240 Reagan: Army Archerd, “Just for Variety,” Daily Variety, p. 2.
240 “highest-rated Oscar”: Martin Grove, “Hollywood Report,” Hollywood Reporter.
241 journalist at Harvard: Michael Blowen, “Flamboyant Producer Allan Carr,” Boston Globe, p. A1.
241 “flower shop”/“Lincoln Center”: Charles Champlin, Los Angeles Times.
242 “I always thought”: AI, Linda Dozoretz, Nov. 2, 2007.
242 “homophobia”: AI, Craig Zadan, Nov. 27, 2007.
242 “Allan’s being gay”: AI, John Hamlin, May 18, 2009.
242 “took umbrage”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
242 “People didn’t hate”: AI, David Geffen, Apr. 21, 2009.
242 “Academy sincerely apologizes”: “Disney Drops Snow White Suit,” Daily Variety, p. 1.
243 “an embarrassment”/“We’re delighted”: Joseph McBride, “Panel to Probe Oscarcast Flaws,” Daily Variety, p. 1.
243 “The ringleader”: AI, Richard Kahn, Aug. 24, 2007.
244 “visible Hollywood celebrity”: AI, Gary Pudney, Feb. 27, 2007.
244 Kahn/Cates/Awards Presentation Review: McBride, “Panel to Probe,” p. 30.
245 “down in history”: AI, Gary Pudney, Feb. 27, 2007.
245 “Snow White insanity”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
245 “unavailable for comment”: “Disney: Suit over Snow White,” Daily Variety, p. 1.
245 “such an easy”: AI, Marvin Hamlisch, July 26, 2007.
245 “The Academy”: Glenn Collins, “Rob Lowe Braves Farce,” New York Times, p. C11.
246 “sense of humor”: AI, Lorna Luft, July 26, 2007.
246 “In Allan’s world”: AI, Bruce Vilanch, Aug. 13, 2007.
246 “one tragic mistake”: AI, Gilbert Cates, July 26, 2007.
246 Too much material: AI, Gilbert Cates, July 26, 2007.
246 “film person”: AI, Jeff Margolis, Mar. 12, 2009.
247 “like our town”/Shrine Auditorium: AI, Gilbert Cates, July 26, 2007.
247 “Don’t worry”: AI, Lorna Luft, July 26, 2007.
247 Fiji/Jeff Paul/“Those bastards”: AI, James T. Ballard, Aug. 1, 2007.
249 “mai tais”: Wanda McDaniel, “Sometimes I Feel like Staying Home to Watch ‘Dynasty,’” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner.
249 Royal Shakespeare: Pat H. Broeske, “Allan Carr, Entrepreneur,” Drama-Logue, p. 18.
250 “There he goes”: AI, Marvin Hamlisch, July 26, 2007.
250 Dickinson/“I don’t know”: AI, Angie Dickinson, July 21, 2007.
250 CNBC/“amazing to watch”: AI, Asa Manor, Nov. 2, 2007.
250 “No, move the”/“secret marketing machine”: AI, Thom Mount, Oct. 2, 2007.
251 “trouble for Snow”: Steve Pond, The Big Show, p. 26.
251 “I hope you”: letter, Feb. 5, 1998, Freddie Gershon collection.
252 “Get rid of”: AI, Asa Manor, Nov. 2, 2007.
252 West Hollywood restaurants: AI, Blaise Noto, Mar. 7, 2007.
252 Billy Joel sublet: AI, Manny Kladitis, Aug. 21, 2007.
252 Ludwig comedy/“good friends”: AI, Ken Ludwig, Aug. 14, 2007.
252 Lansing/“wonderful to rerelease”/“movie rereleases”: AI, Sherry Lansing, Aug. 30, 2007.
253 “whole new person”: AI, Blaise Noto, Mar. 7, 2007.
253 “made my statement”: Dan Jewel, “Showman,” People, p. 111.
253 “next Broadway project”: AI, Ken Ludwig, Aug. 14, 2007.
253 “The critical establishment”: AI, Peter Franklin, Aug. 16, 2007.
254 quarter million dollars: AI, Ken Ludwig, Aug. 14, 2007.
254 acupuncture/“I’m so happy”: AI, Peter Franklin, Aug. 16, 2007.
254 kidney might become: AI, Freddie Gershon, Apr. 2, 2007.
254 birthday cake/ambulance call: AI, Lyn Rothman, Aug. 7, 2007.
255 “totally different”: AI, Steve Guttenberg, July 20, 2007.
255 friends away/liver cancer/“I want to”/day of the locust: AI, Freddie Gershon, Apr. 2, 2007.
255 “still a mystery”: AI, Gary Pudney, Feb. 27, 2007.
255 give a memorial/“Hollywood’s flashiest”: Liz Smith, “Paramount Send-off,” Newsday, p. A13.
256 Ann-Margret flew: AI, Ann-Margret, Apr. 17, 2008.
256 biography/“I couldn’t read”: AI, Richard Hach, Aug. 16, 2007.
256 “Allan always felt”: AI, Joanne Cimbalo, Dec. 18, 2007.
256 “Moraine Road”: Clifford Terry, “Allan Carr, Counselor to the Stars,” Chicago Tribune, p. 48.
256 “Excuse me, but”: AI, Joanne Cimbalo, Dec. 18, 2007.
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem
AC/DC Disco
Academy Awards (1974)
Academy Awards (1989)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The
Ahmanson Theater
Aldredge, Theoni
Allen, Jay Presson
Allen, Peter
Allen, Woody
Allman, Gregg
Ameche, Don
Andrews, Julie
Andy Warhol’s Factory
Andy Warhol’s Interview
Annie Get Your Gun
Anonymous Management
Answered Prayers
Apocalypse Now
Archer, Anne
Archerd, Army
Arden, Eve
Arkoff, Sam
Armani, Giorgio
Arnaz, Desi
Arnaz, Lucie
Aronoff, Gerald
Around the World in 80 Days
Associated Press
At Long Last Love
Atkins, Christopher
Attenborough, Richard
Avalon, Frankie
Averback, Hy
Baby moguls
Bacharach, Burt
Bachardy, Don
Baez, Joan
Bakshi, Ralph
Ball, Lucille
Ballard, James T.
Bankhead, Tallulah
Bardot, Brigitte
Barr, Roseanne
Barrett, Rona
Barry, Betty
Barry, Gene
Baryshnikov, Mikhail
Bates, Alan
Bates, Michael
Beach Blanket Babylon
Beach Blanket Bingo
Beatty, Warren
Begelman, David
Bell, Arthur
“Bell Tells,”
Bella Darvi Bar
Belolo, Henri
Belushi, John
Benatar, Pat
Bennett, Michael
Benny, Jack
Berenson, Marisa
Berg, Jeff
Bergen, Candice
Bergman, Ingrid
Berlin, Kathy
Berniker, Mike
Bernstein, Ron
Berta, Bill
Birch, Patricia
Birdcage, The
Bisset, Jacqueline
Bistro Garden
Black and White Ball (Truman Capote)
Blanton, Don
Blauel, Renate
Blondell, Joan
Blue Note
Bogdanovich, Peter
Bonet, Rob
Bosshard, Dolores
Bosshard, Peter
Boston Globe
Bottoms, Sam
Bowman, Eileen
Boys in the Band, The
Bradley, Tom
Brat Pack
Breakfast Club, The
Breglio, John
Brightman, Sarah
Bronson, Charles
Brown, Barry
Brown, David
Browne, Coral
Bruce, Lenny
Buchwald, Art<
br />
Bull Durham
Burrows, Stephen
Butler, Bill
Byrnes, Edd “Kookie,”
Caan, James
Caine, Michael
Cairo Film Festival
Camiletti, Rob
Camp Indianola
Cannes Film Festival
Cannon, Dyan
Can’t Stop the Music
Can’t Stop the Music
Capote, Truman
Cardona, Rene Jr.
Carnal Knowledge
Carr, Allan
in college
death of
and fashion
health issues
homes. See Hilhaven Lodge (Beverly Hills); Seahaven (Malibu); Surfhaven (Hawaii); Viewhaven (Manhattan)
and Ingrid Bergman
and Judaism
name change
and parents
sexual orientation
Tony Award
weight issues
Carradine, Keith
Carson, Johnny
Carson, Mrs. Johnny
Casey, Warren
Cass, Mama Elliot
Cassidy, Claudia
Cassidy, Patrick
Cassidy, Shaun
Cates, Gilbert
Caulfield, Maxwell
CBS Records
C.C. and Company
Champlin, Charles
Chan, Jackie
Channing, Carol
Channing, Stockard
Charisse, Cyd
Charles, Walter
Charley’s Aunt
Chase, Chevy
Chasen, Ronni
Chasen’s restaurant
Chateau Marmont
Cherry Lane Theatre
Chicago Pizza Works
Chicago Tribune
Chorus Line, A
Christy, George
Cimbalo, Joanne
Cimino, Michael
Civic Theater (Chicago)
Clark, Candy
Clarke, Tom
Clayburgh, Jill
Cleese, John
Close, Glenn
Cloud Nine
Club Oscar
Cocaine. See also Drugs
Cocoanut Grove
Cohen, Alexander
Cohen, Bob
Cohn, Roy
Cohn, Sam
Coleman, Cy
College of Boca Raton
Collins, Jackie
Collins, Joan
Colonial Theater (Boston)
Columbia Pictures
Conaway, Jeff
Connery, Sean
Cooper, Alice
Coppola, Francis Ford
Corman, Roger
Cowan, Warren
Crane, Cheryl
Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
Crichton, Michael
Cruise, Tom
Crystal, Billy
Cukor, George
Cycle Sluts
Cyrano de Bergerac
Dafoe, Willem
Dahl, Arlene
Dali, Salvador
Daltrey, Roger
Dangerous Liaisons
Davis, Altovise
Davis, Bette
Davis, Geena
Davis, Sammy Jr.
Day, Doris
Day in Hollywood, A/A Night in the Ukraine
de Becker, Gavin
De Cordova, Fred
de Cordova, Janet
de La Falaise, Maxime
de la Renta, Oscar
De Niro, Robert
Debin, David
Deep, The
Deep Throat
Deer Hunter, The
Dempsey, Patrick
Derek, Bo
Dershowitz, Alan
Devil in Miss Jones, The
Dickinson, Angie
Didion, Joan
Diller, Barry
Diller, Phyllis
Dirty Dancing
Disney lawsuit
Doctor Jazz
Domingo, Placido
Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert
Donen, Stanley
Doo Dah Gang
Douglas, Kirk
Douglas, Michael
Douglas, Mike
Dozoretz, Linda
Drag queens. See also La Cage aux folles cut
Drai, Victor
Dreyfuss, Jeramie
Dreyfuss, Richard
Drugs. See also Cocaine; Quaaludes
Duke, Doris
Duncan, Kenn
Dunne, Dominick
Dunne, John Gregory
Dylan, Bob
Eastwood, Clint
Ebb, Fred
Edwards, Blake
Edwards, Henry
Edwards, Kate
Eisner, Michael
Ekland, Britt
Elaine’s (restaurant)
Electric Horseman, The
Elephant Man, The
Elliot, Mama Cass
Entertaining Mr. Sloane
Entertainment Tonight
Esposito, Jerry
Estefan, Gloria
Estevez, Emilio
Evans, Bob
Evans, Dale
Excelsior High School (CA)
Expo Hall
Fairmont Hotel
Famous Amos
F.A.O. Schwarz
Farrar, John
Farrow, Mia
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Fatal Attraction
Fawcett, Farrah
Faye, Alice
Faye, Frances
Fellini, Federico
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Fierstein, Harvey
Fire Island Pines
First Time, The
Firstenberg, Jean
Fish Called Wanda, A
Fisher, Carrie
Fitzgerald, Ella
Fonda, Henry
Fonda, Jane
Fonda, Shirlee
Forbes, Malcolm
Ford, Stephen
Foreman, John
Forman, Milos
Foster, Jodie
Fox, Maxine
Franklin, Peter
Friedkin, William
Fritz the Cat
Frost, David
Funny Lady
Gallant, Ara
Gamma Phi Beta
Garland, Judy
Garrick Gaieties
Geffen, David
Geimer, Samantha
Gelbart, Larry
Geller, Yuri
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Gere, Richard
Gershon, Freddie
Gibb, Andy
Gibb, Barry
Gielgud, Sir John
Glines, John
Glover, Savion
Godfather, The
Godfather II
Goetz, Edie
Gold, Aaron
Goldblum, Jeff
Golden Globes
Goldwyn, Samuel Jr.
Gone with the Wind
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Gorman, Greg
Gottlieb, Daniel
Governor’s Ball
Graduate, The
Graham, Katharine
Grammy Awards
Grant, Lee
Grauman’s Chinese Theater
Greek Theater
Greek Tyco
Green, Carol
Greene, Ellen
Greenwich Village
Griffin, Merv
Griffith, Melanie
Griffith Park
Grove, Martin
Guber, Peter
Guttenberg, Steve
Haber, Joyce
Hach, Richard
Hackman, Gene
Hall, Fawn
Hamilton, Carrie
Hamilton, George
Hamlin, John
Hamlisch, Marvin
Hamlish, Lily
Hanks, Tom
Happy Days
Harrington, Sybil
Hartman, Lisa
Havens, Richie
Hawn, Goldie
Hayman, Fred
Hayworth, Rita
Head, Edith
Hearn, George
Heaven Can Wait
Heavy Traffic
Hefner, Hugh
Hello, Dolly!
Helmsley, Leona
Hemingway, Margaux
Henner, Marilu
Henry, Buck
Hepburn, Audrey
Hepburn, Katharine
Herman, Jerry
Herz, Shirley
Highland Park
Highland Park High School
Hilhaven Lodge (Beverly Hills)
Hodo, David
Hoffman, Dustin
Holden, William
Hollywood Bowl
Hollywood Reporter
Holt, Fritz
Hooker, Jesse
Hooray for Hollywood
Hope, Bob
Hot Gossip
Hudson, Rock
Hughes, Glenn
Hunter, Ross
Huston, Anjelica
In Cold Blood
Ireland, Jill
Irving, Amy
Isherwood, Christopher
ITC (film company)
Jacobs, Jim
Jacobs, Jody
Jaffe, Leo
Jagger, Bianca
Jagger, Mick
Janssen, Dani
Janssen, David
Javits, Marion
Jenner, Bruce
Jesus Christ Superstar
Joe Allen (restaurant)
Joel, Billy
John, Elton
Johnson, Don
Johnson, Lynn-Holly
Johnson, Van
Jones, Grace
Jones, Jennifer
Jones, Randy
Kahn, Gloria
Kahn, Richard
Kamen, Stan
Kander, John
Karan, Donna
Katzenberg, Jeffrey
Keaton, Diane
Kelly, Gene
Kennamer, Rex
Kennedy, David
Kennedy, Joan
Kenney, James
Kerr, Deborah
Kert, Larry
Kilday, Gregg
Kirkwood, James
Kissinger, Henry
Kladitis, Manny
Klausen, Ray
Kleban, Ed
Party Animals Page 39