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Amelia's Montana Wedding (Love In Montana Falls Book 1)

Page 19

by Maya Stirling

  But she hadn't tried to move away from him. Amelia had made no effort at all to loosen Wilder's gentle grasp on her. He saw her head lower. She looked down and he was sure he heard her sigh. Had that been a sigh of relief or one of irritation?

  Amelia lifted her head and, when he saw the expression on her face, his heart started to rejoice, because she was smiling right back at him. Her eyes were filled with a moistness that hinted at barely contained joy.

  Amelia reached up and caressed the side of Wilder's cheek. He felt her soft skin against the stubble on his jaw.

  Amelia smiled at Wilder. "Why didn't you tell me, before?" she asked taking him by surprise at the directness of the question. But, then again, that was Amelia through and through. Straight to the point. And, that was one reason why he loved her.

  "I didn't have the courage," he admitted softly.

  "You're such a silly man," Amelia said. "One thing you don't lack is courage, Wilder. I know that much about you. And, I know something else, too."

  Wilder peered into Amelia's eyes. There was that look, he told himself. The look that Amelia had in her eyes when she was about to say something she really believed in, something she was determined to stand her ground on. And, when she said her next words he knew there was no way he would ever doubt them or question their seriousness.

  Amelia smiled softly at Wilder. "And you know something?" she asked.

  Wilder's eyes widened. "What?"

  He saw her gaze deep into his eyes. "I love you too, Wilder," Amelia whispered.

  Wilder dipped his head and kissed Amelia, tasting her sweet lips, inhaling her intoxicating perfume, feeling her warmth. He drew her against him and savored the kiss, wanting it to go on for an eternity.

  When their lips parted he gazed at her in wonder. "You love me?" he asked, almost disbelieving.

  Amelia simply nodded and smiled. She suddenly looked as if all the burdens of the world had been lifted from her shoulders.

  "I can hardly believe it," Wilder gasped.

  "Isn't it wonderful?" Amelia said softly, caressing Wilder's cheek gently.

  "I'm the luckiest man in the world," Wilder gasped. He kissed Amelia one more time and this time it felt inevitable and just plain right. She belonged in his arms and he knew that she would always be by his side.

  That just left one one question to be asked, and the prospect of asking it made the nerves twist in his middle. But, Wilder knew he had to ask Amelia.

  He could see that she had sensed his sudden seriousness, but there was also a knowing look in her eyes, as if nothing he would say to her could surprise her anymore.

  "Amelia. I want to ask you one thing," Wilder said slowly, trying to steady his voice, but finding it inexplicably hard.

  "What is it, Wilder?" she asked softly.

  Wilder drew in a deep breath and swallowed. He gazed into Amelia's eyes and tried to pour as much love into that look as he possibly could.

  "Would you do me the greatest honor?" Wilder breathed.

  Amelia's eyes remained fixed on Wilders. She was waiting for him to ask. He knew that now, and it gave him the final courage he so badly needed.

  "Amelia Crawford. Will you marry me?" Wilder said eventually after what seemed like the longest pause he had ever known.

  Amelia smiled and nodded. "Of course I will, Wilder," she replied with hardly a moments hesitation.

  "Really?" he asked disbelieving that he had heard her correctly.

  Amelia laughed and nodded again. "I will marry you, Wilder Armstrong."

  The sound of her words was like the sweetest music to Wilder's ears. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted Amelia clean off the ground, spinning her around. Wilder looked up at her pretty face and gave her the broadest grin he could muster. The world had suddenly become a brighter, more beautiful place. It felt so good to have Amelia in his arms. And, he would never let her go.

  Amelia laughed as he spun her around. "You're making me dizzy," she said throwing her head.

  Wilder had never seen anyone look so beautiful. He stopped spinning and settled Amelia back down on solid ground.

  "You've made me the happiest man in the world. You know that, don't you," Wilder told her.

  Amelia gave him one of her quirky smiles. "Well, that's a start then, isn't it?"

  On hearing that, Wilder just had to kiss her one more time.

  "What are we going to do?" she asked after their lips parted. She glanced toward the house.

  "What do you mean?" Wilder asked.

  "I don't want to steal Bethany's thunder. She just announced her engagement to everyone in the parlor."

  Wilder shrugged. "I don't see why there should only be one engagement announcement."

  Amelia frowned slightly. "You don't think Bethany will mind?"

  Wilder shook his head. "Not a bit. In any case, Miss Hardie has probably guessed this would happen all along."

  "You think so?"

  Wilder nodded. "Nothing gets past her."

  Amelia glanced toward the house. He saw her hesitate, carefully considering what to do. Then she nodded emphatically. "I think you're right. Bethany's going to be pleased when she hears we're getting married, too."

  "There's only one problem," Wilder said.

  "What's that?"

  "Who's going to be first at the altar?"

  Amelia punched Wilder playfully. "Why, Bethany will be first, of course."

  Wilder leaned in closer. He wanted to kiss her again, especially when she smiled like that. "And then it'll be our turn."

  Amelia snuggled up close to him and he wrapped his arms around her. "That sounds lovely," she said softly.

  The door to the ranch house opened suddenly and Mrs. Talmadge stepped out onto the porch. When she saw Amelia and Wilder in each others arms she muttered an apology and started to turn back into the house.

  Amelia called out to Mrs. Talmadge. "It's okay Mrs. Talmadge."

  Wilder saw the housekeeper turn and stare them. He could see she was having a tough time understanding just what was going on. "I seem to have interrupted something," she said.

  Amelia took Wilder's hand and started leading him toward Mrs. Talmadge. "I'd like to introduce you to Wilder Armstrong," she said to the housekeeper. "My future husband," she concluded with a broad grin.

  Mrs. Talmadge looked like she had been struck dumb. "Husband? You mean you two are getting married?"

  Amelia nodded and gazed up at Wilder. He smiled at Mrs. Talmadge. "Please to make your acquaintance, ma'am," Wilder said tipping his Stetson.

  Mrs. Talmadge shook her head. "Why, that makes two proposals in one day," she said, her eyes wide with shock. "Now, there's a thing."

  Wilder and Amelia smiled at each other.

  "I suppose congratulations are in order," Mrs. Talmadge said, smiling broadly.

  "Thank you," Amelia and Wilder said in unison.

  Wilder looked at Amelia. "I think it's time we let everyone else know, don't you?"

  Amelia nodded and Wilder felt her tug on his arm, leading him toward the door. As he entered the house he figured that this was the start of a wonderful new life with the woman he loved, and he for one couldn't wait for everyone to know all about it.



  Amelia stood at the altar of the Montana Falls church and gazed across at Wilder. He looked so amazingly handsome in his new gray suit. She felt a tug of emotion as she saw the way he was smiling at her. There would be plenty of time to get used to seeing that smile.

  Amelia glanced down at the front row of seats. Bethany and Lucas were sitting there both dressed in their finest outfits. That was entirely appropriate since Bethany and Lucas had been married just a few hours before. Amelia saw them look at each other, expressions of complete love and adoration on their faces. Amelia knew that was exactly how she herself would be feeling in a few short minutes, and she could hardly wait.

  The church was full of Monroe family members and friends of Lucas. Miss Ha
rdie sat alongside Annabelle Monroe. Amelia had never seen Miss Hardie look so proud. Two of her girls had gotten married on the same day, and to men who were, in Miss Hardie's opinion, well-nigh perfect.

  After announcing both engagements, there had been frantic activity to arrange the weddings. No-one wanted to wait any longer than necessary. As far as who would marry first, there had never been any question that Bethany and Lucas would marry before Amelia and Wilder.

  Bethany would be a morning bride.

  Amelia would be an afternoon bride.

  There just seemed to be something fitting about that arrangement.

  Amelia and Wilder had decided they would stay in Montana Falls after getting married. Wilder had been offered a job alongside Sheriff Luke Dunbar. It looked like keeping the law was going to get a whole lot more interesting in the coming days.

  The minister started to recite the sacred words of the marriage ceremony. Amelia looked across at Wilder and saw the sheer joy on his face. It was as if just hearing the minister speak had suddenly made the whole thing real for Wilder.

  Finally, Amelia got to say the words she had been dreaming of every night since Wilder had proposed.

  And, when Wilder said those same words to Amelia, and stepped toward her, readying himself for their first kiss as man and wife, Amelia thought that she was quite possibly the luckiest woman in Montana.

  The minister pronounced them man and wife.

  As Wilder kissed Amelia, she knew, without the shadow of a doubt, that being a Montana wife was just about the best thing she could ever imagine.



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  Luke's Montana Bride

  Book One in the Brothers of Montana series

  Three brothers and their search for love

  Montana 1887

  A friendship that could turn to love

  Growing up in the small town of Montana Falls, Amber Scott and Luke Dunbar had always been friends, even if sometimes it had seemed like they were enemies . Then Amber left to become a nurse, and Luke believed he'd lost her forever. Now that she's back in Montana Falls, both Luke and Amber discover they need each other like never before.

  Handsome lawman Luke Dunbar knows that reunions don't always go smoothly. Especially if the woman he believes to be his one and only love is determined to resist his every attempt to show her just how much she means to him.

  Can Luke seize his second chance at love, and can Amber overcome the barriers to finding a happy ever after with a friend who is now so close to becoming the love of her life?

  Each novel in the series is a complete standalone story with a happy ending and no cliffhangers.

  Book Two in the Brothers of Montana series

  Jackson's Montana Bride

  Montana 1887

  Sweethearts reunited for a Second Chance at Love

  Strong minded dressmaker Erin Hamilton and Jackson Dunbar, the handsome doctor of Montana Falls, had once been so sweet on one another that it seemed inevitable they would marry. That had been before Jackson left Montana Falls to train as a doctor.

  Jackson and Erin missed out on matrimony. Until now.

  Every one of the women of the town, including recently wed Amber Dunbar, think Jackson and Erin would make a perfect married couple. So, the good ladies of Montana Falls have a plan to make sure Erin and Jackson get their happy ever after.

  Just how far will the ladies of Montana Falls go to ensure that Erin and Jackson get the happy ending they both deserve?

  Can Erin and Jackson win their second chance at love?

  Each novel in the series is a complete standalone story with a happy ending and no cliffhangers.

  Book Three in the Brothers of Montana series

  Gage's Montana Bride

  Book 3 in the Brothers of Montana series. Three brothers and their search for love.

  Montana 1887

  Friendship Turns To Love

  Independent minded Kate Monaghan lives with her father in the wilds of Montana. They tame wild horses and bring them to the town of Montana Falls every year. Kate loves her life in the high country and has no desire to live in Montana Falls.

  Until she meets a friend from her youth. Gage Dunbar. And then it all changes.

  Rancher Gage Dunbar has no intention of marrying anytime soon. That is until he meets pretty Kate Monaghan when she and her father come to Montana Falls to trade a very special wild horse they've tamed. Now he can't think of anything sweeter than being with Kate.

  Can Gage tame Kate's fiery spirit and convince her that they are both meant for each other?

  Can two friends find a love that will last a lifetime?

  Each novel in the series is a complete standalone story with a happy ending and no cliffhangers.

  The Montana Ranchers and Brides series

  Montana ranchers and their search for brides in the 1880's

  An Amazon Bestselling series in Historical Romance

  These books are all clean romances that are also complete, standalone stories which have some characters who appear in more than one volume. They can each be enjoyed without having read previous volumes in the series.

  Nathan's Montana Bride

  The Boston lady broke her promise to marry him, so the Montana rancher came to get her.

  Montana 1886

  Abigail Long had promised to become Nathan Grantly's mail order bride. But she had changed her mind at the last minute. The tragedy that had struck had made it unthinkable that she go to Montana and start a new life with a man she hadn't even met.

  Tall, handsome Nathan Grantly wasn't the kind of rancher to take no for an answer. The widower had a prosperous ranch to run and he needed a wife to bring up his young daughter. So Nathan did what came naturally. He came to claim his wife.

  Will Abby be able to resist Nathan and the lure of her new life in Montana? And what will Nathan do when he finds out the real reason Abby was reluctant to become his wife, and what it means for their future together? Can Abby fulfil her dreams in the wilds of Montana?

  Devlin's Montana Bride

  Handsome Montana rancher Devlin Cooper has no plans to marry, especially after being jilted at the last minute by his former fiance. But when he's faced with losing his ranch to a rival rancher the only option is to marry a beautiful stranger.

  Feisty Elise Macleod has no intention of giving in to her father's demands that she marry elderly rancher Bart Caulfield. He's just too old and too mean. Her only escape from the threat of a loveless marriage is to agree to Devlin Cooper's surprise proposal.

  If Devlin and Elise enter into a marriage of convenience they'll both get what they need. All they have to do is stay married in name only.

  But can they both resist the sudden attraction they both feel for each other? And can they overcome the obstacles that stand in their way to a future life on Devlin's Montana ranch?

  Trent's Montana Bride

  Montana 1886

  Recently widowed Chloe Wilder has a young baby to care for, nowhere to go, and an uncertain future. The last thing she expects is a marriage proposal from a rancher she barely knows.

  Successful ranch owner Trent McIntyre has just lost his best friend. Trent never thought he'd have to marry, but he made a promise to Lucas Wilder that he'd look after Chloe if she was left a widow.

  Trent is a man of his word, even if means giving up his life as a bachelor with a reputation and settling down with a wife and baby.

>   Chloe and Trent agree to marry. But it will be strictly a marriage in name only. Can they build a life together in Montana as a family, while resisting the obvious attraction they are both beginning to feel for each other?

  Joshua's Montana Bride

  Montana 1887

  Rancher's daughter Laura Thorne thinks an arranged marriage to a man she barely knows will give her the happiness she's never had growing up on a ranch. But when her husband-to-be rejects the idea of marrying her, Laura is left with nowhere to go and no hope for the future.

  In trouble ranch owner Joshua McKenzie has been a friend of Laura's family for years. So when he discovers that she has run away, it's up to him to rescue Laura from her difficulties. Having been sweet on Laura for so long, he's more than happy to save her from a potentially disastrous marriage.


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