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Sexy to Go Volume 2

Page 12

by Unknown

  “Ah, fuck. Wyn…” Mitch pumped hard into him. Polyester and zipper metal brushed his ass every few seconds—it might leave a red mark but Wyn would wear it with pride. He hung on tight, watching the board games and trinkets and books shake with their rough play.

  “Man, this is awkward,” Mitch muttered, and Wyn feared he’d stop. He wanted to reassure the man, but after a moment’s pause there was a gasp then renewed force. Mitch freed more of himself, he realized. He bent against Mitch and felt the other man’s balls slap him. Harder, faster, more groaning. He caught the sign of a coming orgasm and braced for it.

  Mitch grunted and stilled, buried to the hilt as the heat of his climax seared up Wyn’s back. He came as well, dripping cum down his leg and on his shoes. Chuck would mind this. He hoped to find some paper towels in here afterward.

  Wyn glanced over his shoulder again. Damn, the sight of that blue shirt—Officer Lowry’s badge glinting under the single bulb—could get him hard once more. They risked enough time here for a secret fuck, though. Eventually the final round would end, and somebody might need to use the facilities.

  “Come here.” Mitch pulled free, tucked his dick and rubber into his pants, and zipped. He leaned forward and took Wyn’s lips in a soft kiss. They meshed for a few seconds, the tip of Mitch’s tongue sliding along the seam, before the other man broke away. “I’d love more time with you, Wyn. Maybe somewhere less like a shop closet.”

  “We’re still on for Thai food this weekend, right?”

  “Of course, but you know what I mean.”

  “Cool.” Wyn barked out a nervous laugh, then righted his appearance. He spied a rag hanging from a hook on the wall and used it to mop up any evidence of their tryst before pocketing it. He’d slip a fresh one in the supply closet when he visited next.

  “So…about that ticket, or whatever citation you were planning to give,” Wyn began.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Um, you said you had some questions, and you were here on ‘official business.’” Wyn emphasized with finger quotes. “What else can it mean, but a bust or something?”

  “A bu— what?” Mitch snorted. “Wyn, you don’t send one officer to a raid. I got off duty a short while ago and was shopping for my nephew’s birthday. He’s really into comics.” He leaned to one side and looked past Wyn at an opened cardboard file box full of X-Men back issues. “The clerk ran off a bunch of titles like he wanted to sell me the store, then I saw the card game and figured you’d know this shit better than me, so—”

  “That’s your official business, buying a present?” Wyn’s face heated with embarrassment. Here he thought he might actually have used his oral skills to circumvent the law. Instead he jumped the gun and engaged in semi-public sex, mere feet away from a dozen acquaintances who could be waiting for them with mobile phones at the ready. How many Instragram accounts would record the walk of shame?

  He wanted to vomit. He was the good boy who never ran stoplights or lifted extra sugar packets from the café to take home. He instigated this, and he tasted Mitch every time he swallowed back his fear.

  He never felt so alive in his damn life. He’d do it again.

  Not now, though. A loud cry from the other side alerted him to the game’s end. “We should leave now,” Wyn said. “With all the ruckus, hopefully nobody will notice we were in here.”

  “Or came here.”

  “Funny.” He disengaged the lock and turned the knob when Mitch’s hand curled around his shoulder.

  “Hey, technically you can’t tell people you blew a cop to get out of a ticket since I hadn’t intended to write you up for anything.”

  “I know.” Wyn doubted he’d tell anybody about this night, not even about losing the tournament.

  “Now, say I were to follow you home and I catch you making an illegal turn or driving a few miles above the posted limit…”

  * * * *

  Wyn managed to exit the game room without attracting attention. In his peripheral vision, George shook hands and accepted back-slaps from the contenders he defeated to win the big prize. In five rapid steps, he was out the door and in the parking lot.

  Several minutes later, as he rolled down a stretch of Atlantic Avenue away from the busy Oceanfront district, a flash of colored lights illuminated his rearview mirror. Wyn’s pulse raced and he eased to a stop on a darkened side road. Ahead of him, he barely saw the white-capped waves since only one lamppost shined here. 112th Street, where he’d turned, housed a number of summer rentals, all of which appeared vacant.

  A broad, uniformed chest filled the driver’s side window and Wyn lowered the glass after Mitch rapped twice on it. “Sir, do you know why I pulled you over this evening?”

  He swallowed and fought to keep a serious face. In his head, he quivered and longed to grab the policeman by the flanks and pull him close. Tamping down his nerves, he offered a weak smile. “I can’t imagine I was speeding.”

  Mitch tsked and shook his head. “I had you clocked going one mile over the limit. Normally I’d let a driver slide at such a small margin, but I also noticed how your car weaved for the briefest moment into the opposite lane.” Wyn could tell his new playmate fought to keep a straight face as well. “Sir, I have to ask you to step out of the car.”

  Wyn complied. He wasn’t sure whether or not to press his hands to the top of his head.

  “I’ll have to administer a sobriety test, if you’ll be patient.” Mitch stood close, his belt brushing his belly. The rhythm of the strobes atop Mitch’s cruiser illuminated the man’s features, lending him a look of mystery that Wyn found attractive.

  “I suppose you want me to walk a line while touching my nose?” he asked.

  “I’m thinking something more challenging.” The rasp of a zipper filled the beat of silence, and Wyn realized Mitch intended to go down on him.

  “Can you keep your balance while I get you off?” Mitch asked. “You can’t lean on the car.”

  Wyn nodded his understand, and trembled with the rush.

  Mitch cupped his stiffening groin. “I want to taste you. You want to come in my mouth. Two truths?”

  “No lie,” Wyn said, sighing when Mitch lowered. Two lips touched sensitive skin and he smiled.

  I am Leigh Ellwood. I write smutty stories about people who like getting naked and having sex. Some have more sex than others, some have sex with people of the same gender, some have sex with more than one person, and still others have sex with toys and things that require the use of batteries. My stories range from a few thousand words to well past 70k. My books are available at Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, Kobo, and ARe. Really, just type my name in any bookstore site and something is bound to show up. I prefer ARe as a vendor because they rock, but feel free to buy my books anywhere you like.

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  Bound by the Beta

  Eva Lefoy

  Casi had returned to the Alpine Lodges Resort merely to see the Beethoven concert. At least that’s what she’d told herself on the two hour drive there. But rationally, she knew the visit wasn’t about the music at all. The chance to see Liam and Dahlia again had sent excitement skittering along her limbs, all night. She’d barely slept. After parking she’d scurried into the woods to the exact spot where she’d met the couple the day before and joined in their sexual tryst. But she’d found only disappointment as Liam and Dahlia weren’t there.

  Instead, the rugged-looking man facing her had snuck up behind her on the trail, and now stood blocking her path. She shivered under his gaze, and fought the urge to wrap her arms around herself even though trepidation marched up her spine. Every instinct she possessed urged her not to display any weakness to him.

  “I said, who are you looking for miss?”

  The lo
w gravelly command of his voice forced the answer out of her. The desire to obey him overriding her defenses. “L-Liam. Liam and Dahlia.”

  One eyebrow rose.

  “They’re … friends of mine.” Sticking up her chin, she resisted tacking on, “they said I could come back any time,” since then she’d have to add, “and have sex with them.” She swallowed. Nobody needed to know that except herself.

  “Oh, are they now?” Both bushy eyebrows rose and the man’s gaze softened. He uncrossed his arms, rocked back on his heels and pushed his hat up so she could see his face better. “Well then, that makes us friends, too.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Flint, but folks call me Snake.”

  Snake. She could see why. His movements were quiet as one, and she’d bet his reactions were just as quick. He held her hand a few seconds too long, brushing his thumb over her skin, sending tingles up her arm. To her left, the last of the concert-goers ambled into the music hall. The event was about to begin. Casi drew back, trying to slip away from his grasp. “Nice to meet you, Snake, but I’ve got to go.”

  He failed to release her hand. Instead, he brought it up to his mouth and lightly brushed it with his thick brick-colored lips. As he did, his irises flickered to gold, just like Liam and Dahlia’s right before they’d transformed to animals.

  Breath caught in her throat, she froze. His touch had seared her, leaving desire in its wake, but seeing proof of his animal side squeezed her chest with panic. Her hand trembled in his grasp. What is he? Is he one of them? And why is he looking at me like he’d like to eat me?

  His tongue snaked out to lick her, then he closed his eyes and sighed. “You taste lovely, Casi.”

  Oh my god. How does he know my name? Snapping out of shock, she jerked her hand out of his. She nodded toward the concert hall, carefully avoiding gazing directly into his eyes in order to avoid falling any further under his power. “The music’s about to start. I’ll see you later.”

  He met her lie with a husky, “Yes. You will.” Then he stepped aside.

  She strode down the path not feeling her feet, her balance off, and her head spinning. But every nerve in her back registered his gaze boring into it as she walked away. His focus so intense he all but crawled under her skin and took up residence. Warmth flooded her, and as she handed her ticket at the door, her mouth was too dry to speak. Casi stumbled to her seat in a daze, thankful for the press of other bodies surrounding her. But she could sense him nearby, waiting.

  As the stirring melody of the Archduke Trio filled the room, resounding off the wooden beams all around her, she relaxed into her seat. Rocking her head in time with the music, she closed her eyes and listened, falling into another world. String instruments always soothed her, easing the tension from her limbs. But if she were totally honest with herself, she hadn’t returned to the Alpine Lodges strictly for mood therapy. She’d returned with a body aching for more sex.

  Her tryst with Liam and Dahlia had reopened her to her own sexual needs. After a long dry spell, she’d been reminded how good totally random sex could be. But the shock of seeing Liam and Dahlia were really animals had left her desperately attempting to make sense of what she’d seen. As she listened to the great composer’s work, her focus was torn from the music over and over, going back to Liam and Dahlia, and then to Flint. Snake. His name is Snake for God’s sake. What kind of a person is that?

  So why did her thighs quiver at the remembrance of his gaze searing through her flesh? Crossing them to stem the dampness seeping into her panties, she opened her eyes and gasped as Snake strolled through the woods behind the pianist, just outside the room’s tall beveled glass windows. His gaze locked to hers, and her nipples hardened beneath her blouse. The way he looked at her caused her body to respond automatically, as if he already knew her carnally, and always would. None of her reactions to him made sense. She’d met him only a half hour ago. He wasn’t her lover. But she was positive Snake would be waiting for her the second the concert ended. Why? What does he want from me?

  At least there’d be people around, she wouldn’t be alone with him. Maybe she could ask him for more information on Liam and Dahlia, find out where they’d gone and when they’d be back. If he refused to tell her, she’d just leave.

  When the first piece ended, everyone rose for intermission. Thirsty, she paid for a glass of merlot and sauntered to the doorway to get some fresh air. This far out in the mountains, the night came early and the cooler temperature felt nice against her skin after the heat of the day. Outside, she leaned her head against the building’s rustic cedar siding and sighed. She’d been alone for a long time. Yesterday’s woodsy encounter had re-kindled a fire in her too long ignored and she desperately wanted to keep it lit. Every time she fantasized about their lovemaking, her body quivered with gentle aftershocks. Remembering licking Dahlia’s nipple, her hand shook a little, sloshing the wine in her cup. With a resigned sigh she lifted the plastic to her lips, drained it and dropped it in the wastebasket.

  Since the toilets were outdoors, she headed the short distance to the free-standing outbuilding. Inside, the modern fixtures were at odds with the surrounding natural area, but the place was well lit and clean. After washing her hands, she stepped outside. She sensed Snake before she spied him loping toward her from the front of the hall. He still wore the same denim shirt and fedora, looking out of place amongst the concert crowd. She wore a V-neck summer sundress that ended above her knees, and she didn’t miss the way his gaze slid up her thighs before rising higher. By the time it reached her face, he looked ready to consume her.

  “Enjoying the show?”

  “Yes, very much.”

  “Good.” He stepped up to her, and settled beside her next to the bathroom wall. “Wouldn’t want my woman to be unhappy with the night’s entertainment.”

  Her brows shot upward. His woman? Oh really?

  Maddeningly, he nodded as though he could hear her thoughts. When he spoke again, he lowered his voice. “But of course, you didn’t come here for the concert, did you?”

  A blush shot up her neck faster than she could open her mouth to deny his insane accusation. “What do you mean? I have a ticket. Of course I came to see the show.”

  One corner of his mouth quirked up into a half-smirk. “Uh huh, and I’m Peter Rabbit. You think I can’t read you better than that?”

  Huffing, she started to stride away. He caught her by the arm, halting her escape. “Let me go, or I’ll scream.”

  He narrowed his eyes and studied her. “No you won’t. Not just yet anyway. Not until I’ve agreed to give you what you so badly need.” He winked.

  Fury stole her breath. How dared he insinuate he knew her secrets? “What makes you think I need anything from you?”

  “The fact you violated our territory looking for Liam and Dahlia tells me everything I need to know about you.” He let go of her arm. “And your needs.”

  She rubbed her hand down it, trying to erase the memory of his touch from her skin, but the area remained stubbornly warm and soft, as if he’d smoothed it with his lips. No, she didn’t want to imagine that. This conversation was over. She opened her mouth to tell him so, and watched in growing alarm as he sidled closer. So close their breaths mingled and she could see the danger lurking deep in his pupils.

  In that instant, the reality of what he was, what Liam and Dahlia were, became starkly real. They were animals. Beasts, all of them. And yet, they hadn’t hurt her. Eaten her alive. No. They’d treated her like she belonged. A twinge worked through her heart, and she saw a corresponding flicker of pain flash across Snake’s eyes. It lasted a split second, then vanished.

  “I know you’re a submissive, Casi.” He licked his wide, sturdy lips. “I know you came here today eager to do their bidding. I’d like to suggest you do mine instead.” He held out his hand, palm up, but made no move to touch her. “I’ll give you everything you need and more. You have nothing to fear from me.”

  She blinked at the sincerity in his gaze
but resisted taking his offer. “Exactly how do you know Liam and Dahlia?”

  “Liam’s my alpha.” At her questioning shake of her head, he added, “The leader of my pack. Dahlia is his mate.” He gave a short sigh. “Truth be told, they haven’t been very happily mated these past few months, but something changed in them yesterday. They seemed almost… compatible.”

  “And what do you attribute that to?”

  His eyes gleamed. “You.” He raised his arms on either side of her, caging her against the bathroom wall and inhaled deeply. “I can smell them on you. I know you were with them. Here, in the woods.”

  Embarrassed, she surreptitiously sniffed the air but couldn’t scent anything but her soap and shampoo. “What business is that of yours?”

  He grinned, and the sharpness of his incisors lent it a feral edge. “For one, Dahlia is finally pregnant. The pack’s been waiting a long time for an heir.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious. How could she possibly know that?”

  “Believe me. Shifters are very in touch with their bodies. She knew immediately when conception occurred.” He cocked his head as though trying to process information, but she was the one blinking back shock. “I don’t know what you did, but you smoothed over their relationship enough so she could let go of her own alpha needs and let Liam take over.” Snake closed his eyes and breathed deeply, seemingly inhaling her scent, then nodded in approval. “You did a good thing for them.”

  Butterflies swirled in her stomach. Pride cinched up her heart. Was the notion her presence had affected them so deeply a childish wish, or did its roots go deeper? She had no way of knowing unless she could talk to Dahlia again, and she wanted to, badly. “Where are they now?”


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