Kyle's Modern Montana Bride (The New Montana Brides Book 6)

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Kyle's Modern Montana Bride (The New Montana Brides Book 6) Page 9

by Susan Leigh Carlton

  “How did you like it?”

  “I loved it. It was awesome,” Zach enthused.

  “Remembering himself at that age, and his love of flying, Kyle smiled. Zach was truly his father’s son.

  It was quiet in the house. Susannah and Catherine had not returned from town.

  “Zack, in your room, there is a model of the plane we flew today. It is red, with a white stripe, Get it and we’ll continue your lesson.”

  When Zach returned with the plane, Kyle showed him all of the control surfaces on the wings and tail. With the model in his hand, he demonstrated what the control surfaces did in response to the cockpit controls.

  They were still at it when Susannah and Catherine returned. “Aunt Susannah, Dad let me fly the plane! We flew over some of our cattle, and some cowboys. It was awesome.”

  “It seems I heard those same words from another little boy a long time ago,” Catherine said wistfully.

  “He lived and breathed flying when he was that age. He played football and baseball, but flying and Ashley was where his heart lay.”

  Catherine saw the look on Susannah’s face. “I’m sorry honey. That was thoughtless of me. He never cared for Ashley the way he loves you.”

  “It’s all right Catherine. I was there. In those days, I wasn’t interested in boys younger than I was. It was the grade above me not below that got my attention. Whenever I think of Ashley, I think of a waste. She was chasing something. I don’t think she realized she had already caught the best. That’s the sad part.”

  “At least something good came of it. Zach’s a nice boy,” Catherine said.

  “Yes, he is. Kyle and I talked about him. After the wedding, I’m going to adopt him.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. I’m sure Zach is too,” Catherine said.

  “We’re going to fly down next week, and start closing things out,” Susannah said. “We haven’t decided whether Zach will go or not. I haven’t said anything to him. School will be starting next month, and I want to get him enrolled here, so we’ll need to get his school records from there.

  “I need to make a list. There are so many things to take care of, and I don’t want to let anything slip.”

  “Speaking of letting things slip, have you and Kyle discussed where you will live?”

  “No, we haven’t. I’ll put that at the top of the list,” Susannah said.


  “Your mother asked if we’ve talked about where we will live, whether we will build another house, or stay here with them.

  “For my part, I like it here. It would be fun having our own house and decorating it, but this is fine with me,” she said.

  “You know,” Kyle said, “we could do a makeover, combine these two bedrooms into one, maybe have a private entrance, something along those lines.”

  “I like that,” she said. “It would be a shame to let this beautiful house be unused.”

  “One other thing. I want a daughter. I want a little girl that looks just you. Then, I’ll be living with two of the most beautiful women in Montana.”

  “I’ll have your daughter, darling, and son. I would love to have a miniature version of you.”

  “We already have a son, remember?” he said.

  “But I want to have your son,” she said softly.

  chapter twenty-one

  A Wedding

  Kyle paid the county clerk fifty-three dollars in exchange for a marriage license. Catherine had made the arrangements with Pastor Gregory to conduct the wedding ceremonies. An announcement appeared in the Helena Independent record:

  Miss Susannah Leigh Stewart, daughter of the late Kenneth and Marie Stewart will be married on Saturday, September 8, 2012. The ceremony will be held in the main sanctuary of St. John’s Lutheran Church. Pastor Karl Gregory will conduct the ceremony, to be followed by a reception at the Helena Country Club. Ms. Stewart is a graduate of Helena High School, and the University of Colorado.

  Mr. Thompson is the son of John and Catherine Thompson, of Helena. He graduated from Helena High School and the US Military Academy at West Point, New York.

  After a honeymoon in Paris, the couple will be at home at the TbarS ranch.

  Susannah and Catherine made a list of those to be invited. Kyle had been asked whom he would like to invite, and he said, “Susannah”.

  Out of town guests began arriving the day before the wedding. The first couple to arrive checked in to the hotel where Catherine had reserved rooms and drove to the ranch. When Kyle answered the door, he was wrapped in a crushing bear hug.

  “Rattler, how have you been, man?” The tall, lean, clean cut man said. He was a former pilot in Kyle’s unit during his second tour in Afghanistan and a fellow alumnus of West Point. Kyle’s resourceful mother scrounged their addresses from the West Point Association and invited the entire unit. Most were still in the Army and several were deployed, so only six were able to make it to the wedding. They had brought their wives with them.

  As they arrived through the afternoon, Kyle proudly introduced them to his beautiful fiancé. During the introductions, he told her about some of their exploits. Some of the things she heard that day caused her to realize how lucky her man was to have survived unscathed.

  They partied into the night, finally ending when Kyle stood and proposed a toast: he held his glass aloft and said, I toast my beautiful bride to be and my wonderful mother who arranged this with no help from me. Here’s to you, Mom, and you, Susannah. With a sad expression on his face, he held his glass aloft once more and said, “We knew them, we'll remember them, and they will not be forgotten. To our fallen comrades!”

  “To our fallen comrades,” echoed the six guests,” and drained their glasses.

  When all had gone, he wrapped his mother in his arms, and said, “Mom, you could not have given me a gift that was more appreciated. It was great seeing them again. We fought together. A man will never have better friends than men with whom he served in combat.

  “And you, honey, I can’t begin to tell you how proud I was to introduce you to my friends as my wife to be.

  Susannah said, “At the risk of being considered crude, I’ll tell you what you can do. Take me to bed.”

  Kyle’s cheeks flushed, his father said, “I was proud of you tonight too, now, do as you were told.”

  His mother said, “Obey your father, Kyle.”

  “Yes ma’am, and yes sir.” He picked Susannah up, and carried her up the stairs. He didn’t hear it, because he was almost to the top of the stairs, but his mother said, “John, take me to bed,”

  “I can’t carry you the way he did, but I will take your hand and lead the way.”

  In their bedroom, with the door closed behind them, Kyle put a CD in the player and soft music filled the room

  He kissed Susannah’s forehead, her cheeks and settled on her lips. She parted her lips and their tongues touched. Sparks flew. It was a long and tender kiss that carried the promise of things to come.

  He undressed her, with an agonizing slowness. He stopped to savor every part of her as she stood before him, She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it down his arms and let it fall to the floor. Next, the belt was loosened, and his trousers fell to the floor. He pulled his tee shirt over his head and she pushed his shorts down his legs. Their bodies in full contact, they moved slowly around the room, dancing to the soft music.

  He lowered her to the bed, on her back, he moved her legs apart and knelt, on his knees between them. He leaned forward and cupped her breast in his hand, and covered it with his mouth. He teased the nipple with his tongue, feeling it become pebbly and firm. He switched to the other breast and then began kissing her belly, spreading her legs further apart as he moved downward.

  He paused at the bikini cut and with his fingers, he parted the lips to her vault, and with a light touch, he traced the edge with his tongue. She was moaning louder and louder as her passion increased. When his tongue found her button, she began writhing and gyrating, “Yes! Yes!
She cried out and put her hands on his head to pull him closer. All control was gone. Her body had taken over and turned her core into a volcano, spewing forth the hot juices. With a long sigh, she was complete.

  When she caught her breath, she said, “That. Was. Incredible. It was like nothing I’ve experienced before. I don’t think I could stand another one like that, but I am willing to try. He moved back up her body, and paused on the way to take a breast in his mouth and suckle it, He lowered his mouth to hers. He felt her grasp his member and slide it into her channel. They began to move together, slow at first, and then faster, he felt her muscles tighten as the powerful wave approached. He moved faster, and began to pulse, emptying himself into her. Her hands on his hips pulled him deeper inside and she began to gyrate wildly beneath him.

  It was over. He raised his body onto his elbows and looked into her beautiful blue eyes, now hooded with sex, and said, “I love you, Susannah Leigh Stewart.”

  “And I love you just as much, Rattler.”

  “You heard that, did you?” It’s been a long time since I was Rattler.”

  “Well. It fits. You certainly rattled me. Ooooeee, I feel good. I’m going to sleep like a rock tonight.” He rolled over, so she was in his arms, almost on top of him, her leg thrown across his. They lay there, and she giggled. “What are you doing?” Then she felt his manhood enter her again. “Oh,” she said, as he went all of the way in, she began to undulate her hips. Later, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  The next morning…

  Kyle was up early doing chores when Susannah made her way to the kitchen where Catherine was having a cup of coffee along with Callie’s special Belgian Waffles.’

  “Can I get you some breakfast, Miss Susannah?” Callie asked.

  Thank you, Callie. Please.”

  “Did you sleep well?” Catherine asked.

  “I did. Like a log,” Susannah said.

  “So did I,” Catherine said. “So did I.”

  Susannah looked at Catherine. “Don’t look so surprised. I like a good romp as much as anybody,” Catherine said.

  “Don’t we all?” Callie said.

  They were still laughing when Kyle returned from his chores. “Talking about me again?” he asked.

  “If you only knew,” his mother said. “The breakfast was delicious, Callie. Thank you.”

  * * *

  Kyle was standing at the altar with Pastor Gregory, and his best man, Stalker Wilson who was a fellow comrade in arms decked out in Army Mess Dress, when Susannah, on the arm of her nephew, turned down the aisle, step, step, step.

  The congregation caught their breath, at their first glimpse of the bride in her white gown, and veil. Zach was dressed in a white tuxedo, walking confidently beside his aunt. Stalker nudged Kyle, “Pick up your jaw, Rattler,” he whispered. Kyle was stunned by this vision of loveliness that was to be his bride.

  The Pastor began, citing the purpose of the ceremony. “Who gives this woman to be wed to this man?”

  “I do”, said Zach. He placed the hand of his aunt into the hand of his father, and returned to his seat.

  The Pastor read the vows, and heard the commitment to each other. “By the power vested in me by the great state of Montana and the Lutheran Church, I pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss your bride, Kyle.

  Kyle lifted the veil and looked into those incredible blue eyes, moist with tears of joy, and kissed the warm, soft lips.

  “Turn and face the congregation,” the pastor whispered. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Thompson.”

  The audience stood, and applauded as the bride and groom made their way down the aisle. As they exited the church, a sharp command of “Draw Sword” was given by Captain “Stagger Lee” Johannsen, US Army. Six swords raised as one to form the steel arch as the bride and groom passed beneath.

  “Did you know they were going to do that?” Susannah whispered.

  “No, but it is a tradition at the Point when an officer or a cadet is married. There are usually more swords, but this was great.”

  “I thought so too. They are beautiful in those uniforms,” she said.

  “They’re called Mess Dress, and are for formal occasions, so I guess we qualify.”

  They went back inside to sign the papers the Pastor had for them, and then returned to their friends. Kyle hugged his mother. “You outdid yourself, Mom. I’ll never forget it. You too, Dad. I love you both.”

  Susannah hugged Catherine. “You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen,” Catherine told Susannah.

  “This is one of the few times I’ve felt beautiful. It was a wonderful wedding. It gives me great memories to pass on to my daughter and son,” Susannah said.

  “Are you…? Catherine whispered.

  “Not yet, but I will be as soon as I can,” Susannah whispered back.

  A long white Lincoln stretch limousine glided to a stop to transport the bride and groom to the reception.

  After the toasts and the ritual of cutting the cake, Kyle and Susannah had the dance floor to themselves for the first dance.

  An hour later, Stalker came up to the newlyweds, and said, “Rattler, I got your six any time you want to get out of here. Your car is by the side entrance.”

  “Thanks, Stalker.”

  In the car, as they headed for their undisclosed destination, Susannah asked, “What did Stalker mean when he said “I got your six”?”

  “It means I’m protecting your rear so no one can get you from behind.”

  “Oh, okay, Rattler, I got your six, good buddy,” she said and giggled, “although it’s the other side that interests me more.”

  “Woman, you are bad,” he said.

  “You better believe it. I am going to be the wife you deserve. Now, let’s go get started on making our daughter.”

  “I’m with you all the way on that one,” he said.

  He carried her across the threshold of the bridal suite at the new Best Western.

  “I think I’ll grab a quick shower,” he said.

  “Need someone to scrub your back?” she asked.

  “What about my front?” he asked.

  “In due time, my darling. In due time.”

  * * *

  The newlyweds boarded a Delta, aircraft for the short flight from Helena to Denver. There was a change in Denver for a connecting flight to Minneapolis, where they would transfer to a non-stop flight to Paris. They would spend two weeks in Paris and one week in Rome before reversing their direction to go home. After being seated for the flight to Minneapolis, Susannah said, “I’m so excited. Before I dragged you off on our hunt for Zach, I had never been any place except for Helena, Denver and Phoenix. I can’t believe it. I’m going to Paris.” Kyle smiled. It pleased him to hear her enthusiasm.

  In Paris, they did the touristy things during the daytime, and reveled in the city of lights at night. They also enjoyed the pleasures of each other’s body at night. Every night.

  They visited all of the designer clothing shops in the Triangle d’Or. The frugal Susannah could not believe the prices she saw, but her husband insisted she update her wardrobe in the fashion capitol of the world. For her part, she insisted they shop for something for Catherine at The House of Dior. Since their luggage space was limited, he arranged to have their purchases shipped home.

  After visiting the Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower. Their first week was a whirlwind of touring and shopping. “Darling,” Susannah asked, isn’t there anything you would like to do?”

  “Yes, you.”

  “Besides that,” she laughed.

  “As a matter of fact, there is. I would like to see the beaches at Normandy, where the invasion took place in 1944. We studied it at the Point, and I would like to see it in person.”

  “Then let’s go,” she said.

  They boarded a train for the ride to Normandy. At the invasion site, Kyle pointed out Omaha Beach. “The Americans had the roughest assignment that day. They both h
ad seen “The Longest Day” movie, but to see the actual site overwhelmed them. They visited the American Cemetery at Collevile-sur-mer where the American casualties are buried. The cemetery is on a bluff overlooking Omaha Beach. The sight of the row upon endless row of white crosses renders one speechless.

  “Just think, this many men died in those few days,” Kyle said. The return to Paris was quiet, as they reflected on what they had seen.

  The next evening, they took a train to Rome and arrived about 9:30 the next morning. They visited the Vatican and all of the ancient ruins. That night, Susannah said, “I don’t know about you, but I am ready to go back to the TbarS.”

  “So am I,” Kyle said..


  The week after they returned from their honeymoon, Kyle and Susannah filed papers for the adoption of Zach by Susannah. His name was legally changed to Zachary Thompson. His birth certificate was modified to show Kyle as his natural father.

  While they were on their honeymoon, construction was completed on the changes to the main house. Decorating the new space was Savannah’s first project. Catherine was so impressed; she suggested redecorating the entire house. It became a showcase for her talent, and resulted in orders from family friends.

  Satisfied there was enough demand, Susannah exercised her option on the Designer’s Expo franchise and opened Designs by Susannah for business three months after their honeymoon. It was a new type of business for Helena, and was an immediate success. Prior to the opening of her shop, the department stores had a corner on the decorating market.

  She landed a contract with an upscale developer to decorate their model homes. The discrete placard she was allowed to place in each model led to more business and more contracts with developers. She told Kyle she was going to have to add staff, since it was becoming more than she could handle, and she refused to compromise on what she called her family time.

  Zach had enrolled in Helena High School and proved to be an excellent student. His interest in flying grew, and Kyle decided it would be better to have a professional flight instructor teach him to fly. Like his father, he soloed on his sixteenth birthday, and took the flight test for his private license on his eighteenth birthday. Kyle was bursting with pride when Zach showed him the letter from their congressman offering an appointment to West Point. He would attend the seven weeks Cadet Basic Training session in the summer of 2017 and become a member of the incoming plebes that fall. He would opt for the aviation arm of the Army and serve out his commitment as an Army pilot.


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