Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories

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Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories Page 27

by Nadia Nightside

  A strange blue light flowed out from Aksana’s open eyes and mouth, filling the room with a soft heat. Then, just as quickly as it came, it was gone.

  “Where...where is the M—” Aksana shook her head. “Where am I?”

  Lauren, taken aback, stumbled over her words. “You’re in...I don’t know what to call it. Home base, let’s say. For Maryse and Caleb.”


  Aksana sat up. Lauren was stunned. Her eyes were clear, no longer liquid from hours of bliss, all orgasmic overtures apparently long forgotten.

  “I am not...I remember pleasure. So much pleasure. So much that it overlapped my will...and it is gone now. Did you do that? Free me?”

  Hesitantly, Lauren nodded. It certainly seemed like the case.

  “How did you do that?”

  “I-I don’t know! I was just...all I did was concentrate! I just concentrated on wanting your mind to be clear, wanting you to be free of commitment from Maryse and Caleb, trying to make you focus...and then...poof.”

  Aksana was skeptical. “Poof?”

  “You give it a word, then. It happened.”

  Taking a moment to hold her head and rub her eyes, Aksana sat back in the bed.

  “This power you have. This is the first time you’ve used it?”

  “I think so. Intentionally, anyway. I’ve used it a couple times before, on myself, I think. It’s why I’ve been immune, or whatever, to what Maryse and Caleb do.”

  “Yes. I can see that. So much many talents, they are latent. Some are never discovered.” Aksana tried to sit back up again. “I heard a story once of a woman in Europe who could commune with cats. She had been a dog person her whole life, raising them, feeding them, befriending them. She only learned late in her life, from a friend who brought her a motherless litter of kittens, that she could train cats the way parents train children.”

  “I see.”

  Lauren didn’t, not all the way, but it was hardly important at the moment.

  “I think there’s something that’s going to happen,” said Lauren. “Tomorrow, I mean, at the festival. I have a bad feeling about it all.”


  “The Summer Solstice.”

  “Is that...tomorrow?” Aksana shook her head. “I thought we must have passed it. In that enchantment...years passed. Years of bliss. It was so easy...”

  Her hands drifted down to her pussy, still open and naked. Drawing a sudden breath, she shook her head and stood up straighter.

  “An examination for another time!” Aksana made her face firm. “I agree, there is something brewing. Something quite horrible. And yes, it would happen at the Solstice. That is a sort of focal point for power in this world. The magical world, you understand?”

  “I think so. Do you know what’s happening, then? Were you able to...I don’t know, sense anything?”

  “I believe so, yes. The house where Caleb lives...”

  She stopped, as if recalling something. Her skin, already pale, began to gain a more determinable pallor.


  “You must go his house—Caleb’s house. There is power there. Terrible, evil power.”

  “Really? I wonder if Felicia knows anything about that.”

  “Thank you,” said Aksana, touching her hair. “I like the pink myself. But really, I do not think this is the time to discuss it.”

  “What are you talking about? I was talking about Felicia...she’s a witch. Caleb’s sister.”

  Aksana pushed herself off the bed, covering her nakedness—as if realizing it for the first time. “Really! I do not know if it is appropriate at all to talk about my breasts at all while I’m in this state.”

  Lauren stamped her foot in frustration. “I think something is...I think there’s an enchantment of some kind, preventing you from hearing what I’m saying.”

  “I heard very well what you said. Big tits, indeed!”

  “No...I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about...” Lauren took a breath, trying to express what was needed. “I was talking about the source of the evil. I think there’s an enchantment on you. Or something. Some magic thing.”

  Aksana considered this for a moment. “I was protected from his werewolf enslavement—this I know for certain. I was put under days of protective spells, hidden to even the most skilled eyes. I must have fallen victim to Maryse’s enchantments. But if I am a victim to hers, I could be a victim to others as well...” Her eyes lit up. “I wonder...”


  “If you have the powers I think you do, it is possible you can see the enchantment on me. Try and see it. Concentrate.”

  Lauren did.

  After several moments of concentration, emptying her mind of any purpose outside of seeing enchantments (whatever those were)...she did see something. Tiny, sparkling, threads. Filaments, almost. There were several of them, all wrapped together around Aksana’s eyes and skull. As Lauren turned her head, she saw them glittering in the light, becoming almost golden.

  “I do see something,” she said. “It looks sort of like fishing line.”

  “Yes, that is it!” Excitement flushed her pale face.

  “Should I break it?”

  “You can worry about that later. Save your strength. Just get to that house. I will join you whenever I am able.”

  “Maryse may come to check on you...”

  Aksana shook her head. “It will be fine. I know to take precautions now. I was foolish, earlier. I will not be so again. I can protect myself, as I did against what Caleb sported.”

  “About that...”


  “If you weren't protected from Caleb's enslaving ability...would I have been able to break that?”

  Aksana shrugged, letting her arms drop from her naked breasts. “It is very old, very powerful magic. I doubt it.”

  “So I couldn’t break the spell from the other girls here?”

  “I am afraid not.”

  Lauren whimpered a bit. They were slaves, forever. Fuck.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. She only wished she could somehow stop being turned on by that. Maryse and Caleb would take such good care of them. They would be able to be worshiped forever and ever...

  But that also meant she couldn't break the spell from Bryce, even with this new ability. They would have to rely on Felicia. But if Aksana was right, and Felicia's house was a source of evil power...wouldn't that mean Felicia was evil as well?

  Only one way to find out.

  * * * * *

  There was a time in Josef’s life when he had no purpose, no duty.

  That was long ago.

  Now, standing guard outside of the house of the witch Felicia, he felt duty. He felt purpose. He felt good. The sun was on his face, his leather vest whipping softly in the wind. He took a deep breath, his huge barrel chest stretching out wide.

  Today felt like a good day.

  Josef was a lycan, a werewolf. He was the leader of a roaming gang of werewolves that traveled from town to town all across America. His people were an official motorcycle club with their own name—the Moondogs—and were invited to all the major nationwide biker events. Most folks they came across just thought they were quiet loners, doing their own thing. Josef took pains to ensure that his men—nearly twenty strong—didn't interfere with the business of anyone who hadn't interfered with the Moondogs first.

  Once upon a time, before Josef took control, the Moondogs had been reckless and violent, taking and breaking every town they went to. Lycanthropy spread like wildfire...and when werewolves started multiplying, so did hunters and huntresses...and that was never good.

  When Josef took charge, he ended all that violence, although he'd had to be violent to do it, breaking the previous gang leader in half. After that, the Moondogs trafficked in less volatile wares for a time—selling innocuous magical trinkets and the like—until they ran into Felicia.

  For his Moondog brethren, Felicia was “Mistress,” plain and simple.
Somehow, she had enchanted his gang—manipulated them all into worshiping her as their deity She spoke and commanded, and they existed and obeyed, and that was all they knew. After enchanting their minds, Josef’s authority—once hammered out through a series of brutal displays of his strength and fighting prowess—existed purely because she said it did.

  To Josef, though, Felicia was just “boss” or “ma’am.” He had no trouble doing what she said—all told, she was a smart lady, and she appreciated Josef’s ability to get things done.

  What he got done consisted of largely two things—enforcement of Felicia's will, and retrieval of magical items for Felicia.

  Over the course of his service, he had obtained a great many artifacts for her, all ancient and powerful. Mycarth's Mirror. Shandra's Owl Totem. Byron's Scrawl. What Felicia wanted to do with them was her own business. All Josef had to do was gather them.

  Today, though, was not a retrieval. Today was about enforcement—this was a critical time, Felicia had told Josef when he arrived in town a few days before, and she wanted no undue interruptions.

  The other Moondogs were posted all about the town, keeping a watch on things. Josef had the most important post—guarding Felicia—and so also the most men with him.

  Three Moondogs were with him now, outside the street—Malcolm, Kal, and Horace. Their post was down the street from Felicia’s house, on top of a hill in a vacant lot where they could hide their bikes and get an easy view of the large house, and all those who approached it.

  As it happened, this was useful, because they could see with ease as a small red sedan pulled up. The three lycans with Josef sat up immediately, sniffing the air excitedly. Barely human, mostly feral, these lycans always had mating on their mind.

  It was no wonder why the sudden tantalizing scent excited them. Spicy, sweet. Hell, it excited Josef—and then a busty, beautiful young brunette woman with amazing curves stepped out of the sedan, matching her luscious scent. She wore a tight blue skirt and a cleavage-baring white peasant-style blouse, gorgeous black heels decorating her feet. Josef, immediately, found himself wanting her.

  Trepidation on her face, the young woman—eighteen years old, he guessed—approached Felicia’s house. Every step was slow, a bit wandering, as if she were examining the house, looking for something.

  “Do we go?” Malcolm asked, hitting Josef's arm. “I think we should go after her.”

  “Quiet,” said Josef. “We’re just watching. She may be harmless.”

  She examined the house further, stepping closer in toward its hedges. Slowly, her hands curled into fists at her sides, and she started to lean into the house—lean almost all the way over. With her bust, it was a sort of comical image—how could her ankles support all that weight? It was like something was pushing back against her, keeping her up. Maybe the house itself; maybe some kind of defense mechanism.

  Just as slowly as she leaned forward, the girl began to be pushed back more and more, as if her whole body was in an arm-wrestling match with some unseen force. This continued until finally, with a small cry, she collapsed. All the energy swept out of her.

  “I think she was trying something,” said Malcolm. “Some kind of magic. Some kind of breaking magic.”

  Josef frowned. Malcolm was the most sensitive among the four lycans to magic and their types—probably why he had taken so well to Felicia’s training of his psyche.

  “Mistress said,” said Malcolm. “She said anyone we wanted, we could take, so long as they were interfering.”

  “Yes,” Josef said glumly.

  He could almost taste the hot, alpha male arousal coming off of them in thick waves of lust. Josef didn't approve of the way the members of his gang treated women...but he could hardly do much about it. At least the women generally seemed to enjoy it.

  “She’s interfering,” said Malcolm. “Are you saying we can’t take her?”

  Felicia had implemented the rule as a way to keep the Moondogs in line. Part of her enchantment seemed to have something to do with devolving the werewolves—they understood pack mentalities. And as animalistic beings, they understood mating purely as a ritual of taking. Josef was able to keep them in line, barely.

  But, they were right. This was one of the allowances they had from Felicia: taking any girl that tried to interfere.

  She had even given them two girls to play with at their leisure: Sarah and Tabitha, both of them beauties. Oh, sure, they were really enslaved to that kid Caleb—that was probably permanent. Felicia had unleashed some old-timey blood magic for that trick. But in the meantime, Felicia had convinced the two that it was Caleb's will that they do anything the Moondogs ask.

  “Fine,” Josef said finally, shaking his head. “But make it quick.”

  For the girl’s sake, he hoped she liked being taken, hard and brutally. The Moondogs were not known for their gentleness.

  Bikes roaring to life, they rode down to Felicia's house, Josef in the rear.

  Josef stayed on his bike, watching as the other three howled and hooted, slapping each other on the back as they parked and stepped onto the lawn.

  The girl saw the three bikers approaching, and tried to crawl away back to her car. Whatever she had done to the house had left her weak and unable to walk. Terror was scrawled on her face. She had no illusions about what was on their mind.

  And Josef? Would he stay there, obediently, letting this happen?

  He would. The girl shouldn’t have interfered with Felicia. She should have known better. There was a way to this world, and she was going to learn it.

  * * * * *

  Felicia, aligning a few potions for use during the Solstice the following day, saw the entire event on her lawn unfolding itself through her bedroom window. Enjoying the sound of Lauren's panicked, angry screams, she turned to admire herself in the nearby mirror.

  The young witch was, in a word, stunning. If she was to use several words, she would be able to go on all day about her gorgeous mass of dark hair, her intensely green eyes, the angelically-carved features of her face, the supermodel-quality of her legs, her wide, flaring hips or her ample bust.

  All of this intense sexuality was contained, barely, in a slender, form-clinging green gown. The v-neck of the gown plunged deep, showing off the generous gap of her abundant cleavage, highlighted again by a series of charms and pendants dangling there.

  As soon as she noticed the look on Lauren's face as she approached the house, Felicia knew the stubborn young woman was going to do her honest best to break the enchantments around the house. Somehow, she must have figured out her power. Possibly, if Felicia hadn’t been there to counter her attack, it would have been effective.

  The girl’s magic was slippery, strange. It seemed weak, only it wasn’ was just...slight.

  The tendrils of Felicia’s magical power weaved and threaded like steel cords, tight and impenetrable. Not a single witch alive—nor even many of them combined—would be able to match the artistry of Felicia's spell weaving, nor would they be able to break her enchantments without the effort of many hours.

  But Lauren’s power? It was different. No threads, no cords, no ropes. It was like shadows of shadows, finding even the smallest crack or slip or gap and then expanding, pushing it open...

  When Felicia had originally gifted Lauren with the power—a complicated affair that took a few weeks to prepare—the beautiful witch had only a small understanding of the nature of the gift. Her understanding in the subsequent weeks had not improved, knowing mostly only that Lauren’s position as a totemic Priestess was essential to the ceremony that would make her the most powerful magical being in the universe.

  This was one of Felicia’s weaknesses, she knew. She had an immense wealth of experience—she could craft a superbly designed love potion, for instance, without a second thought, grabbing ingredients almost by autopilot. But that was the entire problem. She could let herself design or build or enchant many things, but she did not know the why of most of it beyond the
small amount of basics that her mother had bothered to teach her.

  This hadn’t bothered Felicia in the past. She had shrugged it off, knowing she would soon be the Suprema, and that all knowledge and experience in this realm would be offered up to her on a plate. But now, with Lauren’s crafty, slight shadows creeping in and threatening to unravel all her craft, Felicia felt doubt creeping in as well.

  Perhaps that was part of Lauren’s power. Confidence was one of the major factors of a successful witch, after all.

  Felicia attributed her own confidence greatly when it came to her own success. She certainly had quite a lot to be confident about. Looking once more in the mirror, she gave herself another gorgeous green-eyed wink.

  Outside, Lauren had started to scream louder—much more scared than angry, now.

  Probably they would take her; no, she reconsidered—definitely they would. Viciously, mercilessly.

  Felicia sighed.

  Oh, very well.

  In short order, she had stepped downstairs and then outside to address the bikers.

  “Stop,” said Felicia, holding up her hands.

  Malcolm was already pulling down his pants, his cock exposed and held over Lauren's body. The curvy brunette had only a torn blouse and ripped skirt left on her body.

  “But,” Malcolm looked confused. “Mistress...she was...”

  “I said to stop. Are you questioning me? Is that what you do, now?”

  Malcolm looked down. “No, Mistress. Of course not, Mistress.”

  It was a strange sight indeed, seeing the heavily muscled Malcolm back down so quickly. It was strange even to hear him refer to Felicia as his Mistress at all—it was too submissive a word to attribute to such an established masculine presence.

  But, Felicia deserved his submission. She deserved everyone’s, in fact. She could see Josef in the distance, smiling with approval.

  She resented that immediately. As if she needed his approval. He had no idea how easy he was to take—the fool honestly thought his will was beyond her power! It was not. No one’s was, not truly. She simply wouldn’t be able to take him without destroying all the good parts of his mind as well...and she could control the gang leader anyway.


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