Book Read Free

The Naughty List

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by Lexie Davis

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Lexie Davis

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-624-5

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: JS Cook


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Lexie Davis

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  If she heard one more fucking Christmas carol she was going to scream. Piper Walsh rubbed her temples in circular motions. The impending headache she called Christmas was just around the corner and she honestly couldn’t wait for it to be over. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that this was her boss’s favorite holiday. While she loved him dearly for being a decent human being and a great employer to work for, he agitated her unlike anything else come December first.

  “If you need a drink, I keep some hidden in the bottom of my desk drawer.” Roger smiled at her. Both worked in the promotions department of Whalen Enterprises and both had similar ideas about the holidays.

  “I’m okay,” she scrunched her nose. “For now anyway.”

  “You know Scott is going to expect you to throw the best damn office party we’ve ever seen right?”

  “Yes. I know.” She hated it too. Ever since they got back from their Bahamas vacation, Scott had been calling on her to do everything important for him. She liked that he trusted her with so much responsibility and she didn’t want to let him down, but the office Christmas party was not her forte. She hated the tacky decorations. Whoever dreamed of putting a tree in their house and then decorating it had to be smoking something. The damn cheerfulness was maddening as well. Not to mention the music. She generally loved all types of music, but Christmas carols had to be the top of her nails on a chalkboard kind of nuisance list.

  And she normally would have said something if her boss wasn’t so damn cheerful and singing along. Scott Whalen made a grand entrance to her office with his arms open as he sang, “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” It was the same tune that played in the speakers throughout the office. Everywhere she went, and that included the bathroom, played those damn tunes all fucking day long.

  “I’m doing my annual naughty and nice list for the party.” Scott gave her his million-dollar smile. “Please double check the list of employees with what I have here. I really don’t want to leave anyone out.”

  She stared at the document he laid on her desk. “Every year you put your employees on the nice list. Is there even a point of having a naughty list?”

  He stared at her, his smile drifting away. Somewhere deep inside she knew that she probably crossed a line. He was in that cheerful mood of his that only Christmas brought out. She was a storm cloud raining on his parade. In all reality, she needed to hibernate like a bear when winter hit. Avoid all the nonsense and sleep in peace without the damn Christmas music playing all around her.

  “There is, Ms. Scrooge.”

  She rolled her eyes. “What? You’re not going to hand out bonuses to some people? That’s the whole point of this charade. ‘You’re on the nice list so here’s a check for a thousand dollars’.”

  Scott glanced over at Roger. “Did she come to work like this?”

  Roger smiled. “She’s just agitated because she’d rather be at home reading a dirty book. Don’t pay any attention to her.”

  “I’m agitated because that damn music—”

  Roger grabbed her and ushered her toward the other side of the office before she could finish her sentence. “She needs a little coffee break. It helps with her irritability.”

  She shook her head at him and let him push her away from Scott. When they made it to the break room, he glared at her. “Don’t you dare ruin his good and generous mood. You may not depend on that bonus check for your survival, but there are many people in this company that do. Take an Advil and snap out of your cranky mood. The holidays are almost over. You’ll make it. Just keep your mouth shut.”

  Piper took a deep breath and turned to the fridge. She was hungry. Planning the damn office party had her working through her lunch break. Roger reached past her and pulled out some kind of container with delicious smelling enchiladas inside. He waved it in front of her nose just enough to catch her attention. Yes, food. That’s what she needed. It might just make her feel better.

  “Get yourself something to drink and I’ll heat this up. John makes the best damn enchiladas in the city and I’m not saying that because I sleep with him.” Roger put the container in the microwave and pressed a few buttons. “You’ll feel better and you can get back to work.”

  The Christmas song changed to “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” She made a barfing noise and Roger snorted. There was nothing great about the holiday season. People were more greedy, more arrogant and completely horrible. Not to mention it was cold. Usually a wet kind of cold too. She couldn’t wear her designer shoes to work because the sludge on the sidewalks of Manhattan would make them dirty. She didn’t dare to wear light colors either so she always looked like she was in mourning or going to a funeral. It was completely drab and horrible.

  The microwave beeped and Roger set the steaming food before her. She lifted one and took a bite, the taste nearly orgasmic on her tongue. Roger arched an eyebrow and she ignored him.

  “Ms. Walsh, please report to Mr. Whalen’s office,” the intercom buzzed.

  “Ah, crap.” She took another bite and then another, basically scarfing the food down as fast as she could before she stood. She pointed to that dish. “Don’t touch it. Don’t let anyone else touch it either. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She took a sip of her drink and left, heading to her boss’s office. What could he possibly want with her now?


  Scott Whalen stood at the large windows in his office overlooking the city below. He loved this time of year. Loved how magical the city became. There was something about Christmas that always brought out the best in people and made things a bit easier in life. For many years, he spent his holiday serving homeless people food at the shelter and he loved every moment of it.

  Then there was Piper.

  She was one of the best employees he had. Smart, hardworking, beautiful. God, she was beautiful. Classic beauty. He could picture her looking good in anything or nothing at all. They spent some time together in the Bahamas when they were doing promotion for the company and he almost invited her to his hotel room. She was a sexy woman that he wouldn’t mind tying to his bed.

  Opening his office door, she let herself in and closed it behind her. “You wanted to see me?”

  He stayed where he was, watching her. Today, she’d dressed in a pink blouse with ruffles on the front and matched it with a tight black pencil skirt. Her long shapely legs looked great in the black heels. Her long blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail and it looked completely perfect on her. Some women tried too hard to be beautiful, and for some women it came naturally. Piper was in the latter category.

  “I’d like an update on where we are with the Christmas office party.”

  She gave a slight frown. She hated the holidays. He could spot that a mile away. “Everything is in order. We’ll start setting up after work today. The party starts at eight and goes to midnight.”

  He moved to his chair and sat back against the plush leather.
“I’m curious. Why is it that you hate Christmas?”

  She blinked a few times. “Honestly?”

  “Yeah. Tell me.”

  She licked her lips and he felt it in his cock. “I don’t have family. I don’t have people to buy gifts for or to visit and eat myself into a coma. Roger and I always get each other something but I don’t see the point. After all the festivities are over, I go home to an empty apartment just like any other day. There is no need for me to make a fuss over a stupid holiday that is notoriously known for being a family holiday.”

  Scott nodded. He was in a similar boat, but he always spent his time giving back. Homeless shelters needed his help and he willingly gave. If they ran out of food, he’d go out and purchase more. It was a family of sorts at the shelter and he loved being part of it. Maybe Piper was missing the point.

  “Well, thank you for taking on this task. I’m sure it has been a nuisance for you from the beginning.”

  She laid her dainty hand on the back of the wing-backed chair in front of his desk. “It has. I’m not going to lie.”

  “Your hard work is appreciated. I always appreciate you, even if I don’t tell you. You’re one of my best employees.”

  She gave him a small smile. “Thank you. You’re pretty great, yourself.”

  He sat back in his chair. “I want to invite you to stay with me this Christmas. I’m not against you giving me gifts if that is really what you want to do either.”

  She chuckled. “Sir, I appreciate it, but I can’t. There’s too many bad things that happen when work relationships go too far.”

  Scott figured she’d say as much. She didn’t want to lose what they had professionally. “What kind of gifts were you planning on giving for Christmas, Piper?”

  A faint tint of red colored her cheeks. He loved it. Loved the idea that her perfect ass could be the same color from the smack of his hand.

  “I, uh…”

  “I’m teasing.” He waved it off. “I just don’t want you to be lonely. It’s an open invitation. You can change your mind and join me if you want.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  Scott had all kinds of dirty images floating around in his mind. Piper on the bed, arms bound to her thighs with her legs open for his pleasure. Or maybe he’d punish her for having a sassy mouth by draping her over his lap and smacking her ass with his hand. He wanted to know what color panties she wore and how they looked on her. Maybe he’d leave them on and slip them to the side when he wanted to fuck that tight, hot cunt. His cock stirred in his pants, bringing him back to reality.

  “I guess I should get back to work.” Piper glanced toward the door. “Is it mandatory that I come to the event tonight?”

  On the surface, she probably meant it as a joke, but he knew deep inside she’d rather stay at home. Roger pointed out earlier that she liked to read dirty books and he wondered just what she’d planned on reading tonight.

  “If you skip the party, then you’ll miss getting your Christmas present from me.”

  She smiled. “You’re right. I’ll be there with bells on.”

  “Now that I’m dying to see.”

  She laughed and left his office. He stared after her for a long while. Piper was definitely on the naughty list this year. Scott felt something between them, but knew he had to safeguard the both of them before anything could happen. He clicked on his computer and pulled up Microsoft Word. Making a contract wouldn’t be that difficult and if he could get her to sign it, they could spend this Christmas having all kinds of fun.

  Scott smiled at his computer screen. Piper deserved a Christmas worth remembering and he planned to give her one.

  Chapter Two

  The party was in full swing when Piper changed from her work clothes to a slinky red Christmas party dress she caught on sale at Neiman Marcus. She didn’t normally wear red, but the dress was too cute to pass up. Plus, if she had to go through this torture she might as well look good for a few hours. Or so she told herself.

  The party itself was in the main foyer of the office where the entire staff could fit easily with their spouses and significant others. Scott had little presents for the plus ones as well, all two hundred of them. Roger wasn’t so happy about helping her wrap the $25 Visa gift cards nor was he thrilled that he also got the job of handing them out to the spouses. Poor bastard.

  She glanced around the foyer at all the people and made her way through the crowd, smiling and chatting with people she knew. The buffet table was her delight of the evening and as hungry as she was, she could probably clear it by herself. The music played loud enough to hear and she tried to stomach the jazzy sounds of the Christmas songs Hannah had picked out. Hannah was a great secretary for the promotions department but jazzy Christmas music was almost worse than the regular versions. She picked up a crab tartlet and ate it.

  “Piper, Piper, Piper.” Roger’s boyfriend John came up to her and gave her a hug. “You look gorg in that dress. Absolutely breathtaking.”

  She smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  He glanced her over. “You survived and it’s fabulous. I don’t think last year’s was nearly as great as this.”

  So her effort wasn’t for nothing. “Well, if I’m going to do it, I might as well do it right.”

  He leaned in to kiss her cheek. “And look gorg while doing it also.”

  He left her at the table to mingle with the crowd. She really did like him. Piper reached for another crab tartlet and snagged a glass of wine from one of the wait staff. At any minute Scott would come out in his Santa costume and hand out the bonus checks for the employees. It was a tradition that he started when he opened the company. If he did anything right, it was treating his employees well. She couldn’t recall anyone ever quitting on him for another job. They had a few that had to quit due to moving out of state but none for another job in the city. Everyone loved him, which was an odd thing to say about the boss.

  “Ho, ho, ho.”

  Piper glanced toward the stage area where Scott was supposed to be. He had a fancy green velvet chair that he sat in while he handed out the Christmas bonuses. He always dressed up as Santa and he loved every moment of it.

  When Scott walked onstage, she nearly dropped her glass of wine. The Santa jacket hung open, revealing a nicely toned and tanned chest and abdomen. She nearly swallowed her tongue. He forewent the white beard and had a nice amount of stubble on his chin. Where the hell did that come from? And that damn red hat sat lopsided on his head, like he haphazardly threw it on. He wore the pants and the boots and carried the red velvet bag. He looked good enough to eat and she damn well wasn’t drunk enough to go there with him yet.

  “As you all know, I have my annual naughty and nice list. I have some of the best employees in the world and they all deserve my heartfelt gratitude and thanks for what an awesome job they do for Whalen Enterprises. As a token of my gratitude, I have presents for each one of you.”

  He proceeded to call everyone up to get their gift. Piper watched as he smiled and shook hands with his employees. A crazy stirring inside her had her damn near melting with the gesture. He took care of his people and they all loved him. Some people cried when he gave them the bonus checks. He always said he wanted to make Christmas a little extra special for them each year.

  “Piper Walsh.”

  When he said her name, she set her glass down and walked toward the stage. She tried not to look at him as she crossed the foyer. People moved so that she could make her way to him and when she did finally meet his eyes, a searing hunger lingered there. He handed her the envelope, though he didn’t take his eyes off hers.

  “You’re on the naughty list this year, just so you know.”

  She frowned and walked away wondering what that meant. When she got back to the buffet table, she opened the package.

  Meet me in my office when all the presents have been distributed.

  She glanced back at him. What exactly was he up to? What did he want to see her about?
She licked her lips and stared at the note. She was on the naughty list. God only knew what that meant. What was he going to do? Forgo giving her a bonus check and give her a lump of coal instead? Piper folded the paper back inside the envelope. She didn’t care. Anything to get this miserable holiday over with.

  “Pipes, you look so beautiful. Where’s your plus one?” Nina from accounting came over to her with a big smile on her face.

  “No plus one.”

  “Oh, honey.” She hugged her. “We need to find you a man. Or a woman. Whatever you’re into.”

  Piper cringed. “Men. And I’m fine. Thank you, though.”

  Nina grinned. “This is Max. He’s my date.”

  Piper nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

  “I can’t believe he gives out gifts to the plus ones too. Is he hiring? I’d love to work here.” Max gave a goofy grin that nearly made Piper laugh out loud.

  “Now, sugar bear. We can’t both work here. An office romance is too scandalous.”

  Piper excused herself from them and walked around the people. Scott was gone and everyone went back to mingling, dancing and eating. Deciding to figure out what he wanted, she went to the elevator and went up to his office.

  “Scott?” She stepped out and glanced around the dark floor. She flipped the lights on and pursed her lips. His office door was slightly ajar and she went to it, pushing it open. “Are you in here?”

  Nothing. She stepped inside and saw a contract on his desk. Walking over to it, she read the title: Holiday Submissive.

  “I’m giving you two options.” The sound of Scott’s voice made her jump. She turned around to see him standing in the doorway now dressed in his suit. “I’ll give you the bonus check and you can go home and curl up with your dirty book or you can sign that contract and I’ll give you a Christmas you’ll never forget.”


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