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The Presidents Club: Inside the World's Most Exclusive Fraternity

Page 73

by Nancy Gibbs

  AmeriCorps, 464, 502

  Amos ’n’ Andy (radio show), 203

  Anderson, Clinton, 30–32, 36

  Anderson, Jim, 347, 350

  Anderson, John, 355

  Anderson, Martin, 325

  Anderson, Robert, 107, 125, 166, 167, 172

  Anderson, Stan, 324, 325

  Andreas, Dwayne, 288

  Angola, 142

  Apawamis Club, 206

  Apple, Johnny, 430

  Arab League, 406

  Arafat, Yassir, 425, 436, 486

  Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 131

  Archer Daniels Midland, 288

  Arden, Elizabeth, 97–98

  Argentina, 36–37

  Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 443

  Aristotle, 524

  Arkansas Governor’s Mansion, 434

  Arlington Cemetery, 156

  Army Corps of Engineers, 497

  Asia, 397

  food crisis in, 29

  Attlee, Clement, 29

  Atwater, Lee, 367

  Audacity of Hope, The (Obama), 508

  Austria, 39, 41

  auto bailouts, 519

  AWACS, 344

  Axelrod, David, 513

  Ayers, Eben, 26, 46

  Bailey, Doug, 329

  Baker, Howard, 322, 323, 328, 330, 362, 363, 364

  Baker, James, 321, 323, 369, 384, 400, 402, 487

  Gulf War and, 405, 408

  on Iraq War, 482

  in visit to Kuwait, 421

  Ball, George, 127, 129, 149, 160

  bank bailouts, 519

  banks, closing of, 20–21

  Barrett, Robert, 333, 345, 347–48

  Baruch, Bernard, 22, 24

  Baudouin, King of Belgium, 155

  Bay of Pigs invasion, 101–2, 126–44, 150, 277

  Guatemalan training for, 122–23, 127–28, 131, 160

  lack of air strikes in, 126, 131, 133, 139

  Becker, Benton, 306–7

  Becker, Jean, 493

  Begala, Paul, 415

  Begin, Menachim, 344, 346, 398

  Belgium, 17, 19, 21

  Bell, Steve, 347, 348, 350

  Bender, George, 43

  Bendix, 200

  Benjamin, Bud, 279

  Benson, Ezra Taft, 139, 140

  Bentsen, Lloyd, 376–77

  Berlin, 137, 144, 148

  Berlin Wall, 144

  Bernstein, Carl, 282, 283, 284

  Beschloss, Michael, 150

  Beyond Peace (Nixon), 429

  bin Laden, Osama, 468, 470

  Bissell, Richard, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 140

  Blair House, 266

  Blind Ambition (Dean), 255

  Bohemian Grove, 211

  Bolshoi Academy, 424

  Bosnia, 412, 421

  Boulder Dam, 21

  Bourne, Peter, 400

  Bowles, Chester, 133

  Boyce, Alice, 166

  Bradley, Omar, 61, 67, 80, 188, 523–24

  Brady, Nicholas, 382–83

  Branch, Taylor, 430, 444

  Brinkley, Douglas, 406–7, 408, 438, 439

  Brock, Bill, 332

  Broder, David, 269–70, 317

  Brookings Institution, 264, 273, 277

  Brooks, David, 515

  Brown, Michael, 497

  Brown, Pat, 188, 194, 199, 201, 202, 204, 206, 210

  Brown, Sam, 342

  Brownell, Herbert, 80, 95, 255

  Browner, Carol, 513

  Buchanan, James, 9

  Buchanan, Pat, 204, 217, 218, 226, 355, 385

  isolationism of, 392

  in 1992 election, 387, 392–93

  Buchen, Phil, 302–3, 305–6, 307–8

  budget, balancing of, 508

  Bui Diem, 230–31, 238, 243, 244

  Bundy, McGeorge, 116, 131, 141, 167, 171, 179

  on Bay of Pigs invasion, 126–27, 132, 141

  on Cuban Missile Crisis, 146

  JFK’s management style disparaged by, 146

  on stakes of Vietnam, 183

  on Vietnamese mistrust of U.S., 174

  at war council meeting, 176

  Bunker, Ellsworth, 236, 237, 240, 241–42, 243, 244

  Burdick v. United States, 309

  Burke, Arleigh, 132–33

  Burning Tree Club, 105

  Burns, Nicholas, 428

  Burrus, Rufus, 99

  Busby, Horace, 165

  Bush, Barbara, 266, 341, 367, 378, 382, 387, 421, 460, 496

  Bush, George H. W., 3, 7, 8, 13, 204, 318, 338, 402, 409, 411, 473, 490–91, 505, 506

  “America’s Role in the Emerging World” conference and, 391–92

  approval rating of, 383–84

  background of, 373, 457

  Chinese policy of, 382–83

  in Chowder and Marching Society, 261

  Clinton’s compliment toward, 460

  Clinton’s foreign affairs meeting with, 412

  Clinton’s friendship with, 1, 490–500

  as considered as Nixon’s running mate, 375–76

  doubts about Nixon of, 377–79

  doubts over Vietnam by, 185

  education initiatives of, 493

  at Ford’s funeral, 456

  Gorbachev’s meeting with, 382, 384

  Gulf War waged by, 285, 380, 384, 404–8, 480, 485

  G. W. Bush advised by, 379

  G. W. Bush compared to, 478

  G. W. Bush defended by, 485–88

  and G. W. Bush’s Republican Party official biography, 480

  as head of CIA, 381

  “How to Lose the Cold War” memo sent to, 388–90, 391

  Hurricane Katrina work of, 14, 497–99

  Iraqi assassination attempt on, 421–24

  Iraq War and, 482–85

  at NAFTA event, 426

  1964 Texas Senate run of, 375

  in 1970 Senate run, 376–77

  1980 election and, 328

  in 1988 election, 365–71

  in 1992 election, 285, 412, 491, 492

  Obama’s admiration for, 514–16

  Panama elections and, 11, 400–402

  Panama invasion of, 480, 484

  Points of Light initiative of, 464, 502, 515

  Russian aid package announced by, 393, 394

  Sadat’s funeral and, 340

  September 11 and, 481

  at September 11 memorial, 468

  Soviet policy of, 383–86

  in stay at Lafayette townhouse, 266, 516

  successes of, 479–80

  tax promise of, 12

  tsunami relief work of, 14, 492–94, 498

  vice presidential candidate chosen by, 366

  in visit to Kuwait, 421

  Bush, George W., 7, 473, 495, 505, 506

  arrest of, 476

  background of, 476–78

  Clinton’s mockery of, 463

  compassionate conservatism of, 479

  confidence of, 526–27

  Democrats’ criticism of, 495–96

  in desire to avenge G. H. W. Bush, 460–61, 475

  G. H. W. Bush compared to, 478

  G. H. W. Bush’s advice to, 379

  G. H. W. Bush’s defense of, 485–88

  Haiti relief work of, 499–500

  honeymoon period of, 465–66

  Hurricane Katrina and, 497

  Iraq War launched by, 13, 424, 470, 475, 482–85, 487, 500

  Lincoln admired by, 525

  lunch for club held by, 512

  memoirs of, 461

  predecessors appreciated by, 10–11

  relaxation in retirement of, 513–14

  Republican Party official biographical video of, 480

  September 11th attacks and, 468–71, 481, 487

  tax cuts by, 12–13

  tsunami aid organized by, 491

  in 2000 election, 460–63

  in 2004 election, 486

  Bush, Jeb, 460

  Bush, Laura, 470, 471, 477, 483, 486, 502–3
  Bush, Marvin, 477, 479

  Bush, Prescott, 375

  Bush, Robin, 477, 515

  Bush family compound, 2

  Bush School of Government and Public Service, 515

  “Business, Ballots and Bureaus” (speech), 195–96

  Butcher, Harry, 59

  Buzhardt, Fred, 304

  Byrnes, James, 188

  Cabinet Committee on Price Stability, 196

  Cagney, James, 198

  Califano, Joseph, 289

  California, in 1988 election, 368–71

  Cambodia, 236, 268, 271

  Camp David, 102, 114, 135, 138–39, 169, 299, 363, 398, 414, 483

  Camp David Accords, 344

  Canada, wheat production in, 29

  Canal Zone, 400

  Cannon, Lou, 206, 216, 319, 326, 330, 335

  Canoga Electronics, 200

  Canzeri, Joe, 339

  Card, Andy, 492–93

  Cargo, David, 210

  Carlucci, Frank, 362, 363

  Carson, Jay, 498

  Carter, Amy, 434

  Carter, Jimmy, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 326, 337–38, 354, 380, 409, 411, 494, 502, 511, 517

  abstemiousness of, 397

  charity work of, 398–99

  on Clinton’s sexual scandal, 450

  Clinton vs., 8, 432–49

  Ford’s eulogy delivered by, 351, 456

  Gulf War opposed by, 404–8

  Haiti trip of, 442–49

  Iranian hostage crisis and, 398, 419, 426

  Middle East peace brokered by, 398

  on mission for Obama, 3

  New York Times op-ed by, 453–54

  Nicaraguan elections overseen by, 400, 402–4

  in 1976 election, 323, 324, 327

  North Korean trip of, 12, 435–37, 517

  on Obama’s presidential education, 512

  Panama elections monitored by, 11, 400–402

  popularity of, 404

  post-presidential Syria trip of, 400

  as problem for Club, 12, 395–96

  Reagan’s criticism of, 399

  religion of, 337, 397, 409

  at Sadat’s funeral, 337, 339–51

  at September 11 memorial, 468

  South Korean trip of, 438–42

  technocratic approach of, 397–98

  Carter, Rosalynn, 327, 340, 341, 342–43, 348, 350, 403, 434, 448, 449

  Carter Center, 398, 402

  Carter Doctrine, 405

  Casey, Bill, 329, 332, 333

  Castro, Fidel, 122–23, 126, 127, 128, 129

  Cédras, Raoul, 427, 443–47, 448

  Century Plaza Hotel, 310

  Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 31

  Chamorro, Violeta, 403–4

  Champion, George, 375

  Cheney, Dick, 462, 467, 468, 481, 482

  Gulf War and, 407

  Chennault, Anna, 230–31, 238–39, 242, 244–45, 248, 263, 268, 281, 289

  Chennault, Claire, 230

  Chicago Daily News, 97

  Chicago Tribune, 64

  China, 34, 67, 69–70, 122, 224, 245, 356, 379, 381, 488

  economy of, 417

  fall to communists of, 66, 82

  Nixon’s opening of, 12, 271, 282, 288, 327, 339, 377

  Nixon’s post-presidential trips to, 316–17

  U.S. Vietnam policy and, 177

  Chowder and Marching Society, 261, 294, 295

  Christian, George, 285, 288–89

  Christopher, George, 201

  Christopher, Warren, 422, 434, 436, 439, 442

  Churchill, Winston, 1, 21, 32, 57–58, 95, 183, 251, 523–24

  CIA, 79, 80, 81, 114, 145, 242, 277, 318, 381, 422

  Bay of Pigs invasion and, 126, 127, 128, 129, 137, 138, 277

  creation of, 6

  Egypt given weapons by, 344

  Citizens Committee for Peace with Freedom in Viet Nam, 188

  civil rights, 165, 167, 279

  Civil Rights Bill, 167

  Civil War, U.S., 467, 522

  Clark, Ramsey, 248

  Clarke, Richard, 468

  Cleveland, Grover, 6

  Clifford, Clark, 46, 115, 117, 120, 121, 123, 177, 239

  on Dump Truman movement, 65

  JFK’s management style disparaged by, 8, 116

  LBJ warned on Vietnam by, 179, 228, 234, 245

  Vietnam opposed by, 278

  Clifton, Ted, 121

  Clinton, Bill, 1–3, 12, 338, 411–12, 490–91, 502, 505, 506

  achievements of presidency of, 508–9

  AmeriCorps program of, 464

  background of, 457

  books on presidents owned by, 525

  campaigning for candidates by, 519

  Carter’s Korean trips for, 12, 435–42

  Carter vs., 8, 432–49

  Cuban refugee problem of, 433

  deficit deal of, 522

  on difficulties of presidency, 518–19

  drive of, 513

  in election of 1992, 412, 491, 492

  and election of 2008, 507, 509–10

  end of administration of, 464–65

  and execution of mentally disabled man, 508

  Ford’s attempt to engineer censure of, 291, 454–55

  G. H. W. Bush’s foreign affairs meeting with, 412

  G. H. W. Bush’s friendship with, 1, 490–500

  G. W. Bush mocked by, 463

  Haiti policy of, 427, 442–49

  Haiti relief and, 14, 499–500

  Hurricane Katrina work of, 14, 497–99

  impeachment of, 418, 450, 500

  Iraq attacked by, 422–24

  1988 Democratic convention speech of, 464

  Nixon’s advice on China to, 420, 421

  Nixon’s advice on Russia to, 417–19, 421

  Nixon’s friendship with, 1, 7, 10

  Nixon’s funeral and, 429–31

  North Korean trip of, 11, 12, 517–18

  Obama compared to, 513

  Obama’s criticism of, 507–10, 516

  Obama’s relationship with, 2, 5

  Obama’s tax bill defended by, 521–22

  Reagan’s teaching of saluting to, 414–15

  religion of, 409

  Russian aid package announced by, 393–94

  at September 11 memorial, 468

  September 11th attacks and, 468–71

  sexual scandal of, 450, 451, 459, 463, 468–69

  Somalia policy of, 427

  Tea Party criticized by, 520

  transition team of, 433–34

  tsunami relief work of, 14, 492–94, 498

  and 2000 election, 460–62

  welfare reform of, 462

  Yeltsin admired by, 416–17

  Clinton, Chelsea, 418, 424, 434, 466, 495, 517

  Clinton, Hillary, 418, 421, 424, 428, 432, 434, 463, 493, 495, 517

  as Goldwater Girl, 424

  made secretary of state, 511–12

  in 2008 campaign, 510–11

  Clinton Foundation, 492, 511

  Clinton Global Initiative, 511

  Clinton library, 511

  Clymer, Adam, 329

  CNN, 12, 431, 438, 440, 441, 448, 518

  Coelho, Tony, 415

  Cold War, 33, 115, 140, 144, 358–59, 409, 508

  College Station, 515

  Collier’s, 73

  Colorado, 215

  Colson, Charles, 264, 275, 276, 278, 284–85, 287

  Columbia University, 62, 66

  Commission on Organization of the Executive Government (Hoover Commission), 6, 44–45

  communism, 82, 91

  “compassionate conservatism,” 479

  Conant, James, 188

  Congo, 142

  Connally, John, 280, 283, 322, 323, 377

  as considered by Nixon as vice president, 298

  “Democrats for Nixon” launched by, 280, 285

  1980 election and, 328

  Connelly, Matt, 85

  containment, 320
  Coolidge, Calvin, 5, 6, 398

  Council of Economic Advisors, 6, 333

  Cranston, Alan, 204

  crime, 367

  Crimea, 386

  crime bill, 508–9

  Croce, Jim, 302

  Cromwell, Oliver, 524

  Cronkite, Walter, 189, 334

  Crowley, Monica, 262, 387, 389, 393, 413, 418, 420–21

  Crusade in Europe (Eisenhower), 65, 99

  Cuba, 101–2, 122–23, 399

  U.S. quarantine of, 10

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 10, 145–51, 173, 238

  Cuomo, Mario, 366

  Cushing, Richard Cardinal, 115, 124

  Czechoslovakia, 35

  Daily Show, The, 519, 522

  Daley, Bill, 465

  Daley, Richard, 231

  Dallas Morning News, 179, 478

  Dalleck, Robert, 110, 147–48, 180, 231

  Danang, South Vietnam, 178

  Danforth, John, 481

  Daniel, Clifton, 158

  Davis, Loyal, 197

  Dayan, Moshe, 254

  D-Day, 124, 136, 158

  Dean, John, 255, 282, 287

  Deardourff, John, 329

  Death of a President, The (Manchester), 155

  Deaver, Mike, 332, 333, 345

  Deep Throat, 284

  Defense Department, U.S.:

  Bay of Pigs invasion and, 127

  budget of, 51

  unification of, 6, 62, 66, 119–20

  defense spending, 106–7

  DeFrank, Tom, 455–56

  de Gaulle, Charles, 155, 165, 254

  DeLay, Tom, 452

  DeLoach, Cartha “Deke,” 242, 248, 283, 287, 289

  Democratic National Committee, 282, 285

  Democratic Party, U.S., fund-raiser for, 268

  “Democrats for Nixon,” 280

  Deng Xiaoping, 327

  Dennison, Robert L., 156, 157

  détente, 313, 320, 362

  Detroit News, 300

  Dewey, Thomas, 46, 83, 255

  in 1948 election, 63, 64, 376

  Dirksen, Everett, 245, 246

  disarmament, 119

  Disney, Walt, 198

  Dobrynin, Anatoly, 360

  Dole, Bob, 323, 325, 366–67, 377, 438

  Donald, David Herbert, 9, 525

  Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 195

  Douglas, Paul, 187–88

  draft, 316

  Duberstein, Ken, 365–66, 367–68, 369

  Dukakis, Michael, 366, 367, 369

  Duke, Angier Biddle, 130

  Dulles, Allen, 119, 124–25, 128, 129, 130, 131

  Dulles, John Foster, 97–98, 251

  Dunsmore, Barrie, 343, 346, 347

  Dutton, Fred, 117, 131–32, 134

  East Germany, 144

  education, 181

  Egypt, 405, 407–8

  U.S. aid to, 344

  Ehrlichman, John, 265, 272, 287

  Einstein, Albert, 66

  Eisenhower, Arthur, 60

  Eisenhower, David, 88, 136, 139, 147, 251, 252, 459

  marriage of, 252–56

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 8, 10, 14, 101, 103, 211, 365, 470, 526

  background of, 60

  Bay of Pigs and, 122–23, 127, 130, 131, 136–40, 160, 172


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