idea of Emily being cut open freaked me the fuck out.

  I ran around from my truck to help Emily to step down. She thinks I am too worried all the time about her or the baby getting hurt, but she doesn’t know what I went through those three months in the coma. I still have nightmares about losing Emily and the baby, as it still feels real to me.

  “Thank you” Emily says smiling politely as she slowly starts to waddle towards the house.

  My cell phone starts ringing and when I pull it out of my jeans pocket and look at the screen I notice it is a call from Jacob.

  “I’ll be a minute, Em” I call out, she lifts her arm letting me know she had heard me, but seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere, she probably needs to use the bathroom again, for the hundredth time today.

  “Hey Jake” I greet into the phone.

  “Hey, is Emily there?” Jacob questions.

  “No, she just waddled into the house” I reply laughing, this causes Jacob to chuckle down the phone.

  “Alright, that guy from Sparks said he can do the aisle as you are requesting, but it is going to cost you a fucking fortune” advises Jacob

  “I don’t care what it costs Jacob, I want the aisle exactly how I have envisioned it” I reply.

  “Alright, I was just checking, I will call you later” ensures Jacob before he disconnects the call.

  After I had brought Emily to the cabin the day the deeds were signed into our names, I had asked Emily to be my wife, again. She instantly agreed and quickly jumped out of the bed to get dressed. When I asked her what she was doing, she said that we were going to get on the first flight to Vegas and that we were going to get married the instant we landed. I was glad she was so eager to become my wife as I was to become her husband, but I wanted us to have something a little more special than a quickie Vegas wedding. When I told her that, she had some little tears in the corner of her eyes, but she agreed that it would be nice to have something good happen to us after what we have been through the past six months. She seemed a little apprehensive when I said I wanted us to get married before our baby was born, but I wanted Emily to have my last name when she brought our child into the world.

  So in just two weeks’ times, we will finally be getting married. I have been organising the whole wedding, at my own request, with the help of Jacob. After I had awoken from my coma, I had asked him to be my assistant and he laughed at me and told me he ‘would rather go fuck himself than become my assistant’. He also refused to accept any money for helping me and Emily the past few months. I don’t think he has realised yet, but I had already set up an automatic transfer of money to go into his account every month before I had the accident. That fucker can be my assistant even without the official title.

  Chapter 37


  “Just breathe Emily” Jenni advises gently.

  I am extremely nervous, but I guess that is common for brides on their wedding day. It wasn’t that I had cold feet, it was the fact that I am thirty-eight weeks pregnant and about to walk down the aisle in front of all our family and friends. I pray that today will not be the day my waters decide to break.

  After Noah had given me the most wonderful surprise that the cabin was now our family home, he asked me to be his wife. I instantly started getting ready to fly to Vegas, I think we had both waited long enough and I wanted to be his wife more than anything else in the world. But he advised me that he wanted something more special than a Vegas wedding, and that he wanted it to happen before our baby was born. I apprehensively grabbed my cell phone out of my purse to call Jenni to start organising our wedding. We literally only had weeks to organise a wedding that would normally take months. Noah removed the cell phone from my hand just as I was about to hit the call button.

  He informed me that he wanted to plan it all himself, and he has done exactly that. I don’t know any of the details of our wedding, except that the ceremony and reception will be held in our gardens at the cabin. Noah has banned me from going outside the past week, it is lucky that my heavily pregnant body hates the heat, so I have been more than happy to stay in the coolness of the air conditioning, watching all of my favourite movies.

  “Here you go” advises Nicole as she hands me my bridal bouquet.

  I can’t help but smile when I notice the large bouquet of white lilies and then I giggled whe
n I notice the color of the material the stems are wrapped in.

  “Fluro yellow” Jenni giggles.

  The color nearly exactly matches the color of the dress I wore the first night Noah and I officially became a couple, it is all these little details that Noah has included that shows how truly romantic he is.

  “Are you ready?” asks my dad.

  This is the first time I have ever seen my dad in a suit. His dark shaggy hair has been combed into perfect position, framing his green eyes perfectly.

  I nod my head towards him. The day is finally here, I am about to become Mrs Noah Taylor.

  Nicole and Jenni both take the places in front of me. Nicole seems very apprehensive about walking down the aisle. When Noah had stated he wanted to organise the whole wedding he advised that he was more than happy for me to find my own wedding dress, which wasn’t an easy task considering I have a very heavy pregnant belly. I also requested permission to choose the girls dresses, as I wanted to force Nicole out of her comfort zone. When I saw Nicole in the burgundy red dress, I knew I had to make her wear it to my wedding. It is a spaghetti strap design, that has a fitted bodice. The back of the dress drapes drastically, stopping just before Nicole’s buttock, leaving most of her back fully exposed. She would never normally wear a dress so daring, but she looked so dazzling in it, I had to force her to wear it. I am glad she was such an accommodating bridesmaid.

  “You look beautiful darling” advises my dad as I wrap my arm around the crook of his.

  The instant the double wooden doors of the cabin are opened; we are blinded by the flashing of a camera lights.

  “Sorry” apologizes the cameraman that Noah had hired to shoot our wedding. He lowers the camera down and appears to turn off the flash, before lifting it again to capture my dad and I walking down the aisle.

  I can hear the gasp of our family and friends as I walk out down the steps of the cabin, but I can’t see Noah yet. We follow the white carpeted aisle around a corner, and that is where I spot him, he appears to be standing in the middle of the ocean. Adjusting my vision, I soon notice that he is standing on a glass platform in the middle of our infinity pool. It is truly magnificent and beautiful, but it still can’t compete with the sight of Noah in the suit I had purchased for him to wear to our Vegas wedding.

  Noah is wearing a black suit with a white pin stripe, his dress shirt underneath is also black in color and he has on a white tie. I smile when I notice he has a single white lily pinned to his jacket. The darkness of Noah’s suit matches the intensity of his eyes, making him incredibly alluring. His bad boy persona is on full display. The groomsmen are dressed similar to Noah except for they have on a white dress shirt and a black tie.

  Noah’s gaze never deters from mine until my dad and I reach the end of the aisle. My dad gently kisses my cheek, before he offers his hand to Noah to shake. Once they shake hands, Noah gently assists me onto the glass platform.

  “Because we have the whole world at our feet” he whispers softly.

  Chapter 38


  “Calm down mate or you might have another heart attack” chuckles Jacob beside me.

  The fucker always like to stir me about my supposed heart attack. I don’t remember any of that. All I remember was Emily’s grief stricken face as she stared at my withered body lying on the hospital bed. Then the whole room went white, and it stayed that way until I started to blink. I don’t recall anything that happened in those two weeks between my heart attack and me waking up. I have been booked in for regular appointments with a cardiologist, but I know my heart attack wasn’t caused by a defective heart. It was caused by me thinking Emily and our baby had died. My heart couldn’t even stand the idea of living without them.

  “Here she comes” whispers Jacob in my ear.

  He is standing proudly in his place of best man. There is no one else in the world I would want standing next to me while I married Emily. The rest of the band are groomsmen, and this is technically the first time I have seen Slater in a suit, even though my memories try to tell me differently.

  Nicole walks down the aisle first, she seems a little hesitant and shy and when she turns to take her position I know why. I hear Marcus let out a slight cough when he notices the back of her dress, that drops down so low it is sitting just above her bottom.

  “Are you alright?” I whisper to Marcus, as his eyes open wide in shock. He nods his head quickly, while trying to tear his gaze away from Nicole.

  Jenni walks down next, causing Nick to stand a little taller. He is always so proud to let people know that she is his fiancé. She smiles brightly at him, before taking her spot next to Nicole.

  The bridal march then begins to play and I wait nervously to get my first glimpse of Emily. I can hear the gasp of people as she makes her way out the front doors of the cabin. I won’t be able to see her until she turns around the corner. I quickly turn my gaze to Jacob, he looks down at me and smiles, before he motions for me to turn towards the front, and that is when I see her.

  She is fucking stunning, and I instantly feel my heart start to race. She looks towards me and her face looks slightly anxious, until she catches my gaze and smiles brightly. She is wearing a strapless white dress, the bustier is done in a crossover design and the rest of the dress, which is made out of chiffon, flows loosely over her beautiful full stomach. The front of the bustier is adorned with tiny little crystals making her sparkle in the sunset. Her beautiful dark locks are hanging loosely down the front, but they have a small amount of curls added to them and she has a small diamanté headband weaved through the top. She is wearing a large tear drop diamond on an invisible necklace, that sits just above her cleavage, that has grown dramatically in size since she has become pregnant. Her ears are adorned with the diamonds studs I had given her on her nineteenth birthday.

  She never once loses my gaze as she walks towards me while smiling brightly, she looks just as I had envisioned. Her dad Mitchell offers me his hand to shake, before I gently clasp Emily’s hand within mine. I carefully help her to step onto the glass platform over the infinity pool. It had taken a lot of work to get the aisle as I had envisioned, but I wanted it to look like we were standing in the middle of the ocean. When we look down all we can see is water under our feet.

  “Because we have the world at our feet” I whisper to Emily, while gently running my thumb along her hand.

  “Yes we do” she replies softly as a small gathering of tears forms into her eyes. I quickly use my thumb to rub away her tears.

  “No crying beautiful, not today” I request, noticing she has on more makeup today than she would normally wear, but she has kept it as natural as possible. She doesn’t need to emphasize her beauty.

  Emily quickly hands her bouquet to Jenni, before I grasp both of her hands tightly in mine, just as the celebrant commences the service. Here it is, everything I have been waiting for is finally going to happen. I am about to marry the girl of my dreams.

  “Family and Friends, we have joined here today to share with Noah Gibson Taylor and Emily Faye McIntosh an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one. If any person can show just cause, why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace” announces the female marriage celebrant.

  I can hear a slight coughing behind me, causing me to spin around to locate where the coughing is coming from.

  “Are you sure Emily, I’m still available” Jacob declares, causing all the attendees at our wedding to laugh out loudly.

  Jacob then looks down towards me, before he has the audacity to wink at me. I am seriously going to fucking kill him one day.

  Emily giggles softly before she replies “Thanks for the offer Jacob, but I think I will stick with Noah”

  Jacob gaze turns from mine to Emily, before he shrugs his shoulders, like he couldn’t possibly un
derstand why she wouldn’t run away with him.

  “Okay, you can continue” Jacob declares to the marriage celebrant, causing everyone to laugh loudly again.

  Fucking Jacob, he will end up giving me a heart attack one day.

  Chapter 39


  Noah’s face when Jacob interrupted the marriage celebrant was priceless. It didn’t take long for Jacob to return to his normal mischievous self once Noah was released from hospital. I ran my thumb along Noah’s hand that is still clasped around mine, to try to get his gaze to turn back towards me.

  “I love you” I whisper softly, once his intense dark eyes are staring back into mine.

  “I love you too beautiful” he declares loudly, not even remotely embarrassed that he said it loud enough for all our guests to hear.


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