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Amelia's Montana Wedding (Love In Montana Falls Book 1)

Page 13

by Maya Stirling

  Wilder's hand slipped down to his side, his fingers flexing slightly. This wasn't the first time Wilder had had to deal with men like Bodie. Wilder had learned a long time ago that maintaining strong eyes contact was the key to facing down men like him. As long as Wilder didn't weaken, he was sure this man would crumble. Showing weakness to men like this was always fatal

  Bodie's eyes were locked on Wilder, watching every step with cat-like concentration. The other man, the accuser, stepped back and took up a place against the bar. Wilder knew that all the eyes of the men at the tables behind him were watching the showdown.

  Wilder heard some chairs scraping against the floor as men readied themselves to take cover.

  "What do you think you're doing?" Bodie demanded in his thin, scratchy voice.

  Wilder halted. "I was thinking you and I should step outside." He turned and saw the wide-eyed stares of the other customers. Wilder turned back and looked at Bodie. "We should leave these good folks to carry on enjoying their drinks. Don't you think?"

  "What are you going to do about my money?" the accuser blurted out from his position at the bar.

  "I think we can figure something that will keep everyone happy," Wilder said staring at Bodie. "Isn't that right?"

  Bodie scowled and glanced at his accuser. "He's talking nonsense. He's just a bad loser, that's all."

  Wilder frowned. "Is that right? Funny that. Because I heard something similar from someone else not too long ago. Now, isn't that a strange coincidence?"

  Bodie shrugged. "Folks in this town don't know how to play cards. That's not my concern. I just count the money."

  Wilder grinned at Bodie. "How you get the money is a concern. Maybe the sheriff might want a word with you."

  "If he's got something against me, he knows where to find me," Bodie said firmly.

  "It's a nice hotel, isn't it," Wilder said sharply. "It's a bit nicer than a jail cell, even if the rooms are about the same size," he said smiling.

  Bodie leaned his head to one side and glowered at Wilder.

  Wilder jerked a thumb toward the door. "Let's get going."

  "Who are you to order me around?" Bodie demanded.

  "The sheriff and I are the law around here," Wilder said. "That's who. So get going. You and me. Outside."

  Wilder readied himself for any reaction from Bodie, but the only thing the man did was push his chair back and stride out slowly from behind the table.

  Wilder turned to the other men at the tables. "Sorry to have disturbed you gents. Carry on drinking," he said with a smile.

  Wilder stepped to one side, letting Bodie pass him.

  For the moment, Wilder was glad that violence had been avoided. That was the most important thing. He didn't want anyone getting hurt. But, as he followed Bodie out the door there were a multitude of questions in his mind about this man and just what he was doing in Montana Falls.


  "What were you and Wilder doing behind that tree?" Bethany asked.

  "Nothing," Amelia replied feeling slightly scandalized by the question. "Just talking."

  "I don't believe it," Bethany gasped.

  They were walking side by side along the boardwalk. Each held a parasol above their heads, not necessarily to protect themselves against the late afternoon sun, since it wasn't really that hot. It was more to do with wishing to give the correct impression of two well-mannered, elegant young ladies out together for an early evening stroll.

  Amelia squinted at Bethany. "Why don't you believe me?"

  "I've seen the way you and Wilder look at each other."

  Amelia opened her mouth, forming an expression of shock and surprise. "What are you talking about?"

  Bethany frowned. "You can't fool me. I've known you for too long."

  Amelia gasped and then suddenly composed herself so that she could nod politely to the elderly couple who passed them.

  Amelia turned and looked at Bethany. "I'm not trying to fool you. There's nothing going on between Wilder and I."

  Bethany rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, Amelia. It's plain for anyone to see. He's sweet on you."

  "What!" Amelia exclaimed.

  "It's written on his face. Those handsome eyes just can't stop looking at you."

  Amelia shook her head and sighed. "Bethany Lennox. I don't know where you get your foolish ideas from."

  "Just from watching you two, that's where. Now that I think of it, he was looking at you like that on the train not long after we met."

  Amelia gasped. "Really! You see things that don't exist. Just because you and Lucas are so sweet on each other, suddenly the whole world wants to become romantically entangled."

  Bethany smiled. "Entangled? That sounds so sweet."

  Amelia looked at Bethany with a shocked expression. "Bethany! Don't you dare say such things." Amelia glanced back to see if anyone was behind them. She was relieved to see that no-one had overheard her friend's scandalous comment.

  Bethany shrugged. "I don't care."

  Amelia gasped. "Just because Lucas Monroe is probably going to propose to you, doesn't give you the right to start acting like a matchmaker on my behalf."

  "I don't think it will take too much matchmaking to bring you and Wilder together."

  "Bethany. You know that I'm leaving as soon as you and Lucas are married."

  Upon hearing that last word, Bethany's face went a little pale. She was silent for a moment and then she turned to face Amelia. "You really think he's going to ask me to marry him? We've only just met. It seems so sudden."

  "Are you having second thoughts?"

  "No. I'm not. It's just that it's all been moving so quickly."

  "That's the way things seem to be done out here. Apparently, there are brides who come out to Montana who've never even met their prospective husbands. I think you're lucky that Miss Hardie has done so much to prepare the way, and that you've actually had a chance to meet him."

  Bethany nodded and seemed partially reassured by Amelia's words. "I suppose you're right."

  Amelia stopped and Bethany halted by her side. Amelia laid a gentle hand on her friend's arm and glanced around to make sure no-one could hear what she was about to say. "Do you think you love Lucas?"

  Bethany's eyes widened and Amelia saw her mouth drop open. Her friend looked genuinely speechless.

  "Well. Do you love him?" Amelia pressed.

  Bethany's features softened. "I think I do."

  Amelia smiled. "And I think you do," she said softly.

  "He just seems like a really good person," Bethany said.

  "If he wasn't, I don't think Miss Hardie would have gone to all that trouble."

  "You're probably right," Bethany said. "And he is handsome, isn't he?"

  Amelia nodded. "He certainly is," she agreed.

  "So, what about you and Wilder?" Bethany asked.

  "What about us?"

  "There is some hope for you both, after all."

  "I didn't say any such thing."

  "He has been spending quite a lot of time around you, hasn't he?"

  "That's just coincidence. Nothing more," Amelia insisted.

  Bethany frowned suspiciously. "I think it's more than that. He looks like he's made up his mind."

  "About what!" Amelia exclaimed, once again feeling shocked.

  "That he's determined to win your hand."

  "We haven't even stepped out together."

  Bethany laughed. "That's not how things are done out here, Amelia. You said so yourself. Couples don't waste any more time than necessary out West when it comes to courting."

  "I can see that," Amelia said looking knowingly at Bethany.

  "So, what are you going to do about Wilder?"

  "I'm going to do absolutely nothing. That's what."

  "But don't you like him? You must, if you had to go hiding behind a a tree like that."

  "I did not go hiding behind a tree. If you must know, Wilder and I were having a very serious discussion."
r />   "About what?" Bethany demanded once again.

  Amelia paused. She recalled Wilder's advice to wait before talking to Bethany about Lucas. But she couldn't simply ignore the truth and run the risk that her friend would make a terrible mistake. Wilder had been suggesting that Lucas might be involved in something bad. Amelia felt her throat tighten.

  "Wilder and I were talking about a number of things, including Lucas."

  "Lucas?" Bethany gasped wide-eyed. "What about Lucas?"

  Amelia paused and thought carefully before speaking. "Wilder was saying how impressed he was by Lucas," she said eventually.

  "Really! He said that?" Bethany exclaimed.

  Amelia nodded. "In fact, Wilder said that he was sure that Lucas is a very fine, young man and most suitable as a husband. There was only one thing, though..." Amelia started to say, but she was interrupted by the sound of Bethany's excited squeal.

  Amelia heard the sound of horses hooves on the dirt street and turned to see Lucas bearing down upon them, astride a beautiful brown horse. He drew to a halt on the street next to Amelia and Bethany.

  "Lucas! What a surprise. How lovely to see you," Bethany called out.

  Lucas was dressed in a fine, closely tailored jacket and tight pants and wore a grey Stetson.

  Amelia smiled at Lucas. "Mr. Monroe. It's a pleasure to see you."

  Lucas bowed and tipped his hat at them both. "How nice to see you two ladies. He glanced along the main street. You both taking an early evening stroll?"

  "Miss Hardie wanted us out of the house," Amelia joked. "Having two excited women around her all day was proving too much."

  Amelia saw Lucas smile but felt Bethany's elbow digging into her side. "Amelia, that's not true."

  "I think Mr Monroe knows I was joking, Bethany."

  "I can tie my horse up and accompany you two ladies for a while, if you wish," Lucas said eagerly.

  Amelia saw Bethany nodding imperceptibly. "That would be most agreeable," Amelia said to Lucas.

  He drove his horse forward a few feet, leapt off and tied the reins to a hitching post.

  Lucas came up to them and immediately went to Bethany's side. Amelia saw him start to extend an arm to Bethany, but then he seemed to be seized by a moment of doubt and quickly withdrew the arm. Bethany smiled at Amelia. They all started to walk along the boardwalk.

  At first, Lucas didn't say anything. Amelia thought that he and Bethany looked really sweet together. In spite of what Amelia had told herself, maybe it was possible for love to strike so suddenly.

  After a while, Amelia decided to break the silence. "What brought you into town, Mr. Monroe?"

  "I had to get a few things for tomorrow's big event."

  "You mean our visit?"

  Lucas nodded. "Ma gave me a list. I can't go into too much detail," Lucas said smiling. "She swore me to secrecy."

  "How intriguing," Amelia said. "Your ma sounds like an interesting woman."

  "You and Bethany will get a chance to meet her tomorrow. She's dying to meet Bethany."

  "Really?" Bethany said. Suddenly she looked worried again.

  Amelia took a few steps back and let Bethany and Lucas walk separately together.

  Amelia could only imagine what was going through Bethany's mind right at this minute. Thoughts of being assessed and scrutinized must be filling the poor girl's mind. Meeting a beau's parents was never easy. Back home in Boston it could be an endurance test.

  Amelia wondered if it would be different out here. She guessed that it might be a little less challenging for a prospective bride. Because, that was what Bethany was.

  A bride-to-be.

  Amelia glanced over at Lucas. He seemed like such a gentleman. He was very dapper looking and she could see he had put effort into how he'd dressed. His shirt was clean pressed and his pants had a sharp crease in them. His boots were shiny like they were new. His face was freshly shaved and his hair was neat. It looked like he had already prepared himself for tomorrow's big day.

  Maybe her job would be done quicker than she could ever have hoped, Amelia thought. The man and woman she was walking alongside might be man and wife very soon. They made a handsome couple, Amelia admitted to herself, feeling a surprising sensation ripple through her body.

  With a sudden shock Amelia realized what that sensation was. It was a feeling of the mildest kind of envy.

  Why would she be envious of Bethany's happiness with Lucas? Did it have something to do with Wilder Armstrong and the efforts he'd been making to impress Amelia? She forced those thoughts out of her mind and continued following Bethany and Lucas.

  They were just about to pass the door of the saloon when two figures emerged. Amelia froze on the spot when she saw who they were.


  And in front of him another man she had never seen before. A dark haired and surly looking man. It looked like Wilder was ushering the man out of the saloon. From inside the saloon, Amelia heard a sudden roar of male voices which sounded like a mixture of anger and drunkenness. She was glad she wasn't expected to go into that place.

  Judging by the expression on the man's face it looked like he wasn't happy about being escorted out of the saloon.

  Bethany and Lucas came to a sudden halt.

  "Wilder," Amelia gasped. "What are you doing here?"

  Wilder hadn't noticed Amelia at first, but on hearing his name he whirled around and stared at Amelia. For a moment he seemed at a loss for words.

  Then Wilder called out for the other man to stop.

  The dark haired man turned and Amelia saw his eyes widen. A wry smile crept across his lips. Amelia realized the man was looking straight at Lucas.

  Amelia saw Wilder glance from the man to Lucas and back again. For a moment, she didn't understand what was going on.

  "I was just escorting this fine gentleman across to have a talk with Sheriff Luke," Wilder explained.

  "That's what you think," the man mumbled.

  Wilder squinted at the man. "You think you're going someplace else before we get some answers?" Wilder lowered a hand to his gun belt. "I don't think so," he said casually.

  Amelia looked at Lucas, curious about the fixed expression on Lucas' face. Lucas' entire body had become rigid and his gaze was fixed on the dark-haired man. Bethany had also noticed the sudden change in Lucas and she was looking at him with a puzzled expression.

  The dark-haired man scowled at Wilder and then turned his head slowly around until his gaze was fixed on Lucas. Amelia couldn't be entirely sure, but for a moment it looked like some unspoken recognition had passed between the two men.

  Lucas suddenly snapped himself out of his rigid state. He turned to Bethany and took her arm. "I think we best be moving on," he said quickly.

  Bethany gazed at Lucas, looking even more puzzled.

  The dark-haired man looked at the way Lucas had taken Bethany by the arm. "This your sweetheart, sir?" he said slowly. Amelia thought there was something menacing about the way he'd said those words.

  Wilder stepped forward and jabbed the man in the back. "Watch your tongue. There are ladies present."

  The man whipped around and Amelia froze once again, fearing that trouble was about to start. She'd witnessed street fights in Boston and she knew how quickly violence could appear.

  Wilder lowered his head and peered into the man's eyes. "Ain't going to be like that. You're coming with me."

  The man cowered before Wilder's penetrating gaze and turned around.

  Amelia had never seen Wilder like this. She'd had no idea such forcefulness lay buried deep inside him.

  "Perhaps we can talk later," Wilder said to Amelia. "First I have to deal with this gentleman."

  She could see he was trying real hard to avoid a public display of trouble.

  Wilder looked at Bethany. "Ma'am. Have a good evening."

  He looked at Lucas. "And you, Lucas," he said nodding his head.

  Lucas still seemed stunned at what he'd witnessed. Amelia thought it
seemed like an odd reaction. She wondered what kind of unspoken communication had passed between Lucas and the man. She was sure something had happened, but she couldn't understand what.

  Amelia watched Wilder and the man step off the boardwalk and head across toward the other side of the street.


  Wilder opened the door to the sheriff's office and held it wide. He smiled wryly at Bodie and gestured with a hand. "Come on in. I'm sure the sheriff is dying to meet you," he said.

  Bodie scowled at Wilder and paused.

  "What's wrong? Frightened to talk to the sheriff?" Wilder asked.

  Wilder peered around the door and saw Luke coming toward him. "I think this gentleman is one of the shy ones, Luke," Wilder said with a grin.

  Luke came to the door and looked the stranger up and down. "I believe I've heard some things about you. And I can tell you they weren't exactly compliments."

  Bodie sighed and stepped into the office.

  Luke went behind his desk and gestured to the leather seat in front of it. "Have a seat." Bodie sat down and glowered at Wilder and Luke.

  Luke glanced at Wilder. "Where did you two meet?"

  "At the saloon. There was a bit of a disagreement over a card game."

  Luke frowned and peered at the stranger. "Why am I not surprised," he stated bluntly. "What's your name stranger?"

  "His name is Lucius Bodie," Wilder said before Bodie had a chance to answer.

  Bodie whirled around and glared at Wilder. "How do you know that?"

  Wilder looked at the sheriff and rolled his eyes. Then he looked back at Bodie. "I'm a lawman. I like to know who I'm dealing with. Especially when it looks like trouble." Wilder stared at Bodie. "And I think I'm looking at trouble, right now."

  Wilder saw Bodie stiffen in his seat.

  "Well, Mr. Bodie. What's your business in Montana Falls?"asked Luke.

  Bodie shrugged. "Just passing through," he said curtly.

  "Really? Just passing through? On your way to where?" Luke asked leaning his elbows on the desk and peering into Bodie's eyes.

  "Nowhere, in particular," Bodie replied.

  "Where do you come from?" Wilder asked.

  Bodie kept his gaze on Luke. "I'm only answering questions from the one real lawman here," he mumbled.


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