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Dominating Their Virgin Sub

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “Do you need assistance getting prepared for bed?” He dropped to his haunches in front of her. Seeing this powerful man before her startled her. He wore a suit, the dark material expensive looking and tailored to fit his large frame. He certainly was beautiful and masculine in every sense of the word.

  “No, Sir.” They stared at each other for several long seconds and her heart pounded wildly. He nodded once and stood.

  “If you need anything just press the pound key and it’ll be directed to the staff. If you need either me or Nikolas specifically, our rooms are just beside yours.” He brushed his thumb along her temple and turned to leave. Maylene let herself fall back on the bed. She stared at the swirling pattern on the ceiling. It didn’t take long before her eyes grew heavy and she forced herself to slip out of her clothing and climb back in bed. It was as if everything in the past few hours settled within her, sucking every ounce of energy and strength from her. She closed her eyes and succumbed to sleep.


  Nikolas leaned against the doorframe and watched his sub sleep. The sheet was pooled low on her waist and the perfect mounds of her ass tempted him like nothing else. Shadows wrapped around the room in inky puddles but the light from the moon spilling through the French doors offered a glow that crept across her body. For the past five minutes he had done nothing but watch her––creepy perhaps, but he found the sight of her mesmerizing. He had laid in bed for hours, his cock hard as granite as he pictured all the wicked things he wanted to do to her. Griffin might want love from their little sub, but Nikolas wouldn’t let himself go there. Now, having her be his full-time submissive was a whole other matter. He might not want the idea of love clouding his mind, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t care for her like no other. Her being with them, giving herself over, solidified the bond between them. It was unavoidable, and although love didn’t factor into his plan, Nikolas did want a stronger connection for more than just one night. But that was all. He wanted the 24/7 D/s relationship. And Maylene would give him that, for that he couldn’t be denied.

  He would be her Master, and therefore care for her and provide her with whatever she may need, but that didn’t mean the complicated emotion of love had to be involved. Besides, he had seen the look on his twin’s face when he gazed upon Maylene. His brother would love her enough for both of them. It was better that way anyway. Nikolas wasn’t meant to love, not when Griffin could do that for both of them tenfold. He had accepted the fact he might never have the ability to feel, at least not that particular emotion, years ago. Wielding his cane gave him enough pleasure and satisfaction to last a lifetime.

  Hours had passed since she retired to her room for the night, and Nikolas knew he couldn’t wait for her any longer. Griffin might want to take his time with Maylene, form their relationship on a purely emotional level first, but Nikolas wanted to fuck her, to show her that her pleasure was his and vice versa. He stepped into the room and walked to the edge of the bed. The scent of vanilla filled his nose and he inhaled deeply. He could just imagine her in the bath, the warm water sliding over her naked curves, glistening off her like a lover’s caress. When she had joined them for dinner her skin had been kissed a pretty shade of pink. He would have liked to have washed her himself, personally stroke every inch of her flesh until it was sensitive and she pleaded with him for so much more. Maybe he should have waited to come to her, but for hours he had a raging hard-on, and with each passing moment he had grown more and more impatient to see her knelt before him, his marks covering her beautiful body.

  The slow and even rise and fall of her back was hypnotic. Her face was turned toward him in her slumber. Eyes closed and lips parted, she looked peaceful and fragile. He let his gaze linger on the dip of her spine as it ran the length of her back. The sheet stopped right before the crease of her ass, and the twin indentations on either side at the base of her spine increased his pulse. The generous swells of her ass were visible through the material. She shifted slightly and he held in his groan as the fabric tightened momentarily around her curves. He wanted to reach out and grab hold of her ass, squeeze the mounds and spread them apart so he could see what lie between the cheeks. His dick gave a mighty jerk and he ran his hand over the bulge. He couldn’t have her, right now. She was his in every sense of the word, but he wanted her to desire him as much as he did her. As if she could sense his presence even while she slept she blinked her eyes open. Despite the darkness he knew she could see him all the same by the way her eyes widened. Her gaze traveled down his nude chest to stop at his cock that pressed incessantly against his pants. The way she licked her lips, all slow and needy, sent a stab of lust through him. The fact that she slept in the nude shouldn’t have been a surprise, since he knew she was probably trained that way to please her husband. But still, it turned him on like nothing else.

  Slowly, because he knew she was aware what it did to him, she sat up. The sheet slipped further from her lush body. Her breasts came into view, and the full, perfect mounds had his mouth watering. The bluish glow from the moon sliced across her flesh. The way her nipples hardened under his gaze had his shaft jerking madly. She was so damn receptive, even if he wasn’t touching her. She had proven as much in the limo. He didn’t need to tell her what he wanted, not when she was trained to please him, and not when she could easily see what he wanted. For a moment he allowed her to look her fill before he took a step back. She knew what to do, and the arousal that came off of her in heated waves was staggering. Maylene slipped from the bed and knelt before him. He eyed his sweet, little submissive. She took on the display position. Her knees were shoulder-width apart, and gave him a delicious view of her bare pussy. Her lips spread apart and her clit protruded out like a swollen little pearl. He could even see the way her wetness glistened from her arousal and made a slow, sensual glide down her inner thigh. Her arms rested on her thighs, palms facing up. With her head cast down and her hair making a curtain around her face, she was a beautiful sight.

  Nikolas brushed the heavy fall off her shoulder and gripped it in his fist, bringing it to the back of her head. What he wouldn’t give to be in the dungeon right now, his cane in hand with Maylene restrained before him. He trailed his finger along her nape, feeling the tiny, invisible hairs greet his digit. “Look at me, pet.” She obeyed gloriously, and when her big eyes stared into his, he knew that he wouldn’t wait until Griffin was ready. He wouldn’t fuck her, not yet anyway. He would leave Griffin to take her virginity. No doubt his brother would be far gentler with the fairer sex. It had always been a proven fact.

  Keeping his hand in her hair, Nikolas pushed his pants down his legs. He didn’t bother with underwear, because he frankly didn’t see the point. His cock sprang free from its confines and he got a sick kind of pleasure as her eyes took in his size. He may be well endowed, but it was a curse as well as a gift, especially when some of the females claimed it wouldn’t fit. Oh, he would make it fit, and his pretty little wife would love every inch of it.

  Taking hold of the root of his cock, he made sure to keep eye contact with Maylene. The fact she didn’t need to be told what to do excited and disappointed him to an extent. Sometimes he liked giving orders, and when the sub disobeyed, his punishment was all the sweeter. She slipped her tongue out and ran it first around the crown of his shaft then followed the thick vein that ran the underside. A groan rose up in his throat but he gritted his teeth and watched her lips wrap around his length. The sight was an aphrodisiac all its own. Her lips were stretched wide around his length, an erotic sight that had him thrusting his hips forward slightly and pushing more of his dick into the hot cavern of her mouth. Up and down she moved, always keeping her hands on her thighs and her back straight. It wasn’t like he hadn’t had obedient, pleasing subs, but there was something about Maylene that set her apart from the others, and that was something that didn’t sit well with him on an emotional level.

  The wet, suckling sounds she made heightened his pleasure. He started moving his hips ba
ck and forth, pushing more of his cock into the gaping orifice that surrounded him. His orgasm steadily rose, but he didn’t want to end it just yet. She felt so good, looked so good, that he could have done this all night. Before he came in her mouth he pulled away and watched in rapt pleasure as she kept her position. She didn’t make eye contact when he lifted her to stand and moved her to the bed. Most likely she thought he was about to fuck her, and her acceptance was all the more alluring. He situated her on her hands and knees. Making sure her legs were spread wide, he took two handfuls of her ass and squeezed.

  “You will call me Master when we scene, unless I give you strict permission to do otherwise.” He spread her cheeks and looked at the slick cleft that greeted him. “Do you understand, sub?”

  He ran a finger through her labia and gathered her slickness. She gasped out, “Yes, Master.”

  “That’s a good, obedient sub.” The scent of her had his head spinning. He buried his face in her pussy and lapped at the juice that spilled from her. Sweet muskiness filled his mouth and he grunted for more. “I’m going to have you tied in our dungeon, your pretty, plump ass bearing my marks.” He flattened his tongue and ran it up her center. Circling her clit with his tongue had her writhing and pressing her pussy further into his mouth. “You’ll feel the sting of my cane, and when you do you’ll beg me for more.” A gush of moisture left her at his words. “I’ll demand you come for me, and you will, because you won’t be able to control yourself.” Her whole body shook under his ministrations and he knew she was close. With his hand on the center of her back, Nikolas pressed her upper body flat on the bed. Pulling slightly back to look at her arched back and lifted ass, he marveled at the sight before him. He used his hands to spread her cheeks, saw the perfectly formed hole in the center of her bottom, and knew he would claim that very, very soon. He went back to devouring her, loving that she grew wetter beneath his tongue. With her arms stretched forward and clasped together, she was an offering meant just for him. Having her come on his tongue was of utmost importance at that moment.

  Eating her with a ferocity that startled even him, Nikolas felt her open for him like a flower. He used his tongue to rub her clit back and forth and the little nub swelled even further. “Come for me, sub.” A gasp left her, and then she was doing exactly like he demanded of her. Her orgasm was sweeter than anything he had ever tasted, and at that moment he vowed to give her so many she wouldn’t be able to walk straight. When her climax ended he gently laid her on her back and stared at her body. Her eyes were wide and she stared at the ceiling. She breathed heavily, causing her chest to rise and fall rapidly. Breasts thrust up and nipples swollen, she dipped forward as he sucked one in his mouth. The heavy panting above him told him his little virgin bride wanted more, but he wouldn’t give her another release tonight. He pulled back and looked his fill at her. Her legs were spread wide, her thighs open and inviting. Nikolas trained his gaze on her pussy. Outer lips parted and showed the softer ones inside. It was a sight that had him near to bursting. He took his dick in hand and started stroking himself. Slick pre-cum beaded at the tip and he used it as lubricant as he moved his palm up and down his length in lazy motions. “Touch yourself. Rub your clit.” She slipped her hand between her thighs and rubbed her hard little bud back and forth. “You are not to come. When you’re close you’ll stop then restart again.” He wanted to watch her pleasure then deny it to her, over and over again. She stopped three times before little whimpers escaped her. A light sheen of sweat covered her body and his orgasm moved quicker to the surface. Pumping his hand up and down his length, he used his seed to make the motions slick.

  “Master…Please allow me to find release again.” Her plea was music to his ears, but he didn’t respond, not when he couldn’t take his eyes off her now slick fingers rubbing rapidly against her clit.

  His muscles tightened and he worked himself faster. He could have easily had her suck him to completion, or have her hand doing this job, but the visual of her touching herself was an aphrodisiac all on its own. “Let go, sub.” As if she had been waiting for those three little words she arched her back, tilted her head back, and cried out her orgasm. Her legs shook and her hips moved against her hand, as if she couldn’t get enough. His balls tightened as his orgasm rushed through the heavy weight, through his length, and sprayed over her bared cunt. He coated the delicate folds of her slit with his seed until the white thickness of it slid down the crease of her ass and dripped to the mattress. She sagged and her hand fell beside her.

  “Thank you, Master.” The words were nothing more than a breathy whisper, but he found himself smiling all the same. When was the last time he had actually smiled? Nikolas shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts. She rose up and took hold of the root of his cock. She leaned forward and ran her tongue along the bulbous head. He watched in rising pleasure as she licked him clean. She lapped up every drop of his cum and had him growing hard once more. If he didn’t stop now there would be no guarantees he wouldn’t claim her tonight. When she was finished cleaning him off he gently laid her back on the bed. A contented sigh left her. Using his forefinger to spread his seed along her pussy, he watched her reaction. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted. He pushed his cum inside of her, feeling a sense of possessiveness wash through him. Having a small part of him in her body for right now would have to do, but he was going to claim this sub, mark her and show her what it meant to call him Master.

  Chapter Four

  Griffin stared at Nikolas from across the table. There was a smug smile on his brother’s face as he stared at Maylene. She ate in silence but her attention was on the gardens in front of them. The blush on her face didn’t go unnoticed by him, and the realization that his twin sampled her last night wreaked havoc within him.

  “Princess?” She looked up at him and the small smile she graced him with would have sent him stumbling back if he hadn’t been sitting. It was just a small tilt of her lips, but the force of it wrapped around him like a second skin. “Would you like one of the servants to show you the butterfly pavilion?” The way her eyes lit up was response enough. He couldn’t help but smile in return and motioned for Mary, one of the older cooks, to come forward. He would have shown Maylene the butterflies himself, and loved spending the time with her, but he needed to have some words with Nikolas.

  He watched Mary lead his wife toward the large glass building that sat on the edge of the property. When she was no longer in his sight he turned toward Nikolas, who was already staring at him.

  “What?” Nik said and leaned back in his seat. He brought his coffee mug to his lips and took a long drink. The satisfaction on his brother’s face had Griffin clenching his hands into fists on top of the table.

  “I thought we agreed that we wouldn’t rush her right away, that we would get to know her so she is comfortable with us?”

  One of Nik’s blond eyebrows rose. “I never agreed to that. You are the one that wants to take your time, but fear not brother, I didn’t fuck our pretty little sub.” It wasn’t that Griffin didn’t trust Nik, because he did, with his life and any one he held dear to his heart. What Griffin worried about was the ferocity and passion that lay within Nikolas. He never abused their subs, but he did push their limits, far harder than Griffin would have. His brother may be a sadistic Dom, but he was also considerate in the aftercare of their submissives. The difference with this situation was they had never had a virgin before, and Maylene needed a gentle hand, in the beginning at least.

  Nikolas continued to stare at Griffin then smiled. “Listen, I want her, badly, but I know taking her virginity isn’t something that I can do. For one thing, I couldn’t give her ‘gentle and sweet’ like I know you can.”

  Griffin looked out toward the pavilion but of course couldn’t see her. It had taken a lot of self-control not to go to her room last night. Apparently his brother had not felt the same, and didn’t bother stopping himself from finding his release with Maylene. When he looked back at Nik
olas he saw his twin staring off at the pavilion as well. The emotions that played across his face were clear, and Griffin felt hope that Nikolas would come to realize Maylene was far more than just a sub, no matter what he claimed. The fact Nik tried so hard to prove otherwise told Griffin his brother wasn’t as determined to remain distant from Maylene as he was leading on. The only question was how long his twin would fight his feelings for her.


  Maylene followed Mary into the pavilion. When she stepped through the door, the first thing she noticed was the humidity and the scent of earth. It was an overpowering scent and sensation, one that she wasn’t accustomed to, but all of that faded when she looked at her surroundings. Flowers of every color and size filled the large glass building.

  Butterflies fluttered around, landing on the buds and some even coming close enough to her that she could see the unique patterns on their wings.

  “How beautiful.” She lifted her hand and marveled when a blue and purple one landed on her outstretched fingers. The tiny, delicate wings flapped a few times before the butterfly took off. Maylene followed its path as it landed on a rosebud.

  “Yes, the Masters of the estate take a lot of time keeping up the garden.” Maylene turned and looked at the elderly woman. She knew there was surprise on her face.

  “Griffin and Nikolas keep this up?” Maylene said and looked around the vast space again.

  “That they do. They spend many hours a week in here.” Mary walked around and inspected the flowers. It was clear the older woman must have had some knowledge about the flora by the way she critically inspected the petals and soil.


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