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Spirit of Empire 4: Sky Knights

Page 32

by Lawrence White

  Atiana stared at him in confusion. “I don’t understand, Sire. Another creature lives within you? How horrible.”

  “No, Your Majesty. It’s wonderful. Let me show you.” Tarn’s fingers had just started darkening when Hawke jumped to his feet.

  “Sire! No!”

  Tarn dropped his hand and stared at Hawke with wide eyes.

  Hawke backed away in horror. “My apologies, Sire.”

  “You don’t think they should have Riders?” Tarn asked in surprise. “You’re probably in line for one as well.”

  Hawke’s head jerked, but he pressed on. “It’s not that, Sire. I’m not sure everyone here is ready for things like cell structures, protoplasm, and all that stuff.” He turned to Atiana. “The creature he’s talking about is very different from us, but I’ve heard they’re really smart and that they make wonderful companions. They exist like water that has spread throughout your body. Your body doesn’t even know it’s there. Only your mind knows.”

  Tarn stepped around the couch and placed a hand on Hawke’s shoulder. “Thank you, Teacher. I hear you.” He turned to Atiana and Galborae. “Let’s just say that my Rider and I are best friends. I’ll never give him up.”

  “You talk to him, just as I talk to Limam?” Galborae asked guardedly.

  “No. From what you’ve told us of melds, you converse mostly with feelings. My Rider is a real person, not a meld. He has a mind of his own. We speak, we argue, we disagree, and from time to time we actually agree. He’s a great advisor.”

  “They're male?” Atiana asked in horror.

  “No. They’re neither male or female. They tend to take on the traits of their host. You can think of your Rider as female.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry, Sire, but you’ve crossed a line here. I’ve learned to accept aliens, sky ships, your weapons, and some of your ideas, but I cannot and will not let you violate my body in this manner.”

  Galborae agreed. “Of everything I’ve seen and done since you picked me up that day, this I cannot accept.”

  Havlock stood. “We need a little time to get used to the idea. I think we’re done for now.”

  “Sire," Hawke wondered aloud, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he looked at Tarn. “I wonder if some time in the net might be enlightening.”

  Tarn stared solemnly at Hawke. “The governor named you well, Teacher.” His gaze went to his guests. “You need time to absorb what’s gone on here today, but we need to be away. Let me suggest that all of you come with us to Aldebaran. You have urgent business there, Governor, and because of the visions, it looks like all of you will be significant players in whatever develops in the future. You will all benefit from the trip.”

  “You’re talking about taking me to another world?” Atiana asked in alarm. “No! I can’t be away for months.”

  Havlock looked to Tarn and Stven. “I wouldn’t be much of a commander if I hadn’t prepared my second in command to fill my shoes. That’s not the case with queens. They’re sort of irreplaceable. They’re the foundation of everything within their kingdom, and in Atiana’s case, within her province of five kingdoms. Beyond that, I see her as the key to introducing us offworlders to the rest of her world. My marines are not idle down there. They need her to keep making introductions for them while I'm gone.”

  Stven spoke up. “George, trip duration?”

  “Eight days each way if we don’t make any side excursions.”

  “Surely you can be gone for a month?” Stven asked Atiana.

  “In the middle of a crisis?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Well, there is that, I suppose. Give it some thought, Your Majesty. We’ll make it worth your while.”

  “There’s nothing to think about,” Krys interjected. “Atiana, the events of the vision will come to pass if we do not heed the message. You’ll die, so will Governor Havlock and Sir Galborae, and your civilization will ignite. I shudder to think what that means. Will you risk your people’s future when a few weeks could make all the difference?”

  Atiana’s facade turned to stone. When she spoke, the words dripped from her mouth. “You leave me no choice, My Lady, though I don't believe any of this.”

  Krys’ voice softened. “But Governor Havlock does. That’s enough for you, isn’t it.”

  Atiana turned to Havlock and tentatively reached out a hand. “What do you say?”

  He ignored her hand. Instead, he reached out and took her face in both of his hands and leaned into her. “I have to go. It’s my duty. Come with me. Please.”

  Atiana felt like her heart stopped beating. Awareness of anything besides those wonderful eyes evaporated. She stared into his eyes from inches away without breathing, wanting to ask just one word: “Forever?” Instead, she reached a hand up to his cheek, savored the roughness, then dropped her hand and stepped away. She turned to Krys.

  “I need a day, two would be better, and I need transportation. I have to visit each of my kingdoms. The Empire has brought us instantaneous communications, and they’ll wonder if they don’t hear from me.”

  Krys nodded. “Understood and agreed. Plan on being gone for at least a month, but make provisions for an extended absence. Our travels are never predictable. If it’s not inappropriate, we’ll be happy to provide transportation to your meetings down below.”

  Atiana did not fully comprehend the offer, but Havlock did and his eyes lit up. He turned to Hawke. “What do you think?”

  “You’ve turned the transporter into an offensive weapon. It’s been to each of her kingdoms, so Resolve will not overwhelm them.”

  Atiana sighed. “Let’s just get it done so we can get back.” She turned to Stven. “Will you come with me to my meetings?”

  Her words truly startled the dragon. “Won’t the ship be frightening enough?”

  “Sire, my people have had little to delight them these past years. Your presence will remind them of better times.”

  “Sire,” Havlock intervened, “it’s not an entirely safe environment.”

  The room filled with George’s voice. “Your gleason sensors might not work, but mine do, and I’ll be watching over you.”

  Havlock frowned and looked to Hawke. Hawke frowned back and shrugged. “I’ll look into it, sir. If we can make them work, the roads will be a lot safer for everyone.”

  * * * * *

  Havlock ordered three squads to secure the road in front of Tricor’s main gate. When Resolve settled to the road, the ship was surrounded by an extended perimeter of marines patrolling on gorlacs. The gates stood wide open, and the battlements crawled with soldiers and townsfolk looking out at the great, burnished saucer. Resolve was not as large as the transporter, but it dwarfed the more commonly seen shuttles.

  Captain Turmae stood outside the gates all by himself. When Resolve’s ramp lowered, he sighed and started walking. A smile lit his face when Atiana emerged, but he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the dragon that clambered down the ramp behind her. She smiled at his discomfiture and raised a hand up to touch Stven’s scales. The marines even stopped their patrolling to stare. Rress were not exactly commonplace anywhere in the Empire, and to be in the presence of a Knight was a truly rare thing.

  Atiana took Turmae’s arm and walked with him through the gates, stopping before a crowd that had moved back at the sight of Stven. “Come!” she shouted. “Meet this wonderful creature of legend. He can only stay for a little while, but he would walk among you if you’ll have him.”

  Hawke and Kori stayed with Stven as translators, as much in awe of the dragon as were the townspeople. From time to time great gouts of flame spewed from his mouth, but always high above the heads of the delighted people. Meanwhile, Atiana went into the castle with Turmae while Havlock and Galborae boarded a shuttle that was just settling to the ground. They stepped aboard for a meeting with Major Lebac, a meeting that ended with Havlock bringing all of his senior staff to Resolve. None of his men had ever met a Knight, and he was not about to let them
miss the opportunity.

  Atiana’s private meeting with Turmae was not what he anticipated. “General,” she said, “the healing process we each went through aboard the transporter taught the sky knights something about us. About you and me specifically. I think you know what I’m talking about.”

  He stepped away from her with narrowed eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Your Majesty.”

  “I think you do, Father.”

  Her words caused him to falter, something she’d rarely seen. “You know?” he breathed.

  “I know.”

  “You’re mistaken.”

  “They tell me there’s no mistake. Your blood and mine are the same. When were you going to tell me?”

  “Never. You’re a queen with every breath you breath. Your mother would be so proud of you.”

  “And my father?”

  “You’re the best gift any father could ask for. There hasn’t been a day gone by that I haven’t stood in awe of you.”

  “So it’s true?”

  He stepped up to her and reached out a hand to her cheek, a hand hardened by the sword. “Yes, it’s true. The king never knew, but your mother and I did.”

  “How . . .?”

  “She and I loved each other even as children. I prayed that the illness that took her would take me instead, but it was not to be. Without a mother, you needed a father. The King was not so inclined, and that was all the excuse I needed.”

  She reached a hand out to his cheek. “I’ve always thought of you as a father. I wish I’d known.”

  “And now you do. It must remain a secret, Daughter.”

  She nodded. “But not between us.” She put her arms around him in a tight embrace. When she looked up at him, for the first time ever she saw tears falling from his eyes. “You’ve been the best father a daughter could want,” she said. “Not only that, your lessons have kept me alive. You’ve walked a hard road as Captain of the Guard and now General.”

  “Since my healing aboard the transporter I feel young again.”

  “I’m glad. What lies before you will require all the energy you have.”

  “What does my queen need of me?”

  “I’m not certain. I’m going away for a while. I need you to represent me while I’m gone.”

  “I can do that. Your province knows of the great battle we won. Their general is well known and admired.”

  “It might get harder. When I return, I might need a king.”

  “Who? The Sky Lord? You’re dreaming.”

  “No, you. But it’s because of him.”

  His lips formed into a grim smile. “You set your sights too high. Besides, queens rarely marry for love.”

  “It’s more complicated than that, Father. I might not have time to be queen.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’m not sure I do either, but if things go the way I hope they go, I’ll be traveling a lot. You saw our world from the ship. I can’t stay here in our little province if I’m needed elsewhere, and I think our world needs me.”

  “You’ve been two steps ahead of me ever since your childhood, but I’m not certain the province will answer to me without you standing beside me.”

  “I’m not going to leave, and my future duties might be more fruitful if I retain the title of queen, but if I’m to help the Sky Lord carry his message to our whole world, I might have to give up my allegiance to just one part of it. I can’t see that far ahead, not yet, but it’s a possibility. In the meantime, you’re going to be my connection to the rest of our province. More, you’re going to help me carry a message beyond our borders.”

  “You want to expand our borders?”

  “No, I want to erase them. I hope to gather as many kingdoms together as I can, kingdoms that share in my vision of Tranxte as a united world.”

  “I can’t share that image with you, Daughter. It’s too big.”

  “But you’ll help me work toward it?”

  “Such a thing will not come about during our lifetimes.”

  “If my plan works, our people will see you not only as a great general but as a great leader, particularly if it’s you who erases borders.”

  “No. It’s you they’ll see. I’ll make certain of it,” he said.

  “Actually, I hope you don’t. I have my sights set elsewhere.”

  “How is that possible?”

  A wise smile came to her face. “I think you know.”

  “Daughter, let’s cross these bridges when we come to them.”

  Daughter. She smiled at the warm feeling the title gave her. “Just so long as you know what we’re working toward.”

  She visited each of her kingdoms, Resolve carrying her, Turmae, Havlock, Galborae and Milae, the Teacher, the Healer, and last but not least, the great dragon.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Resolve left Tranxte behind on a quick journey to Aldebaran I. On the way, stories passed back and forth, with the Protectors sharing their experiences and Havlock’s group sharing theirs. He sensed their incredulity at certain parts of the telling, so he changed tactics.

  “Our shuttles record everything. I brought some representative recordings with me for General Stymes and his men to review. They’re brutal, but they’re accurate.”

  He showed snippets from the first caravan as he and his men stumbled through various tactics to learn what worked best, then he jumped ahead to his first meeting with Queen Atiana on the road outside her city. The massed gleason attack against Tricor that came later stunned these expert warriors, and when Galborae jumped up on the wall with his shimmering sword, even the Great Cats watched spellbound as he raced along the wall killing gleasons. When King Tennisol and his knights joined him up on the wall, Washburn and his Terran Protectors jumped up, cheering and punching the air. Later, when marines joined him in his fighting retreat into the watch tower, everyone came to their feet, spellbound.

  One of the shuttles, attracted by Galborae’s shimmering sword, recorded the last fighting as he went down beneath a pile of dead gleasons outside the main door to the keep. Queen Atiana entered the picture and took Galborae into her arms, then the recording ended.

  An awesome silence descended on the room as explosions from massed blaster fire suddenly ended. Everyone’s eyes, of course, went to Galborae. He was on his feet along with them, just as amazed as they were at what he had done. His gaze went around the room, almost in embarrassment, then he shrugged.

  “That’s it? A shrug?” Washburn asked incredulously. “I want to see it.”

  The Great Cat Borg spoke up as well. “I had no idea I was allowing such a dangerous weapon onto the ship.”

  Galborae shrugged again. He drew the sword from its scabbard in one smooth flow, the shimmer drawing all eyes as it cleared the scabbard. “Stand back!” he said sternly as Protectors moved closer.

  Havlock came to his rescue. “He’s right. The sword is the only one in existence that I know of, and for good reason. It was patterned after a tool our miners use. The edges are only one atom thick. We can’t see it, but they also vibrate, so it essentially cuts through anything. It’s can be as dangerous to us as it is to Galborae’s enemies. We coded it to his life force in case it fell into the wrong hands, so it will not work for anyone else.”

  Borg sauntered forward and sat at attention before Galborae. “The Leaf People chose well when they named you Speaker. Your people are lucky to have you. I’m glad I can call you friend, not enemy.”

  Galborae stared at him for a moment, then let his gaze move around the room, taking everyone in. “I might be Speaker,” he said, “but I challenge you to find me a single person in this room who hasn’t laid everything on the line. We might have different enemies, but we’re all brothers in arms.”

  The light in his sword died as he replaced it in its scabbard.

  * * * * *

  Two days after leaving Tranxte, George asked a question. “Governor, would now be a good time to introduce Queen Atiana to t
he net?”

  Havlock lifted his eyes to the ceiling and stared off into space for a while. When he responded, he did so with uncertainty even though she sat right beside him. “Actually, she’s experienced the dream already, but we’ve thrown an awful lot at her these past months. I don’t want to overwhelm her.”

  “Understood. I met Sir Galborae in his dream when he first came aboard, so I have a sense of what she’s going through. She’s certain to have a lot of unanswered questions.”

  “I’m sure she does. We need to take it one step at a time.”

  “I’ve done it before successfully.”

  “With people from emerging worlds?”

  “Yes. Your First Knight was one of them. He became my captain and pilot for a year.”

  Atiana stood up to face Havlock with her fists on her hips and a determined look in her eyes. She did not have to say anything.

  Havlock saw the look and winced. “Sorry, My Lady. I haven’t forgotten you’re here. I think George is talking about something beyond your wildest imagination, far beyond what you experienced in your dream.”

  “My imagination can be pretty wild. It learned to accept Sky Lords, gleasons, blasters, stunners, space ships, and aliens. There’s room for more.”

  “It’s one thing to use a blaster. It’s something else entirely to know how one works.”

  “Your Majesty,” George said, “we’re taking you to another world. Would you find it helpful to understand the full meaning of what that means?”

  She stood up. “I take it it’s not a world like Tranxte?”

  “In some ways all worlds are alike. Aldebaran once resembled Tranxte, but over many, many generations it has changed and bears little resemblance to what it once was.”


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