The Sisters_The Saga of the Mitford Family
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Brixton Prison 326, 328
Broadmoor, Miss 89
Brocket, Lord 270
Brown Book of Hitler Terror, The 177, 178
Brown House, Munich 181
Brunswick, Duchess of 185
Buckingham Street, London 102–3, 109, 126
BUF see British Union of Fascists
Bunting, Miss 90
Burma 392
Burn, Michael 94, 161, 183
Burns, Robert 51
Byron, Robert 68, 98, 102, 108, 269–70, 276
Cadogan, Commander 53
California Labour School 385
California State Committee on Un-American Activities 430
California State University, San José 493–4
Canada 31–3, 97–8, 189, 247, 316, 320, 341
Canadian Military Hospital 335
Canadian Royal Air Force 317
Cape Cod 521
Caribou flying boat 292
Carlton Tearooms, Munich 172, 183, 185
Carrington, Dora 108, 126, 127, 129, 132
Castle Howard 241, 258
Castlerosse, Doris 141
Cavalcade (film) 182
Cavendish, Andrew, later 11th Duke of Devonshire 342, 497; meets Debo 272–3; engagement to Debo 303–4, 335, 336; wedding 338–40; children 377, 382, 385, 454; and brother’s death 388–9; and politics 403, 421, 471–2, 526; and Chatsworth Settlement 421–3; father’s death and efforts to save Chatsworth 423–4, 440–2, 526; golden wedding 515; support for local institutions 526
Cavendish, Billy, Lord Hartington 334–5, 383–4, 387–8
Cavendish, Deborah, Duchess of Devonshire see Mitford, Deborah
Cavendish, Elizabeth 388
Cavendish, Emma 377, 421, 423, 437, 477, 525
Cavendish, Peregrine Andrew Morny (‘Stoker’) 385, 421, 423, 437, 525, 526
Cavendish, Sophia 454, 500
Chamberlain, Neville 270, 276, 277, 316
chaperones 69, 73, 75–6
Chartwell 83, 91–2, 121, 170, 205, 349
Château l’Horizon 423
Chatsworth 334, 335, 339, 389, 411, 471, 477, 515; Chatsworth Settlement 421–3; efforts to save after 10th duke’s death 423–4, 440–2, 526–8; Farm Shop 528
Cheatle, Dr 95, 469
Cheltenham Literary Festival 518
Cherwell, Lord see Lindemann, Frederick
Cherwell (magazine) 128
Chesterfield 403, 421
Chetwode, Penelope 130
Cheyne Walk, Chelsea 126
Chilton, Sir Henry 233
Cholmondeley, Essex 53
Christian Science 313
Christmas Pudding (Nancy Mitford) 147–8
chub fuddling 57–8
Churchill, Clementine, née Hozier 25–6, 83, 93, 115, 121, 317, 377–8, 380, 415
Churchill, Diana 93, 205, 320
Churchill, Ivor 205
Churchill, Mary 121, 400
Churchill, Randolph 132, 141, 253, 284, 380, 397; friendship with Diana 66, 83, 91, 110, 127, 205, 414; marriage 301
Churchill, Sarah 205
Churchill, Winston 61, 92, 184, 218, 229, 277, 284–5, 317, 327, 413, 428; asks Diana’s opinion of Hitler 205; blamed for war by Fascists 288, 293; Diana’s friendship with 83, 131; and Esmond Romilly 26, 170, 179, 320, 349–50; forms wartime government 316, 323; interest in Mussolini 321; meeting with Decca and her reaction to gift 347–50; meets Roosevelt 347; proposes Mosley for the Other Club 135; reaction to Liverpool slums 326; receives letter from Decca about Mosleys 375–6; and release of Mosleys 378, 380; Tom’s friendship with 115, 116; tries to improve prison conditions 359–60, 363; and Unity’s letter about Austria 242; unpopular in 1930s 206
Civil Rights Campaign 408, 428–32, 447, 448
Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford 214
Cliveden 135, 154, 335
Clonfert Palace 419, 457–9
Clough, Arthur Hugh 413
Clovelly, Devon 85–6
Cockburn, Claud 401–2
Colditz 343
Colefax, Sybil 356
Collinson, Captain 47
Columbia Hospital, Washington 337
Commentator (journal) 314
Communism 264, 265; Decca and 165, 166, 177–8, 204, 255, 350; Esmond and 170; fear of 137–8, 195, 204, 310; in Hungary 443–4, 448; in Spain 221
Communist Party: Decca’s activities for 376, 401–2, 405, 449; persecution in USA 418, 428, 430–2; relative freedom in England 442, 463–4; Decca’s resignation 447–8; see also Civil Rights Campaign
Connaught Hotel, London 357
Connolly, Cyril 397, 450
Conservative Party 133, 134, 135
Constantinople 203
Cooper, Diana 108, 357, 426–7, 489
Cours Fénelon, Paris 79–81, 82, 83
Coward, Noël 67, 108
Cowles, Virginia 270
Cresswell, Wilhelmina (‘Billa’), later Lady Harrod 185, 426
Crewe, Lord 81
Cripps, Sir Stafford 265
Crowood House 414–16, 419
Crux Easton 381, 389, 393, 394, 413–14
Cry Havoc (Beverly Nichols) 119, 177, 178
Culme-Seymour, Angela (‘Trixie’) 453
Cunard, Emerald 108, 141, 356
Curtis Brown (literary agency) 463
Curzon, Cynthia see Mosley, Cynthia
Czechoslovakia 262–3, 266, 267, 276, 277, 282
Dachau 327
Daily Express 229–30, 307, 313
Daily Mail 137, 209–10
Daily Mirror 284, 300, 362
Daily Sketch 40
Daily Telegraph 203, 417, 453
Daily Worker 137, 177, 179, 401
Darling, Grace 514
Dashwood, Helen 275
Dawkins, Willie 27
Dawson, Lord 377
débutantes 75–6
de Laessoe, Major and Mrs 364, 377
Dell, Miss 90–1
Democratic Party 338
Depression, Great 113, 117
Desert Island Discs 507, 516–17
Deutelmoser, Herr 182
Devonshire, Duchess of see Mitford, Deborah
Devonshire, 10th Duke of 421, 422, 423
Devonshire, 11th Duke of see Cavendish, Andrew
Devonshire Regiment 392
Dicks, Laura (‘Nanny Blor’) 23, 26, 27, 34–5, 52, 78, 85–6, 303, 312; death 462–3; famous put-downs 80; Nancy’s essay on 472; reaction to Pigeon Pie 310; reaction to Decca’s rebelliousness 104, 227, 230, 241
Digby, Pamela 301
Dolphin Square, London 323
Domville, Sir Barry 363
Don’t Tell Alfred (Nancy Mitford) 185–6, 426, 453
Drummonds bank 105, 315, 435
Duchess of Windsor, The (Diana Mosley) 502–3
Duke of York, HMS 347
Dunn, Kathleen 150
Durr, Clifford 283, 317, 345–6, 350, 372
Durr, Virginia 283, 317–19, 337, 338, 342, 345–6, 350, 351, 347, 365, 372
Earhart, Amelia 95
East Bay Civil Rights Congress 430
Eaton Square, London 146, 150, 199, 200
Eden, Anthony 229
Edensor House 421–2, 423, 440
Edward VII, king 24
Edward VIII see Windsor, Duke of
Elizabeth of Austria, empress 25
Emergency Powers Act (1939): Rule 18B 323–4, 326, 327, 335–6, 360, 363, 380, 415
Encounter 451, 452
Engel, Gerhard 322
Erskine, Hamish St Clair 97, 107–8, 110, 147, 148, 149–51, 153, 354
Erskine, Mary St Clair 150, 167
Esquire 470–1, 506
Estate, The (Duchess of Devonshire) 515
Ethiopia 204, 354, 355, 356
Eton College 279
Euphorion Books 416
European 460
Evans, Norah 22
Evening Standard 189, 460
Examiner 375
Faces of Philip (Jess
ica Mitford) 514
Famous Writer School 480–1
Faringdon, Oxfordshire 415
Farrer, Ann (‘Idden’) (cousin) 119–20, 312, 385; Decca’s friendship with 120–1, 122, 165, 166, 171, 174, 176, 232, 467–8
Farrer, Barbara (cousin) 120
Farrer, Denis (uncle) 120
Farrer, Joan, née Mitford (aunt) 120, 124, 467
Farrer, Joan (‘Robin’/’Rudbin’) (cousin) 119, 120, 231–2, 312, 464, 468, 484, 503; comes out jointly with Unity 124–5, 140; marriage 464; tribute to Nancy 492
Farrer family 24, 120, 121, 301
Fascism 143, 144, 153, 204, 264–5, 322; and fear of Communism 138, 195, 203, 310; see also British Union of Fascists; Nazis
Fauré, Edgar 454
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 372, 430, 432, 446–7, 448
Federal Communications Bureau 283
Fellowes, Daisy 415
Fettiplace family 45, 50
Fitzgerald, Scott 115
Fitzwilliam, Peter 410–11
Foot, Michael 460–1
Forman, James 482
Frances Holland school 26
Franco, Francisco 204, 239, 251, 293
Frantz, Marge 373
Frederick the Great (Nancy Mitford) 488
Free French Forces 355
Free French Officers Club 333
Freedom Fighters 471
Freeman, Mr, of Swinbrook Manor 45–6
Friends Apart (Philip Toynbee) 264
Gallipoli 206
Gardner, Evelyn, later Waugh 108, 109
Gaulle, Charles de 355, 357, 390, 397, 398–9, 454
Gay Hussar, London 460
George VI, king 246
Gladstein, Grossman, Sawyer and Edises 404
Gladwyn, Cynthia 150
Godfrey, Archbishop 384
Goebbels, Joseph 183, 187, 204, 206, 207, 210
Goebbels, Magda 211, 251, 298
Goering, Hermann 207, 252
Gollancz (publisher) 464
Gordon-Canning, Captain 211
Grace Had an English Heart (Jessica Mitford) 514
Graham, Katherine (‘Kay’) 281, 433–4
Graham, Sheilah 114–15
Grand National 215
Great Estates (TV series) 526
Greater Britain, The (Oswald Mosley) 138, 142
Gribun, Mull 287, 411, 474, 475, 484
Grosvenor Road, London 273
Guardian, Manchester 134, 511
Guernica 239
Guinness, Bryan: engagement to Diana 94, 97, 98–9; marriage 99–103, 106–7; impressions of Mitfords 104; social life 108–9, 110–11, 112, 126, 127, 130–1; writes novel 110; children 110, 127; admitted to the bar 126; homes 126; conjuring tricks 129; and Diana’s affair 141, 143, 144–6; divorce 150, 153–4, 201; remarries 256; stays friends with Diana 256; attends Decca’s gambling party 256–7
Guinness, Catherine 510–11
Guinness, Desmond 127, 353, 381, 382, 483, 500, 525
Guinness, Evelyn 98, 102
Guinness, Jonathan 110, 200, 336, 353, 381–2, 501, 510–11
Guinness family and estates 102–3
Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco 370–1
Halifax, Lord 350
Hamilton, Hamish 396
Hamilton, Willie 472
Hammersley, Violet 24, 165, 295, 300, 301, 311, 325, 330, 435, 446
Hanfstaengl, Erna 252, 284–5, 295
Hanfstaengl, Putzi 159–61, 162, 174, 175, 251–3, 284, 286
Hardwick Hall 441–2
hare-coursing 48
Harker, Brigadier 325
Harlech, Lord 496
Harpers Bazaar 107
Harrod, Lady see Cresswell, Wilhelmina
Harrod, Roy 108
Harrods 439
Hart-Davis, Rupert 397
Harvard University 494
Hasties (solicitors) 229, 233, 466
Hastings, Selina 511–12
Hastings, Sussex 34
Hatherop Castle School 53–5, 56
Havering House 218
‘Hearties’ 70–1
Helleu, Paul-César 12–13, 80, 83, 84
Helleu, Paulette 190, 496
Henie, Sonja 114
Henlein, Herr 270
Herald Tribune 335, 383
Heythrop Hunt 30, 47, 147, 215
Heywood Hill, George 353, 452, 466, 468
Heywood Hill’s bookshop 353, 394, 465–6
Higgs, Nanny 110, 273, 327
High Wycombe see Old Mill Cottage
Highcliffe Castle 153
Highland Fling (Nancy Mitford) 110, 113, 147
Hill, Derek 172, 183
Himmler, Heinrich 173
Hitler, Adolf: and Anschluss 242–3, 244; British pre-war perceptions of 161–2, 175–6, 262–3, 265; comes to power 146, 159, 160, 204–5; and Czechoslovakia 262–3; Diana’s meetings with 197, 204–5, 206–8, 210, 248, 250, 252, 253, 268, 287–9, 321–2, 501; and Diana’s wedding 211–12; Duke of Windsor and 502; and France 316; Hanfstaengl and 159–60, 251–3, 284–5; on inevitability of war 288; and Kristallnacht 263; Lloyd George and 323; love affairs 250–1; march into Rhineland 204; Mein Kampf 160; Mosley compared to 138–9; and Night of the Long Knives 172–3; opinion of Mosley 322; pro-England attitude 205–6; and Sudetenland 266, 268, 270; temper 248; Unity’s early interest in 122, 159–60, 172, 175–6, 181; Unity’s first meetings with 181–7; and Unity’s flat 285–6, 290; Unity’s friendship with 204–5, 206–8, 231, 244, 247–52; Unity’s gift to 97; Unity’s relationship with (extent of) 250–1, 258, 266, 267–9, 287–8; and Unity’s suicide attempt 298–9, 305, 306–7
Hoare, Sir Samuel and Lady 115
Holloway Prison 326–7, 328–9, 330, 336, 349, 363–5, 501, 505
Honourable Rebel, The (TV documentary) 507
Hons, Society of 51–2, 88, 89, 104, 118, 428
Hons and Rebels (Jessica Mitford) 449, 463–70, 497, 513; depicts unhappy childhood 103, 181; on Fascism 177, 243, 264, 271; reaction of relatives to 467–70, 473, 499; snake incident 89–90, 499
Hooper (groom) 45, 47, 48, 91, 476
Horne, Anne see Farrer, Anne
Houghton Mifflin 464
House, The (Duchess of Devonshire) 515
House of Lords 57, 88, 246
House of Mitford, The (Jonathan and Catherine Guinness) 510–11
Howard, Brian 68, 73, 108, 109
Howard, Christian 258
Hozier, Bill 61
Hozier, Blanche, née Ogilvy (‘Aunt Natty’) 25–6, 42, 61
Hozier, Clementine see Churchill, Clementine
Hozier, Henry 25
Hozier, Nellie see Romilly, Nellie
Hungary 444–5, 448
Hussey, Miss 56, 89, 120, 167
Hutchinson, Barbara 141
Huxley family 127