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BJARNI: Elementals MC (book 2)

Page 7

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Fuck! I don’t like the idea of her being there. What if the Keres MC find out she’s mine? You know I won’t be able to do shit knowing that she might be in danger. Fuck!” Looking away from Draco and towards me, he continues. “We can do this, but you need to find someone to take over from you as soon as possible. Do you agree to this?” I can see he’s not happy about this decision, I’m not happy about this decision either but if what he says is true, how can I argue with him? I nod, still not too sure how I’m going to work everything out, but I just love the idea of belonging to this amazing man who professes that I was made for him. I can feel the connection between us. I know that he wasn’t exaggerating, even though I still find it difficult to believe everything he said.

  “Now that we have agreed to that. Who the fuck is Craig Baby Girl?” Damn, I thought I would have time to explain to him and not in front of all the men in the club. His voice is all growly again and his eyes are piercing amber.

  “We can talk about that later.” I state trying to delay the undesirable topic of my stalker.

  “We will talk about it now! Who is he?” His voice is commanding, the muscles on his arms that are still around me are straining.

  “Craig’s my ex-boss.” I say apprehensively, when I stop I see his one eyebrow go up in query. So much for trying to delay this, it’s clear he’s not going to drop the topic until he knows everything.

  “And he became a stalker that I had to run away from.” At my words, I hear some of the men’s curses, the tension in the room is now palpable. I can feel the violence radiating off Bjarni as his body vibrates under me in rage.

  “Motherfucker! Did he hurt you?” Bjarni’s voice is so low in his fury that if I hadn’t been sitting on his lap I don’t think I would have heard him. So, I start to relay my story to him and all the men in the room. At the end I feel drained, sometime through my story I had started crying at the memories of fear and helplessness that I had felt at the time. I also confess that I still find myself fearing that he will find me. Bjarni had pulled my head against his shoulder when I had started to cry, his face was hidden against my neck. I can feel his rapid breathing, I know he’s furious.

  When I finish my story, no one speaks for a while there is only silence throughout the room. I don’t look around opting to snuggle closer to Bjarni’s chest. With time, the conversation resumes around the table, they are discussing what I had told them but I’m too emotionally tired to listen. I must have dozed until Bjarni calls to me.

  The food had been placed on the table, everyone was now eating. Bjarni lifts me of his lap and sits me down on the chair next to his. Looking up I see Jasmine smile at me with a sad smile on her face, I smile back to let her know I’m okay. I have spoken more about myself in the last two days then I have in the last couple of years and meanwhile I’m feeling lighter than I have in years.

  Chapter 8

  After dropping off Gabriela at the bakery this morning and making her promise to listen to Gunner and Sven the two prospects that were left to guard her, I leave to be at our club meeting in time. We are all sitting around the table listening to Celmund as he works his magic on the computer bringing up an image of Vercin’s hide out. Vercin is the president of the Keres MC and one of our biggest enemies, the other is Merdor his VP.

  A couple of months ago we were given Intel from one of our sources at the FBI about where Vercin’s hide out was. Since then we have been staking out the property, looking at patterns and trying to find out what the Keres MC are up to. We have discovered that they are after women with gifts like Jas and Gabriela. We had found a few photos at one of their warehouses that we had attacked of women they had been planning on kidnapping.

  The only thing keeping me sane now and not making me race to be with my woman to protect her, is the thought that her photo was not among all the ones we had recovered from the Keres. Fuck, as soon as this meeting is over I’m going to go collect her and bring her back to where she would be safe.

  “It seems like Vercin has a new playmate. These are the photos we have been able to acquire from our FBI friend Katya. I haven’t been able to find out anything on the previous girl he was holding. She seems to have vanished, this new one he seems to take with him everywhere he goes. As far as we know she has been with him for the last three weeks. Merdor has been to this location two times. I have been able to intercept a few of the calls coming out of the house but there has been nothing of relevance until yesterday.” Celmund had been flashing through different photos as we all watched on the big screen that was mounted on one of the walls. Celmund as our tech guy is a genius with computers and everything technical.

  As soon as this meeting comes to an end I’m going to ask him to install a security system at the bakery. I need to be sure that Gabriela is as safe as possible. I also want him to look into this stalker guy and find out where he is. I want to go and pay him a visit, it doesn’t matter that it was before I met my girl. He scared her, so now he will pay.

  “This is the call I intercepted yesterday from Merdor to Vercin.” Celmund informs us as he starts to play the recording.

  “We have found a level four girl, lives with her gran. Looks like it could be a fit, will send you file with all her details and photos.”

  “Any other news on the girl …”

  “That was all I was able to intercept before I was cut off. Anyone have any idea what they could be talking about regarding a level four?” Suddenly at his query I remember something that had caught my eye when I was looking at the photos of all the girls, it could just be the answer.

  “Celmund, have you got the photos that we captured when we attacked the warehouse?” At my query he just nods and starts typing away at his computer until several photos appear on the screen again.

  Looking at the photos I see what I was looking for. “There.” I get up and point to the corner of one of the photos. “See here, someone has written level and we have a three. If you have a look at all the photos they have a number in the corner but only this one says level. Maybe the number on all the photos is how they measure the level of the girls on the photos.”

  “Well spotted Bjarni, I think you are on to something. Now we just need to figure out what the levels mean.” Draco is staring at the photos as he speaks.

  “Well let’s think about this. What do they capture these girls for? We all agree it’s for their blood because it shoots up their energy levels. We also know that all the girls have a gift, one way or another. So why wouldn’t the levels be the energy the girls produce with their gifts. We know that when Jas is painting, her energy level is way up, higher than any of us can reach. Why shouldn’t the levels be something as simple as the level of energy the girls produce?” As Brandr connects the possibility of the photos, and the levels to the girls’ gifts. I see all the brothers start nodding, I think Brandr could be right. It makes perfect sense.

  “Now we just need to find out how they’re measuring the girls’ levels?” Cassius suggests. Out of all the brothers, Cassius is the one with the most hate for Merdor and the Keres MC. They had held him prisoner a few centuries back. He went through such horrors that he still has nightmares. When we could free him, we all thought it was too late and that Cassius was lost to us forever, but he had fought for his sanity and I believe he still does. He’s just better at hiding it from us now.

  “I agree. Celmund, Bion see what you can find. If there is any technology that can measure energy levels let’s get it. Bion if there is any medical way of measuring energy levels let’s try it. We can measure Gabriela’s and Jas’s.” Before Draco had finished talking Wulf and I were already shaking our heads. There was no way in hell I was going to let them experiment on my woman.

  “Fuck no! You all know I don’t want her to use her gift, especially now that she’s pregnant. No one is going to poke and prod my woman.” Wulf is looking around at all of us, challenging anyone that will go against what he wants.

  “I agree with Wulf. We don’t even
know exactly how Gabriela’s gift works. I don’t want experiments done on her. What if it hurts her? The answer is no.” I did not care if this was the only solution to capturing Vercin and Merdor. No one was putting their hands on her.

  “First let’s see what methods there are to measure energy levels, if the Keres are doing it, I want it. After we have that information and we know how it works, we can see if we can pick up their energy without having to experiment on them. Bjarni, one way or the other you are going to have to find out the extent of your woman’s gift.” Before I can interrupt Draco continues, “If we find out how they are picking up these women’s energy levels Wulf and Bjarni, you will also be able to protect your women better.” Draco is right we will be able to protect them better once we know how they are finding the other women.

  “We know that Gabriela’s gift doesn’t work on us, the question now is, is it because of who we are? Is it because she was isolated in the mountain with the trees around and that buffers her energy? Or is Bjarni some kind of buffer for her like Wulf is for Jas?” Cassius is rocking on his chair as he enquires. Everyone turns towards me as if I know the answer, so I just glare back. I am not going to experiment with Gabriela. I don’t care if it stops a war; it’s just not happening.

  “Good point Cassius. Bjarni; now that she’s your woman, keep your eyes peeled for how her gift works. Also, Celmund has drawn up a schedule for the coming two weeks, we will be stretched with Gabriela at the bakery, two of us always staking out Vercin and men here at the compound guarding. I’m thinking of patching-in Gunner. He’s not an Elemental but he knows what we are. He’s been with us now for two years and has been loyal to a fault.” Draco looks around the table at all of us, as he suggests patching-in Gunner, I know that everyone will agree. Gunner has been loyal, when the Keres had attacked the compound a few months back he had been hurt trying to stop them.

  Gunner might not be an Elemental but he can fight like a demon. He was in the marines before joining us, his shooting skills are phenomenal. As we go around the table everyone agrees to patch him in. “That’s it then, after our attack on Vercin, hopefully we bring the fucker down once and for all. We will have a party and patch him in.” Everyone nods in agreement. Most of the guys love parties. Usually some of the guys from our other chapters will join in. It was always a wild affair with lots of booze and sexy women. Now I know what Wulf grumbled about when we had our last party, the idea of having all the brothers here around my Baby Girl is a bad idea.

  “Anything else anyone wants to discuss?” Draco asks looking around at all of us.

  “I think we need to call in a plumber.” Ceric calls out to everyone, a serious look on his face. Usually anything needing to be done in the compound we sorted out ourselves. We didn’t allow civilians in the compound, especially in the back area where we lived.

  “Why, what’s wrong. Don’t you think one of us can fix the problem?” Draco asks, a confused look on his face.

  “Well I just think it’s the piping that has too much pressure, you see. For the last two days when I go into my room all I can hear is groaning. Sometimes I’m afraid it will blow a hole right through the wall. I have never known a pipe to hold so much pressure or to be so noisy.” Before Ceric is even finished talking, everyone is already laughing and looking at me. Ceric’s room is next to mine so the fucker as always doesn’t miss a chance to joke around. I know my Baby Girl and I are loud, but that’s just too fucking bad.

  “Fuck off! I’ll get you some ear plugs.” That just makes everyone laugh even more as they get up and start to leave the room; most of them patting my back as they leave.

  “Celmund, can I talk to you?” Celmund is still sitting at his computer typing away, at my words he stops and looks over at me.

  “I think I know what you want, here I have something for you.” He gets up and moves towards a desk that has another computer and some more advanced technology. Picking up an envelope he brings it back and hands it over to me.

  “What’s this?” I ask, already opening the envelope and pulling out the information and photos that Celmund has got for me.

  “I looked into the motherfucker that was stalking your girl. It seems that he’s not with the company anymore. He doesn’t have any priors but that is just because he has the money to squash any suspicions that arise. I looked into his bank statements and found that he hired a private detective at about the same time Gabriela moved to Nature’s Valley.” Looking down at the report in my hand I see the details of what Celmund is telling me. There is also a photo of the creep outside a very expensive looking house.

  “There is more, I hacked into his computer at home. I don’t think you’re going to like this Brother.” Celmund is now back at his computer. Opening a file he turns the laptop towards me. The first thing I see is a photo of my Baby Girl sitting at a desk with a computer in front of her. There’s a look of concentration on her face. Celmund clicks and there’s another photo of her making coffee, another click; one of her leaning over her desk with her sexy ass in the air. As Celmund continued clicking through hundreds of photos, my fury rises to a boiling point until he gets to photos of her inside I would guess her house. By the angle of the photos, it could only mean that he had her house bugged. When Celmund clicks and a photo comes up of my woman standing with her back to the camera with only her panties on, I lose it.

  Taking hold of the chair next to me I throw it against the opposite wall, not even noticing the chair breaking into pieces. “Motherfucker! I’m going to kill him!” I start to destroy the room in my rage until I am pushed against the wall and held there with my face against the wall.

  “Bjarni, calm down brother.” Wulf’s voice is strained as he tries to calm me, in my rage I still struggle to get free and destroy whatever I can get my hands on. All I want is to take hold of that son of a bitch and strangle the life out of him, after poking out his eyes.

  “Fuck brother, calm down or I’m going to knock your ass out.” This from Brandr, from what I can tell he’s the one holding my hands back. Taking in deep breaths I try to calm myself, the rage still churning in my body but I’m slowly gaining control of my emotions.

  After what feels like hours but couldn’t have been more than five minutes, I feel calm enough to ask them to let me go. Once I’m free, I turn to look around at the computer room as we call it but where we also have our meetings. Fuck! Draco is going to be pissed. The room is destroyed except for the computers and all Celmund’s tech equipment. It’s a good thing I didn’t destroy that or Celmund would have been pissed too. As it is, he’s standing in front of his computers as if protecting a treasure.

  “Remind me never to upset you guys around my equipment again.” He grumbles, leaning down he picks up a piece of a chair. Shaking his head, he looks back at me and drops it back where it was as if to point out what I have done.

  “What the hell was that? You don’t usually lose your cool like that.” Brandr asks also looking around at the room where we had just been meeting a while back.

  “I was showing him what I found when I hacked into the stalker’s home computer. He has hundreds of photos of his girl, some of them are at her house where it’s obvious he had it bugged.” All I want is to get on my bike and go find the asshole who thought it was okay to look at my woman.

  “I want those photos deleted, do you hear me? I don’t care how you do it, I don’t want him looking at her ever again. Fuck!” I must leave or I’m going to start breaking stuff again. I need to go and be with my Baby Girl, she calms me. I want her close to me, where I know she will be safe. Even the thought of the prospects protecting her doesn’t calm my worry.

  “When we are done with this attack on the Keres, I’m going after him.” There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to end that piece of shit. I would just have to bide my time and calm my rage until then. Turning I make my way towards the garage and my bike. I need to be close to my woman.

  Arriving outside the bakery a few minutes later, I
see Brandr pulling up next to me. “Are you following me?”

  “You didn’t think I was going to let you ride by yourself in the state you were in, did you?” That’s one thing about us we are like a real family, we stand by one another when things get complicated and if anyone messes with one of us they mess with all of us.

  “Besides how could I pass up on the opportunity of tasting some of your woman’s baking?” With that he turns and makes his way towards the door. I nod to Sven who is across the street leaning against his bike, as I take off after Brandr.

  As we enter the bakery I see that all the tables are occupied, and there are also clients at the counter. Brandr is making his way to a table in the far corner where I see Gunner is sitting. Ignoring him, I make my way to the kitchen, entering the first thing I see is my Baby Girl with her ass up in the air, grumbling. My cock hardens to the point of being uncomfortable, I adjust myself while making my way towards her.

  Grabbing her ass with both my hands I pull her against my hardness hearing her gasp in surprise. She lifts her torso with such speed that the back of her head bumps into my chest.

  “Bjarni?” Her voice is breathless as she leans back against me, relaxing.

  “I better be the only one grabbing your ass Baby Girl or we will have a problem.” I growl, leaning down to nip at her neck. The minute I touch her, her presence starts to calm the rage that has driven me since I saw the photos.

  Laughing she slaps my arm playfully that is now around her waist holding her back close to my front. “Silly, how could I even think about anyone else after yesterday. I have missed you today.” Her words and the feel of my woman in my arms give me a feeling of being all-powerful.

  “What happened here?” I ask looking down at the mess on the floor that she was busy cleaning when I walked in.


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