163 “Smoke and mirrors”: AI, Arthur Laurents, Nov. 1, 2005.
163 “no way we”: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005.
164 “My heart was”: AI, Jerry Herman, Aug. 31, 2005.
164 “They had to hold”: AI, Harvey Fierstein, Jan. 16, 2007.
164 “slumber party”/“Uncle Allan”: AI, Wendy Schaal, Sept. 4, 2007.
164 “really drunk”: AI, Howard McGillin, Aug. 2, 2007.
165 Boca Raton/“Allan Carr fell”: AI, Wendy Schaal, Sept. 4, 2007.
165 “It’s pretty good”/family problems/“You’re sick”: AI, Russell Todd, Aug. 2, 2007.
Chapter 23
166 “Allan was just”: AI, Jerry Herman, Aug. 31, 2005.
166 “Gene turned on”: AI, Jon Wilner, July 25, 2006.
166 “Gene wanted to be the”: AI, John Weiner, Aug. 18, 2007.
167 “War II searchlights”/Lansdowne/“Cir-cus”/Aronoff: Nathan Cobb, “Acceptance, Accolades at First-Night Party,” Boston Globe.
167 “Your kind isn’t”: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005; Manny Kladitis, Aug. 21, 2007.
168 “Break it”: Jeff McLaughlin, Boston Globe.
168 “slipshod treatment”: Kevin Kelly, “Harvey Fierstein Dragged into Sudden Stardom,” Boston Globe.
168 “about the Times”: AI, anonymous source.
168 New York magazine: AI, Shirley Herz, Sept. 25, 2005.
168 “second balcony”: AI, Jon Wilner, July 25, 2006.
168 “This show doesn’t”: Paul Rosenfield, “Great Big Broadway Show.”
169 “Tune and Twiggy”: “Peacocks Flock to ‘La Cage’ Opening,” New York Post.
169 “huge hit”: AI, Harvey Fierstein, Jan. 16, 2007.
169 “whatever money”: AI, Elaine Krauss, Aug. 23, 2007.
169 big Marriott/“fabulous idea”: Richard Levine, “The Selling of a Used Car,” Esquire, p. 187.
170 “We built”: AI, Elaine Krauss, Aug. 23, 2007.
170 “Mrs. Hitler”/“V.I.P. problem”: Rosenfield, “Great Big Broadway.”
170 “Carmen Miranda”: Arthur Bell, “Bell Tells,” Village Voice, p. 34.
171 Bosshard/Poiret/“minor extravaganza”: Ron Alexander, “Opening Party for ‘La Cage,’” New York Times.
171 opening-night gifts: AI, Elaine Krauss, Aug. 23, 2007; Theoni Aldredge, Aug. 11, 2007.
171 Derringer/“Dear Arthur”: Rosenfield, “Great Big Broadway.”
171 “years of employment”: Diana Maychick, “More Glory than Gelt,” New York Post.
171 flights to China/$150,000: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005.
172 “Saint-Tropez flights”: AI, Jon Wilner, July 25, 2006.
172 “mixed-up party”: AI, Theoni Aldredge, Aug. 11, 2007.
172 “best tables”: AI, John Weiner, Aug. 18, 2007.
172 “party was lavish”: AI, Arthur Laurents, Nov. 1, 2005.
173 “Nederheimers”: AI, anonymous source.
173 “Mafia-style”: AI, Stephen M. Silverman, Aug. 3, 2007.
173 “Do you think”: AI, Jerry Herman, Aug. 31, 2005.
174 “We were criticized”: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005.
174 “three weeks”/New York University: AI, Arthur Laurents, Nov. 1, 2005.
175 “People never think”: Roderick Mann, “Barry Knows Why the ‘Cage’ Bird Sings,” Los Angeles Times, p. 7.
175 “Gene would say”: AI, Harvey Fierstein, Jan. 16, 2007.
175 “Gene, you really”: AI, John Weiner, Aug. 18, 2007.
175 “He kept asking”: AI, Shirley Herz, Sept. 25, 2005.
175 “Gene’s wife, Betty”: AI, Harvey Fierstein, Jan. 16, 2007.
175 “after Allan congratulated”: AI, John Weiner, Aug. 18, 2007.
175 “He could say”: AI, Arthur Laurents, Nov. 1, 2005.
176 “wild party reputation”: AI, Mark Waldrop, Nov, 8, 2007.
176 “It was incestuous”: AI, Jon Wilner, July 25, 2006.
Chapter 24
177 “good-looking guys”: AI, Howard McGillin, Aug. 2, 2007.
177 “Are they crazy”/Kawasaki: Richard M. Levine, “The Selling of a Used Car,” Esquire, p. 188.
178 “itchy sweater”/“Don’t fall”: AI, Russell Todd, Aug. 2, 2007.
178 “Boys, take”/“More boys”: AI, Howard McGillin, Aug. 2, 2007.
179 Australian industrialist/“couple screwing under”: Levine, “Selling of a,” Esquire, pp. 188-189.
179 “out of context”/Allan rose: AI, Harvey Fierstein, Jan. 16, 2007.
180 “The parties were”: AI, Kathy Berlin, Apr. 18, 2009.
180 “It’s relentless”: Wanda McDaniel, “Sometimes I Feel like Staying Home to Watch ‘Dynasty,’” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner.
180 “momentum”/“They’ll love”/expensive ads/“We all felt”: AI, Shirley Herz, Sept. 25, 2005.
181 “You could hear”: author’s personal observation.
181 “I loved Sunday”/“last year’s embarrassment”: AI, Harvey Fierstein, Jan. 16, 2007.
182 “I’m not leaving”: “‘La Cage aux Folles’ Cleaned Up,” People, p. 125.
183 “pals in Hollywood”: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005.
183 Chez Jacqueline/“I’ve gotta sweep”: Jeannine Stein, “Click,” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner.
184 “You needed binoculars”: AI, Arthur Laurents, Nov. 1, 2005.
184 “Los Angeles should”/Regis Philbin/“not classy”: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005.
184 “He would have”: AI, John Weiner, Aug. 18, 2007.
184 “Lucite grand”: AI, Jerry Herman, Aug. 31, 2005.
184 “Bob’s aunt”/“limited to five”: Arthur Laurents letter, dated June 21, 1986.
185 “bad mood”: AI, Jon Wilner, July 25, 2006.
185 “from Passaic”: AI, Harvey Fierstein, Jan. 16, 2007.
185 “wasn’t well cast”/New York Times: AI, Shirley Herz, Sept. 25, 2005.
185 “after this rehearsal”/“You can’t dance”/“doing this show”: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005; John Weiner, Aug. 18, 2007.
186 “without a trace”: Arthur Laurents, Mainly on Directing, p. 38.
186 “Veteran Producer”: Arthur Laurents letter, dated June 21, 1986.
187 “After three years”/“Get rid of”: AI, Jon Wilner, July 25, 2006.
187 Rock Hudson: AI, Shirley Herz, Sept. 25, 2005.
187 “do with AIDS”: Vito Russo, “A Visit with Allan Carr, Hollywood’s Can’t Stop Mogul,” The Advocate, p. 36.
187 “AIDS epidemic”: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005.
187 Mark Hellinger/Reams: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005; Shirley Herz, Sept. 25, 2005.
188 “If you sold”: AI, Jon Wilner, July 25, 2006.
188 “[current] economic justification”: AI, John Breglio, Nov. 15, 2007.
188 “No one closes”: AI, Barry Brown, Sept. 8, 2005.
188 “We were set”: Arthur Laurents, Mainly on Directing, p. 142.
189 “We were surprised”: AI, Mark Waldrop, Nov, 8, 2007.
189 “kept getting raises”: AI, Jon Wilner, July 25, 2006.
189 “we had parties”: AI, John Weiner, Aug. 18, 2007.
189 “Brother, Can You”: AI, Mark Waldrop, Nov, 8, 2007.
Chapter 25
190 “sound system”/“don’t use microphones”: AI, Maury Yeston, May 5, 2008.
191 “John Denver”/“South Pacific”: AI, Freddie Gershon, Apr. 2, 2007.
191 “Manolete”/“bullfighter’s costume”/“my Gandhi”: Ibid.
192 0.25 percent: Paul Rosenfield, “A Great Big Broadway Show,” Los Angeles Times.
192 “loves your score”/“out of the blue”/“King of Siam”: AI, Maury Yeston, May 5, 2008.
193 “Allan Carr delivered”/“went pale”: Ibid.
194 “Domingo couldn’t understand”: AI, Freddie Gershon, Apr. 2, 2007.
194 “My Fair Lady”/Yetnikoff/Berniker/“Ramone to produce”: AI, Maury Yeston, May 5, 2008.
195 addiction to cocaine: Walter Yetnikoff, with David Ritz, Howling at the Moon, p. 241.
195 “craziest music exec”: Ibid., book jacket.
196 “What if we”: AI, Maury Yeston, May 5, 2008.
196 “The first half”: AI, Freddie Gershon, Apr. 2, 2007.
196 Elaine Stritch reprised: Duane Byrge, “Broadway at the Bowl,” Hollywood Reporter, p. 6.
196 “$500”/“Latino audience”: AI, Freddie Gershon, Apr. 2, 2007.
197 “It didn’t land”/“deep love”: AI, Maury Yeston, May 5, 2008.
Chapter 26
198 delinquent hip/October 17: John Culhane, “For Oscar’s Producer, the Key Is C,” New York Times, p. 11.
198 “I didn’t go”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
198 “Dick came over”: Paul Rosenfield, “The Oscar Show and the Exercise of Power,” Los Angeles Times.
199 Poopsie Awards: Alan Solomon, “Poopsie Picks,” The Stentor, p. 4.
199 “My wife still”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
199 Wise/Donen/Goldwyn: Ibid.
200 “thankless job”: AI, Sherry Lansing, Aug. 30, 2007.
200 “recovery period”/“Women watch”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
200 Detour/“Allan would kick”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
201 “women’s caftans”: AI, Fred Hayman, Aug. 17, 2007.
201 “Fred Hayman’s”/“gotten boring”: Claudia Puig, “Dressing Up the Academy Awards Show,” Los Angeles Times.
201 Beach Blanket/“dancing tables”: AI, Jo Schuman Silver, July 17, 2007.
202 Bush’s 1989 inauguration/“big line”: Lynn Carey, “ ‘Beach’ Producer Opens Oscar,” Contra Costa Times.
203 “sidetracked into”/“when the presenters”: AI, Ray Klausen, Dec. 10, 2007.
203 “If I’m lucky”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
203 “Oscar rash”: Rosenfield, “Oscar Show.”
203 “Academy’s conservatives edgy”: “Insider,” Los Angeles magazine.
203 “were some whispers”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
203 “compadres, costars”: Culhane, “For Oscar’s,” p. 19.
204 “four twinkies”: AI, Kathy Berlin, Apr. 18, 2009.
204 “Coca-Cola chilled”: Rosenfield, “Oscar Show.”
204 “too TV”/Jessica Rabbit: Culhane, “For Oscar’s,” p. 19.
204 “is 10% for”: Rosenfield, “Oscar Show.”
205 Doris Day: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
Chapter 27
206 “drink champagne”/glossy photograph/“three turds”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
208 “his dream”: AI, John Hamlin, May 18, 2009.
208 “young”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
208 “elegant evening”/“I’m having problems”/“It’s brilliant”: AI, Ray Klausen, Dec. 10, 2007.
209 “It was grandiose”: AI, Jeff Margolis, Mar. 12, 2009.
209 “favorite movies, Grease”: Jimmy Kimmel Live! Feb. 23, 2009.
209 “Bring your husband”/“Snow White”/“I made you”: AI, Lorna Luft, July 26, 2007.
211 “The designers weren’t”/Lagerfeld, Giorgio: AI, Fred Hayman, Aug. 17, 2007.
212 L’Ermitage/“Angie isn’t”/“Tiffany Jewels”: Rosenfield, “Oscar Show.”
212 “Everything’s bigger”: Puig, “Dressing Up.”
213 “hype the awards”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
213 Oscar Ground Zero/MISS GRABLE’S/“clients the material”: Irv Letofsky, “Glamour? Glory?”, Los Angeles Times.
214 “with Nureyev”/“Lana doesn’t”: Rosenfield, “Oscar Show.”
214 on-air joke: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
215 overexposed, Peck: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
215 So no Liz: “Is This a Competition Prize?” The Times, p. 16.
215 “her the moon”/“Swayze’s people”/“Tom’s producer”/Ameche: Rosenfield, “Oscar Show.”
216 Both women insisted/Alice Faye: Peter Bart, “Angst for the Memories,” Variety, p. 5.
216 “He did everything”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
216 Club Oscar: Army Archerd, “Just for Variety,” Daily Variety, p. 2.
216 “highfalutin’ club”: Steve Pond, The Big Show, p. 5.
216 “His ego was”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
217 “He’s a legend”: Rosenfield, “Oscar Show.”
217 “the best party”/“movie clips”: Ibid.
217 ABC Studios: Culhane, “For Oscar’s,” p. 19.
218 “old Hollywood folk”: Jimmy Kimmel Live! Feb. 23, 2009.
218 “Young Hollywood number”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
218 “could swing in”/“year of ballet”: Kevin Koffler, “Carr Puts Oscar Spotlight on the New Hollywood,” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner.
219 “People put down”/“numbers on Oscars”: Ibid.
219 “bigger celebrity than”/“forget my lines”: “Snow White,” Los Angeles Times.
219 “going to be gold”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
220 substituted momentarily: Alan Light, “Backstage at the Oscars,” Movie Collector’s World, p. 2.
220 “It won’t work”/“Sixteen minutes!”/“Look, you’ve got”: AI, Jo Schuman Silver, July 17, 2007.
220 $150 a week: Bob Thomas, “Merv Griffin Dies at Age 82,” AP.
220 “the dinosaurs”/Bette Midler/“Like what else”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
221 “He thought Rob”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
221 “daily basis”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
221 “rehearsal was fun”: AI, Army Archerd, Oct. 1, 2007.
222 “They all loved”: AI, Freddie Gershon, Apr. 2, 2007.
222 “dress extra”: Archerd, “Just for Variety,” p. 2.
222 Doris Day: Ibid., Mar. 30, 1989, p. 2.
222 “that muff”: Rosenfield, “Oscar Show.”
223 pesky lawyer/Disney: Richard Turner, “Nobody Ever Said Snow White Had Much of a Sense of Humor,” Wall Street Journal, p. A8.
Chapter 28
224 “the red carpet”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
224 “circle the Shrine”: “Faces & Places,” Us, p. 18.
224 Streep/Fawn Hall: Duane Byrge, “Weather’s Just Fine Outside the Shrine,” Hollywood Reporter, p. 30.
225 “support for Allan”/Cybill Shepherd/Cher: Ibid.
225 Warren Cowan: AI, Warren Cowan, May 17, 2007.
226 ordered up fourteen/“percent concentration”: AI, Jeff Margolis, Mar. 12, 2009.
227 Kahn/“Let Snow White”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
227 Luft/“Pfeiffer’s face”: AI, Lorna Luft, July 26, 2007.
227 Lowe/Levinson/“Please God”: Jimmy Kimmel Live! Feb. 23, 2009.
228 “Cedars-Sinai right”: AI, Lorna Luft, July 26, 2007.
228 “plague”/“wax works”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
228 Hamlisch/“hit a wall”: AI, Marvin Hamlisch, July 26, 2007.
229 “proud of”/“piece of”: AI, Jo Schuman Silver, July 17, 2007.
229 Lucille Ball/“aspirin”: Jimmy Kimmel Live! Feb. 23, 2009.
229 Goldie and Kurt/“Let’s check out”/Jeannie Williams: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
230 “Snow White opening”: “Carr Hears Only the Ovations,” Hollywood Reporter, p. 6.
231 “Get me out”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
232 “You’re just grateful”: AI, Ray Klausen, Dec. 10, 2007.
232 “Bavarian hangar”/crisp potato baskets: Jeannine Stein, “Where the Stars Come Out to Shine After Oscars Show,” Los Angeles Times, p. 2.
232 “weighs a ton”/Julian Sands: Jeannine Stein, “Oscar: An Overnight Sensation,” Los Angeles Times.
233 “pro forma congratulations”: AI, Ray Klausen, Dec. 10, 2007.
233 Berg/“What on earth”: AI, Thom Mount, Oct. 2, 2007.
/> 233 “two reactions”: AI, Peter Guber, Jan. 10, 2008.
233 “such a fuss”/Disney: AI, Jo Schuman Silver, July 17, 2007.
233 Kahn thanked Jeff: AI, Jeff Margolis, Mar. 12, 2009.
233 “own private party”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
233 “Overall, the reaction”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
234 “To go home”: AI, Jeff Margolis, Mar. 12, 2009.
234 “At Swifty Lazar’s”: AI, George Christy, Mar. 6, 2007.
234 chef Serge Falesitch’s: Mitchell Fink, “Spago Schmooze News,” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, p. 2.
234 “quoted my mother”: Ibid.
235 “the jokes about”: Ibid.
235 “Nobel Prize”: “Faces & Places,” p. 18.
235 “People told Allan”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
235 Michael Caine: “Rating the Oscar Parties,” TV Guide, p. 45.
235 “Ask me tomorrow”: Archerd, “Just for Variety,” p. 2.
Chapter 29
236 “dull telecasts”: Joyce Millman, “S.F. Puts Some Zip in Show,” San Francisco Examiner.
236 “TV nyet”: Tony Scott, “Oscar Awards Singin’ in the ‘Rain,’” Daily Variety , p. 1.
236 “The 61st”: Janet Maslin, “The Oscars as Home Entertainment,” New York Times.
237 Love/“Janet Maslin”: AI, Jo Schuman Silver, July 17, 2007.
237 “No one has”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
237 “I was in bed”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
237 “Producers usually shrug”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
238 26.9 million: Howard Burns, “ABC’s Oscar Telecast,” Hollywood Reporter.
238 Wells/“Dick, we got”/“Photoplay Awards”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
239 Mortons/“megadisaster”: AI, Robert Osborne, Aug. 27, 2007.
239 sculpture from Tiffany’s/“very special experience”: AI, Jo Schuman Silver, July 17, 2007.
240 “copyright infringement”: Jane Galbraith, “Acad Caught Lookin’ Goofy,” Daily Variety, p. 1.
240 “Disney loves promotion”: Richard Turner, “Nobody Ever Said Snow White Had Much of a Sense of Humor,” Wall Street Journal, p. A8.
240 “like a Martian”: Galbraith, “Acad Caught,” p. 32.
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