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Broken (The Chances Series Book 2)

Page 6

by O'lone, Amanda


  “MMM, Eric, as much as I would – Aaahhh! Would really love to continue this, we can’t.” I continue kissing her neck.

  “Why? What is more important than making out with me?”

  “God, nothing. Mmmm, Eric, I have to get to my apartment.”

  “Mmmm good idea, your bed is there.” I unbutton the top two buttons on her shirt and kiss down her beautiful cleavage. Then I lick my way back up and I feel her shudder. Fuck she is intoxicating.

  “Yea, no. My now ex roommate is there and waiting on me to come get my shit out cause her boyfriend and his roommate are moving in now.” I stop and look at her.

  “What? How? You just agreed to move in with me.”

  “Yep and she I guess was getting ready to kick me out.” WTF. Yea, my girl needs to come home with me.

  “Ok princess, let’s go get your things and bring you home.” She smiles and her hand brushes across my cock as she brought them up to hug me. My dick is still rock solid and would love to sink it in her wet hot core just now, but my girl needs me to protect and provide for her and that is something I will always do and never slack on. I give her one last long deep kiss and grab her hand and help her off the desk. “Ready to go?”

  “More than ever.”

  When we get to her now old apartment she has found that the fuckers changed the locks. Piece of shit assholes. We pound on the door and some ugly fuck answers.


  “Jeremy, let me in to get my things.”


  “Why not?”

  “Beth said not to while she is out. She will be back in about-“ He looks at his watch, “5 hours, come back then.” Fuck this shit!

  “Listen, either you let Jazzy in to get her things or we will be back with the cops and I will have you arrested for theft and breaking an entering.”

  “Good luck with that dude. I haven’t stolen anything and I live here.”

  “Yea, well, so does Jazzy. She has paid her half of the rent and legally lives here for another 10 days. So let her in to get her things and we will be on our way.”

  “Fine, it’s all bagged and boxed in the hall, take only that shit.”

  “Thank you Jeremy, as long as it’s my clothes and bathroom things.” Jazzy says politely. I give the fucker a dirty look as we pass by into the shithole. Damn it, I’m so glad she is moving in with me now. This place is a dump. My poor girl, she will have all she needs and deserves now.

  “Go, check your room and bathroom to make sure everything is here princess. Don’t worry, he won’t do anything.” I kiss her forehead. She looks past me cautiously and then heads in the room. I turn to see Jeremy standing there with his arms across his chest and I give him an 'I dare you' look and then grin when he doesn’t move. Thought so, the pussy has no balls. Jazzy comes out of her room a few minutes later with a couple of shoe boxes and places them in the larger box here. Then heads to the bathroom to check, and comes back empty handed. She stands looking at everything. “Is it all here, princess?”

  “Yes.” She grabs a box and I take it from her.

  “I got it honey, grab the smaller ones, ok?”

  “Ok.” She smiles. I look in her eyes and see love, I can guarantee no one has treated her right. And I’ll be damned if she cares heavy fucking boxes while I’m around. That’s just not right. A real man would never allow his girl carry the larger box and pussy out and carry the small ones. And I know that’s what she’s use to. Well baby, not any more. I turn and carry the box down to my truck and she follows. I get the box into the truck and turn to my surprise I find ‘Mr. no balls’ helped bring things out. I thank him, and my girl and I hop in the truck and head home. She’s quiet the whole ride, just looking out the window.

  “Penny, for your thoughts.” She turns and gives a small smile.

  “I don’t know, I guess I’m shocked, but I’m not.”

  “About what?”

  “That Beth did that. That she kicked me out, packed up my stuff, changed the locks and then instructed the guys to not let me in and get my things while she was out.”

  “Well, she was in the wrong with that. And I made sure that pussy Jeremy knew.” I reach over and grab her hand and hold it. We pull up to the house “Welcome home princess.” I smile over at her and she smiles back and slides over and goes in to kiss me.

  “It’s good to be home.” She whispers and kisses me. I place my hand on the back of her head and deepen the kiss. She moans and I kiss harder. When we can’t breathe any longer we pull away, chest heaving. “Thank you.” I look at her with question. “For coming with me and helping me get past Jeremy, thank you.”

  “You are welcome princess, I will do anything for you, always.”

  “Let’s go in, I’ll make supper, I’m starved, I forgot to get lunch, and I got into working today.” She says while hoping out of the truck. That won’t happen again. I will make sure she has her meals. No more skipping.

  “Well, there isn’t much, we could order in, what would you like?”

  “What about Thai?”

  “Perfect. Let’s grab some boxes, you grab the small ones and I will get the rest.”

  “You know we could get boxes and pack up the master bedroom and move in there can’t we? I mean Brody and Annie will be in their new house when they get back, right?”

  “Ummm, yea I don’t see why not. I still need to get all of my stuff out of my apartment as well.”

  “What are you going to do with all of the furnishings from either your house or here?”

  “Well, Brody and Annie don’t want the stuff here. He wanted all new things with Annie. So I was thinking of keeping my bed and getting rid of theirs. I don’t really want to sleep in one they fucked like rabbits on.” Jazzy giggles.

  “What about buying a new one? I kinda don’t want to sleep in one that you have fucked like rabbits in with other woman.” We are in the house now headed up the stairs to the room we have been in, the spare, and I put the box down on the bed and take hers from her doing the same. I pull her to me and kiss her on the cheek.

  “We can get a new one, but I want you to know that I never shared my bed with another woman. No one ever came to my place. You are the first to be in my home, my bed.”

  “I like that. Then there is no need to get a new one. I want to be in your bed, I want to be blanketed in your sexy smell.” She licks my bottom lip and then nibbles. My cock is rock hard now. I grab her behind her thighs and pick her up and walk to the side of the bed. I lay us down and we franticly rip at each other’s clothes.

  “Fuck baby, I want you in my bed too, I’ve never wanted anything more than you in my life and in my space, I want you.”

  “Mmmm, I want that too, I want you in my life I want us, God, Eric. I’m addicted to you.” I rip open her button down shirt and suck on her nipples through her bra. “Ahhh, Eric, fuck! Eric, this was Annie’s shirt.”

  “Fuck, Jaz. I’ll buy her another one, I need you now and I wasn’t going to let the buttons slow me down.” She pushes me up until I’m sitting on my heels. She sits up as well and reaches behind herself and unhooks her bra and lets it fall to her lap. I swallow hard. Her tits are fucking perfect. Her nipples are a light pink and puckered and I need them in my mouth. I lean in and flick one with my tongue and she gasps. “You like that?” I moan around her nipple.

  “Yes, more.”

  “God, Jaz I can’t not give you more. I’m addicted to you too. I need you too much.” She is so perfect for me. She reaches for the hem of my shirt and I stop long enough to rip the fucker over my head and throw it somewhere. I lay her back down to lick the valley between her tits. She tastes fucking good. She reaches for my pants, damn it why didn’t I just strip first. I quickly stand and remove my pants, she giggles at me. “What’s so- fuck!” I fall over. She cracks up now.

  “Oh, oh Eric, you are so impatient, just sit and take them off, I’m not going anywhere.” She says still laughing.

  “You are going to pay for laughing at me princess.” I pounce on her and kiss her hard. She moans “Hmmm, you’re not laughing now, are you.” I whisper into her ear.

  “Fuck Eric, please, fuck me.”

  “Mmm, I would love to. I want to be balls deep in your tight cunt, fuck! But you see there is the matter of you laughing at me.” I say as a kiss down her neck and back up the other side. My restraint is close to breaking. She is squirming trying to get friction on her dripping pussy. I move my leg back so she can’t rub on it. She groans in frustration and I chuckle. She shoves at my shoulders.

  “Eric, you ass, either get me off, or get off of me!”

  “Damn Jaz, my feisty princess. You’re so fucking hot.” Shit my restraint just shattered. I am not gentle, I grab her thighs, shove them up to her chest and spread them wide and open. “Fuck! You are soaked, your thighs are slick.” I growl and lean down and lick from asshole to clit. She screams my name. “That’s right baby, I’m the one making you feel so fucking good right now. I want to feel you and taste your come on my tongue. Come Jaz! I know you are close. Do it, now!” I lick the same way two more times and then suck hard on her clit and she comes hard. I thrust my tongue in her tight cunt and lick the rest of her honey out and drink it up. “Damn Jaz you taste so damn sweet. I could eat you all night. But it’s my turn, I want to fuck you senseless.” I sit up on my heels and shuffle in closer, I rub my head along her slit and we both moan. Her pussy is so hot. Then I slowly shove my cock in until I am all the way in and my balls are resting on her ass. She clenches around my dick. “FUCK! Jaz, do that again.” She does. “God, so so good. I fucking love being buried in this sweet pussy.”


  “So demanding.” I pull out and slam back in her. “Like that?”

  “Fuck yes! Fuck me hard! Please Eric, please!”

  “Since you asked nicely.” I growl and pound her cunt into tomorrow. “Shit! You are so fucking tight. I love this pussy.”

  “Aaahhh, Eric, please. I’m so close!” With my grunting, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the room, and her little moans, the room sounds fucking sexy as shit. I lean down over the top of her, I claim her lips. I rotate my hips and grind my pelvis into her clit. She gasps and I growl.

  “MINE! Come for me now Jaz. Come all over my fucking cock.”

  “Ooohhh, god, EERRRIICC!”

  “That’s it baby. Let go, Oh Fuck! Jaz I’m gonna come. OOHHH FFFUUUUCCCKKKKK!” We shatter together. She wraps herself completely around me and I roll us to our sides so I don’t crush her. We are both panting, trying to catch our breath. I rub my hand up and down her spine and I feel her shiver. “Are you cold?” I ask, reaching for the blanket.

  “A little, mostly tired. It’s been a long day.” She says yawning. I pull her in closer and kiss her forehead. She snuggles down into my chest.

  “Let’s take a nap princess.”

  “Mmmm, sounds like a plan.” And she kisses my chest. Damn, I love that. I love her, My princess.

  Chapter 9

  I wake, still wrapped in Eric’s arms. I look over at the clock and its 10 pm. Shit we’ve been asleep now for 4 hours. Damn we must have been tired. But then again we haven’t been exactly sleeping much lately either. I move Eric’s arm and leg off of me and I carefully get out of the bed to head to the bathroom and start the tub. I head back into the bedroom and grab some fresh panties and a tank top out of one of my boxes. Eric moans and rolls over. Damn, the man is sexy as hell, even when sound asleep. I head back to the bathroom. I have been in the tub maybe 15 minutes before I hear Eric. He walks in rubbing his eyes. And he has a hard on, I lick my lips and can’t help but look, it’s eye level.

  “What some company?” He yawns out.

  “I would love some company.” I sit forward and he slides in behind me, pulls me back into him ad wraps his legs and arms around me. I sigh. He kisses my shoulder. “did you have a good nap princess.”

  “I did. I can’t believe we slept so long thou.”

  “I can, we haven’t slept much the last couple of nights.”

  “No we haven’t, but I’m not going to complain.” I wiggle my hips causing my ass to rub his cock. He groans and squeezes his thighs together to still my hips.

  “Getting to make love to my girl, yea I’d give up sleep.” He kisses my neck up to my ear and back down. “But right now we need to get out of this tub and get you fed. You haven’t eaten all day.”

  “True, and it didn’t help that we got a bit distracted.” I turn my head and kiss him.

  “mmm, come on get that fine ass up.” I stand and he bites my ass. “I can’t wait to fuck this sweet ass.” And he slaps it. I get out dry off and get dressed, he dries off and walks back to the spare room and gets dress. We meet in the hall and proceed to the kitchen. I make us some sandwiches and he cuts up some fruit for a fruit salad. We head to the living room and put on a movie. The night was perfect. We just fit together perfectly. We settled in like we have been together our whole lives.

  The past week has flown by. We got Eric’s house packed and moved out. Then we packed everything up of Annie and Brody’s and moved into the moving truck to take up tonight. All the furniture that Eric and I didn’t want we packed up another truck to take to charity along with the things from the office in the city. Eric also went to his appointments for work and I did the billing from home. I’m loving the fact that I can work from home now. And I’m freakin’ excited that Annie and I will be working together. Damn I can’t wait until Friday when we pick them up. I miss her. Two weeks is long enough without my bestie. Eric walks through the door and heads to the kitchen. He sees me sitting at the table on the computer.

  “Hey princess, you just about ready to head to the McGhee mansion?”

  “Yup, just finishing the last of the bills now and I will be ready.”

  “Great, while you do that I am going to shower and change out of this suit.” He kisses me on the head and walks up. I finish the bills 10 minutes later and head up too. My intention was to grab our toiletry bags but I got a glimpse of him and I couldn’t resist. I stripped and quietly got into the shower. Ahh, perfection. His head is back, rinsing soap out of his hair water cascading down his well-toned body. I lick my lips and kneel. He still isn’t looking but I know he can sense me. I lean forward, and suck the head into my mouth. He jumps.

  “Ooohh FUCK! Jaz. Shit. Fuck that feels good.” He grips my head with both hands. I grip his root and pump his cock and continue to suck. I love felling it grow in my hands and mouth. And he does grow. Damn he’s big. “God, Jaz, your fucking mouth is heaven. Fuck, suck it hard. Take it all the way, all the way down baby, FFUUCCK, yes! Just like that! Oh fuck, again, YYEESSS! Baby, you’re gonna make me come so fucking hard, SSHHIITT! AAAHHHH, I’m coming!” And then I’m rewarded with the first spurt of his salty goodness. He grips tighter onto my hair and shakes. When he has calmed he pulls me up into his arms and kisses me. “Damn Jaz, that was fucking good. Whatever did I do to deserve that?”

  “Nothing, just wanted to please my man.” I smile at him.

  “Well, that you did. And now you can please me even more by letting me suck that pretty pink pussy of yours. He picks me up and walks over to the bench and sits me down and he kneels. “Open your legs wide for me princess.” I do and he growls deep in his chest. I reach up and suck two fingers into my mouth and he watches every move I make. His eyes a black and full of lust. I take the fingers out of my mouth and slide them down my chest and circle one of my nipples. He groans. I continue my way down until I find my aching bundle of nerves. He watches for a few seconds and his eyes glide up to mine. My mouth is dry and hung open out of pleasure, after a brief moment of eye contact my eyes flutter closed and my head falls back. Eric throws himself into action. He claims my mouth, hard. “You are so fucking hot Jaz. I want to fuck the shit out of you, but first I have to taste you.” He grabs my wrist and brings my fingers to his mouth and sucks on the two I was rubbin
g my clit with. “Mmmm so fucking sweet, I need more.” And he bends down and sucks and licks my lips.

  “Aahhh, Eric. More, I need more.”

  “Tell me Jaz, what do you want me to do?”

  “Fucking suck my clit, hard.”

  “As you wish my princess.” 2 licks, he sucks my clit and I scream.

  “Mmmmm, Eric! Oh shit! Yea, yea, mmmm.” He adds a finger and curls it up and I soar.

  “EEERRRIICCC!” He has to hold my legs up from vise gripping him. He sucks and licks my clean. Then he lets my legs go and sits up on his knees and smirks at me.

  “How was that?”

  “I can’t feel my legs.” He kneels up and kisses me. He wraps his arms around my waist and stands. I wrap my legs and arms around him.

  “Time to get out and warm, the water is a bit cold now.” He says in our kiss and chuckles.

  “I’m still warm.” I mention. He bites my neck.

  “Baby you are on fire, and when I get you back to our bed my hose will put it out.” I start laughing.

  “Eric, don’t ever say that again. That was a corny, lame pick up line. Please, pleeaassee tell me you have never used it before?”

  “Once.” He says shyly.

  “And? Did It work out for you?”

  “No.” He replies fast and short. Obviously a sore subject.


  “I used it back in college. Before I became the sex god I am today.” He says with a huge smile.

  “Oh, you think that highly of yourself, huh?”

  “No, I just know I can please, and I fucking live to please you.”

  “Well then, get to it big boy.” I bite his lip, he throws us on the bed and proceeds to please, and dayum that man truly does know how to please.


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