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Hellfire Part Two

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by Robyn Masters


  Part Two


  Robyn Masters

  Chapter Five

  Dressed in black, an older man in his late 50’s carrying a worn black leather bag enters Hellfire on a Saturday night.

  “Welcome to Hellfire. Are you a member?” asks the gatekeeper at the front door.

  “No. A friend suggested I check this place out,” the gentleman replies.

  “Not a problem. Here is a list of rules that must be followed. Only safe and consensual play is allowed. The donation for this evening is $30.00.”

  The man hands over two twenties and the girl replies, “Thanks for the tip. You can go on through the black curtain.”

  “Um.. I need change. That was not a tip. I don’t make much money so every dollar is important.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I just assumed you were tipping me. Most men do when they come here,” she replies.

  “I am not like most men. My change please?”

  She gives the man a ten dollar bill and looks away obviously a little pissed about not getting tipped at all. The man stashes the bill in his pocket and walks through the curtain and proceeds to the main room. For never having been to Hellfire before, he seems to be very familiar with the layout of the building.

  He passes through the accessories room and enters the main dungeon room. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, his senses pick up on the scents and sounds that now surround him. He finds a seat on a lumpy much used sofa and is quickly joined by a young woman in her twenties. Quite a bit overweight, she is dressed in a corset that pushes her oversized breasts up and out forming an inviting display of cleavage.

  “Good evening Sir. May I address you?” she politely asks.

  “Yes, child you may address me. What is your name?”

  “I am called Slave Cheyenne. How may I address you Sir?”

  “You may call me Sir, Slave Cheyenne.”

  “Yes Sir,” she replies with eyes lowered.

  He places his hand on her head and says, “No need to pout my child. I will take good care of you this evening. Let us proceed over to the cross and I will bind you to it.”

  “Yes Sir. What do you have in mind for me this evening Sir?”

  “I was thinking of a stranglehold flogging to your lovely plump ass,” he replies.

  “Yes Sir if that will please you. Shall there be a safe word Sir?”

  “Of course my child. Your safe word is red. Can you remember that?”

  “Yes Sir. I can remember to say red is your punishment of me it too much to bear.”

  “Punishment? You misunderstand my child. My flogging of you is not a punishment; it is a gift to you for it is what you desire is it not?” he asks.

  “Yes Sir but too much of a good thing can also be dangerous and hurtful at times.”

  “Well said Slave Cheyenne. I will take you to inner sub space and you will enjoy the gift I will bestow upon you,” he says as he positions her onto and facing the St. Andrews cross and begins to bind her hands.

  She watches as he secures each wrist and she begins to tremble. He does not bind her ankles and tells her, “I am leaving your legs free so you can jump and squirm as the flogger whips your bare ass. I like to see a slave jump when hit.”

  “Bare ass? Oh Sir, I don’t know if I am ready for…”

  She suddenly feels her skirt fall to the floor revealing her ass cheeks to the world to see for she is only wearing a thong that leaves nothing to the imagination.

  “Oh God. I have never felt a flogger on my bare skin before Sir. I might have to use the safe word. I am very concerned that I might not be able to say the word when you strangle me.”

  “Strangle you?” he asks.

  “Yes Sir, you said that this would be a stranglehold flogging,” she replies.

  He smirks. “Yes child. What I meant by that is that I will be flogging you to the rhythm of the classic song by Ted Nugent, “Stranglehold. I will not be strangling you.”

  “Oh. I have never heard of this song. Are you sure they have it on the sound system Sir?”

  “I have it on CD. I will be right back.”

  The dominant brings the CD to the cross dressing bartender and asks if he can play it and the bartender agrees without hesitation.

  As the dominant walks back to the cross and his newly acquired slave the music begins. The slave faces away from the room and cannot see what is about to happen. The dominant pulls out a leather flogger from his bag that appears to be well worn from hundreds of hours of use tanning the hides of many a submissive.

  As the song reaches the part of the swoosh hi-hat sound, he steps behind his young and innocent victim and lets the flogger fly in time with each swoosh. She stands vey still at first but with each additional swat of the flogger her legs begin to move in an effort to get out of the way of the flogger which is a futile attempt.

  “Oh my God. Please Sir. Please Sir,” she screams out over the music.

  He walks up and asks in her ear, “Please what child? Please more.. please harder?”

  “Yes Sir. More. Please.”

  He reaches down between her legs and runs his fingers over her pussy now trenched in her flowing juices running down her stout thighs.

  He retrieves another flogger from his black bag and uses both in time with the music giving the illusion of a wind mill turning in the wind faster and faster.

  His timing is impeccable and he is right on tempo with the beat of the song. As he gets into the song more and more, he begins to turn and dance in place. A crowd begins to form as a simple flogging turns into a well-choreographed performance. The bartender turns on the light synchronization mixer and the colored lights in the main room react in unison with the movements of the man and his floggers as they turn a white pasty ass into a bright red masterpiece of art created by a true artist.

  The young woman bound to the cross is so deep into sub space she has no idea what is happening to her. Her pain threshold is beyond her fear expectations and she surrenders to the desires of her Master.

  The concert version of the song comes to an end after 23 minutes and thus so does the flogging of Slave Cheyenne. She is released and slowly stumbles to the browbeaten sofa where thirty minutes earlier she met the Dominant of her dreams.

  As Cheyenne lies on the sofa she folds into the fetal position and begins to cry. A common after effect for most subs when coming out of scene. A few other submissive females come to her aid and comfort her as she comes down from her sub space high.

  Meanwhile her Dom is being approached by another submissive who is interested in playing. He accepts her and again, another flogging session begins. This process continues into the wee hours of the morning. Submissive after submissive desires to play with the older, experienced Dominant. He works his magic over and over again until daybreak.

  As the man in black backs up his bag and exists out the front door of Hellfire, he crosses the street and continues down Rockwell Ave. As he walks, he reaches into his pants pocket and retrieves a pair of sun glasses to shade his eyes from the early morning sun.

  He walks briskly to the end of the block where he comes face to face with Saint John Birchman Catholic Church. He stops in his tracks and stares at the church. As he stands there he contemplates his life and the choices he has made wondering if he has taken the right path. Suddenly the church bells ring six times. It is 6:00 am and Sunday morning mass will begin in just an hour. He picks up his bag and unzips the side pocket. He retrieves a white piece of rectangular cloth covered plastic and after buttoning his collar he inserts the clerical collar into the openings that hold the white collar in place. He walks to the front door of the church and finds a young boy waiting for him.

  “Good morning Fath
er Tom,” the young boy says.

  “Good morning my child. You are my altar boy for 7:00 services?”

  “Yes father. I am Alex.”

  As Father Tom and Alex enter the church to prepare for another Sunday full of services, Cheyenne exits Hellfire two blocks up the street and walks to the corner of Fullerton and Western to the 24-hour diner for coffee and some breakfast. Rubbing her sore ass as she walks, she smiles from the pain as she recalls the evenings’ events. She hopes she will see the mysterious Dom who took control of her soul again very soon.

  Chapter Six

  Ryan walks from the terminal at O’Hare to the short term parking garage elevators. A costly parking tab awaits him due to his indifference to parking in the remote long term lots. Ryan likes convenience and will take advantage of an upgrade every chance he gets.

  He locates the car and pops the trunk to stow his bags. He sees his black play bag in the back of the trunk and a smile comes to his face. He pushes the bag deeper inside the trunk and then deposits his luggage toward the front of the trunk.

  As he pulls up to a pay gate, he hands his parking stub to the attendant and waits for the total.

  “You were parked for 3.5 days at $33.00 a day. That will be a $115.50. You might want to consider parking in the long term lot next time. Would save you about $80.00,” says the attendant.

  “My company pays for it so I take advantage of it. It’s one of those little perks I still get,” says Ryan as he hands his company credit card to the attendant.

  “Here is your receipt and your card. Have a nice day.”

  Ryan jumps on the interstate and heads south for Homer Glen, IL which is about 35-minutes south of the airport. He can’t wait to see his little girl Eva. He bought her a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader doll even though Sam told him not to. Eva loves when her daddy comes home from a trip. It’s Saturday afternoon so Ryan is thinking they will probably go out for pizza.

  (phone rings) He glances at the screen and sees that it is Sam.

  “Hey Sam. I am about 30-minutes away.”

  “Good. I am glad I caught you. You need to stop at the store to do the shopping. We are out of everything. I will email you the list.”

  “Shopping? Sam I am really tired. After three days of meetings and traveling I am beat. Can’t you go do the shopping now while I am driving home?”

  “No, I have a pedicure in a few minutes. I will be gone for at least an hour or two. When you get home with the groceries, you can start dinner. I was thinking that we could barbeque since it’s such a nice day. How about burgers and Italian sausages? Maybe Devon and his wife Sharon from across the street can come over.”

  “Sam, I am not up for company this evening. I just want to relax with Eva and get a pizza or something that is fast.”

  “Stop complaining Ryan. It will be fun. Oh, I have to go before I am late. I will see you later when I get home. Bye!”

  “Sam?.. Sam? Son of a bitch!”

  Thirty minutes later, Ryan pulls into a Walmart super center to get the groceries needed. As he opens Sam’s email it has a video message attached to it. He opens the video.

  Sam is filming herself taking a shower.

  “Hi Ryan. I hope you had a nice and frustrating trip. I have been thinking about how your will be licking my pussy all weekend when you get home. Say hello to your best friend Ryan.” She points the camera on her phone at her pussy and Ryan watches as she uses her fingers to masturbate. He can hear her moan as she gets herself off. Then the camera raises up and focuses on the padlock key dangling from the gold chain around her neck.

  “Bet you miss this little guy too.” She laughs and says, “See you tonight.”

  Ryan closes down the video before walking into the store. Now inside, he grabs a cart and opens the text email containing the grocery list.

  “Holy crap. This is the entire weeks’ worth of shopping. Paper goods, food, pharmacy… there must be 100 items on this list. You lazy bitch Samantha.”

  Ryan shops for all of the items as requested by Sam. He is getting angrier by the minute as the vast majority of the items on the list are for Sam and Eva. He is just the errand boy to shops and pays for everything.

  After checking out and paying the $250.00 plus bill, Ryan loads the car and heads to the house. A few minutes later, he is home at last. He grabs a few of the grocery bags out of the car and walks into the house through the garage entry.

  As he enters the kitchen, he cannot believe his eyes. The house is a total disaster area. Dirty dishes in the sink piled high. Garbage overflowing out of the trash container onto the floor. Dog shit and urine on the floor. Toys and clothes thrown about everywhere.

  “I’m going to kill her. She hasn’t lifted a finger since I left!”

  Ryan brought the rest of the groceries in from the car and started putting the items away. He then ran upstairs and changed into some leisure clothes and started cleaning and picking up the house. His dog, Apollo a purebred Doberman was tied outside to his dog house and was wrapped around a nearby pole unable to move.

  “Apollo, buddy. How long have you been like this?”

  Ryan removed the cable from Apollo’s collar and let him run free in the yard. Apollo was so happy to see Ryan as he jumped and played. Ryan headed back into the house and began cleaning the floors. About an hour later, Sam and Eva arrived home.

  “Daddy, daddy!” Eva yelled as she ran into Ryan’s arms.

  “Hi Eva. I missed you so much. Have you been a good girl for mommy?”

  “I have been a good girl for Ashley. I had fun playing with Jason for so many days.”

  You stayed with Jason most of the time that I was gone Eva?”

  Sam spoke up.

  “No, she has no concept of time. She was over there just the one day. Look at my toes Ryan. Don’t they look great?”

  “Your toes? Look at this house! Sam, this place was a disaster area when I got home. There was dog shit and piss on the floor.”

  “He’s your dog. He crapped in the house so I chained him up outside so he wouldn’t do it again.”

  “When was this?”

  “Um… Wednesday evening when I got home.”

  “So the shit was sitting there for 3 days?”

  “I’m not cleaning up after that dog. He is your responsibility. I told you that when you got him.”

  “All you had to do was to feed him and let him out three times a day. Why couldn’t you at least do that?”

  “I was busy.”

  “Busy? Doing what? You don’t work, you drop Eva off at Ashley’s every chance you get, you didn’t clean the house, do the laundry, do the shopping,… Sam you did nothing around here!”

  “I was busy taking care of me Ryan. You neglect me and I have to make myself happy because you don’t have the common courtesy to take care of your wife!”

  “I take care of everything Sam. Excuse me for having to travel for my job, but that is my job. It’s the only source of income that we have and you spend whatever I make faster than I can make it.”

  “You had better watch your tone with me Ryan or this key will stay around my neck for a very long time.”

  “Don’t even pull the chastity bit on me tonight Sam. I could care less. I will go to a hospital or locksmith to have this thing removed and I don’t care who sees it or how they react. I am done with this crap.”

  As Ryan slams cabinet doors and curses the day he ever met Sam, she has a surprise for him.

  “You leave me no choice but to use this Ryan.” She reaches into her purse and pulls out what looks like a keyless remote. She aims it at Ryan and he suddenly falls to his knees.

  “That cage didn’t cost $2400 just because it is strong and impossible to open but because it has a built-in shock collar that I can fry your balls with if you don’t behave.”

  Ryan is rolling on the floor begging Sam to turn it off.

  “Please, stop it. Oh my God that really hurts a lot Sam. Please stop.”

  “Are you going t
o apologize and do as you are told? Are you going to stop being such a baby and realize I control what happens around here not you? Well? Are you?”

  “Yes. Yes. Just stop shocking me!”

  She stops pushing the button and walks to Ryan.

  “So the next time I tell you to do something you had better do it. Clean up the rest of the house, finish the laundry and then start dinner. I have invited over two other couples. You had better be good or I will shock you right in front of them and make you show them your cage. Now do as I say.”

  “Yes, Sam.”

  Chapter Seven

  Samantha retreats to the master bedroom, soon to be renamed the Mistress bedroom if she has her way, to change into something a bit more seductive and revealing. Sam loves to flirt with all men but especially the neighborhood males. Before moving to Chicago from St. Louis, Sam had seduced every neighborhood male and alienated every neighborhood wife. Few women could hold a candle to Sam’s beauty and she knew exactly how to get a man aroused and interested.

  As Sam changed her clothes, Ryan and Eva played in the yard with Apollo. Ryan scooped up dog crap so the guests would not step in it if they ventured into the yard.

  “Eva, how many nights did you sleep over by Jason’s?”

  “Um. I think every night you were gone daddy. Are you mad at me daddy?”

  “No honey, I’m not mad at you. Why would you ask me that?”

  “Because you didn’t bring me anything from your trip.”

  “Ah.. I see. Well, actually I did bring you something. It is lying on your bed upstairs.”

  “Really? Oh boy!” and she ran off screaming as little girls do.

  Sam appeared.

  “What is she screaming about? Did you tell her she was worthless too?” Sam asked Ryan.

  “No. I brought her a little something from Dallas. She went to go see it.”

  “And where is my gift? I asked you for something did I not?”

  “I couldn’t find that type of hoodie. Maybe next time.”

  “Maybe you didn’t look hard enough Ryan.”

  Ryan didn’t reply and instead continued to pick up dog poop.


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