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Kept in the Bark (Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries Book 5)

Page 8

by Stella St. Claire

  Olivia’s mouth dropped open in outrage. “Have you been telling people that? I was five, and I just wanted to ride on the back of a truck! You wanted to be a drag queen!â€�

  “No, I wanted to be a singer and dancer!â€�

  “Yeah, in drag! You got that ridiculous feather boa for your birthday one year, and you wore Mom’s heels and her red lipstick, and you tried to sing in a deep voice. You told people for months that you were going to star in a show at Gunter’s.â€�

  “I didn’t know what Gunter’s was! I just saw the sign and thought the drag queens look fabulous.â€� She pouted. “They did look fabulous.â€�

  “They did,â€� Olivia conceded.

  For a minute, the sisters glared at each other in silence. Olivia was the first to break down and speak. “Well, if you don’t need anything, I’m going to the Corner Cafe for some dinner.â€�



  Spinning on her heel, Olivia stormed out. Pregnant or not, her older sister still knew how to push all of her buttons.

  When Olivia went to pick up Tucker for his walk the next morning, Nick was waiting for her. And he didn’t look happy.

  “Tucker! Why does your daddy look so unhappy?â€� Olivia teased as she knelt down and squeezed the dog’s ears. He licked her enthusiastically. “Did Deputy Jameson put another dent in his car?â€�

  “A certain someone was seen in someone else’s house,â€� Nick growled.

  Olivia looked up and smiled innocently. “If that was about me, you’ll have to be more specific. I’m a dog walker. I was in a lot of people’s houses yesterday.â€�

  “You know what I mean. Bethany called to say that you were at Hattie’s house yesterday.â€�

  “At or in? That makes a big difference,â€� Olivia teased.


  Leashing Tucker, she stood. “What? You don’t seem to think that Hattie is missing. Maybe she invited me to her house.â€�

  “Did she?â€�

  “What exactly did Bethany say? Because we went in with a key that Hattie gave Jackie in case of an emergency. Since Jackie is looking after Hattie’s cat while she’s mysteriously gone, I really don’t see any reason why Jackie can’t use the key. For GigaByte’s sake.â€�

  Nick crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. “What did you find inside?â€�

  Shuffling her feet, Olivia considered avoiding the question, but she decided against it. Nick was a good sheriff. Even if he couldn’t do anything, he’d still listen to her concerns. “The groceries were put away. All of them. Well—not exactly. Someone didn’t unpack the bags, they just put the bags in the fridge with everything inside. Even the dry goods that should be in the pantry were in the fridge. The place had also been cleaned with bleach. The back door was locked. So obviously Hattie returned, cleaned up, ignored the fact that Jackie had her cat, and left again.â€�

  The sheriff worked his jaw back and forth, but he didn’t choose to comment on Olivia’s observations, saying instead, “I may not be here when you get back with Tucker. There’s a protest going on in front of the courthouse today, and I’m going to swing by and make sure it stays peaceful.â€�

  “This is Lexingburg, Nick. I don’t think the protestors are going there armed.â€�

  “The MegaStore lawyer is requesting a police presence. I get the feeling he’s used to a little violence.â€�

  “What do you mean by that?â€�

  A dark expression crossed Nick’s face. “Big city lawyer who makes a lot of money making sure big businesses get away with everything. The kind of man who makes my stomach turn.â€�

  Olivia’s mind flashed back to Hattie. “Not the kind of people that you want to invite to Lexingburg,â€� she muttered. “Okay. Want me to take Tucker to the office until this afternoon or bring him back to the office? I’ve got two different walks scheduled this morning, so he’ll be alone with Fender and Goodwin for a bit.â€�

  “That’s fine. Thanks, Olivia. I appreciate it. Do me a favor? Stay out of trouble, and let me know if you find anything concrete.â€�

  Olivia nodded and wrapped Tucker’s leash around her wrist. The large pup looked around for Goodwin and barked happily when he found Olivia’s dog playing with Deputy Jameson out front. Shift change must have happened while she was in with Nick, as she’d left Goodwin with a different deputy when she went in to claim Tucker.

  “How are things, Derek?â€� Olivia asked with a knowing grin. The ex-jock had been subtle about his interest in her, but she had been able to tell that it had mostly been because he was lonely and hadn’t found the right woman yet. Even though she hated hearing Delilah’s simpering all the time, she was glad that Derek was happier now.

  His cheeks flushed red, and he flashed her a handsome grin. “Things are good, thanks. How are you? Staying out of trouble?â€�

  Olivia untangled the leashes as she tugged Goodwin away from the desk. “What do you mean? I’m never in trouble!â€�

  He laughed as she walked out with the dogs. She picked up Snowball and took the three large dogs on a brisk walk through the trails in the park. After dropping the Rottweiler back off, she headed to the office and poured some fresh water for Goodwin and Snowball. She left them in the spare room to let them romp around and separated Fender into the main office. He got grouchy whenever Tucker and Goodwin got too energetic.

  Olivia had a new dog on the roll for today. Merlin, a sleek Great Dane. Until she could see how the dog interacted with other people and other dogs, she wouldn’t pair him up with anyone on their walks.

  He was all black and very intimidating, standing almost to her chest, but he was also such a goofball. His tongue was always sticking out, and when he wasn’t licking her, he wanted to lick other people. He seemed a little shy with other dogs, but Olivia suspected that he might warm up to them under the right circumstances.

  As they walked by the courthouse, she could see the small crowd that was protesting on the front steps. They brandished signs and chanted, “We don’t want you in our town! Mom-and-Pop stores all around! We don’t want you in our town! Mom-and-Pop stores all around!â€�

  There was a chorus of boos as a man walked by. Olivia stopped and studied him. Expensive suit. Silk tie. Slicked-back hair. He walked by and barely gave the protestors a second look. Olivia had no doubt that this was the lawyer that Nick had been talking about. She disliked him on sight.

  Bethany circled the protest and encouraged the other marchers. Other bystanders had stopped to watch. Olivia saw Mayor Henderson walking out of the courthouse and moved to intercept him.

  “Mayor!â€� she called out as she hurried to meet up with him.

  “Olivia.â€� He glanced back over his shoulder at the protestors and cringed. “You’re not here to throw things at me, too, are you? I thought it was a good idea at the time, and I just wanted to do what was right for the town. And now I’m supporting the lawsuit against MegaStore. Isn’t that enough?â€�

  “Whoa.â€� Olivia could see sweat gathering on the robust man’s upper lip. “Calm down, Mayor. I promise that I don’t plan to throw anything at you.â€�

  “Oh. Okay. That Matthias Bernard fellow is terrible. Terrible!â€� Donald Henderson shuddered as his eyes glazed over a little bit.

  Olivia snapped her fingers to get his attention back. “Focus, Mayor. Did you know that one of the residents here in town was working for MegaStore?â€�

  “Hattie. Yeah, of course I knew. I mean, I didn’t know before, but I knew after she brought the evi
dence against them. Oh dear, now the MegaStore employees are joining. I don’t want this protest to turn violent, Olivia. That’s the last thing that Lexingburg needs!�

  Looking past the mayor, she could see that the MegaStore group that she had seen eating at the bakery was slowly walking around the protest, but it didn’t look like they cared all that much. Olivia recognized Thomas, the guy who had been searching for a woman who was good with computers—a woman Olivia was increasingly convinced might not be just any female computer geek who could help his sister with her computer problems … no, but it might have been a roundabout way to seek out Hattie. Then, what Mayor Henderson had said suddenly sank in. “Wait, Hattie brought you the proof that the MegaStore had falsified some of the documents?â€�

  “Yes. The MegaStore had to do an environmental study on the land before they could build. Hattie found proof that the study actually showed a rare type of plant was growing in the park. MegaStore covered it up so they could build. We’re lucky she found the proof before they started building! Anyway, the MegaStore lawyer is claiming that she’s the one with the fake documentation. She’s our witness, but I’m afraid that she may have gotten the proof illegally.â€�

  “Hattie is a witness in a case that’s starting on Thursday? Mayor, who’s representing Lexingburg? I need to talk to him.â€�

  “Not a him. Her. Caroline Myers.â€�

  Olivia’s mind was racing. “I need to talk to her.â€�

  The mayor frowned. “I think she’s out gathering information all day today, but I have a meeting with her tomorrow morning. Why? Is everything okay?â€�

  “Honestly, I don’t know. Was Hattie okay with testifying?â€�

  “Not at all.â€� Donald sighed. “It took a lot of convincing to get her to agree. Olivia, do you want to tell me what’s going on?â€�

  She opened and closed her mouth. If she told the mayor that Hattie was gone, he was likely to panic, and that wouldn’t be good. “It’s nothing, Mayor. What time is your meeting tomorrow?â€�

  “Eleven. At Caroline’s office. Do you have information on the opposition?â€� His eyes narrowed. “Have you been investigating this?â€�

  Olivia ducked the question. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mayor. Thanks.â€�

  As she walked away, she turned her head once more and stared at the protesters. Her one suspect had become three. Bethany, angry neighbor and angry protester. Matthias, the opposition lawyer. Thomas, the MegaStore employee who might just be looking for Hattie.

  And now Olivia had something else to contend with. What if Hattie wasn’t in trouble but had fled to avoid going to court?

  The investigation was getting trickier by the minute.


  Natalie showed up dressed in purple. Her high ponytail bore a purple ribbon flourish, and she wore a purple halter top under a purple cardigan, jeans adorned with a purple belt, and purple tennis shoes.

  Olivia almost asked the young woman if she had tennis shoes of every color.

  “Oh, I am so happy to be here!â€� Natalie squealed as she ran straight to the dogs. “I had a feeling when Celeste hired me that good things were coming my way. Ms. Rickard, you won’t regret hiring me.â€�

  “Please call me Olivia,â€� she said with a smile. “And I think you’re going to be a great fit. So today, I’m just going to have you fill out some paperwork, standard tax information. I’d like to have you shadow me next week to give you a feel for how things work around here and get you comfortable with the dogs. Let me know what dates work for you, and then we’ll try to get a standard schedule set.â€�

  “That sounds great. Who’s this handsome fellow?â€� Olivia’s new assistant leaned down so that the dogs could give her kisses.

  “That’s Tucker. He’s Sheriff Limperos’s dog. Usually, I just walk him, but Nick needed me to take him for the day. He and Goodwin are good friends, so I’ll watch him even if I don’t have doggy daycare hours.â€�

  Natalie scratched the dogs’ ears and then followed Olivia to the desk where Olivia already had the paperwork spread out for her. “Do you have standard hours where you walk and have doggy daycare?â€� Natalie asked as she grabbed a pen and started filling out the paperwork.

  “I do four standard time slots a day, although I don’t usually have late-night walks unless the pups’ families are out of town. I know by now which dogs get along with other dogs, so I might do one round of walks at eleven and another round of walks at twelve, depending on the dogs. Clients are usually scheduled a month in advance. Daycare hours vary, and I have to work around my dog-walking hours since it’s just me. Right now, I just offer daycare on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but clients can request additional days. If it works out, I’ll add them.â€�

  “It definitely sounds like you need another person,â€� Natalie said, adding impulsively, “I love your website. So professional and organized. People can request additional walking hours and sign up for daycare. Even pay invoices. Very nifty!â€�

  “Thanks. Andrew, my boyfriend, set it up for me. He’s a computer whiz. Anyway, we’re set up with a sink in case the dogs get dirty during daycare or on walks, but we do not do grooming. Clients can also opt out of bathing for whatever reason. It’s not an additional charge if dogs need to be hosed down. We do give medication if the dogs need it, and we have an account with the vet in case something happens with one of the dogs.â€�

  “Obviously, I have plenty of experience giving dogs medications,â€� Natalie laughed. “What’s with the bakery downstairs? Strange place to have your office.â€�

  “Happy Endings belongs to my sister, Janelle. She and I own the brownstone together. My boyfriend and I live in the apartments on the third floor.â€�

  “Convenient.â€� Natalie signed her name on the last document and stacked the papers neatly. “All right, all set. Is there anything else that you need from me today?â€�

  “Do you know your schedule for Lady Celeste yet?â€�

  “Actually, she said that she wanted to work around your schedule.â€� Natalie pursed her lips and cocked her head. “She was pretty insistent, actually. She said that it was very important that I get this job. Sweet old lady. Are you two close?â€�

  “I’m not sure that anyone is close with Lady Celeste, although I have known someone who would like to be. I’m thinking four days a week, for four hours each day? I’m willing to alternate Saturdays. I only work on Sundays on a client-to-client basis, so you won’t have to worry about that.â€�

  Natalie nodded. “That sounds great. We can even alternate mornings and afternoons, unless you prefer one over the other.â€�

  “Not at all. So I’ll let you know your schedule two weeks in advance. I’m sure that Lady Celeste will let me know if something doesn’t work, and you’ll let me know if you need a day off. I’ll pay you every two weeks, on a Tuesday.â€�

  “Perfect. Do you have a uniform?â€�

  Olivia laughed. “No. Just wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothes. I’ll be letting my clients know that you’re working for me, so a uniform won’t be necessary.â€�

  “I pretty much don’t own anything that I wouldn’t mind being ruined by dogs, and I have plenty of tennis shoes.â€� Natalie was practically bouncing in her enthusiasm. “Olivia, I’m really excited to work for you.â€�

  “Me, too.â€� Olivia found herself liking the woman more and more. “All right, you’re free to go. I’ll see you next week for your first day.â€�

  Natalie said goodbye to the dogs before
leaving. Olivia input her information into the computer. She took Tucker back out with her for her final walk in the evening before dropping him off at the sheriff’s office.

  When she got back to the brownstone, Mary was slipping out of the bakery. She held the door open for Olivia.

  “Hey, Mary? Quick question before you go. Did one of those MegaStore guys ask you if you knew a woman good with computers?â€�

  “Thomas? Yeah.â€� She laughed. “He told me that he had an online fling with a freelance tech, and he wanted to get to know her a little better. He thought that she lived here in town.â€� Mary shrugged. “Honestly, I thought that he was being a little creepy.â€�

  Olivia stopped and stared at the woman, momentarily arrested by the fact that Thomas had told two different stories to different people about his search for a woman who was good with computers. That thought was replaced by seeing that Mary had changed out of her Happy Endings uniform and into a dress. “You have a date tonight? Please tell me that you’re not going out with Wilbur.â€�

  “I’m not going out with Wilbur.â€� Mary sighed. “Although I wish I was. I can tell that man’s a romantic at heart. No, a friend of mine is having her birthday party at L’Amore tonight.â€�

  L’Amore. The one fancy restaurant in Lexingburg. Andrew had tried to propose to her there one night, but Olivia had completely ruined the evening by being extremely late, extremely undressed, and then extremely obsessed with the murder mystery that she’d been involved in.

  Shaking away the memory, Olivia was about to call Andrew when she noticed the light in the kitchen was still on. Mary hadn’t locked the door, so there must still be someone left there.


  Olivia’s sister sat in front of a huge seven-tiered wedding cake. “Fourteen flavors,â€� Janelle sighed. “That’s what they settled on. Fourteen flavors, and now they can’t even choose a way to decorate it. He’s dead-set on Star Wars. Star Wars, for crying out loud. Of course, she wants lace. They’re threatening to divorce each other over it. I don’t think I can do this, Olivia, but I’m too far in to get out now.â€�


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