Evelyn Waugh
Page 47
69. Brideshead Revisited, p. 92.
70. Philip Ziegler, Diana Cooper, p. 150.
71. Ibid., p. 160.
72. Diana Cooper, The Light of Common Day, p. 112
73. Ziegler, Diana Cooper, p. 150.
74. The Spectator, 1 October 1932.
75. The Listener, 19 October 1932.
76. Bookman, November 1932.
77. Eileen Agar, A Look at My Life, pp. 103–5.
78. Clare Mackenzie to EW, undated; BL.
79. Joyce Gill to EW, undated; BL.
80. EW to Teresa Jungman, 28 September 1932; private collection, copy in AWA.
81. EW to Teresa Jungman, 23 October 1932; private collection, copy in AWA.
82. EW to Teresa Jungman, 20 November 1932; private collection, copy in AWA.
83. EW to Lady Diana Cooper [2 December 1932]; MWMS, p. 20.
14 Off to the Forest
1. EW to Lady Diana Cooper, [8 November 1932]; MWMS, p. 19.
2. EW to Teresa Jungman, 4–8 December 1932; private collection, copy in AWA.
3. Ninety-Two Days, pp. 3, 5.
4. 4 December 1932; EWD, p. 355.
5. Ibid.
6. Pryce-Jones, Evelyn Waugh and His World, p. 89.
7. EW to Lady Mary Lygon. [c. 20 December]; copy in AWA.
8. 4 December 1932; EWD, p. 356.
9. EW to Lady Mary Lygon, [c. 20 December]; copy in AWA.
10. EW to Teresa Jungman, 1 December 1932; private collection, copy in AWA.
11. EW to Teresa Jungman, 2 December 1932; private collection, copy in AWA.
12. EW to Teresa Jungman, 4–8 December 1932; private collection, copy in AWA.
13. Ninety-Two Days, p. 20 (Serif edition, 2007).
14. 20 December 1932; EWD, p. 359.
15. Ibid.
16. 20 December 1932; EWD, p. 359–60.
17. 20 December 1932; EWD, p. 360.
18. Christmas Day 1932; EWD, p. 360.
19. EW to Teresa Jungman, 31 December 1932; private collection, copy in AWA.
20. EW to Lady Diana Cooper [2 January 1933]; MWMS, p. 19.
21. Ninety-Two Days, p. 30 (Serif edition, 2007).
22. Ninety-Two Days, p. 50 (Serif edition 2007)
23. 11 January 1933; EWD, p. 364.
24. Ninety-Two Days, p. 61.
25. EW to Lady Diana Cooper, 28 January [1933]; MWMS, p. 23.
26. Ninety-Two Days, pp. 71–2.
27. Ibid., p. 67.
28. Ibid., p. 74.
29. Ibid., p. 88.
30. Ibid., p. 87.
31. EW to Lady Diana Cooper, 10 February 1933; MWMS, pp. 25–6.
32. EW to Teresa Jungman, Ash Wednesday [1 March 1933]; private collection, copy in AWA.
33. EW to Lady Diana Cooper, 2 March [1933]; MWMS, p. 27.
34. EW to Teresa Jungman, Ash Wednesday [1 March 1933]; private collection, copy in AWA.
35. EW to Teresa Jungman, 7 April 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
36. EW to Teresa Jungman [c. 8 May 1933]; private collection, copy in AWA.
37. Ibid.
38. EW to Teresa Jungman [c. 21 May 1933]; private collection, copy in AWA.
39. Ibid.
40. EW to Teresa Jungman, 23 July 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
41. EW to Lady Diana Cooper [c. 29 July 1933]; MWMS, p. 38.
42. EW to Teresa Jungman, 31 July 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
43. Teresa Jungman to EW, undated [c. July 1933]; BL.
44. Teresa Jungman to EW, undated [c. July 1933]; BL.
45. EW to Teresa Jungman, 2 August 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
46. EW to Teresa Jungman, 31 July 1933, private collection, copy in AWA
47. EW to Teresa Jungman, 2 August 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
48. EW to Nancy Mitford [4 August 1933]; copy in AWA.
49. Teresa Jungman to EW [c. 7 August 1933]; BL.
50. EW to Teresa Jungman, 16 August 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
51. Ibid.
52. EW to Lady Diana Cooper, [September/October 1933]; MWMS, p. 35.
53. Diary of Katharine Asquith, quoted in Hastings, Evelyn Waugh, p. 286.
54. EW to Lady Diana Cooper, [September/October 1933]; MWMS, p. 35.
55. EW to Teresa Jungman, 1 September 1933 [and c. 28 August 1933]; private collection, copy in AWA.
56. EW to Teresa Jungman, 1 September 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
57. Hollis, Oxford in the Twenties, p. 84.
58. EW to Teresa Jungman [c. 3 July 1933]; private collection, copy in AWA.
59. Unpublished, untitled manuscript by Evelyn Gardner ‘about my marriage to Evelyn Waugh and its break-up’; copy in AWA.
60. EW to Lady Dorothy Lygon, [c. 20 Oct 1933]; copy in AWA.
61. Unpublished, untitled manuscript by Evelyn Gardner ‘about my marriage to Evelyn Waugh and its break-up’; copy in AWA.
62. See Gallagher, ‘Evelyn Waugh and the Vatican Divorce’ in Blayac (ed.), Evelyn Waugh: New Directions, pp. 62–84.
63. Ibid. pp. 73–4.
64. Ibid., p. 74.
65. EW to Lady Mary Lygon [October 1933]; EWL, p. 81.
15 I Can’t Advise You in My Favour
1. EW to Teresa, [c. 16 November 1933]; private collection, copy in AWA.
2. EW to Lady Dorothy Lygon, [c. 19 October 1933]; copy in AWA.
3. EW to Lady Mary Lygon [31 October 1933]; copy in AWA.
4. EW to Teresa Jungman, 6 November 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
5. EW to Teresa Jungman, 3 December 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
6. EW to Teresa Jungman, 24 December 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
7. EW to Teresa Jungman, 29 December 1933; private collection, copy in AWA.
8. EW to Katharine Asquith [January 1934]; EWL, pp. 83–4.
9. EW to Lady Mary and Lady Dorothy Lygon [c. 4 January 1934]; EWL, p. 82.
10. EW to Lady Mary Lygon [c. 20 January 1934]; EWL, p. 82.
11. ‘Fan-Fare’, Life magazine, 8 April 1946; EAR, p. 303.
12. EW to Katharine Asquith [January 1934]; EWL, pp. 83–4.
13. EW to Katharine Asquith, [c. 9 February 1934]; EWL, p. 85.
14. Henry Yorke to EW, 2 September 1934; BL.
15. EW to Henry Yorke, [c. 3 September 1934]; EWL, p. 88.
16. EW to Lady Diana Cooper [c. 11 February 1934]; MWMS, p. 43.
17. EW to A. D. Peters [c. 30 April 1934]; HRC, copy in AWA.
18. 6 July 1934; EWD, p. 386.
19. EW to Teresa Jungman, 7 July 1934; private collection, copy in AWA.
20. 9 July 1934; EWD, p. 388.
21. EW to Lady Diana Cooper, [13 July 1934]; MWMS, p. 45.
22. 17 July 1934; EWD, p. 390.
23. ‘The First Time I Went To The North: Fiasco in The Arctic’, published in the anthology The First Time I … ed. by Theodora Benson (1935); EAR, p. 146.
24. ‘The First Time I Went To The North’; EAR, pp. 144–9.
25. The First Time I Went To The North’; EAR, p. 148.
26. Sir Alexander Glen to Selina Hastings, Hastings, Evelyn Waugh, p. 306.
27. EW to Tom Driberg [late August 1934], Christ Church, Oxford; copy in AWA.
28. NYTBR, 27 May 1934; EWCH, pp. 146–8.
29. New Statesman, 15 September 1934; EWCH, pp. 154–7.
30. EW to Lady Mary Lygon [c. 8 September 1934]; EWL, p. 89.
31. EW to Lady Dorothy Lygon [c. 26 October 1934]; EWL, pp. 90–91.
32. Nicola Beauman, Cynthia Asquith, (Hamish Hamilton, 1987), p. 314.
33. EW to Lady Mary Lygon [c. 10 January 1935]; EWL, p. 92.
34. James Lees-Milne, Ancestral Voices, p. 184.
35. A. N. Wilson, Hilaire Belloc (Hamish Hamilton, 1984), p. 325.
36. EW to Lady Mary Lygon [c. 8 February 1935]; EWL, p. 93.
37. EW to Laura Herbert [3 May 1935]; EWL, p. 94.
38. EW to Katharine Asquith [24 J
une 1935]; EWL, p. 95.
39. EW to Laura Herbert [c. late July 1935?]
40. Laura Herbert to EW [8 August 1935]; BL.
41. EW to Laura Herbert [c. 9 August 1935]; EWL, p. 95.
42. Evening Standard, 13 February 1935; EAR, p. 163.
43. Waugh in Abyssinia, (Penguin Modern Classics edition, 2000), p. 41.
44. W. F. Deedes, At War With Waugh, p. 116.
45. Ibid., pp. 90–91.
46. Ibid., p. 35.
47. Waugh in Abyssinia, pp. 44–5.
48. EW to Diana Cooper, 13 September [1935]; MWMS, p. 52.
49. EW to Laura Herbert, 24 August [1935]; EWL, p. 97–8.
50. EW to Laura Waugh 26 October [1935]; AWA.
51. Arthur Waugh Diary, 3 February 1936; BU.
52. Laura Herbert to EW, 28 January 1936; BL.
53. EW to Lady Mary Lygon, 15 April 1936; EWL, p. 105.
54. EW to Laura Herbert, 28 April 1936; EWL, p. 104.
16 Goodness She is a Decent Girl
1. EW to Diana Cooper [June 1936]; MWMS, p. 60.
2. The Spectator, 1 November 1935; EWCH, p. 165.
3. Henry Yorke to EW, 18 June 1936; BL.
4. EW to Henry Yorke, 20 June 1936; copy in AWA.
5. The Spectator, 10 July 1936, EWCH, pp. 183–4.
6. EW to Katharine Asquith, 4 August 1936; copy in AWA.
7. 18 August 1936; EWD, p. 398.
8. Waugh in Abyssinia, p. 167.
9. EW to Laura Herbert, 4 August 1936; EWL, p. 109.
10. EW to Laura Herbert, 5 August 1936; EWL, p. 110.
11. EW to Lady Mary Lygon, 6 August 1936; copy in AWA.
12. 10 September 1936; EWD, p. 405.
13. Laura Herbert to EW, August 1936; BL.
14. The Times, 20 August 1936.
15. EW to Lady Mary Lygon, 12 September 1936; EWL, pp. 110–11.
16. Arthur Waugh Diary, 23 September 1936; BU.
17. EW to Arthur Waugh, 29 September 1936; AWA.
18. Arthur Waugh Diary, 6 October 1936; BU.
19. Arthur Waugh Diary, 7 October 1936; BU.
20. EW to Teresa Jungman, 1 October 1936; private collection, copy in AWA.
21. 15 October 1936; EWD, p. 409.
22. 5 November 1936; EWD, p. 412.
23. 21 December 1936; EWD, p. 417.
24. EW to Lady Diana Cooper [c. 21 December 1936]; MWMS, p. 62.
25. EW to Laura Herbert [February 1937]; AWA.
26. 21 December 1936; EWD, p. 417.
27. ‘General Conversation Myself’, Nash’s Pall Mall Magazine, March 1937; EAR, p. 190; the fire itself is recorded in Arthur Waugh Diary, 29 January 1935; BU.
28. Arthur Waugh Diary, 31 December 1936; BU.
29. Arthur Waugh Diary, 26 February 1936; BU.
30. Alec Waugh, The Best Wine Last, p. 48.
31. Alexander Waugh, Fathers and Sons, p. 242.
32. EW to Laura Herbert, February 1937; AWA.
33. EW to Laura Herbert, February 1937; AWA.
34. 4 February 1937; EWD, p. 420.
35. EW to Diana Cooper [c. 18 July 1937]; MWMS, p. 64.
36. Hastings, Evelyn Waugh, p. 364.
37. Arthur Waugh Diary, 17 April 1937; BU.
38. 18 April 1937; EWD, p. 422.
39. EW to Katharine Asquith, May 1937; copy in AWA.
40. EW to W. N. Roughead, 7 July 1937; copy in AWA.
41. Patrick Balfour to Caroline Kinross, 15 December 1937, National Library of Scotland; cited in Hastings, Evelyn Waugh, p. 366.
42. EW to Vivien Greene, 8 March [1938]; EWL, p. 116.
43. 8 July 1939; EWD, p. 432.
44. 27 November 1937; EWD, p. 428.
45. 28 June 1939; EWD, p. 431.
46. 17 and 24 November 1937; EWD, pp. 426–7.
47. 26 November 1937; EWD, p. 428.
48. Arthur Waugh Diary, 25 February 1938, BU
49. EW to A. D. Peters, 10 March 1938; HRC.
50. EW to Thomas Balston, 11 March 1938; copy in AWA.
51. EW to Teresa Jungman, 12 March 1938; private collection, copy in AWA.
52. EW to Teresa Jungman, 17 March 1938; private collection, copy in AWA.
53. Introduction to new Penguin paperback edition of Scoop (2000).
54. 7 May 1938; EWCH, p. 194.
55. 7 May 1938; EWCH, p. 195.
56. 13 May 1938; EWCH, p. 199.
57. The Spectator, 13 May 1938; EWCH, pp. 200-202.
58. Arthur Waugh Diary, 7 July 1938; BU.
59. Alec Waugh, The Best Wine Last, p. 58.
60. Arthur Waugh Diary, 8 July 1938; BU.
61. EW to A. D. Peters [c. 16 May 1938]; HRC.
62. EW to Mary Herbert, 17 August [1938]; copy in AWA.
63. 28 July 1939; EWCH, p. 204.
64. 19 November 1939; EWCH, p. 207.
65. EW to Teresa Jungman, 1 January 1939.
66. 23 August 1939; EWD, p. 437.
67. Diana Cooper to EW [July 1939]; MWMS, p. 68.
68. The Times, 5 September 1939, p. 1.
17 A War to End Waugh
1. Catherine Waugh to EW, 5 September 1939; BL.
2. 27 August 1939; EWD, p. 438.
3. 1 October 1939; EWD, p. 444.
4. Henry Yorke to EW, 14 October 1939, BL.
5. 21 October 1939; EWD, p. 447.
6. Carol Mather, When the Grass Stops Growing, (Leo Cooper, 1997), p. 35.
7. 18 October 1939; EWD, p. 447.
8. EW to Laura Waugh, 23 October 1939; AWA.
9. EW to Laura Waugh [c. 25 October 1939]; AWA.
10. All Saints [1 November], 1939; EWD, p. 448.
11. EW to Mary Lygon [c. 18 November 1939].
12. EW to Laura Waugh [c. 30 November 1939].
13. 26 October 1939; EWD, p. 437.
14. 23 November 1939; EWD, p. 437.
15. 24 November 1939; EWD, p. 437.
16. Ibid.
17. EW to Laura Waugh [10 December 1939]; AWA.
18. EW to Laura Waugh, 18 December 1939; AWA.
19. Diana Cooper, Trumpets from the Steep, p. 36.
20. John St John, To the War with Waugh (The Whittington Press, 1973), p. 6.
21. EW to Helen Asquith, 27 December 1939; copy in AWA.
22. EW to Laura Waugh, 7 January 1940; EWL, p. 133.
23. Obituary of Teresa Cuthbertson, The Daily Telegraph, 12 June 2010.
24. EW to Teresa Cuthbertson, 1 August 1940, private collection, copy in AWA.
25. EW to Laura Waugh, 14 January 1940; AWA.
26. Major-General R. D. Houghton to Selina Hastings, interview transcript, side 2, page 1; AWA.
27. 15 January 1940; EWD, p. 461.
28. EW to Laura Waugh, 25 February 1940; AWA.
29. Evelyn told Laura that Betjeman had been ‘registered insane’ after the RAF medical exam.
30. EW to John Betjeman, 24 January and 15 February 1940; copies in AWA.
31. EW to Laura Waugh [April 1940]; EWL, p. 139.
32. Major-General R. D. Houghton to Selina Hastings, interview transcript, side 1, page 6; copy in AWA.
33. EW to Laura Waugh, 31 March 1940; AWA.
34. EW to Laura Waugh, 2 April 1940; AWA.
35. Admiralty Form S 206 b, signed by Lieutenant-Colonel G. E. Wildman-Lushington (18 May 1940) and Brigadier St Clair-Morford (25 May 1940), cited in Gallagher, In the Picture, p. 139.
36. EW to Laura Waugh, 26 September [1940]; EWL, p. 141.
37. EW to Arthur Waugh, 5 November 1940; AWA.
38. See Sushila Anand, Daisy: The Life and Loves of the Countess of Warwick (Piatkus, 2008).
39. ‘Commando Raid On Bardia’, Life magazine, 17 November 1941; EAR, p. 263.
40. David Niven, The Moon’s A Balloon (Coronet Books, 1972), p. 220.
41. Typed draft of ‘A History of the Commandos’ by R. E Laycock, Laycock Papers 6/28, Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, cited in Gallagher, In The Picture, p. 142.
42. Robert Laycock, unp
ublished memoir, private collection.
43. 13 November 1940; EWD, pp. 487–8.
44. EW to Laura Waugh, 21 November 1941; AWA.
45. ‘Memorandum on Layforce; July 1940–July 1941’, EWD, p. 491.
46. EW to Laura Waugh, 15 November 1940; AWA.
47. EW to Laura Waugh, 20 November 1940; AWA.
48. Mather, When the Grass Stops Growing, pp. 30–31.
49. EW to Catherine Waugh, 2 December 1940, AWA.
50. Excerpts quoted in a letter from Arthur Waugh to Joan Waugh, 6 December 1940; AWA.
51. Alexander Waugh, Fathers and Sons, p. 252.
52. 3 December 1940; EWD, p. 437.
53. EW to Laura Waugh [c. 8 December 1940]; AWA.
54. EW to Laura Waugh, 25 December 1940; EWL, p. 149.
55. Christopher Sykes and Ann Pasternak Slater think it would have been better; Douglas Lane Patey disagrees.
56. 3 February 1941, cited in James Owen, Commando, p. 29.
57. EW to Laura Waugh, 8 February 1941; AWA.
58. EW to Laura Waugh, 23 February 1941; EWL, p. 150.
59. EW to Laura Waugh, 6 March 1941; AWA.
60. ‘I was Evelyn Waugh’s Batman’, Punch, 19 November 1975.
61. Conversation between Dr R. E. S. Tanner and Antony Beevor, 2 December 1990, copy of transcript in AWA.
62. ‘I was Evelyn Waugh’s Batman’, Punch, 19 November 1975.
63. ‘Memorandum on Layforce; July 1940–July 1941’; EWD, p. 494.
64. Ibid.; EWD, p. 495.
65. A. D. Peters to EW, 23 September 1941, cited in Douglas Lane Patey, The life of Evelyn Waugh, p. 189.
66. ‘Memorandum on Layforce; July 1940–July 1941’; EWD, p. 496.
67. Ibid., p. 498.
68. Ibid., p. 499.
69. Ibid., p. 500.
70. Account by Laycock; National Archives, DEFE 2/699.
71. ‘Memorandum on Layforce; July 1940–July 1941’; EWD, p. 502.
72. Ibid., p. 503.
73. Ibid., p. 504.
74. Major F. C. C. Graham, ‘Cretan Crazy Week’, p. 5, IWM 76/180/1.
75. ‘Memorandum on Layforce; July 1940–July 1941’; EWD, p. 507.
76. EW’s reply, dated 4 July 1955; Mark Amory (ed.), The Letters of Ann Fleming, p. 155.
77. 6 July 1955; EWD, p. 728.
78. Layforce Diary, National Archives, WO 218/186.
79. Major-General Sir Robert Laycock, unpublished memoir.
80. ‘Memorandum on Layforce; July 1940–July 1941’; EWD, p. 509.
81. Layforce Diary, National Archives, WO 218/186.
82. Antony Beevor, ‘The First Casualty of Waugh’, The Spectator, 5 April 1991, p. 26.
83. Journal of Major R. W. Madoc, pp. 101–02, IWM, cited in Gallagher, In the Picture, p. 207.