Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories

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Transformed! Nine Magically Erotic Stories Page 28

by Nadia Nightside

  “Continue your guard,” she said, petting Malcolm's head. “You're all doing a very good job. Keep it up, and I may give you a kiss, later.”

  Probably not, but they didn't know that. The hint of affection was more than enough to keep them satisfied for weeks, so deep was their bond. Malcolm and the other Moondogs whooped and hollered to one another as Josef started up his bike and retreated back to his spot on the hill.

  Using a bit of magic to assist her, Felicia took Lauren inside and repaired her clothes, the threads intertwining and healing into one another. A simple thing.

  They arrived in the kitchen, which had been mostly unused ever since Felicia had kicked her stepfather and mother out. Felicia could apparate most of her food now with hardly any effort at all—and why worry about cooking food when she could just make it appear?

  For the sake of appearances, she searched through the cabinets and came across some cocoa for Lauren. She set a spoon and a glass to making it, and then approached Lauren—who had sat down silently, empty-eyed, at the table.

  “You’re pretty...” Felicia murmured, stroking Lauren’s face. “I hadn’t really gotten a good look at you. But oh yes, very pretty.”

  Lauren was suspicious immediately. “What are you planning?”

  Felicia arced an eyebrow—clearly surprised. “And who says I’m planning anything?”

  “Aksana said it. And I know something is up. It’s too weird, too focused what’s happening. Maryse being deified, Caleb losing more and more with whatever I’ve got happening. Too weird! And I can see the enchantments around your house. Your parents aren’t home, and Caleb certainly isn’t behind it. It must be you.”

  Aksana...wasn't that the huntress? Must be. So, Maryse had gotten a hold of her...and then Lauren broke Maryse's enchantment. Interesting.

  The cocoa was ready—the spoon already retreating to the sink to be washed. Felicia smiled and retrieved the glass, handing it to Lauren. Giving it a distasteful eye, Lauren placed it on the table and then touched it no more.

  Felicia shrugged elegantly. “I’m impressed. Little Miss Perfectionist is good for something other than organizing bake sales and studying.”

  Lauren just frowned at her.

  Oh yes, Felicia knew her own face was saying—I know all about you, little one. All the fundraisers and extra planning and big perfect plans for life. And I can break it all apart, too.

  With the Summer Solstice just one day away, Felicia knew that there was no possible way Lauren could stop her—unless she convinced all the other components of the Spell to not show up. Even if that were to happen somehow, it was possible Felicia could get the Moondogs to track them all down, but that would be quite an effort.

  No, the simplest thing to do was simply give Lauren what she wanted—information—and to make her feel important. This worked on everyone, in Felicia's experience.

  “Well, all right.” Felicia summoned a chair and sat down directly across from Lauren. “Since you asked—I’m planning to unleash the Spell Suprema. You can’t stop me. Frankly...I don’t see why anyone would want to. I deserve the power of the Suprema.”

  “I don’t know what that is.”

  “Of course.” Felicia chuckled. “It’s a very powerful spell. It requires several parts, several people participating. The Priestess, that's you. Then the Beast King, the Warrior, the Enchantress Queen, and the Slave. It will make me immortal and beautiful forever. And powerful too, yes.”

  A soft, tiny little moan escaped Lauren's mouth—almost imperceptible.

  Felicia began to smile, understanding the sound right away.

  Lauren clearly was trying to keep her poker face...but Felicia could tell all she wanted to do was look at Felicia's gorgeous body. She was surprised, in fact, that she hadn't noticed it before—Lauren was bisexual. Heavily so.

  In fact, judging from that moan, Lauren was a natural submissive. How delightful! This would be easier than she thought.

  Felicia knew Lauren’s power was unpredictable...varied. But she also could now see the signs of easy, happy submission written all over her, as easily as someone else might see a traffic light on a road. All Felicia had to do was tug at those strands of servility—and she didn’t even need magic to do it.

  She leaned forward, staring at Lauren with admiration on her face. “You’re very special, you know.”

  “I...I-I am?”

  “Of course. Not just anybody could be the Priestess for the Spell Suprema. It takes...certain aptitudes.” She put a soft, feminine hand on Lauren’s knee, pushing it upward.

  “A-aptitudes?” Lauren started breathing hard, clearly enjoying Felicia's touch.

  “Certainly.” Felicia nodded sagely, her thick hair falling down onto Lauren's arm and chest. “What I did? What I did, to give you the power you have now? It was very old, very powerful magic...but it unleashed what you already had. Caleb as well.”

  Felicia pushed her face closer and closer to Lauren's, just almost kissing her...and then slid instead down to her knees, letting her heavy tits slide across Lauren’s lap.

  “W-what are you doing?” Lauren's voice had become very small.

  Without asking for permission, Felicia evaporated Lauren's panties, and then slipped her fingers up and into the curvy babe's already wet pussy. Lauren's head tilted back, and she moaned with pleasure.

  “Wouldn’t it be so hot, Lauren baby, serving the prettiest babe in the whole world? Being my favorite servant? I’ll make you prettier too. Won’t that be nice of me?”

  Lauren's body shook, her hands running through Felicia's hair. “Y-yes!”

  This was a lie, of course. Lauren would die in the ceremony, like all the rest of the components. But Felicia hardly cared about that.

  “Come on, say it,” said Felicia, fingering Lauren harder. “Say you want me in control.”

  Her voice high in pitch now. “I w-want...I want...”

  “Say you want me as your Mistress...”

  “I w-want...w-want...”

  “Go on, baby.” Felicia fingered her as hard as she could, using magic to warm her fingers to the perfect temperature for an incumbent orgasm.

  “I want you as my Mistress!”

  “You don’t want Maryse. You don't love Maryse.”

  Felicia knew already that was the arrangement—how could she not? Maryse was as dominating and as proud of her beauty as Felicia...only not quite as good. It only made sense that Lauren had been serving her.

  Lauren shook her head. “Don’t want her! Don't love her! You’re so right!” Lauren looked down at her with unadulterated lust, voice husky and rough. “You’re so right. You should be in charge of her.”

  What a good girl! Getting the idea so quickly. Felicia added another bit of magic to her fingers, allowing them to really put pressure on the brunette's g-spot. Lauren trembled heavily, her entire body shaking with the need to cum.

  “You’ll do whatever I say.”

  “Anything! Please!”

  “You'll cum for me.”

  “Oh my god, yes! I will!”

  “When you'll be my slave, from then on.”

  “Yes! Oh god, yes!”

  Felicia grinned wickedly. “Then cum for me, slave. Cum for your Mistress. Cum for your true Mistress.”

  On Felicia's command, Lauren came, her body spasming in the chair. Felicia continued to finger her pussy, slowing her pace as Lauren's spasms slowed.

  “Oh Mistress,” Lauren moaned, kissing the top of Felicia's head. “Oh, my Mistress. My true Mistress...”

  Felicia stood up, and then slid her pussy-juice-covered fingers into Lauren's mouth, allowing her to clean them off.

  “Good girl,” said Felicia. “Now, you're going to keep all that business to yourself, won't you?”

  Of course Lauren obeyed.

  * * * * *

  Outside the barn where he waited, Bryce could hear the Solstice Festival in full triumphant swing. People shouted and cheered, folk music blared,
and vendors called out their wares trying to make sales. There were carts for fries, popcorn, bead necklaces, that sort of thing.

  Bryce, though, was alone in the barn, pants down, stroking his cock quietly and thinking of Maryse. This is what she had told him to do until the ceremony later tonight, and so that's what he did.

  The Solstice Festival had special significance to the people of Summerville. The town itself had been founded on the day of the summer solstice—and so every summer solstice was also an anniversary. This was to be the one hundred and fifth annual festival—an auspicious occasion indeed.

  It was held in a large field on the outskirts of town, and so the barn Bryce was in was one of many constructed by the landowner in years past. The landowner got a cut of the proceeds of the festival—not bad for just having the land his father had bought.

  Standing quietly in the corner of the barn, Bryce recalled the last time he saw Maryse. It was just this morning. She was so perfect. He loved her. Her smile was so perfect. Her eyes.

  He loved her. All he did was love her. His life was simple now, and that was the way it ought to be.

  Outside, just outside the walls of the barn, he could hear people talking.

  Two girls, he realized after a moment. He wished they would be quiet. Their voices were just loud enough for his brain to try and pay attention—any louder and he could tune them out, and any softer he could ignore them.

  They continued talking. Lauren and Aksana, that’s who it was.

  He rather liked Lauren. Maybe he even loved her. It was hard to tell what love was anymore with Maryse in his life. She made love seem like a paltry word, an unworthy word. He knew he loved Maryse, but it was more than that. Worship. Adoration. Recognition of her as the ultimate definition of all that was woman. He would cut off his own limbs for her—his devotion was that pure.

  Still conversing, the two young women entered the barn. Lauren wore a tiny yellow sundress, her heavy breasts not covered in the slightest. Aksana wore tight leather pants and an even tighter red corset. The chest of the Huntress was small compared to Lauren's—though most everyone's was—but her slender pale body held some distant appeal for Bryce.

  “—I don't know, okay?” This was Lauren speaking. “You've been dogging me all day. It was...I don't know. The Spell Suprema, something like that.” Lauren huffed, turning in the darkness of the barn. “Hold on. Bryce?” Lauren called out. “Are you still all right, Bryce?”

  “Yes, Lauren,” he said calmly, stroking obediently. “Could you let me alone, though? I was told to stroke myself. Maryse was really specific.”

  He had been there most of the day, doing just that. Maryse would be so proud of him. Lauren might be, too. She was a good servant of Maryse's as well.

  “Oh...right.” Lauren had located Bryce now, staring right at him.“Okay.”

  Aksana grabbed Lauren. “The Spell Suprema? Are you certain that is what she said?”

  “Oh yes. She made me...I mean...”


  Lauren was blushing thoroughly. “She had me...beg for it.”

  “Wow. Are you okay?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m very well, thank you.”

  Biting her lip, Lauren sank into the wall, hugging herself for a moment. She seemed blissful...content. Aksana frowned.

  “Look...putting the weirdness of that aside for a moment, this is really serious. Really, really serious and horrible.” Aksana had started pacing.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The Spell Suprema is the most powerful spell in the known world of magic. Only one woman has ever successfully cast it—and it took the combined forces of nearly every Hunter and Huntress alive to take her down, and...and why does it look like all that is just turning you on?”

  Lauren blushed furiously. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just...all that power, Felicia having it...she’s sooo pretty.”

  Lauren’s knees buckled inward, her hands floating to her breasts.

  “Human sacrifice!” Aksana cried, flying her hands about.

  “What?” Lauren stood up straight.

  “The Spell Suprema. It requires human sacrifice.”

  “Like, sacrifice of...of...”

  “Of humans, yes. Thus the name.”

  “Oh, god. So when she called me her Priestess...”

  “She was identifying you as one of the components. Yes. Of course! Why didn’t I see it before? I thought her ambitions were more mundane, living in this town...but it was here that she found the perfect place to cover her nefariously doings!”


  “English is my second language!” Aksana snapped. “Listen. The Beast King, the Enchantress Queen, the Warrior, the Priestess, and the Slave. She needs all of them.”

  “All of those correspond to people?”

  “Of course. So, the Enchantress Queen is obviously Maryse...”

  “Right. And the Beast King is Caleb. I would be the Priestess. The Warrior must be...Bryce?”

  Bryce perked up. He liked hearing his name in the same few sentences as Maryse. It was another chance to think about his mistress. Beautiful, wonderful, sensational Mistress...he would never get enough.

  Wait, were they talking about someone trying to harm Maryse? Because if they were...he would fight that person. Fight that person for Maryse.

  Oh, Maryse was so gorgeous...

  “That all seems right.” Aksana nodded.

  “So...Caleb, Maryse, Bryce, myself, and...”

  Aksana gripped Lauren's shoulders. “Think. Do you know of anyone that is a slave?”

  “I know of lots. You were at Maryse’s house.”

  “No, no. That’s different. That’s an enchantment. It’s...different. That just magnifies want. A true slave is...unquestioning. Completely obedient. Their will no longer existing. Sort of what Caleb does when he bites a girl. ”

  “Oh my god!” Lauren grabbed Aksana’s arm. “Heather!”

  “Who?” Aksana shook her head. “Nevermind. Unimportant. I believe you. That means Felicia has all the components she needs. And that means we have to stop her.”


  “There’s really...really only one way.”


  “She has to be...” Aksana sighed. “The only way she could even cast the spell to begin with is if she was a virgin. Like, with men. She can’t ever have had her maidenhood put in question.”

  “Okay. So...we find someone to fuck her? That shouldn’t be too hard. She’s sooo pretty, Aksana.” Lauren was weakening again. “Are you sure that it’s human sacrifice? Are you sure she can’t just...just be in control, a little bit?”

  Aksana shook the other girl. “Lauren! This is serious.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I just, I’s kind of hot, right?”

  There was a silence for a time, punctuated only by Bryce's long, slow, easy strokes. He had gathered a lot of precum and cum in his time in the bar, and it made his cock slick and easy to use.

  Aksana said, “You need...a cold shower, let’s say.”

  Lauren shrugged. “Maybe so.”

  “Let us table that discussion, shall we? We can discuss your issues later. But for now, we need to get Caleb to fuck his stepsister.”

  “What?” Lauren did a double-take.

  “It’s honestly the only way.” Aksana sighed. “In his werewolf form, he’s the only one who would be able to resist her magic long enough to take her. And besides, the whole ‘taboo’ aspect of it...”

  “Yeah. That’s fair game for you, but me wanting to see a hot babe run the universe is super gross, huh?”

  “I am not turned on by it. It is just, a brother and sister having sex, or even step-siblings having is not taboo not just for western society, or what have you. It is a magical taboo as well. And it makes a do I say? It invalidates a person for certain practices, magically.”

  “So even if she tried the spell after that...”
r />   “She would not be able to do it.” Aksana nodded finally.

  Lauren considered that. “Would it break some of the spells she’s done already?”

  “Some of them? Certainly. All of them? I don’t think so.”

  “So...if she gave me my power...”

  “Then you may be stuck with it, yes. Caleb as well. Bryce, definitely, unless we go through with a ceremony tonight to help him.”

  There was his name again! He was listening...and then he wasn't. Maryse, Maryse, rhymes with fleece, which was soft like her lips and her hair and her breasts...oh, her breasts...

  “And in the meantime,” said Lauren, “we’d be enabling Caleb to make his stepsister his sexual servant, just like he’s done to Heather and the other girls at the house.”

  Aksana shrugged. “More than likely.”

  “Okay.” Lauren nodded, body completely flushed. “I guess we have to do it, then.”

  “You look...”


  “Nevermind.”Aksana stepped away.

  “You think it turns me on, don’t you?” Lauren's tits heaved in her tiny dress. “You think I’m some sicko, getting hot at the thought of Caleb owning so many girls with his cock?”

  Aksana was matter-of-fact all over. “Yes.”

  “Well...let’s table that discussion, shall we? Let me free Bryce from Maryse's enchantment.”

  Bryce straightened up. What? Free him? He hated the thought. His every fiber of being was against it. He would fight to the last!

  But...Maryse had told him to stay there...

  Oh, Maryse...

  “Why?” asked Aksana. “Why help him?”

  “Because...I don’t know. He’s there, and I want him to help us, okay? He can help with Caleb, maybe.”

  Aksana frowned.

  “Not everything is a weird sexual dance with me, okay?” Lauren grabbed her hand. “Just lots of things. I’m new to this too. Please, just go find Caleb? Bring him in here. I'll help him too.”

  Aksana sighed. “Very well.”

  The barn doors creaked open and closed, Aksana leaving. Sounds of shouting and music from the fair floated in briefly. Lauren approached Bryce, then.


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