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Kept in the Bark (Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries Book 5)

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by Stella St. Claire

  Kept in the Bark

  Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries Book Five

  Stella St. Claire


  Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries

  Kept in the Bark


  Thank you!

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  End of “Kept in the Barkâ€�

  Stay in Touch

  Meet Doogle!

  Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries

  Barking up the

  Wrong Bakery

  Till Death do us


  One Bark and Stormy

  Prom Night

  All Bark and No

  White Knight

  Kept in the Bark

  Without Missing a Bark

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2017 Relay Publishing Ltd.

  All rights reserved. Published in the United Kingdom by Relay Publishing.

  This comes after All rights reserved. Published in the United Kingdom by Relay Publishing. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Olivia Rickard has turned over a new leaf. She’s done with outside investigations. Olivia has decided that, to be a better girlfriend, she’s going to turn a blind eye to the mysteries in town. Besides, her sister Janelle is acting fishy enough lately. For Olivia, that mystery is more important to solve than finding out where Andrew’s missing report is. However, Andrew isn’t letting this particular bone go. He’s worried about his coworker, and scared that something might be very, very wrong.

  Olivia tries to track down Hattie and her missing data so Andrew can present the report to his fullest potential. But when Olivia finds more than one suspect sneaking around Hattie’s house, her gut begins to ping and Olivia’s sheepdog, Goodwin agrees. Sure enough, Hattie Dominick is nowhere to be found, and there’s ice cream melting on her porch.

  Now time is ticking away faster than the Rocky Road. The Police Chief’s hands are tied and it seems like Olivia is the only person searching for this lost soul. Olivia will need to accept that she’s born for this sleuthing thing, because giving up on the hunt could mean giving up on ever finding Hattie.

  Thank you!

  Thank you for purchasing

  ‘Kept in the Bark’

  (Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries Series Book Five)


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  “I don’t care. She’s insane, and I’m not speaking to her,â€� Olivia grumbled. She tucked the phone between her ear and elbow and bent down, trying to hold her balance as she tied her shoes. Goodwin and Snowball tugged at their leashes, and she toppled to her knees.

  “Olivia?â€� Andrew’s voice was full of concern. “Are you okay?â€�

  She hadn’t even realized that she’d verbalized her annoyance. Sighing, she picked herself up and brushed her pants off. “I’m fine. Just irritated. You’re supposed to be on my side, you know. You are my boyfriend.â€�

  “I know better than to take sides when it comes to you and your sister,â€� he said, and chuckled. She might have cheerfully strangled him for taking this so lightly … but he was talking again, and she wanted to hear what he had to say. “But if she wants to see you, I think you should give her a chance. You can’t ignore her forever. You work in the same building.â€�

  Rearranging the leashes on her wrist, she left the dog park and headed back to the office. “Obviously, you don’t have much experience with sisters. Janelle and I have plenty of experience ignoring each other while living in the same house!â€�

  “Olivia,â€� Andrew said with a warning in his voice.

  “Don’t you Olivia me. She’s lost her mind! I told her time and time again that expanding into a catering business was a bad idea. I let her get the extra ovens, but now she’s taken on way too much work. She’s snapping at everyone. She threatened to fire her entire staff last week, Andrew!â€�

  “I know, baby. I talked to Patrick a couple of nights ago, and he said that she’s the same at home. Just—talk to her and calm her down. She’s just trying to make sure she doesn’t lose one dream while trying to achieve another. You—of all people—should understand that.â€�

  Olivia winced. Andrew didn’t bring up their failed engagement very often. It had been a bad time that neither really wanted to discuss—but he wasn’t wrong. She’d been resistant to change because she had been afraid she’d lose what they had. Her sister, Janelle, was trying to start a family, and the stress of getting pregnant had forced the older sister to realize how much her life was about to change. Janelle had decided to fast-forward through all of her career plans, taking on too much and driving everyone insane in the process.

  “Fine. I’ll respond to her stupid summons,â€� Olivia growled. “But I expect an apology from her. She insulted my hair the other day.â€�

  “Your hair? That must have hurt,â€� Andrew teased gently. She heard some muffled conversation in the background before he came back on the line. “Sorry, darling. It looks like I’m going to have to cut my lunch break short. Text me after you talk to Janelle, and let me know how it goes?â€�

  “Of course.â€� Olivia hesitated and bit her bottom lip. She’d been trying to get the courage to ask Andrew a particular question for the past month, but it hadn’t quite gotten past her lips. She and Andrew were still living in separate apartments, and although he still spent the night a few times a week, she wanted more. Before, he had been the one to push for them to live together, and she’d been resistant. Now she wanted to see his things back in her closet again, but she was afraid he would tell her that they weren’t ready yet.

  She didn’t want to hear him say that. She wanted to get past the failed engagement and the breakup. Especially since she was sharing Andrew with the hospital IT department and his new freelancing career. These days, sometimes the only time she saw him were those few nights a week.

  Olivia needed more of her boyfriend if she was going to deal with Janelle.

  “All right, troops,â€� she announced to Snowball, the overgrown male Rottweiler, sporting pink nails and silver star stickers all over his face, and her own shaggy pup. “Let’s go face the Devil incarnate.â€�

  The small town of Lexingburg had been quiet f
or the past couple of months. Just the other night, Andrew had mentioned how he enjoyed not worrying if Olivia was getting herself into trouble. She’d punched him in the arm, but she knew how he felt. She’d enjoyed playing amateur detective when the need had called for it, but at the end of the last case, when it had looked suspiciously like Andrew was involved in a murder, Olivia had found herself in a dangerous situation. She and her sister had been trapped in the woods with the real killer, and he hadn’t been shy about waving around the gun in his hand.

  Olivia didn’t mention it, but she hadn’t slept for weeks, reliving that moment. She’d put her sister in danger—real danger.

  Andrew and the sheriff were right. She had no business investigating if it put her family in danger.

  After dropping Snowball off at his house, she arrived at the brownstone and took Goodwin through the gate and up the back stairs to the second-floor doggie daycare space. Fender, the elderly basset hound that had been thrust into her care, was still snoozing in his bed in the corner. He didn’t even lift his head to greet them. He just snored and kicked his back legs.

  “It’s so nice to know that you missed us,â€� Olivia laughed as she released Goodwin and filled his water bowl. Of course, Goodwin plunged his whole muzzle into the fresh supply and began lapping up water. He’d usually empty half the bowl before lifting his head and shaking it vigorously, showering any unwary onlookers.

  Olivia shook her head with a smile. “You always act like you’ve just returned from Death Valley.â€� Taking a deep breath to steel herself, she headed down the stairs to the bakery to confront Janelle. The lunch crowd would be heading back to work, meaning this would be a good time …

  She wasn’t all that surprised to find the bakery nearly empty.

  “Hi, Mary.â€� Though her whole body had tensed up in anticipation on the trip down the stairs, Olivia tried to smile at the young woman refilling the cookies in the display case. “My sister called and said that she wanted to see me.â€�

  Mary’s eyes were filled with pity, and Olivia had a feeling that Janelle hadn’t called to apologize.

  Mary jerked her head toward the kitchen in the rear of the building. “She’s in the back.â€�

  “Thanks. If she starts throwing things, take cover,â€� Olivia said grimly as she walked to the back.

  Janelle was elbow-deep in a mixing bowl. Flour covered her chef’s coat—and her hair.

  “I believe that you purchased some very expensive and large mixers so you wouldn’t have to mix by hand,â€� Olivia reminded as she leaned against the wall.

  Janelle didn’t even look up. “I’m a baker. I need to use my hands,â€� she growled.

  It was on the tip of Olivia’s tongue to demand that Janelle tell her what she wanted, but she remembered her promise to Andrew. Shoving her irritation down, she took a deep breath. “So, how are things going?â€�

  “Oh, so after ignoring me for two weeks, now you want to know how things are going? I’ll tell you how things are going! The bride who just hired me to cater her wedding is a nightmare, her husband-to-be is even worse, and his family is loaded so the wedding is getting covered by a national magazine. That’s how things are going. I have gone through fifty different cake samples, and none of them are good enough!â€�

  Janelle was clearly working herself up into a frenzy. “That all sounds very stressful,â€� Olivia said in a slow and even tone. “How can I help you?â€�

  “You?â€� Janelle laughed sardonically and looked up to glare at her. “You’re going to help me? How is a dog walker going to help a baker? The only thing that you’re good at is stealing my products, not making them. If I need someone to ignore me further during the most stressful time in my life, I’ll give you a call.â€�

  Olivia stuck her tongue in her cheek and narrowed her eyes. “You did give me a call, Janelle. Do you want me to play back the voicemail you left, telling me that you wanted to see me?â€�

  Smacking the ball of dough, Janelle hissed through her teeth. “That was an hour ago, Olivia. You didn’t show, and now I don’t need you.â€�

  “I have a business to run, too, Janelle. I was in the middle of a walk. Remember? I walk dogs for a living?â€� she snapped at her sister. “You know what? Forget it. I didn’t come here to be insulted.â€�

  Whirling around, she stalked back to the front. To her surprise, she saw a group of men waiting at the counter, and Mary was nowhere to be found.

  “Hi. We’re sort of in a hurry here,â€� one of the customers said with a glance at the clock. There were all wearing MegaStore shirts, and Olivia inwardly groaned. MegaStore had recently been cleared to build a new, enormous box store right on the outskirts of town, and the majority of Lexingburg wasn’t happy about it. Mayor Henderson had tried valiantly to explain what the large chain corporation could do for the town, but his big ideas for Lexingburg fell on deaf ears. Most of the residents didn’t want to see Lexingburg built up. They were happy with things just the way they were.

  It didn’t help that Henderson had kept the whole deal a secret until the paperwork had cleared. “How can I help you … Thomas?â€� Olivia greeted, reading the spokesman’s name plate.

  “I heard I could get some amazing bagels here,â€� Thomas said as he glanced over at the case. “I’ll try one—er—blueberry and one apple.â€�

  “Sure thing.â€� Olivia moved to the register to ring him up just as Mary came back around the corner. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the crowd, and she quickly hurried behind the counter.

  “A blueberry and an apple bagel,â€� Olivia repeated, for Mary’s sake.

  “Toasted? Cream cheese? For here or to go?â€�

  Olivia winced. She would never have thought to ask those questions.

  Thomas smiled and winked. “First day?â€� he asked softly, directing the question at Olivia.

  “I don’t actually work here. I’m just filling in.â€�

  “Ah.â€� To Mary, he said, “Toasted, with some of the honey butter cream cheese. To go.â€� Turning back to Olivia, he added, “Hey, while I have you, can I ask a quick question?â€� He handed her his card.

  “Go for it.â€�

  “I’m looking for a woman. Really good with computersâ€� .â€� At Olivia’s quizzical look, he laughed and said, “It’s for my sister … her computer is driving her crazy, but she’s had it with guys who geek out at her and don’t really explain what she needs to do. They just do it for her, and she never learns how to fix the problem herself.â€� He gave Olivia a charming smile.

  “Yeah, I get that,â€� Olivia replied, shaking her head. She had experienced that same frustration herself. Luckily, she didn’t have that problem with Andrew. He didn’t just take over the keyboard when she had a problem, but he’d walk her through the steps to fix it.

  “A woman who is really good with computers? That is so not me,â€� she added with a chuckle. “My boyfriend is good with computers. He could probably help, and I can promise that he doesn’t gawk. Unless your sister is definitely set against a guy helping her out?â€�

  “That she is.â€�

  “Oka-a-ay, whatever floats her boat. I’m afraid I’ve got nothing for you. Half the time I want to take a baseball bat to my computer.â€� Olivia handed him back his card. “Enjoy the bagels.â€�

  Thomas nodded his head. “Thanks.â€�

  “Also, a word of advice? I’m sure you’re proud of your store, but you’ll get a friendlier reception around here if you’re not wearing the MegaStore shirts.

  “Duly noted,â€� Thomas said with a wry twist to his mouth. “Thanks again.â€�

  After the MegaStore guys got their food and left, Mary blew out her breath. “Thanks. I’ve been needing to pee all morning, and it didn’t look like Janelle was coming out of the kitchen.â€�

  “No worries. Just don’t tell her that I helped you,â€� Olivia said as she grabbed two bagels. “I’m taking these as payment.â€�

  “My lips are sealed,â€� Mary laughed.

  Taking a bite out of her French toast bagel—Janelle’s bagels were to die for, even not toasted or smeared with melting cream cheese—Olivia headed next door to Jackie’s bookstore, Shelfie.

  Jackie had been her best friend since they were kids and was her dealer when it came to Olivia’s favorite obsession. Rose Palmer’s Mystery Files. Jackie was also the only person who knew that Olivia was cheating on her mystery book series with a little romance. It was all Jackie’s fault. A couple of months ago, Jackie had forced Olivia to read a sexy veterinary romance book as part of a display she was making of “Lexingburg Locals’ Books Picks.â€�

  Instead of Jackie, Olivia found a disconcertingly sexy man behind the counter. Tall, decked in a tight t-shirt that showed off his well-defined arms, he had striking green eyes, perfectly styled blond hair, and a charming smile.

  “Hi,â€� Olivia said with a small laugh. “Are you new here?â€�

  “First week. I’m Michael. Are you a regular?â€�

  “Sort of.â€�

  “Don’t let her fool you,â€� Jackie said as she walked around the corner. “She never pays for books.â€�

  “I pay. I just pay her in food and good company.â€� Olivia tossed her friend the bag with the remaining bagel and added by way of introduction, “I’m Olivia. My sister and I work next door.â€�


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