Book Read Free

Book of Dreams

Page 11

by Traci Harding

  It was very awkward trying to lift up the book at his side to read and not disturb the much needed warmth of the blanket around him, so Kyle merely placed his hand on Book and closed his eyes to visualise the vanished text returned to the page.

  The cover of the book began wriggling under his fingers, and the wee occupants emerged into Kyle’s world and scattered all over the bed. A couple of the creatures took an interest in Zoe, admiring her face at close range. The ugly beast that was their chieftain had taken a stand on top of the book and, pointing his spear at Kyle, said in a husky, deep voice: ‘Your destiny is being assigned to someone more capable. We must take back the book … the matter is out of our hands.’

  As the creatures converged on his treasure, Kyle shook the little beasts off. They squawked, growled and chattered in objection. ‘It’s a bit rude to give away my destiny when I’m not yet dead, don’t you think?’

  You should be deceased and reality is still catching up with the unexpected change in events.

  Kyle heard Book’s response in his mind. ‘Should be’s don’t count,’ he argued.

  ‘It is the perfect description of you though: “should be”. He who should be and never is.’

  Kyle recognised the voice, and looked around the room in search of Crystaleyes.

  From the dirt in a large pot plant, the strange green creature burrowed his way out. He shook off the soil and floated up into clear view. ‘We abandoned you last night because we were obliged to do so.’

  ‘Obliged by whom?’ Kyle inquired with great interest.

  The water in the fish tank against the far wall of the room began to bubble and the undine, Blue, rose to stand on the surface. ‘By the laws of creation and a great governing Spirit, whose name I will not utter in your presence for fear of attracting his attention to the fact that you are still alive.’

  Crystaleyes nodded to second Blue’s reasoning, as he obviously shared his concern.

  ‘Well, I don’t see the point in being alive if my destiny has been reassigned. You all either support me or you don’t,’ Kyle stressed. ‘Can’t I lodge an appeal or something with this governing Spirit?’

  ‘We are taking care of that,’ Crystaleyes whispered in a harsh tone, deeply offended, ‘even though you are nowhere near ready to address him … all great spirits reside in planes far from your present reach.’ The small green creature floated down beside Kyle to fix his colourful, hypnotic eyes upon those of his charge. ‘We,’ Crystaleyes motioned to Blue, ‘have put ourselves at risk. We could end up demoted to being servants of vegetable kingdom consciousness … the great architects of creation don’t appreciate it when we mere worker beings take physical world matters into our own hands. If we get caught supporting you before we can activate your full potential for planetary service, well … need I say it would mean de-evolution for us all, and not all of your elemental guardians believe you are worth that risk. They are only sustaining you for long enough to observe you in person and to decide what your fate will be. In order to win their full support, you’re going to have to start proving your worth … in that you can dedicate yourself to a task and see it to completion.’

  ‘I won’t be disturbed this time. Zoe will see to that,’ Kyle promised, comprehending the severity of their situation and honoured by their faith in him. ‘I am very grateful for your aid and I am entirely at your disposal.’

  Crystaleyes nodded. ‘How right you are. Bring him out.’ The being raised his arms into the air, and set Kyle’s world into a spin.



  When his exterior perception stabilised, Kyle was standing before a huge white castle. Bursts of iridescent colour passed through the walls of the round structure.

  In the gardens, dynamic flowers grew, like tiny firecrackers in constant motion, blooming and changing colour in a never-ending stream of combinations. Soft mists constantly billowed out and fell from the fountains and waterfalls, their hues changing in periodic bursts. The sky and sun above were a vibrant shade of mauve, in stunning contrast to the iridescent white of the mammoth fortress and the white mist that cloaked the ground between the flowerbeds and the billowing colour-filled garden features.

  Turning in circles to admire the breathtaking gardens, Kyle was thrilled to spy Kyron nearby. The beast was snuggling into the soft mist that covered the ground and seemed to be in a state of complete bliss. ‘Ron!’

  The huge creature ceased trying to scratch its back against the ground and flipped quickly onto its hands and knees. ‘Kyle!’ It scrambled along on all fours eager to greet its charge, but then stood up to take Kyle in hand and toss him in the air. ‘They told me they’d bring you back to me … and here you are, safe and sound.’ He cuddled Kyle to his big furry chest.

  ‘Thanks, buddy.’ Kyle pushed himself away from the animal to avoid getting fur in his mouth. ‘How did you manage to persuade them?’

  ‘I howled in a few favours.’ Kyron took the hint and put Kyle down. ‘If you die, so does my means to make amends with your world.’

  Kyle was intrigued. ‘Amends?’ he queried. The huge creature was so sweet and timid in nature Kyle couldn’t imagine what he could possibly have done to atone for. ‘Are you talking about overcoming your shyness of the physical world?’

  ‘I was not always the placid being I am today,’ Kyron confessed with a guilt-ridden expression. ‘When pushed, I abused the strength given me by the Great Spirit, and so it was taken from me and will remain absent from my character for as long as the rift I created in your world remains unhealed.’

  ‘What did you do?’ Kyle had to ask, although Kyron appeared to be wary of the topic.

  Now is not the time, Kyron, Book interrupted, and the creature bowed, quietly relieved by Book’s intervention. I have brought you forth to the mental realm, Kyle. We have exercised and cleansed your emotional body to some degree. Here is where your mental body can be whipped into shape.

  ‘A bit of a brainwash, hey?’ Kyle figured his mind probably had a few cobwebs that needed removing. ‘I’m up for it.’

  The castle behind you is of the air.

  Kyle and Kyron turned to face the glittering, white construction.

  Inside you will find Adreana, who is the very breath you breathe. For obvious reasons, to hold her favour is all-important. Wipe all negative thoughts from your mind, or you will surely offend. If she finds you worthy, then you have only one more element to persuade to your cause in order to gain an audience with the Great Spirit.

  ‘Yes … Fire.’ Kyle sounded daunted at the prospect of meeting this last elemental. Meanwhile, he approached the air elemental’s castle, which had neither gates nor door, and certainly no knocker or doorbell. The sparkling substance of the walls appeared as solid as cement and as he stood before the stronghold wondering how he would gain entry, Kyle’s shivering became more obvious. ‘Is that why I still feel so cold … because my fire element is not disposed towards me?’ Book gave no comment. ‘Well, are you going to tell me how I get into this fortress?’

  Does your mind not know the meaning of the word ‘exercise’?

  Kyron, seeing Kyle’s dilemma, strode towards the large wall, his hands held out in front of him. ‘I shall get it open for you.’ The huge beast charged towards the wall and disappeared into it.

  ‘Kyron?’ Kyle hugged Book to his chest, seeking extra warmth for his freezing form, but the book failed to assuage his need.

  A moment later Kyron stuck his head through the wall. ‘There’s nothing to it, come through.’ The creature disappeared behind the wall once more.

  Kyle ventured to stick a hand into the solid-looking substance; it felt slightly denser than the air itself. ‘Here goes.’ He walked on through, momentarily blinded by the illusion of the structure’s substance.

  Beyond was a room of cathedral-like appearance and proportions. Wispy curtains hung down the walls in shades of purple, mauve, lavender and lilac. The fabric lent a dramatic atmosphere as it fluttere
d in the breeze: there were no windows in the walls, hence no breeze to blow the sheer drapes. There was no furniture to speak of, but huge columns were set in a circle to support the ceiling and the transparent dome in the centre of it. These were no ordinary columns as they were not solid, but were composed of a cloud-like substance that moved in a slow tornado-like motion as they stood in place. Beautiful music wafted through the dwelling: no voices or instruments, only melodious tones that seemed to stem from everything and from every direction.

  On a round, stepped platform in the middle of the room, Kyle spied Zoe’s subtle form in the company of an astoundingly beautiful spirit.

  The spirit was unlike any human female that Kyle had ever seen, for her features were elf-like. This entity was Adreana, Kyle assumed. Her long hair was streaked with brilliant blue and violet, and her skin was a pale shade of mauve. All the colours of her environment — purples, pinks, blues and silver — were reflected in her flowing, glittering attire.

  The two women were lying opposite each other on lush lounges of deep purple velvet, sipping drinks from silver goblets as they quietly conversed. Upon sighting Kyle, Zoe sprang to her feet, delighted to see him.

  ‘Here you are! We’ve been waiting for you.’ Her goblet vanished as she rushed down the stairs to greet him.

  ‘Have you?’ Kyle was uneasy at being the topic of girl-talk.

  Zoe’s mental being was positively glowing with an ultraviolet light; Adreana and her palace emitted the same radiant colour. Glancing down upon himself, Kyle realised he was still illumed in the blue glow of the astral world.

  ‘Is my violet body at the cleaners?’ he queried Zoe, who shook her head ahead of hugging him.

  ‘It would be truer to say that your mental body needs to go to the cleaners.’

  The majestic female spirit began to rise into the air. As Adreana rose, her image began to expand and fill the huge space inside the room. Her unusually large, round eyes of deepest violet became the focus of attention when light appeared to radiate from them.

  Kyron backed away, overawed by the power of her manifestation. Kyle wanted to, but overcame his fear to hold his ground. Upon seeing this, Kyron followed the example of his charge, stopping still and standing tall.

  In a voice as soft and sweet as a gentle breeze, Adreana spoke: ‘The rainbow serpent has arisen in you.’

  How perplexing Kyle found this statement must have shown in his expression for Zoe offered him understanding.

  ‘In ancient Sanskrit the Kundalini was also known as the rainbow serpent … the invisible, coiled life force conductor that begins at the base of your spine and fuels your subtle bodies.’ Zoe moved around in front of Kyle to will the exposure of the whirling flower-like centres of her own subtle bodies. ‘The serpent is fed by these centres, known as the chakras.’

  Kyle was astounded to view a rainbow array of spinning light centres in her body which were fairly evenly spaced from the base of her spine to the tip of her head.

  ‘As you evolve physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, higher chakra are activated,’ Zoe continued. ‘And from the primeval instincts of your root chakra,’ Zoe motioned to the spinning red centre that was the lowest of the seven and located in line with her coccyx, ‘your consciousness rises through the creativity of your spleen,’ she raised her hands to motion to each centre accordingly, ‘the gut instinct of your solar plexus, the unconditional love of your heart, the communication of your throat, the divine sight of your third eye and, eventually, to your crown chakra. As your centre of conscious function rises, so too does the coiled Kundalini rise. When the Kundalini reaches the crown chakra, it unites with the silver cord that allows the spirit to evolve to a higher plane of awareness, whereby physical world incarnation is no longer necessary.’

  ‘The rainbow serpent is a spirit of the water, rain and floods, for without these the earth would become parched and life would cease to exist …’ Adreana took over the lesson. ‘So too would life cease to be if the soul was starved of vital life force. Blue’s emotional trials allowed your consciousness to punch a hole through the lifelong blockage in your heart centre, young warrior. However, the serpent has now hit a block in your throat, and communication is my department. Will you be of violet hue when you leave my presence and a step closer to reclaiming your destiny? We shall see.’ There was a friendly challenge in her tone, and Adreana smiled. ‘Zoe, Kyron, please leave us now.’

  Zoe gave Kyle a smile of reassurance as she took Kyron by the hand.

  ‘Kyle?’ The creature double-checked with his charge.

  ‘It’s okay, buddy, I’ll be fine,’ said Kyle most unconvincingly, as he was not game to argue with the majestic presence.

  Reassured, and seemingly oblivious to Kyle’s apprehension, Kyron was perfectly happy to escort Zoe out through the wall and into the garden.

  The giant manifestation turned her attention to Kyle and frowned as she studied him. ‘So you are the one who is causing so much concern?’

  Kyle bowed his head slightly as the entity circled him, aware that she was scrutinising his every movement and possibly his every thought. Stay positive, Kyle warned himself, deciding to remain silent and hopefully out of trouble.

  Upon completing her circuit, Adreana became stationary. ‘Do you realise the very awkward position you have put us in? It is not at all wise to contradict creation. It was only due to Kyron’s plight that I considered sustaining you long enough for this audience.’

  ‘We are sincerely grateful.’ Kyle had begun to bounce up and down, rubbing the tops of his arms in an attempt to dispel his shivers.

  ‘The reason you feel so cold is that your fire elemental is still undecided about sustaining you.’

  ‘I figured.’ Kyle was rather disturbed at such confirmation of his plight, and decided the best way to be rid of the cold was to get on with this quest. ‘So, what does my air elemental have to speak with Zoe about?’

  Adreana smiled, seeming pleased that he’d raised the subject.

  Kyle, you’d better know your mind in this affair … see the truth by heeding your instinct.

  ‘Yes, thank you, Book.’ Adreana was most displeased, having overlooked dismissing Book with the others.

  Zoe unexpectedly emerged through the wall to join them, looking at Adreana as if the entity had requested her presence.

  ‘I regret I must bid you to leave us also, Book.’ Adreana’s glare of disapproval disappeared immediately and she motioned to Zoe to come forward and take possession of the item in Kyle’s hands.

  Adreana placed her hands on her hips, but smiled amiably as Zoe carried Book back through the wall, then turned her sights on Kyle to answer his query. ‘I had to consult with Zoe on this issue … after all her future did lie alongside yours —’

  ‘What do you mean, did?’ Kyle objected.

  ‘Well, unofficially you’re dead, my sweet,’ she explained rationally, although there was the hint of a tease in her manner. ‘And in light of what’s happened …’

  Kyle observed Adreana cautiously as she floated around him, pondering how she could reassign his future.

  ‘I suppose Zoe’s future could just as easily lie with Matthew … Zoe is quite fond of him, as you know.’

  Kyle placed his hands on his hips, irked by the suggestion. ‘Did Zoe tell you that?’

  ‘Perhaps.’ Adreana playfully avoided answering him. ‘What do you think?’

  All his better instincts knew that this was a test, and as he didn’t wish to fail it, Kyle decided not to say anything before first carefully considering his response.

  Adreana, therefore, took the opportunity to expand her theory. ‘After all, why shouldn’t Zoe like Matthew? He is a sweet boy, who would surely take good care of her. A girl could depend on him and trust him to do the right thing by her no matter what circumstances might arise. And Matthew did, if you remember, find her first.’ Adreana paused to study Kyle, who had slowly begun to pace, assembling a response in his mind. This made
Adreana briefly smile, but she hid the reaction as Kyle looked at her to see if she was quite finished. ‘I also recall that the means by which you won Zoe’s affection was not entirely sportsmanlike. You knew how Matt felt about her. Why shouldn’t he get the girl? It would seem perfect karma to me.’

  Kyle ceased his pacing, suddenly understanding Book’s warning. ‘What I really feel about this situation is not what you would have me believe.’ Kyle looked at Adreana, wising up to her game and very confident of his own mind.

  ‘Really?’ Adreana smiled at his apparent certainty. ‘Then, young warrior, pray express yourself.’

  ‘We’re not just talking about some girl I romanced out from under my best friend.’ Kyle decided to speak frankly, hoping he would not offend. ‘And it’s not that Zoe’s rich, beautiful, intelligent and caring. What I find most alluring about Zoe is that she’s the only person who has ever truly believed in the real me. Our attraction is due to our otherworldly interests. We connect on a higher level.’ Kyle had to smile, realising that Zoe’s discussion with Adreana before his arrival was evidence of this. ‘The true dispute underlying my current situation is that I broke my word to Book, and to you all, to go and prevent my best friend from being shot. And if you think Matt would have done any different in my place, then you underestimate our friendship. If I’ve mucked up some higher schedule, I am sincerely sorry, but I wasn’t prepared to sacrifice my best and only friend just to keep bettering myself.’ Kyle found it difficult not to sound frustrated by the coldness he couldn’t dispel.

  Adreana chuckled, amused. ‘Is that what you think this little adventure is all about, bettering yourself? There is so much more at stake than just you.’ However, satisfied with his answer, the air spirit assumed a normal size and floated down to Kyle, coming to rest a short distance away.

  Kyle hoped he had her favour as he launched into his final appeal. ‘I realise I have forced you all to make a difficult compromise, but I have a mystery to sort out downstairs. The most exciting thing that’s ever happened in my life is going on right now, and I’m missing it. My best friend will probably get his head shot off if I’m not around to prevent it, and I’ve finally got a really amazing woman interested in me and my weird pastimes!’


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