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Scoring Mr. Romeo

Page 20

by A. m Madden

  I held her face with one hand, and pressed my lips to hers in a sweet, soft kiss. During that intentional connection, the tear that hit my thumb solidified she felt the same way that I did.

  “Luca,” she said as a plea. Through the tone of her voice I knew she needed more, she wanted everything from me. By saying only my name and nothing else, Sabrina revealed she also struggled with the right words to say.

  Kissing along the track where her tear fell, I moved over her and slid inside her warmth just as I said, “I know.”


  Since walking through his door, Luca hadn’t broken eye contact once. I meant it when I said the way he looked at me, and the way he spoke in Italian, was the best kind of foreplay. His tenderness forced my heart to swell with more emotion than I’d felt in a long time. It over spilled, and affected every part of my body, resulting in a deep-rooted need to bottle this moment and remember it forever.

  Truth be told, that scared me. Nothing was forever, I learned that the hard way. And if I allowed my head to play a logical part in this wonderful experience, I’d run away just to protect my heart.

  Luca moved in and out of me with slow measured strokes. Each time our eyes would connect, I felt more exposed. As the saying went, eyes were the windows to your soul, and maybe that was why my lids slid shut. Because how could I tell a man who I had only known for a few months that he owned my heart? He claimed he knew… and I prayed he did.

  Skin on skin our bodies were one. Pulling my legs up, I wrapped them around him and linked my ankles together, holding him to me as close as I could.

  “Guardami, Sabrina,” he whispered, his voice throaty. At my hesitation, he added, “Eyes on me.” I obeyed, and saw his weren’t lustful or dark, but instead filled with raw desire. The reality and weight of our stares created a wave of feelings to course through me. Stray tears seeped from the corners of my eyes landing on my ear. “Please don’t cry, sweetheart.” But his soothing voice caused a few more to spill.

  Every inch of us was connected, and that euphoric feeling began to coil inside of me. Butterflies took flight as my impending climax approached. My heart expanded with each breath I took. I wanted to remember this moment—this feeling.

  Luca took my right hand that was on his waist, and raised it above my head, linking my fingers with his. He then did the same to my left. His movements grew faster, my heart raced, our lips met, and I was lost… lost in a man who I just gave my heart to.

  He gripped my fingers tighter with his, while his hips continued pistoning against mine. “I’m so close, Sabrina. The way you feel around me… I never want this to end.”

  Those words caused my climax to rumble through me. It was an ache of the best kind. “Neither do I.” My admittance came through challenged breaths.

  He smiled and slowed down until he stilled. Then with the utmost tenderness, he lowered his lips to mine and gave me a kiss that I knew I would never forget. Each unspoken word was heard through that kiss. Every emotion I held, with fear and love dominating, traveled from our lips straight to my heart.

  Without a doubt, it was the most intimate moment of my life.

  When I opened my eyes, it took a few seconds to remember where I was. The naked body spooning behind me, combined with his measured breaths, reminded me of the magnificent man I had just spent the night with.

  One strong arm draped over my hip possessively while his hand splayed below my belly button. The warm skin of his broad chest pressed up against my back felt like a comforting blanket. Waking up in Luca’s arms probably ranked among my top three favorite things since meeting him… things one and two were a bit more obvious.

  But as much as I wanted to stay there all day, I needed to adult and pick up my son. I reached for my phone on the nightstand, but a strong arm held me firm after having moved just an inch. “Good morning, sweetheart,” his deep voice rumbled behind me.

  “Good morning. I was trying to see what time it is,” I said, gripping his forearm with my hands to give me some wiggle room. That second time he allowed me to move, raising his arm as I leaned forward to grab my phone. “It’s seven,” I said out loud. Relief that it was still early had me relaxing back into his hold.

  “Mmm, so I can enjoy you a bit longer?” he asked, eliminating the space my moving had added between us. Every inch of his body aligned with mine from head to toe. I felt his lips on my shoulder before he began leaving soft kisses over my skin.

  “Yes, we have time. Becky said to come by around ten or so. She promised the boys pancakes.”

  “Well, yay for pancakes,” he said directly into my ear. When goosebumps spread over my skin, I felt Luca smile against my neck. Firm lips pulled on my earlobe while his hand found one of my breasts. “What are you guys up to later today?”

  “It’s supposed to be sunny and warm. I thought I’d surprise Mikey with a trip to the beach to watch the fishing boats. Would you like to come?”

  His hand stilled for a moment. “Are you sure?”

  I twisted in his arms and propped my head on a bent arm. Confused as to why he would ask me that, I replied, “Yes, I’m sure. Why?”

  “Sabrina, I’d love to spend every moment with you two. I just want you to be sure you want me there. I know spending Sundays with Mikey is important to you.”

  “There are two reasons I’d like you to come. Mikey enjoys your company… and you’re important to me… to us.”

  A smile spread over his gorgeous lips, and with it my heartbeat sped up. “I know.” There were those two words again, and I loved how much meaning they held. “You and Mikey are to me as well. You do know that, right?”

  “I do,” I said without a doubt. He’d proven as such these past few months.

  “Good.” He mimicked my posture, holding his head up on a bent arm. “Speaking of a beach, Jude and Brae are thinking of buying a place in the Hamptons. They’re renting it this summer and invited us to come out for July 4th weekend. But if it doesn’t work out for you, I’m sure we can pick another time.”

  “Mikey is away that week. He’ll be upstate with my in-laws,” I said with a frown.

  “You’re worried about that?”

  “I am,” I admitted with a sigh. “I trust them, but that town is so small I worry Mikey will hear or see something by accident. I can’t stop them from seeing their grandson, though.”

  Luca tucked my hair behind my ear. “I understand your concern. But you can’t worry about something that may not happen.”

  “You’re right, but I worry about everything… especially when it comes to Mikey.”

  His hand found my breast again, and his eyes focused on the way he ran his thumb over my erect nipple. “I’ll do my best to distract you that week.” He dipped his head to suck on my other nipple, causing an electric zing to travel right from my breast to my core. “Shall I demonstrate how?” He stopped long enough to ask. When I moaned and arched my body as a response, he added, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Chapter 26


  It was a spectacular June day, and the park bustled with activity. The noise of kids playing and parents cheering drowned out the sounds of nature around us. It still drove me nuts watching these so called coaches waste the talents of the soccer prospects running around like chickens without their heads.

  Most of the time I stood with my arms folded in a defensive stance on the sidelines. My pacing caused Sabrina to shoot me a sideways look. Then there were the times I went to open my mouth and her hand would clamp over it before any offensive words came out.

  “Next year, I want to coach that team,” I said into her ear. Her expression was part amusement, part something else I couldn’t read. “What?”

  “Okay, Ronaldo. Let’s take one season at a time.”


  Sabrina’s parents stood next to us. Her father nodded at me in agreement. However, her mom’s expression mirrored Sabrina’s. Maybe it was a guy thing, but knowing I wasn’t alone in my op
inion made me feel a bit better.

  So, there I was trying to behave myself, and I didn’t remember anything in my life ever taking as much effort. With minutes left to the game, suddenly Sabrina gripped my arm in a death hold and gasped. We watched together as Mikey sailed down the field, controlling the ball like a tiny professional while leaving the rest of his team and his opponents in the dust.

  “Oh my God,” Sabrina said quietly, contradicting my very loud, “Go, buddy!”

  Just as Mikey reached the net, he faked left and kicked right, sending the ball over the goalie’s right shoulder and into the center of the goal.

  “Holy shit!” I screamed, earning a few glares in the process. Surprisingly, Sabrina ignored my outburst. Her arms flew up over her head as she and her parents cheered for her son. On the field, Mikey’s teammates surrounded him. The sight of his grinning face practically brought tears to my eyes. He wasn’t mine, but he may as well have been. Pride swelled at the sight of my boy taking the skills I had taught him and excelling at a sport we loved.

  In a matter of seconds, Sabrina was in my arms and giggling as I spun her around. “He is going to be so excited over this,” she stated the obvious. Of course he was, based on the way his electric smile lit up his adorable face. We spent the last short minute reciprocating with our own grins.

  The moment the ref blew his whistle, Mikey came charging right for us. “I did it! I won us the game!” he yelled before jumping into my arms. I lifted him easily, using my other arm to bring his mother into our circle. Even though an official score wasn’t kept, the kids knew the final score. Sabrina cupped his sweaty head and kissed him on the forehead. “Eww, Mom.” I set him down to do the exact same thing. “Eww,” he repeated after my smooch.

  “That goal deserves a kiss from all of us,” Sabrina’s mother said, planting a kiss on one reddened cheek while her dad planted his own on the other.

  “I agree all goals should be celebrated with a kiss,” a female voice said as she approached. Sabrina laughed at her friend Becky, who began to bend toward Mikey’s head all while her scarlet lips were puckered and ready to strike.

  He thrusted his hand up, stopping her in her tracks. “No way, Aunt Becky!”

  “Fine. High five then,” she said, lifting her hand so Mikey could slap it with his. Her son did the same to Sabrina, and me, just as we heard a commotion from the other side of the field.

  Mikey’s coach began yelling for his team, who were currently scattered all over the field celebrating in their own ways. “Rebels and parents, please come over to the bench.”

  Sabrina took my hand and led me to where the team began sitting in a circle on the grass with their respective parents behind them. Being included left me speechless. The coach began speaking, complementing the team on great season. He then acknowledged the parents and thanked them for their support.

  My girl squeezed my hand, awarding me with a smile. That simple gesture meant as much to me as being included in this celebration. One by one, the boys were called by name and given a small trophy. I wondered if there was an MVP statue for Mikey in that box, but knew better than to mention that to Sabrina.

  The entire process was over in minutes, making me laugh that snack break actually took longer than the trophy ceremony. While the team munched on their treats, Sabrina introduced me to a few of the other parents. The men shook my hand cordially, and the woman offered a variety of flirtatious greetings. I couldn’t guarantee I’d remember one name out of the lot, because hearing Sabrina saying, “This is my boyfriend, Luca,” kept playing over and over in my head.

  Mikey ran toward us with Oreo residue all over his lips. “What are we doing now? Can we celebrate?”

  “Of course. Wherever you want to go,” I said as his mother attempted to wipe the crumbs with a tissue.

  “Oh, can we go to Great Adventure?”

  “Um… no,” Sabrina interjected. “It’s too far, and it’s too late, and I don’t think Grandma and Grandpa want to go to an amusement park.”

  “Luca said wherever I wanted to go,” he pouted.

  “I have an idea.” Mother and son waited expectantly. “Let’s get cleaned up first, and then I’ll tell you,” I said, which was code for–after I run it by your mom. Sabrina quirked a brow in question and with a tilt of her head summoned her mother to come over.

  Catching the hint, Mrs. Ricci took her grandson’s hand. “Mikey. Grandpa and I are going to head home.” She then added, “Sabrina, we’ll go clean our little champion up before we go.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Sabrina handed her mother Mikey’s duffle bag and watched her parents walk off with him chattering about something animatedly.

  “What exactly are you planning, Mr. Benedetto?”

  I pulled her into my arms to sweeten the deal. “I’m thinking we make the kid happy, but instead of Great Adventure we head to Point Pleasant.”

  “New Jersey?”

  “Yeah. It’s such a nice day, and it’s barely noon. He can hit the rides, we can have an early dinner, walk on the beach, maybe get some ice cream. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re too good to be true.”

  “Well, I agree. You can pay me later,” I said, placing a chaste kiss on her lips.

  We waited for her parents to bring back a cleaner Mikey. Once they appeared, Sabrina hugged them goodbye. “We’ll see you on Wednesday, then?”

  Sabrina nodded with a smile. “One, sharp.”

  The Ricci’s said their goodbyes to me and Mikey, leaving the three of us to get on with the celebration.

  “What’s Wednesday?” I asked, hoping all was okay.

  “It’s my graduation! Can you come too, Luca?”

  Sabrina placed a hand on Mikey’s shoulder. “Sweetie, I explained that Luca works during the week. We’ll celebrate with him afterwards.”

  “I’ll take the time off,” I blurted out.

  “Really?” The wonderment on his face melted my heart.

  “Yes, I promise.”

  Mikey raised a fist in triumph. “See Mom, he can come!”

  My eyes cut to Sabrina’s, worried I overstepped. Part of me felt slighted over not being asked. I understood she didn’t want to put me in a position to have to say no, but if it meant a lot to him, then it meant even more for me to be there.

  While Mikey skipped ahead, she touched my arm and with a small smile mouthed, “Thank you.”


  The elementary school’s auditorium began to fill by noon. My parents walked in taking the two seats to my left, while my sweater rested on the seat to my right saving it for Luca. Mikey couldn’t contain his excitement during breakfast this morning. After each spoonful of Rice Krispies, he would tell me another part of the ceremony his class practiced.

  Every few minutes I’d tap my phone to check the time. It was almost about to begin, and Luca’s chair was still vacant. I thought of texting him but didn’t want to in case he was driving. Disappointment was obvious each time I saw the door open to see it wasn’t him entering.

  My mom caught my expression. “Maybe he’s stuck in traffic.” I forced down a swallow and nodded. All I could think of was something happened. There would be no way he’d break his promise to Mikey. He knew how much it meant to him.

  Fifteen minutes later, the principal stepped to the microphone in the center of the stage announcing the ceremony would begin in five minutes. My phone vibrated and when I saw his name appear in a text message, my heart sank.

  Luca: Sabrina, I can’t make it. Jude is away and an important client needs to meet today instead of tomorrow because he’s returning to Europe tonight. There’s no way for me to reschedule it. I need to take care of this. I’m so sorry. Please tell Mikey congratulations for me.

  Was he kidding? My heart fell like a skydiver without her parachute. I gripped my phone, surprised it didn’t crack in my hand. This was all my fault. I should have nipped it in the bud when he promised Mikey he’d be there. As his mother, I knew better making
such a promise could lead to heartbreak, and that was exactly what was going to happen to my son.

  When the lights dimmed I noticed my mom, whose sad eyes mirrored mine. “Is he okay?”

  “He’s not coming.”

  She placed her hand on my shoulder. “I’m sure it couldn’t be helped, Sabrina.”

  “I understand that, but Mikey won’t.”

  Shutters clicked on cameras as each student took their prideful place on the stage. Mikey spotted us sitting in the first row, but his wide smile faded when he scanned the chair next to mine. Rather than confirm his suspicion that Luca was a no show, I just gave him a wave followed by a thumbs up.

  Throughout the various songs, short speeches, and the handing out of their completion certificates, my adorable innocent son, kept an eye on the door. The only smile he gave was when I took a picture of him accepting his kindergarten diploma while standing next to the principal and Cassie.

  When I caught Cassie’s eyes she gave me with a knowing expression. I wondered if he texted her too? When her smile faltered, I guessed he had.

  After the pomp and circumstance, the children descended the steps to greet their families. Each one of them were happy, except for Mikey who looked as though he was about to cry. Steeling myself, I plastered the biggest smile I could muster on my face. There was no way in hell I was going to let Luca’s absence ruin this moment for my son.

  “Sweetie.” I knelt down. “I am so proud of you.” After a good hard squeeze, I released him to allow my parents to congratulate him next.

  He gave them a timid smile before asking me, “Where’s Luca?”

  Dread filled me because my son was once again going to be crushed. “He couldn’t come, but he wanted me to congratulate you.”

  “Why not? He promised.”

  “He had a work meeting come up. He’s sorry.”

  Cassie approached us and put her arm around Mikey. “You had such a great year. I’m going to miss having you in my class.”


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