Book Read Free

Hard Rock Improv

Page 15

by Ava Lore

  I crouched down to give my legs a break—the ride here had been about thirty minutes further up the island, and then an hour and a half hike inland, blindly led by Manny into the jungle. The whole way I’d pestered him about where we were going and he would only laugh. It half-infuriated me and half-intrigued me.

  Really, the only thing I’d known for certain was that he was going to be in the deepest shit ever when we got back to the set.

  “Why would I worry about that?” he’d say every time I mentioned it. “Filming was supposed to be done yesterday and we only have a couple more days until the concert.”

  Now I stared at the beautiful rocky pool in front of me, listening to the rush of water cascading into it, feeling the warm breeze against my skin, and thought: Yeah. Fuck that shit.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said finally. “Thanks for bringing me here.”

  “I’m so glad you like it,” Manny said. Then he clambered up onto one of the higher rocks and began to strip off his clothes.

  Staring up at him, my jaw dropped and my mouth went dry. In all our time together I had yet to see him fully naked, and now here he was, baring every inch of delicious skin. My eyes couldn’t help but follow the hem of his shirt as he pulled it over his head. I watched it caress over his perfectly hard six pack, up past the sharp definition of his pectorals, and then scrape over his nipples as it rose up and up, finally revealing his shoulders and throat.

  I wish I were that shirt, I thought to myself, just as Manny peeled it from his arms and tossed it away.

  Now I wish I were the sweat on that chest. God, he gleamed.

  Reaching down, he pulled off his boots and socks, then his hands went to his waist and began to undo his pants. My mouth went dry, wondering if he was going to leave his boxers on or if he was...

  Oh, I thought as he pushed his jeans down. He’s not wearing boxers. Or...anything really.

  And he was hard. His cock jutted out proudly as he kicked his pants away, then stretched in the warm sun and soft breeze, a look of pure bliss on his face.

  The island around me seemed to spin a little as all the blood left my head and rushed to the space between my legs, where I felt myself already growing wet and aching. He couldn’t have looked more perfect, more handsome, more deliciously devilish with his golden tanned skin and dark, winding tattoos that danced over his broad shoulders, his narrow waist and hips, his muscular legs. I couldn’t have pulled my eyes away from his body if I’d wanted to. He was fantasy made flesh.

  A sigh of desire escaped from between my lips, and he turned to me with a wicked smile on his face. “You like what you see?” he asked.

  I couldn’t think quick enough to come up with a witty answer, so I just told him the truth. “Yes. Very much.”


  I couldn’t quite keep my eyes from his erection, and it pulsed under the heat of my gaze. “I didn’t know you were, um, turned on,” I said.

  He snickered. “Well, if I hadn’t been turned on by the sound of you breathing heavily behind me as we hiked up here, then I definitely would be by the way you look like you want to eat me.”

  It was probably a sign of how comfortable I felt with Manny at this point that I didn’t even blush at those words. Instead I let my eyes flick to his, and I let my tongue slip out from between my teeth, running against the soft flesh of my lower lip.

  Manny groaned. “Come on, Rosalita,” he said. “Let’s get back to the basics.”

  “You want me to get naked, too?” I asked. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Manny hadn’t seen me naked yet, either, and I wasn’t sure I wanted him to. I wasn’t particularly proud of my body. Next to voluptuous Rebecca or slender Aylen or the wet dream come to life that was Sonya, I was...plain. A little deformed even. Too much ass, not enough tits.

  Manny was staring at me, and I caught a flash of hunger in his eyes. “Of course I want you to get naked, too,” he said. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to see you naked?”

  I thought about it. “Five days?” I guessed, counting backwards to the night we met in the bathroom.

  To my surprise, Manny shook his head. “Nope,” he said. “Longer. Way longer than that.”

  Shaking my head, I gave him a rueful smile. “Then I have no idea,” I said. “Since when?”

  “Since the day I first met you,” he replied.

  My gaze narrowed as I studied him, wondering if he were making fun of me, but those golden eyes were intense—and dead serious.

  I swallowed. “R-really?”

  “You don’t sound thrilled.”

  I looked away. “I don’t know. That was toward the end of my last relationship. I didn’t really notice anything. Or I didn’t want to notice anything. I thought I was taken.” I slanted a look at him. “But you were there sitting across from me and I remember I was having to forcibly remind myself that I had a boyfriend. Or a booty call. Or whatever.”

  “I don’t remember anything about that meal except you.”

  I blushed. “It was lunch. At a Cajun restaurant. You, Carter, and Rebecca invited me to go with you. I think Rebecca wanted me to get to know the rest of you guys a little better since she and Kent had just started dating.” I laughed. “I just remembered thinking she probably wanted to set me up with Carter,” I said. “I bet she was thinking I could keep him in line while she snuck off to suck face with Kent.”

  Manny snorted. “They were probably sucking things other than face.” He tilted his head and looked at me with a gaze that was almost...tender. “That sketch I have of you is back at my place. I put it in a scrapbook so that it wouldn’t fade too much. I remember while I was drawing it that I was wishing you were naked so I could capture you fully.”

  “Naked?” I breathed.

  “Buck naked. Or nude, if you want to be classy about it. But I wanted to see every inch of you, even the inches you try to hid. I wanted to see you bared to me then. And still do. Feel like obliging?”

  Then, quite casually, he lifted a hand to his cock—ramrod straight and pulsing with each beat of his heart—and began to stroke himself.

  “Manny!” I said. I didn’t know whether to be aghast or to be turned on. Luckily my body seemed to know what to do. The space between my legs grew slick and hot, and I suddenly felt as though I had too many clothes on. My own hands strayed to the hem of my shirt.

  “What?” he said, grinning. “You don’t expect me to just stand here with blue balls while you try to decide if you want to give me a hand or not, do you?”

  I sniffed. “What if I have my own needs to attend to?” I said.

  “Then I’d be more than happy to watch and give you pointers.”

  The idea of him watching me touch myself made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I struggled to keep up with our banter. “Oh?” I said. “I don’t know if you could teach me anything I don’t already know.”

  “Then maybe if I watch I’ll learn something,” he said, and his voice had gone rough. The sun shone on his skin, and the bunch and glide of his muscles under his skin as he slowly pumped his fist over his cock made my mouth water.

  Almost in a daze, I reached down and tugged my tank top over my head.

  “Oh,” Manny breathed as my breasts came into view. “No bra.”

  A flush crossed my face. “Yeah, the built-in bras are good enough for me. I only have mosquito bites.” I tried to say it flippantly but the truth was it bothered me how small my breasts were. I started to cross my arms over my chest, attempting to hide them from Manny’s gaze so that he wouldn’t suddenly decide I wasn’t sexy

  “Oh, Rosa,” he said. “More than a mouthful is too much.”

  I gasped, then laughed in surprise. “I’ve never heard that,” I said. “I just...all the curves that were supposed to go to my boobs went to my ass instead. So there’s more than a truckful there.”

  At that Manny’s gaze grew intense and hooded, and his hand began to move just a little faster. “Rosalita,” he said, “there
is no such thing as too much ass. You are so hot to me, I’d come right now if it wouldn’t be embarrassing for my stamina to be so miserably bad.” He tugged hard on his cock, and I groaned, feeling my clit tighten to an aching bud.

  Too many clothes, I thought. Shakily I stood up and kicked off my shoes, then shimmied out of my shorts and panties, tossing them away to join my tank top.

  Now I stood on the sun-baked rock, tiny bits of moss and lichen tickling my toes, completely naked. Vulnerable.

  I hated to be vulnerable. But somehow, with Manny, it didn’t bother me so much.

  “Beautiful,” I heard him whisper over the thundering of my heart. He stopped stroking his cock and stepped down from his rock to take my hand.

  Then he grinned. “Ever gone skinny-dipping in the pool of a waterfall before?” he asked me.

  I laughed. “Never been skinny-dipping at all,” I said.

  “Then this is your lucky day,” he said, and without so much as a warning he ducked, wrapped his arms around my thighs, and leaped out over the pool.

  “Mannnyyyyy!” I squealed, and then we hit the water. It wasn’t cold, but the temperature was definitely lower than the warm ocean that surrounded the island. I gasped as my heated body was suddenly surrounded by cool currents, and the roar of the waterfall above us swallowed any protests I might have had.

  Manny was laughing, his arms around me, holding me up as he found the bottom of the pool with his toes. “Don’t be mad,” he told me. “It’s for your own good.”

  “I’m not mad!” I squeaked. “I’m just...startled!”

  “Ahh. And do you like to be startled?”

  “No!” I told him. I was out of breath, my hands on his shoulders, his chest pressed up against my pelvis, and his hungry eyes were on my breasts, making my sex melt. Water lapped at my thighs and waist, tickling me between my legs, and I squirmed at the barest fluttering friction on my sensitive skin.

  Manny’s smile was wicked. “I think you do,” he said. “I think you love to be startled.”

  I swallowed. “Maybe,” I conceded. “If it’s you.”

  His hand was stealing up my thigh, his long, calloused fingers dipping into the dark, hot space of my pussy, rubbing against my swollen lips with tantalizing caresses. “Only me?” he teased.

  His finger found my clitoris and I squirmed. “Only you,” I breathed.

  For a long, long moment, we stared into each other’s eyes. Then his tongue flickered over his lips and he took a deep breath. “Rosa?”

  Swallowing hard, I nodded.

  “Would you consider seeing me again back on the mainland?”

  The waterfall. The waterfall is playing tricks on my hearing. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Long black lashes fluttered over golden eyes as he glanced away. “Would you want to see me again after we go home? Like on a date? We’ve skipped some steps, but...”

  My eyes went wide. “Are you actually asking me to go on a date with you?”

  His smile twisted. “I know, it’s a silly question. You have your plans and stuff to get back to—”

  I swatted his shoulder. “What? No! That’s not what I meant at all.”

  He frowned slightly. “Then what did you mean?”

  I shook my head, hardly believing this was happening. “I mean, I can’t think of any reason why I wouldn’t. You’re the catch, not me...”

  “Not true,” he said. “You are a catch. You’re smart and sexy and you make me laugh. And I’ve never managed to get a girl I like to busk with me before.”

  He likes you! my inner teenage girl squealed. But I already knew that, so I covered my glee with a smile. “Seriously? I would think they’d love to busk with you. You’re amazing.”

  He gave a bashful grin. “Well, most girls don’t think that begging for money on the street corner is a fun date activity.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because they always think I should have enough money on me to take them to dinner.”

  I laughed. “Are you telling me you don’t?”

  “Not always. So, you know. Skills pay the bills, but it’s always kind of awkward after that.”

  “That’s dumb. I wish I could busk. Maybe then I’d have a place to stay.” Abruptly I felt intensely annoyed with whatever women he’d been with who had been too stuck up to work for food. “I think it’s a great date activity,” I announced, throwing back my shoulders. “Dance in the streets, then get something to eat.”

  “And drink. My skills pay all sorts of bills.”

  I shook my head. “So they get to watch you play, and they get fed and possibly sloshed? That’s the best date I’ve ever heard of.”

  He smiled up at me. “That’s what I like about you, Rose. You always surprise me.”

  I surprised him? My brain reeled from the idea that Manny Reyes would ever be surprised about...well, anything.

  “Plus you’re fun to tease,” he added, and his calloused fingertip circled over my clit, once, twice, three times.

  I bit my lip.

  His hand went still, his eyes fixed on my mouth. Then he groaned.

  “Oh, Rosa.”

  And then there were no more words. He lowered me into the water, our bodies slipping together, and I moaned and wriggled at the sensation. He was all hard planes, all smooth muscle and male strength, and I wanted, suddenly, nothing more than to let him take me, let him do whatever he wanted with me. I wanted to let go and let him take me away, take me to some place where not even my thoughts could follow.

  My arms stole around his shoulders, my legs parting until I clung to his waist, and the burning hot steel of his erect cock was beneath me, the shaft melded to my entrance, its heat branding my swollen lips, curving along my body, the soft head jutting against my ass. Restlessly I rocked against him, and he groaned as he claimed my mouth, hot and hungry, and I let myself meet him with equal fervor.

  Our tongues danced as he buried his hands in my hair, pulling me close to him, and I felt every plane of his body over my curves. Frantically he began to stroke my body, up and down, feeling the dip of my waist and the flare of my hips, crooking his fingers and running his blunt nails over my back, and I clung to his shoulders. I broke the kiss first, tilting my head and nibbling along his stubbled jaw until I found his ear. One golden stud gleamed in it, and I pressed myself against him, straining to reach it.

  When my tongue grazed against the tender flesh there, Manny growled and bent his head to my shoulder, planting kisses along my collarbone, from my shoulder to the hollow of my throat, and then he pulled away and I lost the chance to suck his earlobe into my mouth. But then he traced a trickle of water down between my breasts with his tongue, and I mewled and writhed in his arms.

  I felt the water rush around us then as he walked us through the pool, toward our clothes. “Manny...?” I managed to get out, but then he tipped me over almost backwards, my hair falling into the water, opened his mouth wide and devoured one breast whole.

  I shrieked, my hips bucking as he sucked my breast into his mouth, my nipple buried deep within the hot cavern, blood rushing to the sensitive tip. Oh my god, oh my god... His tongue lashed at my breast, licking and probing and scraping until I was squirming helplessly, bolts of pleasure shooting through my body, my toes curling as my legs clamped around him like a vise.

  He pulled back, letting my breast pop from his mouth, then gave me a wicked grin and nipped at the stiffened peak of my nipple. Between my legs, I felt my core clench, empty and aching. I rubbed my clit against his rock-hard abs, needing release from the sudden fire he had stoked inside me. A haze covered my vision, and I moaned as he began to lave my nipple with soft, gentle licks, soothing the ache while simultaneously stoking the fire.

  My hands had buried themselves in his hair, and I tightened my grip on him as we reached the rocky side of the pool. Panting, I watched him, and he never took those golden eyes off me as he stretched out one arm and snagged his pants. Pulling them close, he fished a condom from the po
cket. Then he dipped his head again and kissed my tortured nipple before reaching up and pressing the condom to my mouth. Startled, I parted my teeth, and he slipped it inside. “For safekeeping,” he said, his voice rough and needy, and then he struck out toward the waterfall, still holding me fast to him.

  Dazedly I bit down gently on the condom, the foil rough against my tongue, the latex ring inside the wrapper pressing into my lips. An idea began to form in my brain, though it was promptly derailed by Manny’s mouth suddenly latching onto my neglected breast and sucking hard.

  Christ. He felt so good I was almost ready to come just from his mouth on my tits. This...had never happened before. The blood in my head rushed and roared, and I writhed as he licked and sucked, nibbled and tasted, bit and nuzzled, the whole while his shaft hot and ready between my legs, probing against my ass, his hands strong and steady against my back, holding me in place as bolts of lightning ricocheted through me.

  Then the roar became louder and louder, and I closed my eyes just in time to go through the falling water.

  For a moment water pounded my back, my neck, my head, but instead of dousing my arousal it only heightened it. Pound me, I thought. Pound me until I scream. I moaned around the condom in my mouth when Manny finally let my other breast pop free of his lips.

  His mouth found my ear, and his breath was hot on me as he climbed the rocks behind the falling water, sure and strong. “I told you, Rosa,” he murmured above the roar. “More than a mouthful is too much.”

  Then he was gently lowering me to the smooth rocks, worn away by thousands of years of falling water and reaching for the condom in my teeth.

  I snatched it away. My breath came hot and fast as I peeled the wrapper off, and I put a hand on Manny’s chest, coaxing him to kneel back.

  Lips quirked with curiosity, he did, his eyes intense and focused on the condom in my hand. But I’d had a bolt of inspiration and, looking him straight in the eye, I pinched the tip of it and slipped it past my lips and into my mouth, leaving the rolled-up ring outside.

  Manny’s heavy lids flew open as he realized what I was about to do. Sitting up, I slowly leaned in until I could grab his magnificent ass and his cock was butting against my mouth. My own ass was high in the air, my heated core exposed to the coolness of the rushing waterfall, the faint breeze of the falling water making my sex clench and ache for him inside me.


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