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The Undercover Groom_Bachelor Billionaire Romances

Page 9

by Taylor Hart

  She hadn’t cried this whole time. Last night she’d appeared shaken, but only now did she look broken.

  “Wait up.” He pulled on his horse’s reins.

  She stopped a few feet ahead, then stared back at him.

  “That’s enough of this.” The severity in his voice sounded like when Luke was focused and making a deal, or his father’s voice when he was young. “It’s going to be fine. We’ll get through this, and it’s going to be fine.”

  Her bottom lip trembled, but she nodded. “I want to believe you.”

  He nudged his horse closer and took her hand. “Victor Santiago.”

  Now she looked up at him. “What?”

  His hands turned clammy and his mouth went dry. He couldn’t believe he was telling her this. He hadn’t even been able to talk about it with his brothers. “Victor Santiago was the head of a human trafficking ring I helped bust wide open less than a month ago.” When she froze, he pulled his hand back and ran it through his hair. “I was posing as a contractor to help get evidence. And boy, one night I got evidence. And it got messy.”

  “That’s when you took the shot,” she said quietly.

  “Yeah.” He hesitated. “The strange thing was, before we got the hard, cold evidence, I was working so closely with him that he almost had me under his spell. I was on the verge of believing he couldn’t be the guy they thought he was. And then everything went sideways and I found the shipment of women they’d brought in to be kept in an underground apartment. I came in right at the time many of the guards were doing unspeakable things to those women.” His hand shook and he sucked in a breath. “I still see their faces. I hear them groaning and crying. It was actually their screams that led me to the room to check on things one night when I shouldn’t have been there.”

  She reached for his hand. “Oh, Nick.”

  “I almost missed it. I almost missed the evil inside of him. He almost fooled me. And this man has been torturing women and children for years.” He still thought about how he’d almost missed catching him.

  “You were by yourself?”

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he gave a quick nod. The blood and the screams surged to the forefront of his mind.

  “And you took them all out—the guards, Victor? But the women were safe.”

  Coming back from the memory, he stared at her. “Yeah, they got out.”

  He didn’t know how she would respond, but she swallowed, then nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  She lifted a hand and gently pressed it against his cheek. “For reminding me that one good person can change the world. And for reminding me that sometimes good people have to take a stand.” She let out a breath. “I can do this.”

  He was touched beyond words by what she had said. Eventually, he managed to clear his throat. “You can do this.”

  Chapter 14

  Hunter James’s home gym was better than most commercial gyms Ava had seen. It had a boxing/sparring rink, a punching bag, mats and mirrors, and a whole row of workout equipment that had clearly been added to the house. It had a gym feel to it. But more than a gym, it was a training facility.

  Hunter and Nick stood on mats across from each other. Hunter turned to her, his eyes burning. “War is hell. The worst part of war is that it’s confusing and there’s screaming and there’s blood and it feels like this fog descends.”

  Her heart thudded as she imagined what he was describing.

  “The worst part of war is that you see the worst part of humanity and feel the breath of the reaper trying to take you home. But the best part is finding your own strength.” He pounded his chest. “Digging down deep and finding the part of you that says, ‘No way, it’s not my time. This isn’t how it’s gonna go down. I will live. I will fight. I decide my own future and destiny. By these hands.’” He put his hands up. “Today, I will live.”

  Ava could see now why Nick had wanted her to meet Hunter James. The look in his eyes told her he had been in the confusion of war many times and lived. Even though she wasn’t in a war per se, this gave her hope.

  “You might be thinking you aren’t in a war.” Hunter crossed the space between them and shouted in her face. “But you are in a war! A war for your life! A war waged on you by someone that is bigger, stronger, and thinks he can frighten you!”

  Ava was shaken, but she knew it was true.

  Hunter backed up a bit. “Today, you will learn that although you are in a war with someone bigger, you get to decide how you fight. You will fight like a warrior, knowing on the battlefield that you must win the day! You must fight for your life and the lives of your men! When you leave the battlefield, you must dig deep and have no fear! You must rely on God, on yourself, and you must trust that it is enough.”

  Unsure where to rest her eyes, Ava didn’t know if she could even take a breath or if she would pass out from lack of oxygen.

  Hunter relaxed a bit. “And it will be enough,” he said evenly.

  She sucked in a lungful of air.

  “Today, you will no longer be afraid. You will be fierce. You will learn to fight and survive. And you will know that if a war is waged on you, you will not be the one lying on the field smelling blood. You will be the one with blood on your hands, with blood on your face. You will be the one looking down at your enemy and feeling no shame that you took his blood as the victory spoils. No shame—he brought the war to you, and you won!”

  Something inside of her ignited at his words and she thought of Nick’s confession, of the bloody scene he’d been tortured by. He’d done what had to be done to save the lives of those women and children. It gave her strength.

  “Do you understand?” he shouted.

  It took her a second to realize he wanted an answer. “Y-yes.”


  “Yes!” she bellowed, feeling stronger than she had in a long, long time.

  Backing up, he pointed to the mat. “Stand there. First we’re going to go over a few basics; then we’ll delve in deeper. The thing you have on your side is the fact people underestimate you.” Blatantly, he gave her an up-and-down look. “Right now your ex thinks you’re weak. He thinks you’re a beanpole, a drowned rat, barely one-twenty soaking wet, I would say. He thinks you’re a scared little mouse!”

  The intense way he frowned at her made her want to cover herself.

  “After what I teach you today, if your ex or anyone gets close to you, they won’t be expecting you to have the skills I’m going to teach you. They will think you’re weak. They will underestimate you.” He gave a stern nod. “And that is your greatest strength.”

  Swallowing, she sucked in air. If anyone could make her a warrior, Hunter James could.

  Hunter grunted. “Now watch. Nick is going to come up behind me and attack me by putting his arms around me. It seems like a cliché but most attackers, if they want to take you, will try to take you from behind.”

  Nick came up from behind and wrapped his arms around Hunter. It was like a couple of bulls jostling for position; they weren’t holding back.

  “Now what you want to do,” Hunter grunted, “is immediately drop all your weight and twist your hips.” He did it slowly, and she could tell Nick was letting him out. “You want to do it fast. Let’s do it real-life time.”

  Nick grabbed him again, like a football player going after a quarterback, and this time she watched how Hunter worked quickly, just dropping his weight and turning. Nick fumbled and couldn’t hold him.

  She thought about doing it, how it would feel. Could she hope to get away from either of these muscle-bound men?

  Hunter gestured for her to come forward. “Nick, do it to her.”

  Tentatively, she stood in front of Nick, who bent a bit closer and stared her in the eyes.

  Before they started, Hunter frowned at her, and her heart cranked up a notch under his gaze. “I want you to respond like you’re mad. Ticked! Like you’re going to upset his world.” Hunter’s eyes went wide, wi
ld, dangerous. “’Cause you want to upset his world, right?”

  She nodded, feeling more sure of herself. “Yeah, I do.”

  “What?” he yelled.

  “Yes, sir!”

  Hunter stepped back. “Okay. Nick.”

  She braced herself, still feeing unprepared when his solid arms wrapped her up. As if she was hopping into a pool, she dropped her weight and shifted, just like Hunter had told her. Nick actually lost his hold for a second, though he regained it quickly. “Close,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Not bad,” Hunter’s voice boomed. “Again.”

  She got up and braced again. What would it take for her to actually succeed in escaping his vice-like arms?

  This time, when Nick grabbed her, she closed her eyes for the briefest second. I can fly. She let herself go completely, like jumping out of an airplane, relishing the momentary weightlessness in his arms. Just when he started to tighten to prevent her from slipping through, she twisted, pushed away, and scrambled like a rodent fleeing for its life. How’s that for a scared little mouse?

  “Good!” Hunter shouted, helping her up.

  Nick looked a little surprised and—impressed?

  Five minutes in, and Ava was starting to believe she could be her own type of warrior. She took Hunter’s hand, feeling better, stronger. She liked the feel of taking control of her situation.

  Hunter released her hand and pointed to Nick. “Now, when you’re on your way down, what other damage do you think you could do if you moved quick enough?”

  She knew. “Hit him in the crotch!”

  “Yes. Because when you’re not in a fair fight, you don’t fight fair,” he growled. “When someone is coming to hurt you, take you, it’s an affront to the liberty the Lord God gave you. It’s an affront to your right to ownership of yourself and your body. And because of that, you fight to kill. You fight to cause pain, and if need be, you take advantage and you give them pain!”

  The sound of Hunter’s voice kind of frightened her, like she was in some boot camp war movie and failing miserably.

  “Got it?”


  “Got it?” he screamed louder.

  “Got it!”

  He pointed at Nick. “Do it again.”

  She braced herself and went through the full surrender drop and turn, then swung out at him. Lucky for him, he was prepared and swiveled away. “Hey!” Nick said.

  Hunter roared with laughter. “Yes! That’s it.”

  Satisfied, she smiled at Nick. “Sorry.”

  Nick glared at Hunter. “Why don’t you take over?”

  Hunter patted him on the shoulder. “Hey, this is what you want, right? For the girl to feel strong?”

  Ava felt overwhelmingly grateful to Nick for setting this up. No words, pep talk, or bodyguard could give her the confidence of being able to defend herself.

  Hunter cocked an eyebrow at her. “Are you ready to learn how to pluck out an eyeball if given the chance?”

  Determination swept through her. “Yes!”

  Nick flashed her a grin. “We’re practicing this technique on Hunter.”

  Chapter 15

  Nick watched Ava face Hunter in the triple threat position. They’d been going at different drills for over four hours. She was soaked in sweat, and he was, too. Hunter wasn’t too bad; he would signal her to attack him, then show her ways to sidestep or sweep the leg or use her elbow to inflict damage to the inner thigh.

  Mostly, Nick had noticed over the course of this training, she was gaining confidence—and he liked that.

  She went for Hunter and he turned, but she gave him a sharp elbow to the head as she went by. “Yes!” he shouted from the floor, grabbing his head with the look of a ferocious tiger. “That’s what I’m talking about. My wife Summer will definitely want to meet you. She’ll love your determination and grit.”

  Ava was grinning like a tigress, ready for the attack.

  Hunter stood. “The last thing I’ll teach you is this—one of the biggest things you need to remember if you’re faced with an opponent that is bigger than you is that everything is your weapon.”

  Blinking, she nodded. “Okay.”

  Hunter’s eyes scanned the gym. “What do you see in this room that could be your weapon?”

  Her eyes scanned the room. “Um …”


  “A weight?”

  He nodded. “Yes. What else?”

  “The ropes.”

  Hunter eyed her. “I like how you’re thinking, but it’s going to be hard to tie someone up. What I’m talking about is anything you can use to hit with. If you are attacked or taken, you have to think like a soldier captured.” He pointed to her feet. “Your shoes. You can use them to hit. You can throw them. Granted, if you’re running, you probably need them. But if they get you in tight quarters, use them.”

  Her eyes darted about, but she paused and looked at Nick’s waist. “The gun.”

  “Yes,” Hunter growled. “Have you ever used a gun?”

  She nodded. “I started going to a shooting range last year. Bought a handgun. I … I was afraid.”

  “Normal,” Hunter said gruffly. He strode over to Nick and held out his hand. “Give me your gun.”

  Nick hesitated. He was a cop. He didn’t hand over his gun.

  Hunter exhaled. “Not to shoot—to show her how to hit with it.”

  Against his better judgment, but caught up in the spirit of the moment, Nick pulled the gun out, though he didn’t give it up. “My gun, I’ll show her.” Nick passed Hunter and displayed his gun, bottom up in his hand. “If you are lucky enough to have a gun when you are attacked, I recommend killing him. I’m serious.”

  She stared at him. “I know you are.”

  He handed it to her. “But if you run out of bullets or something, and you just have a chance to hit him somewhere, you always hit in the softest part of the flesh. The throat. The eyes. The crotch. You always have to think, where can I do the most damage?” He took her through a couple of ways she could hit with it. “And don’t forget,” Nick told her, “if they manage to get you—”

  “Which they won’t,” Hunter interjected.

  “—which they won’t.” Nick paused. “But worst-case scenario, leave something so we know you were taken.”

  Hunter nodded. “Think like a soldier: leave something so the rest of your team can track you.”

  They ended the lesson with Hunter informing them that they could hit the showers and then suggesting they go to town and get some clothes for the party that night. “My wife, Summer, is an artist. Tonight, she is showcasing some of her art here, at our home. We’ll see you at seven. It’s fancy so look nice.”

  Nick suddenly didn’t want to do the show or a party. He was tired and, although it was selfish, he wanted to be alone with Ava. “I don’t know if we should risk it,” Nick said. “We’ll just head back to Luke’s house tonight.”

  Hunter spun around at him, a Navy Seal I’m going to whoop you expression on his face. “No one’s going to pay you any attention. I’ll be there so they’ll be watching me.” A smile flashed across his face, so quick that it might not have been there at all. “This is for my wife. You’re coming. No arguments.”

  Nick waited outside of the dressing room of a boutique women’s clothing store in Jackson Hole, holding a magazine he wasn’t really looking at. Somehow, he was even more nervous for the party than he had been the night before when he suspected a possible intruder.

  Ava had asked if he would mind waiting and giving feedback on dresses. So he sat. And waited.

  Finally, she opened the dressing room door and walked out, looking gorgeous in a red satin strapless dress and tall heels. She took his breath away.

  She considered his expression and frowned. “It’s bad?”

  He swallowed. “No.” She was way too skinny, but she was beautiful. He let out a low whistle and tried to cover up with silliness he really felt. “Like Cinderella.”

  The unsure look on her face made him suspect that she was actually more uncomfortable with getting the dress than he was. “Really? I don’t know. I think we should tell Hunter we’re not coming.”

  Nick scoffed, having thought of that and dismissing it instantly back at the house. “You think Hunter would let us get away with that? Plus, I need my fiancée by my side.”

  Her cheeks burned red. “I don’t …”

  “You don’t what?” He took two steps closer to her, invading her personal space and keeping his voice low, but certain he had to get to the bottom of this.

  She met his stare, her blue eyes deep and fluid. “I don’t know why you’d even want to claim me as your fiancée.” Her voice was quiet.

  Gently, he took her hand. “Because you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.” And he meant it.

  Her eyes fluttered, and she self-consciously swiped at her hair to push it behind her ear.

  He was all keyed up with wild thoughts of how beautiful she was and how he would fend off any other males at the party that night. Not that he would have to, right? But could he use the excuse it might be someone associated with her stalker?

  She let out a breath. “Nick, I don’t know how you can say that.”

  Unable to stop himself, he touched the side of her face with the back of his hand, running it down her cheek. “Because I mean it. You’re stronger than you know, Ava. And you’re good, too.”

  It felt like she almost believed him as her eyes misted with emotion. Then she turned back to the dressing room. “I want to try on one more.”

  He waited and felt his hands getting sweaty, which was ridiculous. He wasn’t sixteen waiting for a prom date, he reminded himself.

  This time when she flung open the dressing room door, she wore a black dress. It was a halter top that was snug down to her waist, then kept snug to her body down to her knees. A pair of black strappy shoes poked out from beneath.

  If he thought his palms were sweaty before, now he felt his heart hammering inside his chest and thought about how it would be to dance with her. Hopefully this really was the last one, because with each dress it was harder and harder to resist reaching out and pulling her to him.


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