by Philip Eade
Attwell (Aston Clinton schoolmaster)
Austen, Jane
Avon, Anthony Eden, 1st Earl of
Avon, Clarissa, Countess of
Bacon, Francis
Baghdad, EW visits
‘Balance, The’
Baldwin, Arthur Windham (‘Frisky’; ‘Bloggs’; later 3rd Earl Baldwin of Bewdley)
Balestier, Wolcott
Balfour, Patrick (later 3rd Baron Kinross)
Balliol College, Oxford
Balston, Thomas
Bankhead, Tallulah
Banks, Mr and Mrs (Arnold House headmaster and wife)
Bard, Joseph
Bardia, Commando raid on
Barford House, Warwickshire
Barrie, Sir James Matthew
Barry, Sir Charles
Basil Seal Rides Again
Baylis, Lilian
BBC; radio interviews with EW; see also The Brains Trust; Face to Face
Beardsley, Aubrey
Beaton, Sir Cecil; schooldays; portrayal in Decline and Fall; The Wandering Years
Beatty, Peter
Beauchamp, Lettice, Countess
Beauchamp, William Lygon, 7th Earl
Beaufort Castle, Inverness-shire
Beaulieu, Hampshire
Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, 1st Baron
Beckley, Oxfordshire;
Abingdon Arms (pub)
Bedford College, London
Beerbohm, Sir Max
Beevor, Antony, on battle of Crete
Bell, Clive
‘Bella Fleace Gave a Party’
Belloc, Hilaire
Belton House, Lincolnshire
Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire
Benghazi raid (1942)
Bennett, Arnold; reviews of EW’s novels
Bennett, Basil
Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire
Berkeley Hotel, London
Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire
Berlin, Sir Isaiah
Berners, Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson, 14th Baron
Berry, Lady Pamela
Bethlehem, EW visits
Betjeman, Sir John: at Oxford; on
Decline and Fall; in society; marriage; house at Uffington; during wartime; birthday gift to EW; on EW’s volume of autobiography; relations with EW; EW’s correspondence with
Betjeman, Penelope, Lady (née Chetwode)
Bevan, Emlyn
Bingham, Thomas (later Baron Bingham of Cornhill)
Birkenhead, F.E. Smith, 1st Earl of
Birkenhead, Frederick Smith, 2nd Earl of
Birth Control Review (journal)
Black Mischief reception and reviews
Black, Stephen
Blackbirds (revue)
Blakiston, Georgiana (née Russell)
Blow, Detmar
Boa Vista, Brazil
Bognor Regis
Bonaly Tower, Edinburgh
Book Society, Book of the Month
Bookman (magazine)
Boothby, Robert, Baron
Boscastle, Cornwall
Bourchier, Arthur
Bourchier, Basil
Bourne, Cardinal Francis
Bowes-Lyon, Lady Elizabeth (later Queen
Elizabeth, Queen Mother)
Bowlby, Henry
Bowra, Sir Maurice
Boyd, William
Bracken, Brendan (later Viscount Bracken)
Brackett, Charles
Brains Trust, The (radio programme)
Brandt, Carl
Brandt, Carol
Brasenose College, Oxford
Brazil, EW visits
Breccles Hall, Norfolk
Brideshead Revisited; autobiographical aspects; character models; film treatment; reception and reviews; writing of
Brideshead Revisited (television series)
Brocklebank, Clare (Clare Mackenzie)
Brocklehurst, C. (Sussex landowner)
Brodie, Patrick
Brooke, Sylvia, Ranee of Sarawak
Brown, Dudley
Brownlow, Peregrine Cust, 6th Baron
Brushford, Somerset
Buchan-Hepburn, Patrick (later Baron Hailes)
Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of
Bulleid, Betty
Bullingdon Club (Oxford)
Burges, William
Burgess, Anthony
Burghclere, Herbert Gardner, Baron
Burghclere, Winifred, Lady
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Burns, Tom
Bushell, Anthony
Butts, Mary
Byrne, Paula
Byron, Robert: at Eton; at Oxford; travels and writings; at EW’s first marriage; on Decline and Fall; and Diana Guinness; and Desmond Parsons; and Lord Beauchamp; and Nancy Mitford
Cabell, James Branch, Jurgen
Caine, Sir Hall
California, EW visits
Call Boy (racehorse)
Campbell, Robin
Campion, St Edmund; EW’s biography
Canonbury Square, London
Cape Town
Capel Cure, W.E.
Caraman, Father Philip
Cárdenas, Lázaro
Carew, Dudley: at Lancing, EW’s correspondence with; claims to have introduced EW to Evelyn Gardner; EW reads draft of Decline and Fall to; later life and literary career; and EW’s autobiography; A Fragment of Friendship
Carnarvon, Henry Herbert, 2nd Earl of
Carnarvon, Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of
Carnarvon, George Herbert, 5th Earl of
Carroll, Lewis, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Carter, Howard
Casson, Sir Hugh
Castle Howard, Yorkshire
Catholicism see Anglo-Catholicism; Roman Catholicism
Cave of Harmony (night club)
Cavendish Hotel, London
Cecil, Lord David
Cerne Abbas, Dorset
Chagford, Devon
Chamberlain, Neville
Chamberlin, Christopher
Chancellor, John
Chaplin, Sir Charlie
Chapman & Hall (publishers); EW as director
Charles Ryder’s Schooldays
Charleston (dance)
Charterhouse School
Chatsworth House, Derbyshire
Chatto & Windus (publishers)
Cherwell (Oxford University magazine)
Chesterton, G.K.
Chetwode, Penelope see Betjeman, Penelope
Chirnside, Joan see Waugh, Joan
Christ Church, Oxford
Christie, Dame Agatha
Christie (Guiana rancher)
‘Church and State in Liberated Croatia’ (report)
Churchill, Pamela (later Harriman)
Churchill, Randolph: in Venice; with Commandos; first marriage; in wartime London; with EW in Yugoslavia; 1945 election defeat; EW stays with at Ickleford; EW meets in California; EW’s correspondence with
Churchill, Tom
Churchill, Sir Winston
Churchill, Winston (son of Randolph)
Clarke, Dudley
Clarke, John
Clarke-Smith, D.A.
Clissold, Stephen
Clive, Lady Mary see Pakenham, Lady Mary
Clonmore, William Howard, Lord (later 8th Earl of Wicklow)
coat of arms (Waugh family)
Cockburn family
Cockburn, Claud
Cockburn, Elizabeth see Raban, Elizabeth
Cockburn, Henry, Lord
Cocteau, Jean
an, Walter (‘Coggins’)
Colefax, Sibyl, Lady
Colehill, Dorset
Colvin, Felix
Combe Florey, Somerset
Commandos: No.4; No.8; No.11
Connolly, Cyril: at Oxford; friendship and socialising with EW; views on EW and his works; EW reviews; publication of The Loved One; marriage to Barbara Skelton; EW’s correspondence with; Enemies of Promise; The Unquiet Grave
‘Conspiracy to Murder’
Conversion (school play)
Cooper, Lady Diana (later Viscountess Norwich): EW first meets; relations with EW; fortieth birthday in Venice; touring actress; EW stays at Bognor; comparison of EW and Graham Greene; recommends EW to Lord Rothermere; and Lord Brownlow; and EW’s engagement and marriage to Laura Herbert; portrayal in Scoop; visits Piers Court; and Conrad Russell; on EW’s moustache; and Phyllis de Janzé; in Algiers; in Rome; in Paris; death of husband; house in Little Venice; on EW’s declining health; and EW’s death; EW’s correspondence with
Cooper, Duff (later 1st Viscount Norwich); death
Corsley, Somerset
Cosmopolitan (magazine)
Coudenhove-Kalergi, Countess Gretel von
Country Life (magazine)
Coward, Sir Noël
Cowdin, Andrea
Cowdray, Weetman Pearson, 1st Viscount
Cowles, Virginia
Crease, Francis
Crete, military operations in
Croatia, Catholicism in
Crowley, Aleister
‘Cruise’ (short story)
Crusades, EW’s proposed book on
Cruttwell, C.R.M.F.
Cukor, George
Cumming-Russell, Alexander
Cunard, Emerald, Lady
Curzon, George, Marquess Curzon of
Curzon, Grace, Marchioness Curzon of Kedleston
Cust, Henry (Harry)
Cuthbertson, Graham
Cuthbertson, Richard
Cuthbertson, Teresa see Jungman, Teresa
Cutler, S.G.
Cynic, The (prep school magazine)
Czechoslovakia, Nazi invasion
Daily Express; EW works for; EW sues for libel
Daily Mail; EW writes for; EW as war correspondent
Daily Mirror
Daily Telegraph The
Damascus, EW visits
Danby, Frank, Joseph in Jeopardy
D’Arcy, Father Martin: and EW’s conversion; and EW’s wedding to Laura Herbert; and publication of Brideshead Revisited; and Teresa Waugh’s marriage to John D’Arms; Nature of Belief
D’Arms, John
D’Arms, Teresa see Waugh, (Maria) Teresa
Davie, Michael
Davies, William
de Havilland, Olivia
de Janzé, Alice
de Janzé, Phyllis
de Trafford, Raymond
de Vesci, Evelyn, Viscountess
de Vesci, John Vesey, 4th Viscount
de Wolfe, Elsie (Lady Mendl)
Deal, Kent
Decline and Fall; reception and reviews
Deedes, W.F. (Bill; later Baron Deedes)
Denham, Sir Edward
Denham, Maude, Lady
Derby (horse race)
Derg, Lough
Devas, Father
Devonshire, Deborah, Duchess of
Dickens, Charles; expiration of copyright
Dieppe raid (1942)
Dietrich, Marlene
Dilettanti Society (Lancing College)
Disney, Walt
Ditchling, Sussex
Donaldson, John (Jack; later Baron Donaldson of Kingsbridge)
Douglas, R. Langton
Downshire, Arthur Hill, 6th Marquess of
Downside Abbey, Somerset; school
Driberg, Tom (later Baron Bradwell); at Lancing; Daily Express journalism
Duckworth, Sir George
Duckworth, Gerald
Duckworth, Lady Margaret
Duckworth’s (publishers)
Dudley Ward, Freda
Duff, Lady Juliet
Duff, Sir Michael
Dugdale family
Duggan, Alfred
Duggan, Hubert
Dunne, Sir Philip
Durnford-Slater, John
Dursley, Gloucestershire
East Gordon, Berwickshire
Eaton, Hubert
Eden, Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon)
Edmund Campion
Edmund and Charles (Aston Clinton schoolboys)
Edrington, Berkshire
Edward VII, King,
Edward VIII, King (earlier Prince of Wales; afterwards Duke of Windsor)
‘Edward of Unique Achievement’
Egypt; EW visits
Eliot, T.S.; The Waste Land
Ellesmere, Shropshire
Ellis, Havelock
Ellwood (butler)
Elmley, William Lygon, Viscount (later 8th Earl Beauchamp)
Elwes, Gloria (‘Golly’)
Elwes, Simon
Emeny, Stuart
Englefield Green, Surrey
‘Englishman’s Home, An’
Ensor, Aubrey
Erskine, Hamish
Esher, Lionel Brett, 4th Viscount
Ethiopia see Abyssinia
Eton Candle (magazine)
Eton College
Evelyn, John
Evening Standard; EW writes for
Evershot, Dorset
Eyres, Laurence
Face to Face (television programme)
Fagan, Joyce (later Gill)
Fallowell, Duncan
Faringdon, Gavin Henderson, 2nd Baron
Farm Street Church, London
Farrar, Gwen
Farrar, John
Fawcett, Percy
Ferguson, Andrew Henry
Fernden School, Surrey
Fetherston-Godley, Sir Francis
Fielding, Daphne (earlier Viscountess Weymouth)
films: EW’s screenplays and treatments; proposed treatment for Brideshead Revisited
Firbank, Ronald
First World War
FitzClarence, Edward (later 6th Earl of Munster)
FitzHerbert, Claudia
FitzHerbert, Emily
FitzHerbert, Giles
FitzHerbert, Margaret see Waugh, Margaret
Fleming, Ann (earlier Rothermere): parties; reads Officers and Gentlemen; EW visits in Jamaica; and EW’s Unconditional Surrender; and Clarissa Avon; EW’s correspondence with
Fleming, Edward Vandermere
Fleming, Ian; Diamonds are Forever
Fleming, Jean
Fleming, Maxwell (Mac)
Fleming, Peter
Fleming, Philippa
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, California (cemetery)
Fortescue, Julia (later Lady Gardner)
Club (night club)
Fothergill, John
Fox, James, White Mischief
Foyles (bookshop)
Francis Xavier, St
Francisco de Vitoria, centenary celebrations
Franco, Francisco
Frankly Speaking (radio programme)
Franks, Brian
Fraser, Anne
Fraser, Sir Hugh
Freeman, John
Fremantle, Anne
Fremlin, Rupert
Freyberg, Bernard (later 1st Baron Freyberg)
Friendship (schooner)
Fry, Alathea (née Gardner)
Fry, Geoffrey
Fulford, Sir Roger
Gallagher, Donat
Garbo, Greta
Gerald (later Baron Gardiner)
Gardner, Alan, 3rd Baron
Gardner, Alathea see Fry, Alathea
Gardner, Evelyn (‘Shevelyn’; EW’s first wife): family background; appearance and character; childhood and early life; literary ambitions; EW first meets; courtship; EW’s proposal; engagement; wedding day; honeymoon; early married life; ill-health; Mediterranean cruise; relationship with John Heygate and break-up of marriage; divorce; friends’ reaction to break-up; and Vile Bodies; annulment of marriage to EW
Gardner, Juliet
Gardner, Mary see Hope-Morley, Mary
Gathorne-Hardy, Edward
Gaudí, Antoni
Gaulle, Charles de
Gay, John, The Beggar’s Opera
Gellhorn, Martha
general election (1945)
George VI, King
Georgetown, Guiana
Georgian Stories (short story series)
Gielgud, Sir John
Gifford, Barry
Gill, Donald
Gill, Joyce (née Fagan)
Girouard, Mark
Glasgow, Patrick Boyle, 8th Earl of
Glen, Sir Alexander (Sandy)
Glenroy (troopship)
Goa, EW visits
Godfrey, Cardinal William, Archbishop of
Golden Hind (magazine)
Gordon, E.B.
Göring, Hermann
Goring Hall, Sussex
Gosse, Edmund; Father and Son
Gosse, John (Jacky)
Gosse, Philip Henry
Gosse, Thomas
Graham, Alastair: family background; appearance and character; at Oxford; EW’s relations with; EW visits Barford; post-Oxford drifting; in Kenya; travels with EW; visits EW in Wales; diplomatic career; EW visits in Greece; EW sees during Mediterranean cruise; later life and death
Graham, F.C.C. (Freddy)
Graham, Hugh
Graham, Jessie
Graham, Miles
Grand National (horse race)
Grant, Bridget (née Herbert)
Grant, Edward
Graphic, The (newspaper)
Great Cumberland Place, London
Green, Henry see Yorke, Henry
Greene, Graham: compared with EW; on EW’s Campion biography; friendship with EW; war-work; on Brideshead Revisited; EW lectures on; visits Piers Court; Rebecca West attacks; on The Life of Ronald Knox; The Lawless Roads
Greene, Vivien
Greenidge, John
Greenidge, Terence
Gregory the Great, Pope, EW’s proposed life of
Grenfell, J.S. Granville
Griffith-Jones, Mervyn
Grisewood, Harman
Grothier, Vera
Guiana, EW visits
Guinness, Beatrix (‘Gloomy’)
Guinness, Bryan (later 2nd Baron Moyne); Singing Out of Tune
Guinness, Diana (née Mitford; later Lady Mosley)
Guinness, Jonathan (later 3rd Baron Moyne)
Guinness, Richard
Guthrie, James
Haddon Hall, Derbyshire
Haig, Miss (secretary to Mary Herbert)
Haile Selassie, Emperor, coronation
Hailes, Patrick Buchan-Hepburn, Baron