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Book of Dreams

Page 21

by Traci Harding

  Kyle was chosen because the Great Spirit owed him the opportunity to reclaim his identity, Arika explained to assauge her great-granddaughter’s anger.

  Although Matt saw her speak, her words seemed to bypass his ears to register inside his mind.

  You’ve always had family support in your endeavours, Kimba, and your life has always been within your control … the same cannot be said of your cousin. And if you think you have suffered for your cause, know that Kyle has suffered infinitely more, because of his unusual talents.

  ‘Now I understand why all Kyle’s foster parents thought he was mentally unstable,’ Matt gasped as he realised the truth about Kyle’s past. ‘It wasn’t just his temper that he was being medicated and locked up for.’

  ‘He was committed?’ Kimba nearly choked on the information.

  ‘Several times,’ Matt told her, sadly. ‘But Kyle would not appreciate you knowing it, or about the many times he copped a beating for rebelling against his circumstances.’

  The truth hurt, for underneath her jealousy Kimba was becoming fond of Kyle.

  You all have a special role to play in the preservation of this place … and you must support each other if we are to stand any chance of succeeding.

  Kimba nodded in understanding, too ashamed of herself to speak, but she also knew that her great-grandmother did not need an explanation, for she always knew one’s mind and heart.

  The ghostly woman broke into her native language to speak with her great-granddaughter and whatever she said caused the very sombre Kimba to giggle.

  I predict great things for you film maker … although at present I fear you are just ruining your film stock, Arika informed Matthew, who with an embarrassed smile, switched off his camera. Your service to my people has been at great personal expense and this has not gone unnoticed … the Great Spirit is keeping track of all.

  Arika’s smile filled Matt with wonder. It finally dawned on him that he was speaking with some kind of supernatural being, and she had predicted great things for him! When Arika disappeared into the wall of trees, Matt’s theory was looking even stronger. ‘What just happened?’ He wanted to get Kimba’s slant on things.

  ‘I got a well-deserved kick up the arse.’ Kimba gave a happy sigh, as she felt lightened of a great load.

  ‘What are family for?’ Matt commented. ‘So, what did Arika say just now to make you laugh?’

  Kimba grinned. ‘She said that … you were flirting with me.’

  Matt was amused and speechless a second. ‘Well, I guess I can’t deny it then.’ He smiled at Kimba and she smiled back. ‘Although it would probably be much simpler if I did deny it.’

  ‘Probably,’ Kimba agreed, some of the joy slipping from her expression. ‘Well,’ she ended the closeness of the moment with a clap of her hands, ‘I guess we’re all done here.’ She turned and headed for the car.

  ‘Looks that way.’ Matt followed, sensing that he’d somehow blown the moment — but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing? After all, he really liked Kimba and Felix, and he didn’t want to create any bad karma between them. ‘Do you think the Great Spirit could send me a girlfriend who is not attached to one of my best friends?’ he mumbled as he traipsed after Kimba.

  Late afternoon came upon the couple far too quickly.

  ‘I suppose we should think about getting dressed and heading back,’ Zoe mumbled from her position curled up alongside Kyle. She was half wrapped in the picnic blanket they were lying on, whereas Kyle was perfectly happy to be butt-naked in the afternoon sun. Unlike most men, Kyle looked better naked than he did dressed — in Zoe’s opinion. She would have been quite happy to remain, running her fingers over the washboard muscles on his stomach, for some time yet. ‘Oh,’ she complained when Kyle rose and pulled his jeans on.

  ‘We can’t go yet,’ Kyle informed her with a cheeky grin. ‘I have a birthday surprise for you.’

  Zoe was immediately delighted. ‘But it’s not my birthday yet.’

  ‘I thought I’d get in early, before the shit hits the fan.’ He winked. ‘Get dressed. We’re going swimming.’

  ‘Why get dressed to go swimming?’ Zoe wondered.

  ‘Well, we need Kyron’s assistance,’ Kyle advised, ‘but if you feel comfortable —’

  ‘Right you are.’ Zoe complied in haste. ‘Is it safe to go swimming with the bunyip and all?’ She felt silly asking the question as she had not seen the creature; yet, if a yowie could exist, why not a bunyip?’

  ‘A bunyip fears nothing, except a yowie.’ Kyle smiled as Kyron manifested beside him, in full physical form.

  ‘Oh, my God!’ Zoe pulled her shorts on to complete her outfit, and congratulated the beast. ‘You got your powers back! That’s wonderful!’

  Kyron nodded, pleased with himself. ‘Yes, the Great One was most impressed with my work.’ He looked at Kyle.

  The creature’s smile was rather odd; it looked more like a sneer because it exposed his large teeth.

  ‘And through me, Kyle may draw upon my talents too,’ he added, excited about telling them.

  ‘What!’ Kyle and Zoe exclaimed at once.

  All weapons are now redundant to me. ‘That’s why I gave the boomerang back.’ Kyle found he already knew Kyron wasn’t kidding.

  ‘And that is why I wanted you both to come here today,’ he explained, ‘so I could instruct Kyle on his new capabilities. And as chance would have it, the perfect opportunity to test your new skills shall be supplied before sundown.’

  ‘Really?’ Kyle looked about him.

  ‘Don’t you remember?’ Kyron prompted.

  ‘Yes … well, no.’ Kyle was perplexed by the question. ‘I know there was something important, but …’

  Eyes wide open, Kyle found himself staring into the sacred fire from the night before and then, whoosh, he was back at the picnic site. It was later in the day. A car drove up beside Zoe’s and out climbed —

  ‘Nivok’s bodyguard is on his way here now.’ Kyle’s attention came rushing back to the present. ‘He’s going to find our stuff,’ he panicked. ‘We should pack up and get out of here.’ Kyle’s first concern was for Zoe.

  ‘Leave it. Believe me,’ the yowie sounded very relaxed and placed a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, ‘it doesn’t matter what your enemy finds.’

  ‘Are we still going swimming?’ Zoe wondered.

  ‘Well, technically Kyle doesn’t have to go swimming. If he wills it I can extend him my skill to pass through matter.’

  ‘Whoa. Really?’ Kyle walked up to a big tree and slowly extended his hands towards the thick wooden base. They passed through it, as if Kyle was back in the subtle realms of existence. When his arms penetrated easily, he stepped right through the solid tree base at will, and as with the walls of Adreana’s fortress, he was momentarily blinded by the colour and texture of the substance through which he moved. When he tried to pass back again, however, Kyle rebounded from the forehead.

  ‘Just kidding,’ laughed Kyron, motioning for Kyle to move through the tree again — Kyle chose to walk around however. ‘He’s got no sense of humour,’ Kyron commented to Zoe, who was so gobsmacked that she didn’t know what to say. ‘The Great Spirit gave me the choice of supporting Kyle’s will or not supporting it, in case the human was tempted to abuse my attributes. But I’m afraid the Great Spirit will only allow me to extend my expertise to Kyle. You we shall have to take swimming,’ the beast concluded.

  ‘What else can Kyle do?’ Zoe finally found her voice.

  ‘Can I fly, like superman?’ Kyle tried a lift-off that failed dismally, much to Zoe and Kyron’s amusement.

  ‘All right. So I’m not Superman.’

  ‘Bah, Superman was a klutz compared to a rainbow warrior,’ Kyron scoffed.

  ‘You’ve watched Superman, Kyron?’ Zoe was surprised.

  ‘Kyle used to watch it all the time … and Spiderman and Mighty Mouse. You name the superhero and we’ve watched it.’ This last comment almost sounded like a complaint. ‘Y
ou don’t need to fly when you can will yourself from place to place.’ The creature raised its arms and shot upwards, where it grabbed a large branch and swung up to perch on it. Kyron waved, before vanishing and then yelling to them from the opposite side of the pool. He then disappeared and reappeared in their midst.

  Kyle was smiling very broadly and his heart was pounding ten to the dozen. He felt a foreign power surging through his being, a fearlessness that came from knowing he was connected to all things that were more powerful and knowledgeable than himself. He was not alone and never had been. How could he be alone when he was not a single entity, but one tiny fragment of an awesome intelligence that carefully orchestrated outcomes and new challenges based on the choices and actions of its smaller parts?

  ‘Well, come on then,’ Zoe prompted. ‘Let’s see it.’ She could see Kyle was dying to give it a whirl.

  There was no doubt or hesitation on Kyle’s part; he followed his guide’s actions, willing each step in turn. He looked up at the branch overhead and imagined himself rising swiftly to brace it; he perceived the arms of his astral body extend forth to grip the tree trunk and the next thing Kyle knew he had hold of the branch. He had done some gym work, so swinging up to perch upon the branch was not a problem. He looked to the opposite side of the pool and imagined himself standing there looking over at Zoe and Kyron. No sooner did Kyle espy his astral body standing on the far side of the pool, than his perception altered and he found himself standing in his desired destination. ‘Yahoo! I have always wanted to do that.’ Kyle envisioned himself back where he started, and there he was, as if he’d never left. ‘This is mad!’

  ‘You can also will things to you,’ Kyron added, to Kyle’s further elation.

  Kyle immediately turned and focused on the car keys lying on the ground, whereupon his auric arm extended and brought the keys into his possession. ‘Excellent!’ But then he had to wonder. ‘Why have I been extended this gift?’

  ‘So that you can protect the new custodian of this land,’ the creature replied.

  ‘But you already have these powers,’ Kyle reasoned.

  ‘Not me.’ Kyron bonked Kyle on the head. ‘Zoe … and her offspring.’

  ‘Oooooh!’ Kyle was enlightened and understood.

  Offspring! Zoe was a little alarmed by that suggestion, having just had unprotected sex, but she chose to ignore the implication. ‘But I intend to sell this land back to the people it was stolen from,’ Zoe pointed out.

  Kyron shrugged. ‘I’m just the messenger of the Great Spirit. I don’t pretend to know the divine agenda.’ The yowie looked at Kyle. ‘And there’s more for you to learn yet, like how to wield the glamour.’ Kyron made it sound a treat and both Kyle and Zoe took the bait.

  ‘The glamour?’ they echoed in unison.

  ‘Is that like spell casting?’ Zoe wondered.

  ‘Pretty much,’ Kyron said casually.

  ‘As in, like, a wizard!’ Kyle really took to the idea.

  ‘So that’s what happened this afternoon,’ Zoe teased Kyle, wrapping her arms about her new lover. ‘You enchanted me with your glamour.’

  ‘I didn’t, did I?’ Kyle was concerned about the possibility and looked to Kyron for an answer. The beast was shaking his head as if Kyle should know better, but Zoe placed a finger on Kyle’s chin and attracted his attention back her way.

  ‘I’ve been falling in love with you since you read me like a book in my uncle’s office that first day,’ she confessed. ‘Otherworldly glamour had nothing to do with it.’

  Kyron stood, tapping his foot, while the couple reassured one another with a kiss, and then another, and then another, and then Kyron cleared his throat very loudly. ‘Zoe’s birthday present!’ he prompted, and they both looked his way.

  ‘Oh, yes.’ Kyle got with the program.

  ‘So my present is underwater?’ Zoe asked.

  ‘Come on, I’ll show you,’ Kyle led her by the hand towards the waterfall. ‘Kyron will take care of the bunyip.’

  Zoe was pleased to turn and find Kyron following closely behind them.

  They stopped on the bank at a point that was close to the waterfall, but out of reach of the spray and turbulence. ‘Here is good.’ Kyle imagined that this was where his mother had fished his father from the water on the first day they’d met.

  Zoe noted bubbles rising in a section of the pool and gasped when the large, dark dog-like head rose out of the water. The head was supported on a long neck attached to a body that was about the size of a horse. The creature was staring straight at Zoe and licking its lips. ‘Kyle?’

  ‘It’s all right,’ Kyron advised, looking to the offending presence. ‘Thrunkkun! Iterra!’

  With a snarl the beast faded from the physical world.

  ‘I gave him the day off,’ Kyron explained. ‘Feel free to proceed. You are completely safe now.’

  ‘Excellent, I’m roasting.’ Kyle dived right in, taking Zoe with him.

  Kyle encouraged Zoe to follow him to the outer perimeter of the waterfall. ‘Actually, there’s something else I should do while we’re here. Won’t be a second.’

  Zoe grabbed Kyle to prevent him diving. ‘What are you doing?’

  Kyle fixed her with an odd look. ‘Checking Arika’s story.’

  ‘You’re going to look for bodies?’ Zoe was suddenly a little freaked by her predicament.

  ‘There’s probably nothing left after all this time, but there’s no harm in checking.’ Kyle dived before she could query his motives further.

  A short time later, Kyle surfaced with a few splinters of bone in his hand. ‘I dug these out of the mud at the bottom of the pool.’

  ‘Are they human?’ Zoe asked.

  Kyle nodded. ‘Pretty sure,’ he advised her, letting the splinters return to the bottom of the pool. ‘I found part of a skull, too, but I thought I’d spare you the gruesome details on your birthday. I have a far better gift. Take a deep breath and follow me.’

  Zoe nodded, game for the challenge, and took a lungful of air before going under to follow Kyle down below the fall of the water. There was an underground tunnel in the mountain that quickly led into another pool, where they surfaced into a naturally formed palace of gold.

  A rocky opening high on the cavern wall allowed some exterior light to penetrate. A fire burned on the cavern floor and supplied the bulk of the lighting; the smoke rose to escape out through the opening in the wall. Huge veins of gold ran through the cavern and great chunks of it lay on the floor, having fallen from the walls.

  ‘The tribal elders wanted you to see this place, so you would know that it remains untouched,’ Kyle explained as he climbed out of the water.

  ‘God, my uncle would have a fit if he even suspected that there was this much gold here.’ Zoe pulled herself up beside Kyle. ‘It’s so beautiful,’ she said quietly. ‘It’s almost a pity that no one else will ever get to see it.’ She reassured him that the wealth of the mountain made no difference to her decision to sell the land.

  ‘Aren’t you afraid the locals might be conning you?’ Kyle played the devil’s advocate. ‘Buy the land cheap and then sell out to mining companies anyway?’

  Zoe shrugged. ‘I’d like to think not, but even if they did, that won’t be my bad karma, it will be theirs, and they’ll have the Book of Dreams to deal with.’ She laughed. ‘And Kyron.’

  ‘Wow! I misjudged you so badly,’ he admitted. ‘I can’t believe you’d give away millions, just like that.’

  ‘Well, you’re giving it away too, you know.’ Zoe hugged him. ‘You’re going to marry me, don’t forget, so what’s mine is yours.’

  ‘In that case, we have more than enough. What’s five million!’

  ‘We’ve got company.’ Kyron entered through the wall of the cavern to alert them.

  ‘Ivan,’ Zoe guessed. ‘Is he alone?’

  ‘No,’ Kyle told her as his vision of the event returned and he saw three other men climb out of the car with him. ‘There are four of the
m, and they’re all armed.’

  ‘See,’ Kyron smiled, reassuringly. ‘A nice little challenge for you.’

  Kyle was smiling, but Zoe was not. ‘You can’t take on four armed men by yourself, even with the powers you have. You’re not experienced enough.’

  ‘Well, thanks for the vote of confidence,’ Kyle teased, and almost succeeded in making her feel bad.

  ‘I love you, and I don’t want —’

  ‘No need to stress.’ Kyle looked at his guardian. ‘But I do believe Kyron means to give me a crash course in glamour.’

  The yowie began to chuckle as it nodded its head to confirm Kyle’s statement.

  When Kyle materialised on the bonnet of the intruder’s car, not one of them noticed. Ivan Zevron was inspecting Zoe’s new computer, while the other three men had spread out to look for the missing picnickers in the little light that remained of the day.

  ‘Are you guys looking for me?’ Kyle bounced on the bonnet a few times.

  The four men came to form a half circle opposing him, their weapons drawn and fixed upon his person.

  ‘Yes, we are.’ Ivan grinned, considering the lad’s appearance was a rather stupid move.

  All weapons to me, Kyle decided. Every weapon his enemies possessed flew towards Kyle and stuck to his body as if he was one large magnet.

  ‘What the …?’ Ivan grabbed for his departing weaponry to no avail.

  Kyle chuckled at their perplexed expressions and at the extraordinary amount of hardware they carried. He counted about nine guns, plus ammunition, a few blades, and some sort of electric prodder. ‘Well, you guys have quite an armoury here. These will go very nicely with the rest of my collection.’ Kyle selected the most powerful looking gun, Ivan’s of course, to hold his attackers at bay with. ‘I’ve been waiting for you, Ivan.’ Kyle waved his hand in the direction of the three other men and they froze, entranced.


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