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Birth of a Demon City

Page 12

by Hyougetsu

  “I thought I told you to call me Lady Melaine.”

  “Don’t wanna.”

  Melaine was another one of the third regiment’s vice-commanders, but she was the highest-ranking among us. She was also Gomoviroa’s top disciple, which technically made her my senior. Oh, and she was also a vampire, though she dressed like a succubus. Baltze greeted her as well and invited her to join us. With a smile, Melaine settled into the seat next to mine.

  “So what secret deals are the Azure Knight and the esteemed governor of Ryhunheit making?”

  “We’re not doing anything of the sort. I was simply telling Sir Veight about the situation in the north.”

  Too serious to get the joke, Baltze calmly explained what we were talking about. Melaine flagged down a waiter, ordered a glass of ghost wine, and leaned back in her chair with a sigh.

  “You sure have it tough, Baltze.”

  “I’m sure my troubles are nothing compared to you, Lady Melaine. You have to deal with ruling over humans, after all.”

  Like me, Melaine and her army were occupying one of Meraldia’s cities. She was in charge of the city northwest of Ryunheit, Bernheinen. Her style of government was the polar opposite of mine, though. She shrugged her shoulders and said, “It wasn’t that bad. I just turned all the important people into vampires.”

  Indeed, not a single one of Bernheinen’s nobles or generals were human anymore. Melaine’s method of conquering Bernheinen had been rather unorthodox; she’d launched a night attack with about 100 of her vampires. Instead of capturing the city, they’d just made sure to transform the viceroy and the city garrison into vampires. After that, they’d let their new servants loose into the streets.

  Though the events of that night were disastrous for the viceroy and his citizens, it was still a much better outcome than it could have been. At least with Melaine’s strategy, the city was able to continue running like usual. Naturally, the converted vampires were forced to obey all of Melaine’s orders, but otherwise, things hadn’t changed much. As Bernheinen housed Meraldia’s royal library and other educational facilities, Gomoviroa hadn’t wanted it to get too damaged in the fighting. Still, I felt like Melaine might have overdone it a little by turning the city into vampires.

  I idly watched as the waiter brought Melaine’s drink. Thick white steam rose up from her glass of ghost wine, which she downed in one gulp.

  “If anything, I imagine you’ve got it pretty tough, Veight. You haven’t even brainwashed them. It’s gotta be pretty hard getting regular humans to follow you. Just what kind of magic did you use on them?”

  I’m just using my human memories as reference. Of course, I couldn’t say that. So I cleared my throat and replied, “Werewolves are experts at blending in with human society, so we can understand them better than most.”

  “Hmmm.” Melaine grinned and poked my forehead. “Well, our conquered cities are right next to each other so we may as well work together. Oh yeah, think you could start trading with us? Things have settled down on my end, so it should be safe.”

  “Yeah, I don’t mind. As long as you’re willing to secure the roads, that is.”

  “You crafty little kid... Well, I guess I can do that.”

  Melaine patted her bountiful bosom and winked at me. Baltze, who’d just finished eating, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and turned to Melaine.

  “By the way, Lady Melaine, who will be put in charge of Thuvan’s conquest?”

  “Mmm, I’m definitely passing on that. My vampires have their hands full managing Bernheinen’s defenses. Sorry, but I’ll probably have to put one of our more promising new recruits in charge of that.”

  Oh, so we’re taking Thuvan next? I only just got rid of Yuhit, so I hope losing Thuvan doesn’t drive him back to Ryunheit... The three of us continued complaining about our respective responsibilities and our bosses for a while longer after that. While Master may have been a master necromancer, she had absolutely no interest in tactics. Hence, she’d focused on raising an army of undead warriors to overwhelm Meraldia with sheer numbers. Doing this meant all the strategic planning for the second regiment fell onto our shoulders.

  It appeared that Baltze had his fair share of stories about the Demon Lord as well. Supposedly, the Demon Lord was always so focused on planning that unless someone else fed him, he’d completely forget to eat. And because he even spent his meals thinking with a serious face, the young dragonkin who served him his food were all terrified of him.

  “To be honest, I wish he would be a little easier on himself. We’d be more than happy to share some of his burden.”

  Baltze looked somewhat lonely as he said that. He must really respect the Demon Lord. Seeing as it was the current Demon Lord who’d reformed the army into the organization it was today, I wasn’t too surprised that he had a lot to think about. Strength alone wouldn’t have been enough to get so many different races of demons to follow him. Even if they did worship strength, he would have needed wisdom and popularity to grow his empire this large.

  I’m kinda glad I decided to join the Demon Lord’s army now. With our lunch concluded, I shook hands with Baltze and headed out into the hallway together with Melaine.

  “What are you planning on doing now?”

  “I already finished reporting to the Demon Lord, so I’ll probably go back to my city.”

  “How are you planning on getting there?”

  Right as I asked that, Gomoviroa floated in through one of the castle’s windows.

  “So this is where you two were.”

  Melaine rushed over and embraced her.

  “Master! I wanted to see you so bad!”

  Normally it would have just looked cute if a young woman was hugging a little girl, but the young woman happened to be a vampire while the little girl was actually one of the world’s most accomplished necromancers. Gomoviroa frowned in annoyance and pushed Melaine’s face off of her.

  “Stop clinging to me. You’re smothering me. Besides, you spoke with me but moments ago.”

  “But I still missed you!”

  If anyone else saw this they would be surprised, but all of Master’s disciples were used to Melaine’s behavior. She clung to Gomoviroa as if the witch was her mother. Gomoviroa pulled Melaine off her with some difficulty, then lightly smacked her head.

  “It has been fifty years since I took you on as my disciple. When will you learn to show restraint?”

  Melaine and I looked at each other and shrugged.

  “Listen up, you two. The cities you captured will become vital to the future of this war. You’ve been informed of the situation in the north, correct?”

  We nodded. If the northern front collapsed, we’d only be able to invade from the south, which would then make our two cities the new frontline for the war. Gomoviroa put a hand on each of our shoulders and muttered, “As your master, it was my responsibility to create a place for the two of you two freely enjoy studying the mysteries of magic. I am truly sorry that things have devolved to this point.”

  At heart, our master was a researcher. She truly regretted that her disciples had been wrapped up in a war. However, Melaine smiled at Gomoviroa and said, “Weren’t you the one who taught us that practice is the only real teacher, Master? Plus, this is a perfect opportunity to practice to our hearts’ content. I’m sure Veight agrees too.”

  “Absolutely. Besides, it’s because we’re here that this war hasn’t had too many casualties yet.”

  It was up to us, the third regiment, to make sure the second regiment didn’t get too out of hand and slaughter everyone. Naturally we wouldn’t be able to stop everyone from dying, but as long as we were around, both human and demon casualties would be kept to a minimum. Master nodded and patted us on the head.

  “I’m blessed to have such wonderful disciples. It pains me to burden you, but I will be needing your assistance in the battles to come as well.”

  “Okaaay, Master.”

  “You can count on us.

  The two of us smiled and bumped fists with each other.

  After that, Gomoviroa teleported us both back to our respective cities. Fortunately, the city could still function despite my frequent absences. Airia handled most of the day-to-day operations of running the city, and my squads handled the rest. Of course, final responsibility for everything still lay with me. And so, I was hardly surprised when I found a stack of documents awaiting my approval upon my return.

  “The hell is this?”

  All the businesses in the northern, eastern, and western sectors of the city had signed a petition they’d delivered to me. Supposedly, since the canine traders had set up around the southern gate, business had dried up in the other sectors. Like that’s my responsibility... Still, if I didn’t address this, a lot of people would go out of business.

  “Hmm... Oh, I know.”

  I could just grant all the other store owners permits to open stalls in the southern sector. That should tide them over until trade with Bernheinen starts. Since it was northwest of us, once goods were flowing the northern and western districts would start to flourish again. As for the east...I guess I could have the canines open up a workshop there.

  With that, most of the city would be taken care of. All the other reports weren’t as serious; just a warning that the Garney brothers had gotten drunk and ruined another bar, and a paper detailing the progress of the plantation the canines were cultivating, and so on. I’d have to knock some sense into the Garney brothers later. There was, however, one other report that caught my attention.

  “A request to address the city garrison’s issues, huh?”

  Airia was the one who had submitted the request, and it had been co-signed by the commander of the city garrison. As each city’s garrison was technically under the Senate’s command, it was the Senate who paid their salaries. Naturally, this meant the garrison wasn’t getting paid anymore. At present Airia was covering for their missing pay, but she couldn’t keep it up forever, so she was asking me to handle it.

  I’d underestimated the city garrison a little. Originally I had thought they were just your everyday foot soldiers, but it seemed they were specialists at maintaining public order. On top of that, many were career soldiers. There were only 200 of them, and if the city faced an emergency, they generally bolstered their numbers with volunteer militia. Apparently, the other cities had a similar system. But that meant each of the garrison soldiers needed to be able to lead, so they could take charge of squads of militia. Effectively, even the grunts were low-ranking officers.


  My intuition is telling me this is a good opportunity. If I negotiated this well, I would be able to get a very favorable deal for the demon army. I changed into something more formal and headed to the garrison barracks alone.

  “Is the garrison commander here? The Vice-Commander of the demon army’s third regiment, Veight, is here to see him.”

  When I arrived in the barracks courtyard, the soldiers were in the middle of their training routine. Even when they didn’t have any work, they weren’t slacking off. The soldiers exchanged uncertain glances, and a burly middle-aged man with a thick beard walked up to me.

  “I’m Ryunheit’s garrison commander, Wengen.”

  He had an imposing presence and looked pretty tough. Even though I knew I could tear him to shreds in my transformed state, I still felt a little daunted. And because the entire courtyard was filled with the soldiers’ sweat, I couldn’t read his feelings from his smell either. This might be a problem. I watched as Wengen’s men crowded protectively around him. I should probably tell him why I’m here.

  “I read over Lady Airia’s request regarding the issue of your wages. I intend to discuss my decision with her as well, but I would first like to hear your opinion.”

  Wengen tilted his head in confusion.

  “Our opinion on what, exactly?”

  “You gentlemen have pledged your services to the Meraldian Senate, correct? That means your salary comes from them.”

  Therein lay the problem.

  “Although you men have surrendered to the demon army, you are, of course, not part of it. Therefore, the demon army is unable to pay your wages.”

  The soldiers nodded; that much was obvious. I had to admit, their loyalty to Meraldia impressed me.

  “That being said, you aren’t the viceroy’s personal troops, either. Though she is technically your commanding officer, she is not your employer.”

  “It is as you say.”

  Wengen nodded solemnly. I looked into the eyes of the man who stood head and shoulders above me and said, “Originally, your job was to patrol Ryunheit and maintain order in the city, but at present, my men and the members of Ryunheit’s trading guild are filling that role.”

  The soldiers said nothing, but their expressions darkened. However, I maintained a cheerful tone throughout.

  “I won’t ask you noble gentlemen to swear fealty to the Demon Lord. You may remain the Senate’s soldiers, but won’t you at least help keep this city safe? If you agree to return to your posts, I will return your weapons and swear not to interfere in your affairs.”

  The soldiers were taken aback.

  “You’ll return our weapons to us?”

  “You didn’t come here to demand we serve you?”

  “What’re you playing at?”

  Please don’t think I’m as stupid as other demons. These soldiers were brave enough to face me, a werewolf, head-on without backing down. I wasn’t so foolish as to believe I could break their loyalty with fear.

  “If you’re willing to take up your old jobs again, the viceroy will have an excuse to officially pay you. Ryunheit’s laws haven’t changed since we captured it. Your duties won’t be any different than they were before.”

  The soldiers started whispering furiously to each other.

  “We can have our old jobs back...”

  “Won’t that technically mean we’re helping the demon army?”

  “But keeping the citizens safe is our duty.”

  I waited for the hubbub to quiet down before continuing.

  “Decide for yourselves whether you wish to remain absolutely loyal to the Senate, or if you’re willing to compromise and serve the people of Ryunheit. The demon army will respect your decision either way.”

  Silence filled the courtyard. Reading the looks on his men’s faces, Wengen finally came to a decision.

  “Sir Veight, we would like to have our weapons returned to us.”


  I took the armory key out of my pocket and handed it over. Wengen gave it to one of his subordinates, who ran off with his squad. Within minutes, the entire garrison was armed once more. Wengen turned to his men and yelled, “Form up!”

  Footsteps pounded on the hard-packed ground as the soldiers lined up into neat rows. Standing in front of 200 armed men left even me a little nervous. If these guys decided to try something like Yuhit had, I’d be forced to repeat the massacre of a few days ago. Wengen drew his sword in one fluid motion and barked out another command.

  “All men, draw swords!”

  Oi, don’t tell me you’re actually gonna fight? He continued in a booming voice, “We men of the Ryunheit garrison may be Meraldia’s men! But it is our duty to protect the people of this city!”

  Wengen lowered his voice, and his tone grew solemn.

  “And thus, from this moment onward, we will temporarily be leaving the Senate’s command! Under my command, we will return to patrolling Ryunheit! Lend your swords to this city, men!”

  The soldiers all raised their blades up with both hands. Don’t scare me like that, sheesh! I looked up and realized Wengen and the others were all staring at me.

  “Sir Veight, there is something I’ve been meaning to tell you for some time now.”


  “Though you are far stronger than us, you don’t treat us with contempt, nor do you belittle us. You always afford us the res
pect of warriors and negotiate as if we were equals. For that, we are eternally grateful.”

  If I were in their position, I would want to be treated with respect too, so it only made sense that I did the same for them. Wengen grinned impishly at me.

  “That being said, you sure gave us a beating last time. I hope you can forgive our little prank. I just wanted to get back at you a little.”

  Wily old man. I smiled ruefully and nodded.

  “Please don’t try to scare me too much. I get easily frightened. The next time you do something like that, I’ll have to report you to the garrison.”

  The soldiers laughed heartily, and I laughed with them. With this, the soldiers were able to start working again while technically maintaining their neutrality. Making humans do what you wanted really was a pain in the ass. Still, at least now my werewolves wouldn’t have to work as hard.

  After that, I was able to enjoy a few days of relative peace. Trade with occupied Bernheinen started up, and Ryunheit continued to prosper. Though all the traders coming from Bernheinen were vampires, I didn’t mind, so long as they didn’t cause any mischief. Thanks to the garrison’s help, the streets were much safer than before, too. While the soldiers were still wary of us werewolves, I’d occasionally spotted human and werewolf squads chatting and joking with each other. Finally, the goods I’d been waiting for arrived.

  “Thanks for bringing these all the way here.”

  I went to the southern gate to greet the squad of dragonkin that had arrived. They began unloading a number of waterproofed barrels from their carriage. The leader of the group stepped up and saluted.

  “I am the captain of the squad transferred to your unit, technical officer Kurtz. I have with me twenty-four military engineers, all in good health.”


  I saluted back and raised my eyebrows slightly as I realized Kurtz had blue scales.

  “Would you happen to be a relative of Sir Baltze, Sir Kurtz?”

  “I would. Baltze is my younger brother. It brings me great pride to see how far he has risen in the ranks.”


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