A Bride for the Faithful Groom
Page 2
Andrea could feel the cold settling in as Steven hurried away. What on earth had just happened? It was a brief moment and she had been completely knocked off-balance. No man had made her react like this before. What was it about Steven that had her attention?
Whatever it was, Andrea wasn’t sure whether to be excited or scared about it.
“I thought you weren’t keen on the men around here.”
Andrea jumped and spun around. She hadn’t noticed Mrs. Buxley coming out into the yard, also looking at Steven’s retreating back. Andrea felt her face going red.
“I’m not,” she mumbled.
Mrs. Buxley smiled. She sighed and fanned herself.
“I must say, it’s a pity I’m not on the market for another husband. I would kill to have a man look at me like he looked at you just now.”
“He didn’t look at me in any way,” Andrea protested.
“If you say so.” Mrs. Buxley chuckled. Then she swatted Andrea with the tea towel. “Come on, missy. These sheets aren’t going to hang themselves up.”
Chapter Two
Coming to San Francisco had been a difficult move for Steven. Maisie wasn’t here.
Everything felt empty now his wife was not around. But he had felt even emptier when his in-laws had moved away. Steven hadn’t realized how much of a support they had been until they were gone. Having no family of his own anymore – his parents and grandparents had passed before he married Maisie – Steven had seen Paul and Catherine Stanier as his parents.
So, it hadn’t taken much to pack up his meager belongings and head out across the country. Thought he felt bereft leaving Maisie’s grave behind, he knew that she wouldn’t have wanted him to skulk around her final resting place, mourning her for the rest of his life. She would have wanted him to throw himself back into life. It wasn’t the end of the world. Yet, to Steven, it had felt like the end of the world.
He headed over to the mission station, which looked a little more like a wooden fortress. It was huge. Steven had not been expecting that at all. His family had been working hard since they arrived. And it looked to be thriving with several people going in and out of the front door.
An Asian family in their thirties came out the front as Steven approached, followed by a tall, muscular man with red hair who looked like he had spent a lot of time in the sun. He said something to the Asian man, who looked to be thanking him profusely, and then he and his wife left. Steven stopped and stared. Was that really…? It looked like him but…
Gareth Stanier turned. His face broke into a beaming smile and he approached Steven, pumping his hand before hugging him.
“Steven! I was beginning to wonder where you were. All your belongings arrived this morning.”
“I sent them on ahead.” Steven sniffed at his armpit. “I wish I hadn’t, though. I’ve been in these clothes the whole time and I stink.”
“I can tell.” Gareth laughed. “Come on in. I’ll show you to your room and you can wash up.”
“Thanks.” Steven watched his brother-in-law’s back as they headed inside. “You look like San Francisco’s done you some good. I don’t remember you having so many muscles.”
He prodded Gareth’s back, feeling the taut skin under the shirt.
Gareth laughed and swatted at him.
“Don’t, I’m ticklish! I’ve been doing a lot of work out here.”
“I can see. You would never have spoken to strangers before, yet you were talking to that couple like you were old friends.”
Gareth grinned.
“Let’s put it this way, having a wife seems to have given me a boost of confidence.”
“How is Mary, by the way?”
“She’s having a lie down right now.” Gareth turned down another corridor and opened the first door. “This is your room. Mary and I are opposite.”
Steven stepped inside. It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t big. There was a bed, a washstand, dresser and desk with a chair. His luggage was in the middle of the room. Steven wasn’t a materialistic person and he could manage with simple things. This would be perfect.
He turned to Gareth, who was leaning against the doorframe. There was a sparkle in Gareth’s eyes that hadn’t been there before. It had to be more than having a wife around giving him that sparkle.
“Is Mary all right?”
“She’s fine.” Gareth’s smile widened. “She’s pregnant, and the baby doesn’t know the meaning of relaxing.”
“Pregnant?” Steven grinned. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks.” Gareth rubbed the back of his neck. “It still feels strange and I’ve known for a while now. I didn’t think I’d be brave enough to get a wife, let alone have a family.”
“Sometimes, confidence isn’t everything.” Steven sat on the bed. “But Mary’s certainly brought out your confident side. You do look different.”
“I know. And I like it.” Gareth stepped in and closed the door. “How was your journey?”
“Not too bad. The train was bumpy but it wasn’t uncomfortable.” Steven shrugged. “I’ve had worse.”
Gareth laughed.
“At least you didn’t travel cross-country like we did. The train would have been quicker. Then I wouldn’t have got bitten by a poisonous snake.”
“You what?”
“I’ll explain later.”
Steven grunted.
“Considering you’re still standing, the snake lost.”
“Only because of Mary.”
“She seems to be saving your hide all the time.”
“That she does.” Gareth shook his head, but he was still smiling. “She’s taken it upon herself to save everyone around her, especially the men.”
“I don’t think I want to know what that means.”
“She’s started a matchmaking business.”
Steven arched an eyebrow.
“Really? She thinks that’s going to work?”
“I have no idea but we’ve – rather, she has – managed to get one of the four girls who came here married off.”
Steven couldn’t help himself. He burst out laughing.
“I knew Mary would want something to occupy her time when she wasn’t doing God’s work, but I never expected that.” He started taking off his boots. His feet were hurting, and Steven was sure there were some blisters coming up on his toes. “Need any recommendations?”
“I’m sure I can find some women who want or need a husband.”
Gareth laughed.
“I didn’t realize you knew enough women for that. Did you have someone in mind?”
Steven did. Andrea. The raven-haired beauty with the stunning green eyes. She had taken Steven’s breath away. That hadn’t happened since Maisie. In fact, Steven couldn’t remember feeling like that when he met Maisie. And that had made him feel guilty to her memory.
Even then, though they had met for only moments, he couldn’t get Andrea out of his mind.
“There’s a girl who works at the boarding house across the street. She was being accosted by a man when I walked past. I think she would appreciate a husband to get that brigand to back off.”
Gareth frowned. He looked surprised.
“Raven-haired, green eyes?”
“Yes. You know her?”
“That’s Andrea. She doesn’t work at the boarding house; she’s only helping out Mrs. Buxley now her landlord is a widow. And she’s already one of the girls Mary’s trying to match up. So far, it’s been unsuccessful, and Andrea has walked out with a few men. She’s beginning to become less of a help and more of a challenge.”
She was already being paired off with men? Was that man one of them? Steven didn’t like the thought of that. Suddenly, the thought of another man being married to Andrea left a nasty taste in his mouth. Why should that be happening? Steven wasn’t looking for a wife.
Nevertheless, it still didn’t sit well with him.
“Steven?” Gareth was
looking at him strangely. “Are you… is there something you want to tell me?”
Steven didn’t want to know what the look on his face said. He cleared his throat and turned away, tossing his boots into the corner of the room.
“Not really. I…” He shook his head as he unbuttoned his shirt. “Nothing.”
Steven gritted his teeth.
Chapter Three
“I must say, you’re positively glowing, Amy,” Andrea declared as she sat back and sipped her tea.
Amy burst out laughing.
“Steady, Andrea. You’re going to give me a reputation if you say that loud enough.”
“You can’t get a reputation when you’re a married woman, can you?”
Amy’s eyes glinted.
“You’d be surprised.”
Andrea giggled. She was meeting her cousin in town for their regular coffee morning and catch-up. Since Amy had been out of town with her husband, Philip, on their honeymoon, there was a lot of catching up to do. Amy was like a sister to Andrea and she couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have her around.
If only she had Amy’s luck. Amy had only wanted one man and that was Philip. She had been able to hold out long enough for Philip to realize the same thing. The problem was, Andrea seemed to be holding out for a man that didn’t exist. It was infuriating.
It was the story of her life. Her parents had raised her to be perfect marriage material, but Andrea felt like she was missing something. Every man they had tried to pair her up with had been pushed away... she had found something wrong with all of them. Looking for a husband was not easy at all.
“It does feel a little strange having a ring on my finger.” Amy admired the wedding band on her right hand. “But it feels good.”
Andrea grunted.
“I’m glad you got something out of coming here.”
Amy smiled.
“You make it sound like a temporary thing.”
Andrea sighed and put her cup down.
“Well, let’s just say that my search for a husband hasn’t really worked.”
“I’ve heard about that.” Amy frowned. “Why don’t you talk to Mary about it?”
“I have. She’s tried to match me with the men I’ve specifically asked for. She’s very good at finding what I want in a potential husband.” Andrea shook her head. “But it’s not working.”
“Maybe you just won’t let anyone in.”
“Of course, I do!”
Amy cocked an eyebrow at her cousin. Then she threw back her head and laughed.
“And I thought I was picky. You’re worse than I am. You want someone perfect and you just can’t find it. Just the slightest thing drives you mad and tells you this isn’t going to happen.”
Andrea snorted.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” She found her biscuit very interesting, nibbling on the edge. “I can’t be that picky.”
“Well, what do you want in a husband?”
Andrea knew that immediately. She had been given a lot of time to think about it over the years.
“Someone kind, chivalrous and decent. A loyal human being.”
“That doesn’t sound like too much to ask for. So, why haven’t you picked someone?”
Andrea had no idea. She knew what she wanted and, to be fair to her, Mary had found those people for her. But there was always something wrong with them. Something that Andrea didn’t like.
She told Amy about the men she had walked out with. As she talked, Andrea was aware of Amy looking more and more startled. Finally, when she finished, Amy was looking at Andrea like she was from another world.
“So, let me get this straight. You have been matched with eight men and the worst fault you could find was the best of the lot ate very noisily?”
“What’s wrong with that? I know what a steak tastes like, but I don’t want any accompaniments with it when it’s being chewed.”
Amy was still giggling, her laughter causing other people in the café to look over in surprise. Amy didn’t seem to care, reaching for her handkerchief and drying her eyes. Even then, she still couldn’t stop giggling.
“You’re worse than I am, without question.”
“I’m not!” Andrea sighed. “Maybe I just can’t find the perfect man that I want.”
“I think you have.”
“What makes you think that I have?”
Amy grinned.
“I can tell. There’s a look in your eyes that wasn’t there last time we saw each other. You’ve got someone in particular in mind.” She beckoned Andrea eagerly. “Come on, Andrea, tell. Who is it?”
Andrea could feel her belly warming as the image of a certain dark-haired man appearing out of the blue to save her from Martin wandered across her mind. She wasn’t discussing Steven with anyone, especially not Amy. This was something strange and something new that she didn’t want to think about right now. Not until she had deciphered it out herself.
“I haven’t got anyone in mind. Really,” she protested when Amy gave a disbelieving snort, “I just want to have a new life here in San Francisco. Find my own feet. A man who will want to marry me will come along eventually and naturally.”
“You mean a man you want to marry.” Amy winked. “Trust me, Andrea, that man will come out of nowhere when you least expect it. And he’ll be able to get Martin to leave you alone.”
“Behind you now.”
Amy nodded over Andrea’s shoulder.
Andrea turned, and she saw Martin across the street, leaning against a post with his Stetson low over his eyes. He was clearly watching them in the café. Andrea had wondered why she could feel eyes drilling into her back. Now she knew and it made her shudder.
“Oh, great,” she groaned and turned away. “Not again.”
“Ever since he lost his job, he’s been dogging you all the time.”
That had Andrea staring.
“He lost his job?”
“Last month. Philip told me about it. He’d had to separate Martin and his boss when they got into a fight.”
Andrea grunted. All the more reason not to marry him. He didn’t have a job. Amy picked up her bag and stood, urging Andrea to stand with her.
“Come on, let’s go. We’ll head over to Philip’s office. Maybe his presence will help us.”
Andrea hoped so. She didn’t want to deal with the man trying to grab her again.
Chapter Four
Amy had several errands to run, and one of them was going to the mission station to drop off some deliveries for the missionaries. She was eager to help them out whenever she could. Mary was her close friend, and she had managed to get Amy married to a good man, someone who clearly adored her.
As she was going to be heading by the mission station to get back to the boarding house, Andrea offered to take the supplies. She wanted to be kept busy and was thinking of anything to keep herself going.
And a very small part of her wanted to see if she could find Steven again, even if it was just to see him from afar. Something told her that he was the brother-in-law Mary had mentioned a few times in the past.
Though she had only seen him for a few minutes she was drawn to him, and that frightened her a little. Her previous matches had been handsome and charming, but there was always something that stopped her from wanting more than just a dinner. With Steven, it was something else. She couldn’t stop thinking of him and that hadn’t happened before.
Andrea had been beginning to think she was a picky, stubborn woman. Maybe she had been waiting for the right person to come along. If she could get to see him again and see if the emotions were the same as they had been before, then she would know it wasn’t a fluke.
Carrying the bundles of parcels in her arms, Andrea headed into the mission station. She was going to drop these off with Catherine and then see Mary. Her pregnancy was wanted but it was turning out to be difficult. Andrea knew a few visitors wou
ld cheer her new friend up.
After leaving the parcels in the kitchen with Catherine and her daughter-in-law, Carolyn, Andrea made her way through the building. As she reached the entrance to the private quarters where the staff lived, she collided with a very solid body. Andrea wobbled and almost fell when her ankle threatened to give way.
Strong arms grabbed at her and held her up.
It was Steven. He really was here. And Andrea’s whole body came up in goosebumps. Her heartbeat picked up and started to race, and she had an urge to lean into him. He smelled so much better than earlier. When Andrea looked up, she saw that his hair was wet, and he was wearing fresh, clean clothes. He looked different but still the same. More endearing.
Her mouth went dry. Then she realized she was staring and swallowed hard.
“Steven. I… I wasn’t expecting…” She stepped out of his arms and brushed her hands down her skirts. “I mean, I knew you were here but I…”
“You weren’t expecting to run full-on into me?”
Andrea blushed at the amusement in Steven’s voice. She nodded and looked at the floor.
“I was going to see Mary.”
“She’s still in bed. Dreadful sickness at the moment.”
“I know.” Andrea glanced up at him, seeing that his dark eyes were on her. “She’s always wanted to be a mother, but pregnancy doesn’t seem to be very good for her at the moment.”
Steven shrugged. His expression was less amused and graver now.
“Some women struggle with it. It’s not easy to cope with growing another human being inside you, I guess. Even God can’t intervene when disaster strikes.”
“But women are tough. Tougher than you think.”
Steven sighed.
“I thought that of my wife. But she died in childbirth. The baby died not long after.”
Now Andrea felt even more embarrassed. She hadn’t intended to bring up a sensitive subject. Seeing Steven’s downcast expression, she reached out and touched his arm.
“I’m so sorry, Steven, I…”