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by Feyna Blackwell



  Feyna Blackwell

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright 2016 by Feyna Blackwell

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

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  Cover Art by Feyna Blackwell

  Publishing History

  First Edition, 2016


  Marina Altman gazed out her office window at the collection floor below. As usual, men dressed in terrycloth robes lined the catwalk along the machines. Some appeared to be in the throes of ecstasy as the machines collected their sperm; others appeared bored. One man near the middle of the catwalk caught her attention. T985 pulled away from the attendant trying to guide him toward his collection unit, clearly resistant to his daily donation.

  As she watched, two security guards approached him. He stepped back and gestured toward the collection unit with an angry motion. The back and forth between him and the guards continued as T985 grew more agitated. Sensing the situation would only escalate if allowed to continue, Marina pressed the button on the speaker beside the observation window.

  “Bring him up here.”

  The guards saluted and took hold of T985’s arms. He slumped between them, offering no resistance as they led him toward the stairs. Marina watched for a moment, concerned about the sudden change in his demeanor. Off and on for the last few weeks, she had seen signs of stubbornness from T985, but he had never outright refused to participate in the collection before. Seeing him go from agitated to subdued as fast as if someone had flipped a switch indicated a serious emotional disturbance.

  Somehow, she would have to get him to talk to her about what was bothering him. The fact that he had reached this point without a psychiatric evaluation concerned her. These men were the only thing standing between the human race’s continued existence and extinction. They were supposed to receive such excellent care that their needs were met before they realized they needed anything.

  So why was this formerly compliant man now showing signs of rebellion without a memo detailing the concerns ever crossing her desk?

  A knock sounded on the door, and she stepped behind her desk. “Enter.”

  The door opened and the guards brought in T985. His blond hair a little dull and limp. His head hung down, obscuring his expression. Everything about him screamed defeat, and Marina’s heart went out to him. Although many of the women at the collection facility viewed the men as some kind of livestock, she had never been able to turn off her compassion so completely. Perhaps that was why the facility’s director had chosen her to oversee the daily collection. It kept her away from the men for the most part, yet it was the most intimate activity the men performed.

  The guards stopped the man in front of Marina’s desk, and she waved for them to release him. She was more worried about him collapsing than she was about him attacking. Once they had stepped back, she studied the man before her. She had expected him to state his case the moment he entered her office, but he remained silent.

  “Explain yourself, T985,” she said in her sternest tone.

  He lifted his head, his eyes blazing. “My name is Jason.”

  Finally, he was showing a little life. Marina lifted the tablet from her desk and opened his file. Although the men were commonly referred to by their intake number, they had all been given names at birth. T985’s file showed that he was indeed named Jason. She laid the tablet aside and nodded. “All right. I will call you Jason if you will explain your rebellious behavior.”

  He glanced at the guards before meeting her gaze in silence.

  Taking a chance, she shifted her attention to the guards. “You are dismissed.”

  They exchanged a glance then left the office, closing the door behind them. Marina waited a moment, but Jason still wasn’t forthcoming. She stepped around the desk and stood before him with arms crossed.

  “Explain yourself.”

  An array of emotions crossed his features, and he looked away as he spoke in a low tone. “Do you know what it’s like to be treated like cattle? Milked day after day for the benefit of others?”

  “Many of the men find the collection pleasurable.” She studied him, starting to get a sense of the problem. It was one she hadn’t come across before, and it intrigued her.

  “That’s because they are idiots who don’t think beyond physical stimulation.” His blue eyes latched onto her and refused to let go. “They don’t care if a machine gets them off because they live in a constant state of lust.”

  Heat crept through her under his intense gaze, and she forced herself to focus on the issue at hand. “But you are different.”

  “Yes. I am a man who was made with an innate need for a woman.” He stepped close and trailed a finger along the modest V in her blouse. “A milking machine can’t compare to the warm, giving flesh of a woman. The intimacy, the sounds she makes as I bring her pleasure... That is what gets me off.”

  “I see.” Marina swallowed hard, wondering if he knew how arousing his low, sensual voice was, especially when combine with his light touch. “I take it you have been with a woman before?”

  Jason stepped back and sighed. She fully expected him to deny it. After all, the only women around this facility were asexual, lesbian, or too old to be of any interest to even the most desperate man. Or, like her, deemed safe because of their extreme willpower.

  Too bad no one seemed to realize a woman’s willpower could only go so far.

  Jason paced away then faced her again. “I was with a woman once, ten years ago. They said it was a gift for my eighteenth birthday. In reality, it was a way to ensure I would have a good memory of losing my virginity so I could think back on that moment every time they milk me like a damned cow.”

  “And do you think back on that moment during the collection?”

  He scoffed and approached Marina in much the same way a predator stalks its prey. “Not anymore. It was a pleasurable experience, to be sure, but it wasn’t good enough to sustain me for ten years.”

  “So, what will it take to get you to cooperate with the collection again?” Marina’s breath caught in her throat as he stopped so close she could feel the heat coming from his body.

  “Give me a real woman.” Jason stroked a finger down her cheek, sending sparks through her veins. “I understand the need for me to impregnate as many woman as possible for the sake of humanity’s survival, but what’s wrong with allowing me to impregnate them in person? Why should I be forced to have sex with a machine just so my semen can be injected into a woman’s womb? Let me have sex with her, and it will cut out a step. I can guarantee it will also be a pleasurable experience for both of us.”

  “There are certain precautions that must be taken to ensure the sustainability of the breeding program.” She hated parroting the words she’d heard so many times over the years, but Jason’s close proximity was wreaking havoc on her ability to form a coherent th

  He gave a bitter laugh and stepped back. “There you go again, talking about us like we’re a bunch of cattle. What do they do, hire the most coldhearted people they can find to run these prisons?”

  Marina sucked in a breath, and the oxygen enabled her to think a little more clearly. “This facility is not a prison.”

  “Then why am I not free to come and go as I please? I have a room I’m locked into every night to keep me from escaping. There are guards to make sure I behave. My days are dictated to me by an unseen person who decides what is best for me.” He thrust his fingers into his hair, his raging emotions written on his face. “When you’re contained in an institutional setting where someone else controls your life, how is it not a prison?”

  “You’re kept here to protect you. As you claimed to understand, we need you to help ensure humanity can survive.” She stepped forward and laid a hand on his cloth-covered arm. “We can’t risk any harm coming to you, even if it’s accidental.”

  Jason lifted his gaze from where she touched him and searched her face. “Is that all you care about? Growing the world’s population? Because if you see a means to an end before you rather than a person, there’s not much point in saving the human race. They’ve already destroyed themselves by ceasing to care about their fellow man.”

  Marina couldn’t ignore him insulting her empathy skills a moment longer. “I see you as a man, Jason, but I don’t know what you expect me to do. The regulations were put in place for a reason, but you seem to want me to break them just so you can avoid participating in the collection. I can’t give you a woman to play with. That’s not within my power, and it could endanger your health. Diseases exist that would render you sterile.”

  “What about you? You’re a beautiful woman, and I doubt they would allow you to work here if you had any kind of infectious disease.” He moved forward, and she backed up until her desk pressed into the backs of her thighs. Jason continued approaching until his body brushed against hers. “I’m sure you would be a very pleasurable lover.”

  “Jason...” Marina’s breath came in short bursts. When he smoothed a hand across her breast, her heart threatened to leap out of her chest. If only she could say yes to his proposal, but she had been deemed unsuitable for the breeding program because tests showed she was infertile.

  He leaned close, his lips millimeters from hers. “I love the way you say my name.”

  Some sane part of her brain broke through the aroused haze, and she pushed him away. “Jason, you cannot have me or any other woman. I don’t have the power to grant you that request.”

  “Then I can’t participate in the collection.” He crossed his arms over his chest and lifted an eyebrow. “It appears we are at an impasse.”

  She paced away, her mind racing. Somehow, she had to get him to participate in the collection, but she couldn’t break the rules to do it. An idea popped into her mind, and she turned toward him. “If I talk to people with more power than I have about getting you some female companionship, will you go downstairs and participate in today’s collection?”

  He studied her for so long she feared he would decline. Then he lowered his arms and stepped toward her. “I will, on one condition.”

  “And that would be?” If she could do it, she would agree just to get him out of her office so she could breathe easily again.

  “You come down to the collection floor with me.” He took her hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back and turning her mind into mush once more. “The attendants are trained in the most efficient ways to ready us for the milking machines, but they have no feelings. You, on the other hand, have emotions and show them. If I can’t have sex with a woman, can I at least have a real woman prepare me for the collection?”

  Although she could think of several reasons why it would be a bad idea for her to help him get aroused, she couldn’t think of a single regulation that said she couldn’t take the place of an attendant. Digging deep for the strength to control her raging hormones, she nodded. “All right. For today, I will go with you. But if you resist the collection even the slightest bit, the deal is off and you will never know if I could have gotten a woman for you.”

  He smiled, sending her heart into a frenzy. Never mind that he was as hands-off as a man could get, he was gorgeous and so virile it hurt. Oh, how she wished she could be the woman to help him regain his willingness to participate in the collection — if she could even get permission for him to have a woman. That would have to wait, however. For now, she had to take him down to the collection floor and hope he would be as cooperative as he had promised.

  * * * *

  Jason walked beside Marina down the stairs and wished he could avoid the collection for one day. Just the sight of the machines was enough to send dread straight to his heart. For ten years, he had been humiliated once a day by pounding the hell out of one of those horrid devices in the hope that he would release his load quickly so he could go back to his room and try to forget the event. The days he was unable to get fully aroused or get aroused quickly enough by his own thoughts or the erotic images and pornographic scenes shown on the vid screens at the collection units, he had to endure manual manipulation by the attendant. Each instance of those impersonal hands touching him in a way his body couldn’t resist felt like a violation.

  At first it hadn’t been so bad. The physical pleasure had been worth the rest of it. But after the first year or so, he had started to wish things were different. As time went on, it became more difficult to hide his true feelings. So many of the men still enjoyed the attendants touching them and the almost-lifelike feel of the collection machines gripping their dicks, but Jason couldn’t do it. He longed for an emotional connection with a woman and the ability to choose when and if he had sex. He wanted to be touched by caring hands that weren’t there only to make him rock hard. He wanted a woman to care about his heart and mind, not just his sperm.

  The scent of the collection floor invaded his nostrils, and his step faltered. The smells of sweat and seminal fluid brought back the familiar feelings of violation and betrayal. For a facility that was supposed to care for him, they did a great job of ignoring his emotional needs while meeting every physical need. What would it have been like to be raised in a loving family instead of an efficient institution?

  Marina paused and turned toward him. “Jason, remember our deal.”

  “I know,” he said on a sigh and lowered his head as he started walking again. Regardless of how much he hated it, he had to go through with the collection. He didn’t care if Marina got him permission to have sex with a real woman. What he really wanted was a woman to talk to, a woman who would at least pretend to care about him.

  Memories of being in Marina’s office moments ago flashed through his mind. What he wouldn’t give to have her companionship. She had responded to his nearness and his touch with such readiness that he wondered how she had gotten a job here. No woman that susceptible to a man should be allowed near this place. It was dangerous for her and could start a riot among the men. As pleasurable as some found the machines and the attendants, every man in the place would give anything to have sexual contact with a living, breathing woman.

  He climbed the steps to the catwalk and fought the sense of being a condemned man on his way to the executioner. The only thing that kept him from turning around and trying to escape was Marina’s presence and the hope she might give him some female companionship. Something about her soothed him and helped him believe someone cared about him as a man, not just a sperm donor.

  At his designated collection unit, he stepped into the small booth designed to provide a minimal amount of privacy. Not that he needed it. Everyone in the place knew exactly what the men did in those booths. Still, it was a nice touch in an otherwise miserable situation.

  As he untied his robe, Marina spoke to the attendant behind him. A moment later, she stepped up beside and slightly behind him. She punched in the code to prepare the machine for him, and t
hen withdrew a small plastic packet from her pocket. He glanced over as she pulled the latex gloves onto her hands, and he couldn’t suppress a shudder. After spilling his guts to her and receiving a modicum of compassion in return, he couldn’t bear the thought of her manipulating him in the same impersonal manner as the attendants.

  “Take off the gloves,” he said in a low voice. Those around them didn’t need to know that he was trying to control one of the employees. He wasn’t even sure Marina would let him get away with it.

  “I can’t do that, Jason.” She sounded almost apologetic. “If I have to help you get aroused—”

  He held up a hand to stop her. “Please. I don’t want you touching me like I’m some kind of machine with no emotions.”

  “You promised not to resist the collection.”

  “I’m not resisting the damned collection! I’m resisting you turning off what makes you real. What makes you a woman.” He closed his eyes, knowing he would have to admit even more and hope she would understand. “If you’ll take off your gloves and touch me, skin to skin, anywhere on my body, I can use that and it won’t make me hate you.”

  “You hate the attendants?” she asked softly.

  “More than you can imagine.” He opened his eyes and found her peeling off the gloves. His heart squeezed at the sight. She cared about him, the man. “Every day those attendants manipulate me, use my own body’s physiology against me, and they never once show any compassion or apologize for putting me through it. To them, it’s a job and I’m just another piece of equipment.”

  “Until today, I had no idea you felt this way. I’m sorry for not giving more consideration to your feelings.”


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