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Alora's Love Potion; Short Story Collection

Page 4

by Rosalie Redd

She offered him a warm smile. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  With a nod, he bent down and fiddled with his medical gear, replacing the contents back in his box.

  His comment about animals brought out her curiosity. Before she could think better of it, she spoke. “Charlie, I know you don’t know me, and I have no right to ask, but why do you prefer animals over humans?”

  His hand holding the small penlight hovered over its place in the box. When he looked at her, his eyes appeared haunted. “Humans have expectations, animals don’t.” He returned the penlight to its rightful home and shut the lid.

  Her heart clenched. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

  He stood, his fingers wrapped around the box’s handle. “It’s ok, Jo.” A slow smile curved his lips. “We all have a past, you and me included.”

  “Whoever she was, sounds like you’re glad she’s gone.”

  “I am. Maybe someday I’ll find my gal.” He winked at her then headed toward his truck, box in hand.

  She glanced into the car. “Charlie, my purse spilled. I need to gather my things before the tow truck gets here.”

  Unlike the driver’s door, the rear passenger door didn’t scream in protest when she opened it. The number of spilled pens, loose papers, candies, lipgloss, and other items overwhelmed her. How did all this stuff fit into her purse? She grabbed her bag from the floor and picked up a few loose candies.

  The door on the other side of the car opened, and a rush of air blew her hair around her ears. Charlie clicked on his flashlight, illuminating the interior of the car. “Thought you could use the help.”

  His smile curved the corner of his mouth into an impish grin. The lines around his eyes creased, and his gaze bore into her.

  She melted under his scrutiny, her insides warming in delight. “How could I turn down an offer like that?”

  He chuckled, the sound low and inviting. “Well, I’m glad to see that you can’t.”

  He placed the flashlight on top of the backseat, aiming the beam toward the windshield. As he leaned over the seat, she couldn’t help but admire his broad shoulders and muscular hands. She tossed her purse in the middle of the seat cushions, a nice barrier to keep them apart. He scooped up an odd mixture of mascara, lip gloss, and a compact then dumped them into her purse.

  While her heart raced from his proximity, she focused on her own side of the car and continued to pick up her things.

  “Hey, what’s this?” He held up the vial, the one Cassandra had given to her. The smooth surface shimmered from black to blue and back again. The colors mesmerized her.

  “Here, I’ll take that—” Jo gripped Charlie’s hand, her index finger wrapped around the cool edge.

  On its own, the tip of the vial opened with a soft hiss. A drop of liquid spilled over the side and ran onto the back of her finger and onto his hand. The lid closed, as if—mission accomplished.

  Jo pulled back.

  Charlie let go of the vial and it landed in her purse. He focused on her face, as if he studied her, memorizing her features. Her pulse quickened, and she licked her lips.

  “Joelle.” His low and husky voice caused goosebumps to form along her arms, even under her coat.

  His gaze followed her hair as it wound down past her shoulder, to her breasts. He blinked, and inhaled a ragged breath. At his blatant perusal, her nipples peaked underneath her bra. An overwhelming urge to shed the garment raced through her mind. It was as if something drove her forward, pushing against her will. Maybe Cassandra was right. Was this a magic love potion?

  She shivered as she fought for restraint, but couldn’t deny the liquid’s powerful allure or the effect it had on her.

  “Are you taken?” Charlie’s voice was tight, controlled.

  “W…What?” Through the fog in her brain, she didn’t understand him.

  “Do you have a husband? A boyfriend?” The question was from a man with a stake in the game.

  His interest stoked her own desire.

  “No. Not for a while now.”

  “That’s good, very good.” With one giant sweep of his arm, he knocked her purse and all her things onto the floor. He wrapped his hand around her elbow and drew her close.

  A short squeal burst from her throat. His brazen manner increased her desire. Her skin tingled where they touched.

  “I want to know you, Joelle.” His breath came out in short pants, and his body shook, as if he held himself in check. The scent of his minty breath infiltrated her senses.

  She didn’t know what to say. Words wouldn’t come. She wanted him, too, but knew almost nothing about him. “I don’t really know you.”

  He flinched. Releasing his grip on her arm, he pulled back. He blinked, but his intense gaze returned to her. “I don’t know what’s happening, but I can’t stop myself. I want…no, I need to…”

  She leaned forward and kissed him. His lips were soft, warm, and inviting. He fell against the backseat, pulling her to him. It was a tight fit in the little car, but the small space was part of the challenge—increasing the excitement. She straddled his legs, and a thrill coursed through her veins that she could get him to react this way.

  He placed his hand at the base of her neck and gave her a bruising kiss. A warmth filled her core, stoking her need. With a gentle flick, his tongue tickled the tender flesh at the edge of her lip, requesting entrance. She opened to him, and their tongues tangled together, increasing the passion between them. Shivering under his onslaught, she relished his fresh scent, his taste, his firm biceps beneath her palms.

  When he finally released her, their combined pants echoed in the enclosed space. He trailed a finger over her forehead, placing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Jo…”

  His deep, rough voice sent a shiver straight to her core, and her body responded, her panties dampening with her arousal. Even though she enjoyed his touch and his kiss, her intense reaction to him made her still. The cold breeze from the open doors brushed across her skin, cooling her, bringing her back to reality.

  “Charlie. I can’t do this.” Her heart clenched.

  The muscles in his arms bunched beneath his jacket. “Why?”

  She placed her forehead against his chest. The bump screamed, but she endured the pain as her due. “I’ve made too many mistakes with the wrong kind of guys.”

  He petted her hair. “You assume I’m one of them?”

  She raised her head to stare at him. The light from the flashlight blinded her, and she squinted. He knocked the tool into the seat next to her. The beam cast a soft glow on his face.

  She focused her attention on his features. His pinched mouth and tight jaw were evidence he held his control under a thin veil. That he did so for her warmed her heart. She traced a finger over his eyebrow, down his cheek and to his plump lips. When she lingered there, he groaned and kissed her fingertip.

  He caressed a stray strand of hair from her eyes, his touch so gentle, so intimate. The intensity of his gaze melted her resolve. I’m falling for him, already. Is this even real? Her chest constricted. She couldn’t make another mistake.

  His brown eyes pierced deep into her soul. “What is ‘the wrong kind of guy’?”

  “The ones that use me and break my heart.” Her stomach flopped at her admission. She hadn’t intended to tell him the truth, but the words tumbled out anyway.

  He gripped her hand, and brought her fingers to his lips for a gentle kiss. “I’ll be there for you, Joelle. I won’t break your heart.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Her chest clenched. She longed to believe him, but wasn’t sure she should.

  “I’m an honest man. Vet by day, volunteer first responder by night, and a karaoke singing madman on the weekends. I don’t know how I know, I just do.” He chuckled then placed her hand over his heart. “I feel it, in here. Don’t you?”

  She did, and hope fluttered in her stomach. The vial poked out of her purse, reminding her of Cass’s prediction. Could it be true? Was the bot
tle filled with a love potion?


  C harlie squeezed her hand, and a soothing warmth traveled along her arm and into her chest. She wrapped her fingers in his hair, enjoying how the sensation lit up the nerves in her fingertips. A fierce intensity radiated from his features, and when he pulled her to him, jolts of electricity traveled along her skin everywhere he touched. She relaxed into his embrace, absorbing his attention like a starved animal.

  Caught up in their excitement, she gripped his arms, holding on. Even through the jacket’s material, his biceps flexed under her touch. She squeezed the firm muscles, enjoying his strength and power. A low moan escaped his lips. Tracing his finger down her face, he stopped at the opening of her coat. After spreading the material apart, he ran his finger over her collarbone. All thoughts fled her mind except one—to be with him.

  She helped him shed her coat, throwing the offending garment over the driver’s seat. The slick material slid off the smooth headrest and landed over the edge of the doorframe, half in and half out of the car. She didn’t care. The open doors provided the cool air her overheated body needed.

  The thin shirt she wore wasn’t heavy, but even that seemed like too much between them. She gripped the bottom with both hands, and ripped the garment over her head, careful not to bang her skull on the ceiling. The shirt flew through the air and landed in the front seat.

  His denim coat was next to go. He’d already undone the snaps and was partway out of the cloth when she pushed the jacket to the side. Underneath the coat, he wore a white T-shirt, the material stretched tight over his firm chest. She ran her hands over the taut fabric, enjoying how his muscles tensed at her touch.

  He caressed her arms, moving to her shoulder and tangled his fingers in her hair. His touch left a row of goosebumps in his wake.

  “Joelle.” His low, gravelly voice rumbled in his chest. “You are so precious, so beautiful.”

  With his strength, he pulled her to him for another bruising kiss, but that only increased her need for more. When he released her, he studied her, his gaze intense. “I have to know…what do you expect from me, Joelle?”

  His question made her pause, and she stared into his eyes. “What do you mean?”

  He closed his eyes and tension lines formed on his forehead. “C’mon. Women always have high expectations, making demands of me, and wanting more than I can give.”

  And…there it was, his fear. She could see it in the hopeful look in his eyes. He wanted her, yet feared he couldn’t live up to her expectations. Given her past boyfriends, he’d have no trouble. “Charlie, you don’t have any worries with me. My problem is I never expect enough from guys. All I ask is that you be there for me, spend time with me.”

  The muscles in his shoulders relaxed, and the lines around his eyes creased when he smiled. “That I can do. I knew my girl was out there somewhere, but I never expected to find her having car trouble on a half-deserted road.”

  Her own need to claim him overpowered her, and she gripped his shirt in her palms. With a strength she didn’t know she had, she ripped the T-shirt in half.

  His chest bared to her, she ran her fingers over the fine contours of his firm pecs and abs. Admiring his body, she settled herself over his jeans, the back of her head scraping against the roof of the car. His erection pulsed through the material, straining for release, and her core moistened in response.

  He groaned, a pure masculine sound of frustration.

  With a gentle finger, he followed the lace of her bra strap down to the cup. Running the tip under the edge, he flicked her nipple. The round nub hardened at his attention. A soft cry escaped her lips. She wanted this man, more than she thought possible.

  He pulled her toward him once again and focused his attention at the sensitive spot behind her ear. With his soft lips, he kissed the tender flesh. The resulting tickle traveled all the way to her bottom. He groaned, sending another tingle to follow the first.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Joelle.” His words burned their way into her soul, marking her as his.

  She gave in, allowing the feeling to overwhelm her. He returned to her mouth, showering her with more kisses, branding his scent, his touch, his kiss into her with each passing moment.

  When they stopped for air, she gazed into his eyes. Even in the semi-dark, she could see her own reflection.

  She blinked.

  “Charlie, do you…” No. She wouldn’t ask if he believed in love at first sight. That just wasn’t possible. Then why did her heart scream otherwise?

  He traced his finger over her brow, moving a stray hair out of the way. A smile crept over his face. “Do I what?”

  She pulled back and shook her head. It seemed the more she fought her attraction to him, the further she fell under the potion’s spell.

  “Hey, hey.” He held her cheeks in his palms, his gentle embrace forcing her to look him in the eyes. “I’m not gonna run. Trust me.”

  Her chest clenched at his concern and, in that moment, she wanted him with all her heart. As her walls broke down, the question fell from her lips in a soft whisper. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

  He studied her face, his own a mask. With her face still in his palms, he traced his thumb over her bottom lip. He pulled her to him, and then kissed her out of her ever-loving mind. When he let her go, she had a whole new appreciation for wet noodles.

  “Does that answer your question?” His smile warmed her.

  “Yes, I think it does.”


  C harlie’s response warmed Jo’s chest. She savored the sensation, basking in his attentive touch, his gentle kiss. She’d never felt so cherished.

  Twin beams of light broke through the night. The rumble of a large engine echoed off the trees. The tow truck!

  “Oh, shit!” Charlie reached for Jo’s shirt, the sleeve still stuck to the back of the driver’s headrest. The movement just about knocked Jo onto the floor. She squealed and dug her nails into Charlie’s shoulder for support. He groaned, and wrapped a protective arm around her waist. “I got ’cha.”

  Their arms and legs got tangled up together as they both threw on their clothes. Jo slid out the door and grabbed her coat. Bits of pine needles and dirt clung to the outside. As she brushed off her garment, the tow truck pulled in front of her car, orange lights flashing. The headlights were like spotlights directed at her disheveled hair and appearance. A blush crept up her face, heating her neck and cheeks.

  The door opened, and an overweight man stepped out of the truck. He walked into the light from his headlamps and pulled on a pair of stained gloves. As he approached, the smell of diesel fuel and cigarettes permeated the air.

  “Hey, looks like you’re the one I’m here for. Need a tow?” The older man’s teeth were an off-shade of yellow.

  Charlie placed his hand on her back as he stepped beside her. The protective gesture made her heart skip a beat.

  “Yeah, I’m the one who called for a tow.” Charlie pointed at the front of the old Rabbit’s grill. “Seems she hit a cougar.”

  “Really? Well, we’ve had some strange sightings of cougars lately.” The older man shook his head, a small smirk playing along his lips. “My wife even claimed she saw a black one, not that I believe her.”

  Jo’s throat constricted. If she hadn’t seen the black cat for herself, she wouldn’t have believed it either.

  The guy studied Charlie, his eyes focusing on Charlie’s bare chest exposed beneath his open coat. In their frenzy, she’d ripped his shirt, destroying the material in her effort to reach his skin. The man chuckled. “Seems you two kept busy while you waited for me.”

  Jo’s face heated once again.

  Charlie eased forward. “I think we’re ready for that tow.”

  The man raised his hands in mock surrender. “Ok, no problem. Let’s get this thing hooked up and out of here. I’ll take it to the lot in Scappoose. You ok with that?”

  Charlie glanced at Jo and rais
ed an eyebrow.

  “Yes, that’s fine.” The thought of riding with that guy in his tow truck made her stomach turn. Unable to contain her unease, she covered her mouth with her hand.

  Charlie touched her elbow. His eyes gleamed with an unspoken promise. “Hey, ride with me. I’ll make sure you reach your destination.”

  His contact stoked her desire, reminding her of all they’d done in the car. To say she wanted more was an understatement. “Now, how could I refuse such an offer?”

  “Glad to see you can’t.” His low chuckle eased its way into her body, lighting up her nerves.

  The tow truck driver already had his tools out. “This won’t take long. I’ll turn the truck around and hook her up. She’ll be waiting for you…in the morning.”

  Jo gasped.

  A shrill laugh burst from the driver. “Girly, I know love when I see it.” He handed her a claim ticket, and his eyes twinkled with amusement. “Go on, I’ll finish this up here.”

  Charlie pulled on Jo’s arm. “C’mon. Be with me.”

  She stared into his deep brown eyes, sinking in, loving him.

  They raced to Charlie’s truck. He opened the passenger door for her, and she crawled into his vehicle. His scent lingered in the air. She closed her eyes and inhaled. I could get used to this.

  He opened his own door and pulled himself inside. When he glanced at her, his mouth lifted on one side. “I don’t have a big place, not much to offer other than a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small kitchen with a nearly empty fridge. You interested?”

  Her own smile pulled at her lip. “Got any eggs for breakfast?”


  “That’s ok. I don’t eat eggs.”

  “Neither do I.” He gripped her hand and brought her fingers to his mouth. “I think I’ll have something else for breakfast.”

  She couldn’t help the smile that broke across her face. “By all means, let’s go.”

  This was the first time she’d go to his place, but in her heart, she knew it wouldn’t be the last. On the contrary, his place would become home….because he was home.


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