by Philip Eade
Halifax, E.F.L. Wood, 1st Earl of
Hampstead, London; Everyman Theatre; Heath Mount School; St Jude’s Church; Underhill (Waugh family home)
Hance, J.H.
Handful of Dust, A
Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire
Hardy, Thomas
Harman, Elizabeth (later Countess of Longford)
Harper’s Bazaar (magazine)
Harris, Dick (Lancing house tutor)
Haslington Hall, Cheshire
Hastings, Selina
Hawthornden Prize
Haydon, Joseph Charles
Hayling Island
Haynes (commissioner in Guiana)
Heath Mount School, Hampstead
Heatherley Art School, London
Heinemann (publishers)
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Gavin (later 2nd Baron Faringdon)
Herbert, Auberon
Herbert, Aubrey
Herbert, Gabriel
Herbert, Laura see Waugh, Laura
Herbert, Mary (née Vesey): background and character; marriage and family; Catholicism; EW meets at Portofino; and EW’s courtship of daughter Laura; and Laura’s third pregnancy; and EW’s biography of Ronald Knox; on EW’s Unconditional Surrender; at Wiveliscombe Easter Sunday Mass; EW’s correspondence with
Herbert, Lady Victoria
Hertford College, Oxford
Heygate, Sir John
Heywood Hill (bookshop)
Hicks, George Elgar
Highclere Castle, Hampshire
Highgate, London
Hill, Carol (later Brandt)
Hill, James
Hillgarth, Alan
Hillgarth, Mary see Hope-Morley, Mary
Hilliard, Arden
Hitchens, Christopher
Hitler, Adolf
Hodges, Lucy
Holland, Vyvyan
Holland House, London
Hollins, Richard
Hollis, Christopher: at Oxford; teaches at Stonyhurst; with EW on Hellenic cruise; on EW’s Catholicism; political career; meets EW at Downside
Holroyd, Sir Michael, Augustus John
Holy Places, The
homosexuality; at Oxford; at public school
Hooper, Ernest
Hope-Morley, Mary (née Gardner; afterwards Hillgarth) Horizon (magazine)
Horner, Edward
Horner, Frances, Lady
‘House of Gentlefolks, A’
Howard, Brian
Howard, Francis, 2nd Baron Howard of
Howells (Forest Lawn embalmer)
Hunt, William Holman; Oriana
Huntington Museum, California
Hurstpierpoint College
Hussein, King of Jordan
Hutchinson, Leslie (‘Hutch’)
Huxley, Aldous; After
Many a Summer; Eyeless in Gaza
Huxley, Sir Julian
Hyde Park Hotel, London
Hyde-Upward, Leonard
Hynchcliffe (Heath Mount schoolmaster)
Hypocrites’ Club, Oxford
Ickleford, Hertfordshire
illustration and design
India, EW visits
Information, Ministry of
Ingoma, SS
Inverailort Castle, Highlands
Ireland: EW visits; EW contemplates moving to
Isis, The (Oxford University magazine)
Jacobs, Barbara
Jacobs, Luned (later Hamilton-Jenkins)
Jacobs, W.W.
Jamaica, EW visits
James, Henry
James Tait Black Memorial Prize
John, Augustus
John XXIII, Pope, EW’s obituary of
John, Henry
Johnston, Edward
journalism, EW’s
Jung, Carl
Jungman, Nico
Jungman, Teresa (‘Baby’; later Cuthbertson): family background; appearance and character; relations with EW; and Frank Pakenham; and EW’s introduction to Madresfield; Catholicism; and EW’s trip to South America; and Tablet review of Black Mischief; and Michael Duff; visits Italy with mother and sister; and annulment of EW’s first marriage; EW proposes to; EW informs of engagement to Laura Herbert; at EW’s wedding; godmother to EW’s daughter; in wartime London; marriage and family EW’s correspondence with
Jungman, Zita (later James)
Kegan Paul (publishers)
Keir House, Perthshire
Kelburn Castle, Ayrshire
Kelmscott Manor, Oxfordshire
Kendall, Ursula
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Kathleen (‘Kick’; later Marchioness of Hartington)
Kensington, London: Earl’s Terrace;
Holland House
Kenya; EW visits
Keyes, Geoffrey
Keyes, Sir Roger (later 1st Baron Keyes)
Kilburn, London, St Augustine’s Church
Kimberley, HMS
Kingsdown, Kent
Kinross, Patrick Balfour, 3rd Baron
Kipling, Carrie (née Balestier)
Kipling, Rudyard
Knockmaroon, Dublin
Knox, Monsignor Ronald; EW’s biography of
Korda, Alexander
Kraljica Marija, SS
Laking, Sir Francis
Laking, Joan
Lamb, Henry
Lamb, Lady Pansy (née Pakenham); The Old Expedient
Lambert, Constant
Lancaster, Sir Osbert
Lanchester, Elsa
Lancing College
Landseer, Sir Edwin
Largs, Ayrshire
Laughton, Charles
Lavery, Hazel, Lady
Lavery, Sir John
Lawrence, Christie, Irregular Adventure
Laycock, Angela (née Dudley Ward; later Lady Laycock)
Laycock, Sir Joseph
Laycock, Katherine, Lady
Laycock, Sir Robert: background and early life; appearance and character; formation of 8 Commando; EW’s relations with; operations in North Africa; in Crete; arranges postings for EW; with Allied invasion of Sicily; and EW’s departure from Special Service Brigade
Lees-Milne, James
Lehmann, Rosamond
Leigh, Blanche and Beatrice
Lépicier, Cardinal Alexis
Lewes House, Sussex
Lewis, Rosa
Life (magazine)
Life of Ronald Knox, The
Linklater, Eric
Listener (magazine)
Little Learning, A: writing and publication; cited
Llanddulas, Denbighshire
London Mercury (journal)
London Missionary Society
Longe, John
Longford, Edward Pakenham, 6th Earl of
Longleat, Wiltshire
Longman’s (publishers)
Loraine, Louise, Lady
Loraine, Sir Percy
Los Angeles, EW visits
Lovat, Simon Fraser, 15th Baron (Shimi)
Love Among the Ruins
Loved One, The
‘Lovelies from America’ (film script)
Lovell & Co. (publishers)
Low, Willie
Lubbock, Lys
Lucas, Audrey (later Scott; then Clarke-Smith)
Lucas, E.V.
Luce, Clare Boothe
Luce, Henry
Lundy Island
Lutyens, Sir Edwin
Lychpole, Sussex
Lygon, Lady Dorothy (‘Coote’); EW’s correspondence with
Lygon, Hugh: at Eton; at Oxford; parents’ divorce petition; bankruptcy and breakdown; joins EW in Italy; trip to Spitsbergen with EW; death characterisation in Brideshead Revisited
Lygon, Lady Mary (‘Maimie’; later Princess Romanovsky Pavlovski); EW’s cor
respondence with
Lygon, Richard
Lygon, Lady Sibell
MacDonald, Ramsay
Macdowall, Elizabeth (later Lady Cockburn)
Machin, Philip F.
Mackenzie, Clare (Clare Brocklebank)
Mackenzie, Ian
Mackintosh, Hugh
McLaren, Duncan
McLaren, Moray
Maclean, Sir Fitzroy
McMaster, Kenneth
Macmillan, Harold (later 1st Earl of Stockton)
Madresfield Court, Worcestershire
Magdalen College, Oxford
Mais, S. P. B.
Mallowan, Sir Max
Malvern, Worcestershire
‘Man Who Liked Dickens, The’
Manchester Guardian (newspaper)
Manfredi, Giovanni and Maria
Marix, Mrs Reginald (‘Pixie’)
Marlborough, Charles Spencer-Churchill 9th Duke of
Marlborough, Gladys, Duchess of
Mather, Father (missionary in Brazil)
Matson, Harold
Maugham, W. Somerset;
The Moon and Sixpence
Mells (estate), Somerset
Men at Arms see Sword of Honour (trilogy)
Mendl, Sir Charles
Mercantile & General Insurance Company
Merton, Thomas
Messel, Oliver
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Mexico, EW visits
Meyrick, Kathleen
MGM see Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Midsomer Norton, Somerset
Millais, Sir John Everett
Mills, Florence
Milton, Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam Viscount (later 8th Earl Fitzwilliam)
Mitchison, Naomi, Lady
Mitford, Diana see Guinness, Diana
Mitford, Jessica
Mitford, Nancy: and Evelyn Gardner; friendship with EW; marriage to Peter Rodd; at EW’s wedding; godmother to EW’s daughter; and publication of Brideshead Revisited; sends EW a copy of The Unquiet Grave; The Loved One dedicated to; moves to Paris; and Pamela Berry; and EW’s mental breakdown during voyage to Ceylon; reassures EW that he’s not a bore; EW’s correspondence with; The Blessing; Highland Fling; The Pursuit of Love
Moffat, Curtis
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Molson, Hugh (‘Preters’; ‘Hot Lunch’; later Baron Molson): background and character; Lancing schooldays; Oxford scholarship exams; at Oxford; EW’s fictional portrayal; ending of friendship with EW; later life and career; and EW’s autobiography
Molson, Moira
Montagu, Elizabeth
Monte Carlo
Month (periodical)
Moore, Henry
Morgan, Anne (née Gosse)
Morgan, Annie see Waugh, Annie
Morgan, Evan (later 2nd Viscount
Morgan, John
Morgan, William
Mormons, EW contemplates writing about
Morocco, EW visits
Morris, May
Morris, William
Mortimer, Raymond
Mortimer, Roger
Mosley, Diana, Lady see Guinness, Diana
Mosley, Sir Oswald
Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma
Mr Loveday’s Little Outing (collection)
‘Mr Loveday’s Little Outing’ (short story)
Muggeridge, Malcolm
‘Multa Pecunia’ (juvenilia)
Munro, H.H. (Saki)
Murphy, Leslie John
Murray, Basil
Mussolini, Benito
‘My Escape from Mayfair’ (article)
Nash’s Magazine, EW writes for
Nation & Athenaeum (magazine)
Naylor, Zena
Neill, John
Neuilly, Convent of the Holy Child
New College, Oxford
New Decameron (short story series)
New Quay, Cardiganshire
New Statesman (magazine)
New York, EW visits
New York Times Book Review
New Yorker (magazine)
Newbolt, Sir Henry
Newby, Eric; Short Walk in the Hindu
Newdigate Prize (Oxford University)
Newman, Cardinal John Henry
Newman Society (Oxford University)
News Chronicle
News of the World
Nichols, Beverley
Nicolson, Sir Harold
Night and Day (magazine)
Ninety-Two Days
Niven, David
Noel-Buxton, Rufus Buxton, 2nd Baron
Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount
Norway, EW visits
Norwich, John Julius Cooper, 2nd Viscount
Notting Hill, London
Nunney, Somerset
Nuremberg trials, EW attends
Nympsfield, Gloucestershire
Oare House, Wiltshire
Oberon, Merle
Observer, The (newspaper)
O’Connor, Desmond
Officers and Gentlemen see Sword of Honour (trilogy)
O’Flaherty, Liam
Ogilvie-Grant, Mark
Old Vic Theatre, London
Oldmeadow, Ernest
‘On Guard’
Onslow, Lady Teresa see Waugh, Lady Teresa
Onslow, William, 6th Earl of
Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, The
Ormonde, James Butler, 1st Duke of
Otter, Gwen
Oxford Broom, The (journal)
Oxford Magazine
Oxford Union, 72, 82; library
Oxford University Railway Club
Pakenham, Frank (later 7th Earl of Longford)
Pakenham, Lady Mary (later Clive)
Pakenham, Lady Pansy see Lamb, Lady Pansy
Pakenham Hall (now Tullynally Castle) Co. Westmeath
Palewski, Gaston
Paravicini (Croatian sculptor)
Pares, Sir Bernard
Pares, Richard
Paris, EW visits
Paris Review (magazine)
Parry, Maude, Lady
Parsons, Desmond
Pavlova, Anna
Pearson, Clive
Peck, Winifred, Lady (née Knox)
Peninsular War (1807–14)
Peters, A.D.: becomes EW’s agent; arranges journalism for EW; and newly married Waughs’ Mediterranean cruise; and Black Mischief; and A Handful of Dust; and Scoop; and Robbery Under Law; and Brideshead Revisited; and EW’s trip to United States; and The Loved One; and The Life of Ronald Knox; and EW’s autobiography; arranges EW’s return trip to Guiana; and EW’s proposed book on Crusades
Pevsner, Sir Nikolaus
Philbrick, F.A.
Phillips, Sir Percival
Picasso, Pablo
Piers Court, Gloucestershire: EW acquires; improvements married life at; wartime letting; post-war return to; EW sells
Pistol Troop (childhood gang)
Pius XI, Pope
Pius XII, Pope
Pixton Park, Somerset
Playfair, William Henry
Plunket Greene, Babe
Plunket Greene, David
Plunket Greene, Elizabeth (Liza; née Russell)
Plunket Greene, Gwen
Plunket Greene, Harry
Plunket Greene, Olivia
Plunket Greene, Richard
Plymouth Brethren
Poland, Nazi invasion
Ponsonby, Arthur (later 1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede)
Ponsonby, Dorothea (Dolly; later Lady Ponsonby)
Ponsonby, Elizabeth
Ponsonby, Loelia (later Duchess of Westminster)
Ponsonby, Matthew (later 2nd Baron
Ponsonby of Shulbrede)
poodles (Waugh fam
ily pets)
Pool Place, Sussex
Poole, Dorset
Port Said
Portman Square, London, Church of St Paul
‘Portrait of Young Man With Career’
Powell, Anthony: at Eton; at Oxford; publishing career; and EW’s first marriage; and John Heygate
PRB: An Essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1847–54
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
Prewitt (gardener)
Price Thomas, Sir Clement
Priestley, J.B.
Pritchett, Sir Victor Sawdon
Proust, Marcel
Punch (magazine)
Put Out More Flags
Queen Anne Press (publishers)
Quennell, Sir Peter
Raban, Basset
Raban, Catherine see Waugh, Catherine
Raban, Elizabeth (Lily; née Cockburn; EW’s grandmother)
Raban, Henry (EW’s grandfather)
RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art)
Radley College
Raisai I Huid, SS
Ranfurly, Hermione, Countess of
Raphael, Enid
Raymond, John
Redesdale, David Freeman-Mitford, 2nd Baron
Redesdale, Sydney, Lady
Regan, Maureen
Reitlinger, Gerald
Remote People
Renishaw Hall, Derbyshire
Renton, Mervyn
Rhodesia, EW visits
Rhys, Ernest
Rhys, Stella
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Rich, E.E.
Richmond, Church of St Elizabeth of Portugal
Rickett, Francis
Ritz Hotel, London, 118
Robbery Under Law,
Roberts, Cecil A. (‘Bobbie’)
Rodd, Peter
Roman Catholicism; EW’s conversion; Second Vatican Council; in United States; in wartime Yugoslavia
Romanov, Prince Vsevolod Ivanovich
Rome, EW visits
Rommel, Erwin
Ross, Alan
Ross, Jennifer
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel; Spirit of the Rainbow
Rossetti: His Life and Works
Rothenstein, Sir John
Rothermere, Ann, Viscountess see Fleming Ann
Rothermere, Harold Harmsworth, 1st
Rothermere, Esmond Harmsworth, 2nd Viscount
Rothschild, Victor, 3rd Baron
Rowse, A.L.
Roxburgh, John Fergusson
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)
Royal Horse Guards (‘The Blues’)
Royal Marines, EW’s commission in
Ruskin, John
Ruskin School of Art, Oxford
Russell, Conrad
Russell, Elizabeth (Liza; later Plunket Greene)
Russell, Georgiana (later Blakiston)
Sadleir, Michael
St Clair-Morford, Albert
‘St Helena Empress’ (essay)
St James’s Club, London
St Mary’s Ascot (school)
Saki (H.H. Munro)
Salisbury-Jones, Sir Guy
Sandhurst Military Academy
Sargent, Sir Orme