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Daddy's Whip

Page 16

by Loki Renard

  Deftly, he whipped her again, flicking his wrist in a backhanded motion that made the whip crack twice before it connected with her flesh, leaving a bright red stripe directly below the first two.

  Marnie gasped and drew her bottom in.

  “Do you understand why you’re getting punished?” he demanded, his voice harsh, hoarse with arousal.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered. “Please, no more! It stings!”

  “It’s meant to,” he responded, his voice a bit softer, but still hoarse. “It’s meant to hurt, how else are you going to learn this lesson?”

  Twisting his body slightly, he sent the whip flying to snap against the other side of her ass, adding a third perfect red line. Her ass was gorgeous in its natural creamy white state, but he much preferred it like this, bearing his marks. She bent down, sinking low over the bale, reflexively drawing away from the pain, but after a moment she straightened up without needing to be prompted.

  “Good girl.” Responding to his praise, she positioned herself perfectly over the bale, her most intimate places on display, vulnerable. He smiled proudly. Her submission to him was the biggest turn-on ever.

  “I love you, Marnie,” he told her, cracking the whip against her ass again. “Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered, sobbing softly.

  Coiling the whip, Sam came forward and ran his palm over her punished bottom, his fingers lingering on the angry, raised red welts. He trailed his thumb down her cleft, stopping at her naughtiest hole, pressing the pad of his thumb against her tight rosebud. She clenched around him, barring his entrance.

  “No. Relax,” he murmured. Obediently, she did, releasing his thumb. “Good girl.”

  He held his hand there for a moment longer, pressing lightly against her, using his fingers to rub slow circles over her scorched bottom. Gradually, she relaxed properly beneath his touch, her trembling eased and her sobs quietened. More than anything, he wanted to fuck her, she looked so tempting, bent over like that. But he wasn’t done with her yet.

  Moving in closer to her, he transferred the whip to his left hand and held it in the small of her back, both holding her in position, and letting the leather fall over her body, reminding her of what was still to come. Bringing his hand back, he slapped her hard, right at the juncture where her bottom met her thighs, and watched in satisfaction as his pink splotchy handprint appeared on her skin.

  “You. Do. Not. Swear. At. Paying. Customers,” he growled, accompanying each word with a fiery smack.

  “I know! I’m sorry!” she yelled.

  “You’ve got a stake in this business now, too, little girl,” he reminded her. “We’re going to have to work hard, together, if we’re going to have any chance of saving it.” He smacked her again, with close to his full strength, to drive his message home.

  Standing up, he stepped back, letting the end of the whip trail over her lower back, brushing over her backside and kissing her thighs.

  “A few more with the whip now, little girl,” he told her softly, but firmly. “And after each one, I want to hear you say Daddy loves me. Can you do that for me, baby girl?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her words caught on a sob, nearly breaking his resolve, but he steeled himself.

  Crack! The whip landed just above the handprints he’d made. “Say it,” he growled.

  “Daddy loves me!” Marnie shouted.

  Crack! “Again!”

  “Ow! Daddy loves me!” The words were shrill, yelled, all jumbled together in one breathless outburst, right before she starting crying properly, her whole body racked with sobs.

  Crack! “Again!”

  He couldn’t even understand her this time, the words she yelled were totally unintelligible. She flinched when he stepped forward and touched her bottom, inspecting her skin. She was shaking. Dropping the whip down onto the hay bale next to her, he wrapped an arm around her waist and hauled her to her feet. He spun her to face him and gazed down into her tear-filled eyes. Kissing her forehead tenderly, he brushed loose strands of hair off her wet face before pulling her into his chest.

  “Ssssh, baby girl,” he soothed. “It’s over.”

  * * *

  She was sore. The whip had left traces of pure fire on her skin and she really wasn’t sure she’d ever sit again. But she was loved. She knew it to her core. Marnie had never imagined in a million years that a man could stand over her with a whip in his hand, take the business end of it to her ass, and leave her feeling cherished as well as chastised, but that was exactly what Sam had done.

  He slid one hand down her back and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her against his chest. She snuggled her face into his neck, feeling embarrassed and small as he carried her still bare-bottomed self across the open space between the barn and the house, apparently not caring who saw his naughty girl in her well-punished state.

  She felt the powerful motion of his body as he carried her up the stairs and into the bedroom they shared. The dated décor and wallpaper curling in places had never seemed as precious as it did as he laid her down carefully on the bed. Marnie wouldn’t let go of him when he tried to stand up. Her fingers curled in his hair as she clung to him, afraid that he might make her stay alone. Of all the things in the world, right now, being alone would be the worst.

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “It’s okay, I’m not going anywhere,” he murmured reassuringly. “I was just going to take my pants off.”

  “Oh. Okay. You can do that.” Marnie let go and watched as Sam stood up, unzipped his pants, and got entirely naked. His cock was thick and hard, rampant with the same need she felt and when he came back to lie down next to her, she spread her thighs out of instinct, wrapping herself around him before he even had a chance to fully reach the bed.

  “You need something, baby girl?” He murmured the question against her lips, the head of his cock grazing her sex.

  She needed him. She needed him more than air. She was so wet she could feel her juices on her inner thighs. The pain of the whip, the humiliation of staying in place and letting herself be punished, had created a state of pure submission and arousal that made her unable to hide her need.

  “Please, Daddy,” she whimpered, gyrating her hips. The pain of his whip was nothing compared to the arousal coursing through her body. She could feel every place his lash had landed, but the sting and pain only made her want him more.

  She heard his growl of desire and a second later the world spun as Sam rolled her onto her back, looked deep into her eyes, and pushed himself inside her, filling her wet pussy in one gloriously long, slow stroke that felt as though it would go on forever. Pinned to the bed, his hand sliding between her breasts to find her neck, Marnie was held down and fucked, Sam’s powerful body dominating hers easily with every stroke.

  Marnie cried out, her inner walls clenching that thick rod, feeling his fingers clasping firmly around her neck.

  “Look at me, little girl,” he demanded, his voice thick with a primitive lust that demanded her full obedience.

  Looking into his eyes, she saw his love, his desire, and his total and utter control. Sam pushed her legs wide open with his free hand, then placed the base of his palm just above her clit, putting enough pressure on her mound to stretch her pussy for him. It was a lewd, crude display of her sex, and he was using her pussy with little regard for what she wanted in that moment. She had to want what he wanted, and she did. She wanted his thick cock deep inside her. She wanted to be spread open and held wide, she wanted…

  “Oh, my…”

  He’d pulled out of her pussy, scooping the juices that had been running down the crack of her ass with his cock, he pushed himself against that tight hole.

  “Open up for me, baby girl,” he murmured, his brilliant blue gaze locked on hers, his fingers tightening around her throat just enough to amplify the order. “Give me your asshole.”

  With a little whimper, she did the best she could to let her muscles relax. Sam surged f
orward, pushing the head of his cock past the tight ring of her hole and finding the hot depths of her ass.

  “These holes are mine,” he reminded her. “All of them. And when you’re naughty, you’re going to have your bottom fucked, little girl, nice and long and hard.”

  Marnie moaned as Sam pushed a little further forward. Her ass was so much tighter than her pussy, and her daddy’s cock couldn’t sink as far or as fast, but he made up for it by reaching down with the hand not wrapped around her neck, and rubbing her pussy.

  “Oh, god, oh, yes, please… fuck, yes… Daddy… ow!”

  Her eyes flew open wide as Sam’s hand left her pussy and the flat of his fingers returned with a swift slap to her lower lips. He was fucking her ass and spanking her pussy at the same time, and there was nothing she could do but lie there, her bottom stretched around his hard cock, her naughty pussy dripping with juices as he spanked her lower lips and all around her clit, swift little taps that made her sensitive lower lips swell up and redden.

  “You were a bad girl,” he told her gruffly, his abs rippling with every thrust, his perfect shoulders flexing as he fucked her. “But your daddy is always going to be here to deal with you when you’re bad.”

  She was going to come. He wasn’t even in her pussy. He was punishing her pussy and fucking her bottom hole and she was still going to come soon. The tight, hot feeling was starting to spread from that secret little place deep inside her. Her clit was tingling, her lips were swelling and stinging, and her ass was surrendering to his cock so now he could fuck her properly, his dick pounding deep inside her over and over.

  Fucked and spanked, punished like she was the naughtiest girl in the world, Marnie couldn’t hold back anymore. Her whole body was tense and tight, her breath coming in short little gasps, her toes curling and her thighs shaking as she gave in to orgasm.

  Marnie looked up into Sam’s eyes. He was punishing her. He was giving her pain with the pleasure. But there was no anger in his gaze. There was the most pure lustful devotion she had ever seen on a man’s face. That was what sent her over the edge.

  “Daddddyyy!” she cried out as she came, her ass clenching desperately at his cock, the tight ring demanding his cum as pure pleasure burst through her, taking total control of her body—and Sam’s too. In that brief moment of climax, it was her female form that ruled them both. His cock was taken in service of her desires and he couldn’t resist any more than she could.

  Sam roared with orgasm, his palm whipping against her quivering cunt. He drove forward hard and unleashed his cum inside her ass, filling her all the way up with his hot seed. For a minute, there was nothing but orgasm, two writhing bodies caught in a sensation greater than either of them could contain.

  Then, slowly, it abated, leaving the hardness of his body, the warmth of his cum, the lashes on Marnie’s rear, and the aching of her poor punished pussy.

  “Ow,” she whimpered softly as he pulled out of her ass, his cock leaving a trail of semen dripping from her well-fucked hole.

  “You were such a good girl,” he praised, kissing her deeply. She felt his muscular arms wrap around her, comforting her punished body as she curled up against him, still trembling from the force of the orgasm. When Sam fucked you, you knew you’d been fucked. Marnie was certain she wasn’t going to walk right for a while.

  “I think you need a bath,” he said, looking down at her sweaty, cum-stained body. “And I think I need one too.”

  Once more, he picked her up, carrying her as if she weighed nothing. Marnie was too perfectly exhausted to do more than mumble as Sam took her to the little bathroom and sat her on his knee at the side of the tub as he ran the bath for them both.

  “Have you learned your lesson?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she murmured, her voice soft. “I won’t call any more of the customers bitches.”

  “Mhm, and more than that, little girl. Do you understand that I love you more than life? That there’s nobody else for me but you? And no matter what happens to this place, I’ll always be grateful, because I got to meet you?”

  Marnie’s eyes filled with tears of emotion. She didn’t know why he loved her so much, but she was so grateful he did, because she felt exactly the same way. Before coming to the farm, life had been hollow, full of shattered buildings, chaos, and destruction inside and out. Now she was loved, so completely cherished that the entire world could fall down and as long as she had Sam she would be okay.

  Chapter Ten

  One month later…

  Marnie knew something was up the moment she came downstairs and saw Sam’s face. It wasn’t even just his expression, it was his whole posture. Something was dreadfully wrong.

  “Sam?” Her voice quivered as she fearfully asked the question. She didn’t know what it was she was afraid of, exactly, but something was bothering Sam, and it wasn’t anything good.

  Before she could get close enough to see what it was he was looking at, he gathered the papers up into a pile and turned them over, hiding them from her view. So it was a secret, then. That was bad.

  “Come on.” Sam stood up. “Let’s get to work.” His voice was flat, completely devoid of emotion. He didn’t sound happy to be going out to work with the horses, to take out a trek, like he normally did. Right now, he sounded sad. Dejected.

  “Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” she demanded.

  Sam sighed.

  “Tell me! I’m not going to come and do any work until you tell me what’s going on!” She stamped her foot and pouted, crossing her arms over her chest to prove to Sam that she was serious.

  With another sigh, Sam bent down and grabbed her around the waist, slinging her over his broad shoulder like a sack of spuds. “Yes, you are, little girl. We’ve got a trek coming soon, maybe our last one. And I need your help.”

  “Put me down, you brute!” she yelled. “What do you mean, our last one? Sam! What’s going on?” He didn’t release her, so she balled her small hands into fists and pounded against his back. “Sam!” she shouted at him, whacking him as hard as she could. “Talk to me!”

  She felt him pause slightly and stiffen. Was he actually going to do as she asked him, for once? No such luck. His big hand crashed down on her backside, making her squeal in outrage and pain. “Stop hitting me, little girl,” he snarled. “Yes, this could very well be our last trek.” His grip on her thighs shifted slightly, as he bent to put on his boots. Marnie held her breath, both waiting for him to explain himself and fearful of being tipped off. Instead of punching him, she clutched at his shirt, crossing her fingers for good news.

  “That paperwork I was reading, it was a letter from the lawyer, and an agreement for me to sign. This place is being sold, Marnie. That big dairy conglomerate I told you about, the one who made the original offer, they’re buying us out. The treks are finished.”

  Marnie had never heard Sam use that tone of voice before, and it scared her. It sounded like he’d just given up, like he just didn’t care what happened anymore.

  “Nooooooooo!” Her protest came out as a cross between a screech and a wail, as she tried to digest what Sam had just told her. “But you said… that money I gave you… we’ve been working so hard! No, Sam, you can’t let this happen!”

  “It has happened,” he told her flatly. “That money bought us time, but weeks only. We just haven’t had enough trekkers through the place to make the payments. If I don’t accept this offer, which is actually pretty good, the bank is going to foreclose and we’ll be forced to sell anyway. And we’ll end up coming out with a whole lot less.”

  “But I don’t want to go.” Her voice was small, broken, just like her heart. She’d finally found somewhere she wanted to call home, and it was being ripped out from under her. Just like the earthquakes had done to her city—broken it down, destroyed dreams, left a path of destruction in its wake. And that’s what the big dairy conglomerate would do here—devastation. They’d bulldoze the old house, no doubt. It needed so much work to bring it up
to date that it would probably be cheaper to pull it down and start again. And the barn? That would probably be gone too, to make way for a cowshed. The round pen, the yards, the arena… all that would be demolished, to be replaced by a feed pad, tanker track, races. They’d put in an effluent pond, cut down all the trees. There would be no more horses, no more sheep, no more goats. No more anything, except cows. Stupid cows. On this huge farm there would be room for a lot of cows.

  Sam set her on her feet but kept a hold of her, his palm cupping her chin, tilting her face up to look at him. “Neither do I, but we don’t have a choice. Whether we sell now or later, either way, we’re going to lose this place, and there isn’t anything either of us can do about it.”

  “No. You’re wrong.” Her eyes filled with tears, blurring her vision.

  “I’m not wrong. The deal’s done, Marnie. I’ll be signing the agreement and faxing it off this afternoon. After that, we’ll have a month, at the most, to pack up our lives and get out of here.”

  Marnie wrenched her face out of Sam’s grasp. She felt too insignificant with him holding her like that. And right now, she didn’t want to feel insignificant. She was too upset to be insignificant. Straightening her shoulders, she stood on her tiptoes to make herself as tall as possible, which was still a heck of a lot shorter than Sam. “All we need is more time,” she announced, as if this was the most obvious solution in the world.

  “We don’t have more time,” Sam snapped. “Do you not think I’ve thought this through? We’re out of options. Selling up is the only sensible thing to do.”

  “Fuck sensible! Sensible is for old boring people whose dreams have died.”

  “Our dreams have died,” Sam murmured. He was most definitely not the crying type but right then, it sounded like he was about to. Marnie’s heart clenched. Then Sam straightened up and frowned down at her. “And if you swear again, little girl, I’m going to cart you back off to the house and wash your mouth out with soap. Is that clear?”


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