Dark Instinct

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Dark Instinct Page 15

by Jayne Blue

  Lyric had helped me get ready today. She’d become a fixture in my world as I spent my days off from school restoring The Castle to its former glory. She always knew how to get a chair re-upholstered or where to get a period doorknob. She also knew how to be sure my wedding dress was perfect.


  I turned to find my Maid of Honor, Harlow.

  “Thank you.”

  She came over and hugged me.

  “I don’t want to mess up your hair!” she said, and I laughed.

  “Nothing to mess up.” I had chosen loose waves to go with my simple dress.

  “Maddox is going to cry like a baby.”

  “Tough bikers,” I replied.

  Harlow and I were in this together in a lot of ways. She and her animal rescue mission, and me with my nursing degree. Maddox and Kade were the focus of our hearts but our jobs, our passions, were the focus of our place in the larger world. And both of us held our breath that our Dark Saints would maintain whatever peaceful balance existed for as long as they could.

  But today wasn’t a day for the worries that always lived in the souls of the Old Ladies of The Dark Saints.

  Today I was marrying Samuel Maddox, Junior.

  My Dad walked me down the aisle. We’d set up folding chairs decorated with Christmas wreaths. I loved everything we’d done here.

  Dad had been quiet, like always. Where Sarge was larger than life, my Dad was soft-spoken, and willing to go along with my Mom, or me, to keep us happy. I knew that part of me came from him.

  As we slowly walked from the house to the beach, and to my soon-to-be husband, I scanned the sight. The beach at The Castle rivaled anything you’d see in The Knot. It was so stunning. The Christmas lights we’d strung under a canopy we’d found – in the shed of all places! – made it look like a dream.

  I’d decided to go barefoot. I held onto my Dad’s arm with one hand and a bouquet of sunflowers in the other.

  I saw Sarge before I saw Maddox. He looked fifteen years younger than when I’d met him. He was trimmer now, and he’d left the scooter in the house. He was doing that more and more.

  Sarge looked at the sunflowers and something passed between us. He understood that Olivia was here with us. He smiled at me and wiped a tear from his eyes. The bikers were all softies. I understood that more every day.

  Then Maddox and I locked eyes. He was strong, tall, and still more handsome each time I saw him. I walked toward him without hesitation. I always had.

  My Dad placed my hand in Maddox’s hand. He steadied me on the loose sand.

  “You have a tux on,” I said, and he smiled at me. I’d left it up to him what he wanted to wear. The tux made him look like a movie star or something. How had I gotten so lucky?

  “You look like a fucking angel,” Maddox said, and the minister cleared his throat. The minister was another Dark Saint, Deacon. He’d been helping me too, to see that light and dark were part of the same coin.

  “Oh, sorry,” Maddox said. Harlow took my flowers and I put both my hands in Maddox’s.

  The ceremony began, and we pledged ourselves to each other in front of my friends and family, Maddox’s family, and The Dark Saints.

  And then the party began.

  Saints knew how to do that part better than anyone I’d ever known. I scanned the people partying, dancing, and eating. It was exactly as I’d hoped.

  Sarge appeared to be regaling my Mother with some story. And she was quietly listening, with wide eyes. She normally dominated every conversation.

  “So, President and founder? That’s something. Tracy, Tracy, did you know that?”

  “I did, Mom.”

  “But our history, is much longer than founding The Saints. Did you know that The Saints go back to the founding of Port Az?”

  “Do they?”

  Sarge chimed in with stories of Texas Rangers and outlaws.

  “Really?” my Mom replied, and then added, “To me, that is just another strong argument for getting this incredible home in the Texas Registry of Historic Places, and of course that’s the first step, then you do the National Registry.”

  Sarge listened, a little bemused. My Mom had a new mission, I feared. I drifted away from whatever plans were being hatched.

  And Maddox found me. We didn’t have a limo; we had his bike. And it was time to go. We would take one lovely week away. My exams were over and it would be the only week I’d have until school started back up again.

  We were going to spend a week together in Mexico.

  We said our goodbyes and snuck out. Maddox had his bike loaded up. I had packed light.

  We planned to stop outside of town so I could change from my dress to clothes that would be comfortable for several hours on Maddox’s bike.

  I held on tight as the lights of Port Az faded behind us. The traffic was minimal on a night where most people were enjoying friends and family.

  It was just the two of us.

  After less than an hour’s ride, Maddox stopped for me at a deserted rest area. It was time to be done with my vintage dress. I wondered if I could re-sell it. I reluctantly loosened my grip on Maddox as he stopped the bike. I took my helmet off and enjoyed the cooling air on my skin.

  We’d left the reception in full swing, and even though the planning had been fun, I needed a week of rest, with Maddox, alone together.

  I was eager to be in vacation mode.

  But instead of getting off and helping me, which was Maddox’s normal mode, my new husband slid me around to the front of the bike. His hands gathered the hem of my dress. He kissed me hard and I felt a heat rise immediately down to my toes.

  “We’re out in the open, Maddox!”

  He looked around.

  “The place is completely deserted. Plus, we’re married. I’m sure this is part of the vows Deacon gave us.”

  He moved me again and this time I helped. I was facing him, and straddling him. He kissed my neck and I felt his hands slide my skirt up dangerously high on my thighs.

  “This dress is making me crazy,” he said. I rarely wore dresses these days, not since Ted. Maybe I should more often.

  Maddox’s hands moved up and down my back, and I moved to get what I wanted from him.

  I thanked God there were no cars on the road and no tourists at the rest stop because my ability to stop myself evaporated as Maddox yanked hard on the little thong I’d been wearing. I was quite certain that it was in pieces now.

  Maddox pulled my skin into his mouth and I sank onto him. I rocked my hips as he lifted me and released me over and over.

  I cried out as a wave of pleasure put stars in my eyes. It was delicious and fast, and risky as hell for two old married people.

  “Yeah, baby, that’s the way,” Maddox said, and I felt his body shudder around me.

  He rested his head on my shoulder and we held tight to one another. Finally, a headlight on the highway broke the spell.

  “Merry Christmas, Tracy Maddox,” he whispered and leaned down to kiss the soft flesh between my breasts.

  “Merry Christmas, Samuel Maddox.”

  There may be trouble headed to The Dark Saints. Maddox warned me of that daily. I refused to live in fear or constant worry though. Most days I convinced Maddox to do the same.

  Whatever came our way, I’d be with Maddox. We’d already proven that we could weather death, violence, and even Sarge.

  I knew hiding away in The Castle would help no one. I wanted to open The Castle, our homes, our lives, to all the people who loved us.

  If there was darkness, we’d push it out, all of us, together.

  Maddox would be at my side and The Saints, all of them, would have our backs.

  The End

  Up Next from Jayne Blue

  Domino’s story is next. Find out what happens when this sexy as sin outlaw biker meets up with a world famous movie star.


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  Love you,

  Jayne Blue



  Other series By Jayne Blue

  Dark Saints MC Romance

  Great Wolves MC Romance

  Tortured Hero Law Enforcement Romance

  Uncaged MMA Romance

  Hold Trilogy MMA Romance

  Office Romance

  Torrid Trilogy

  A Taste of Dark Temptation

  You met Benz and Jen in Dark Instinct. Their love story is explosive! Did you read it?


  “Where are we going?” He didn’t answer me. We walked down an ally to another building.

  “My place.”

  He hadn’t asked. He just thought it would be okay. I may be playing the part of the librarian, but I was still me. I tried to stay meek and quiet and in distress. But I failed.

  “Hold on, you’re ready to throw three guys through a wall who want to buy me a beer, and yet you don’t even ask if I want to go to your place?”

  “Are you saying you want to hang out there and have those idiots continue to harass you? Is that what you’re into, librarian? ‘Cause be my guest. I don’t play games. I want to be alone with you for a while. What happens after that is your call.”

  He had that look again; like he could see right through me. He didn’t take bullshit. There was something palpable between us.

  He took a big step forward and we were face to face. I could end it right then. I could lie and get out of there. I could come up with an excuse.

  But I didn’t want to. I wanted him.

  It was wrong. The place. The man. The moment. Everything was wrong. But as Benz got closer with that one big step, I felt something inside me turn over.

  I wanted him. I wanted his unruly beard against my cheek. I wanted him to put his arms around me and pull me to him. God help me, I wanted him to kiss me as rough and wild as he had the other day.

  I knew better. I was raised to hate him. And I’d bet he’d been raised to hate me, and would, if he really knew who I was.

  But there we were.

  His breath mingled with mine. I tried to control the way my chest rose. It brushed against the leather he wore. We were that close. Benz’s hands were on both sides of the wall now. He had me caged. I could break free. Even if he didn’t want me to, I had the skills.

  No man who’d ever tried to hold me could. I always slipped away.

  But the hell of it was, I didn’t want to. I knew what he tasted like. I knew what he did to my body, even when he was across the room.

  So I did something stupid, reckless, and wild. He had challenged me with his look, his walk, and his body. And I accepted it.

  I leaned forward and took his lower lip in mine and bit down. Not hard, just a tug, and then I sucked it into my mouth. Then I leaned back.

  “That’s right, Benz. You’re not the only rough one.” I gave him my best stare. The one I’d used in the academy, the one I’d used when I meant business. I gave him the flinty look I’d inherited from generations before me.

  “You got no idea, Guffy. Turn around.” Before I could move, he'd moved me, flipped me around. I was dizzy. My cheek was pressed against the wall and I felt his hands all over me. I braced myself and could hardly stand to wait for what I had fantasized about to be real.

  This was happening. What the hell had I done?

  He pushed up the skirt of my dress and pushed aside my panties. I felt his hands on my ass and I leaned back. His leather pants were hard against my bare skin. What had I unleashed?

  I leaned back into him. I was frantic, desperate for him to do more, take more. I had never felt this unhinged around a man in my life.

  He reached around and freed both my breasts from the top of my dress.

  Anyone could have walked by at any time and I didn’t care. I felt my core clench and somehow reach for him, but I couldn’t move my hands from the wall. It was the only thing keeping me upright. Benz grabbed both of my hips in his big hands and he was there. Right there. I gasped at the size, the sensation.

  I heard him make some sort of growling noise and I swear he’d gone part animal. Each thrust had me nearly screaming and nearly coming. It was a frenzy and I was caught up in it.

  “Go,” he said to me, as if I’d had a choice not to. An explosive orgasm ripped through my body in tight waves, with Benz like a piston behind me. I felt him go over the edge right after me. I could no longer see anything but white spots in front of my eyes. He’d taken me somewhere so fast and hard I could barely keep up.

  “What was that?” I didn’t really know, other than that it felt incredible, wild, and over way too fast. I needed more from Benz. I wanted more from him right then. He smoothed my skirt down and turned me around. As rough as we’d just been, now he was gentle. He took off his leather and put it over my now nearly shredded dress.

  I leaned up and kissed him. I’d drawn blood on his lip. Oh my God.

  “I’m sorry. I hurt you,” I whispered. He lifted me up and kissed me hard.

  “I’ll live,” he murmured and kissed me again. “You feel incredible.”

  He felt incredible too: hard, brutal, and perfect. I’d never even imagined what this type of man would be like and here I was, still reeling from what it felt like to have him take me up against this wall. I’d started it with my bite and he’d finished in a way I didn’t know was coming. But I wanted again.

  “I, uh– ” I looked down at myself, hoping to recognize something of who I was. Hoping to find a semblance of something familiar. But from the moment I had walked into Port Azrael, my life was changing in ways I hadn’t predicted.

  “Come on, we’re a few steps away from my place.”

  Benz took my hand and we literally did walk just a few steps to his building.

  He was on the third floor. It looked like he had the entire floor to himself. His apartment was huge and surprisingly gorgeous. He had a wall of windows at the back that faced out to the water. On the one side, we were nearly in Downtown Port Azrael, and on the other, a resort.

  It was unexpected. In my mind, he lived on his bike or something.

  I guess I hadn’t even gotten that far.

  He closed the door behind us and without planning it or thinking about it, I was in his arms again.

  Excerpt from Sawyer

  Don’t miss the hot bikers from The Great Wolves Motorcycle Club, like Sawyer!


  Of course, she was there late. Working. Helping. Getting paid shit. She was the guardian angel this town didn’t even know it had.

  And she was sexy as hell.

  I stared for a moment. The overhead lights were off in the office. It was probably some money saving timer.

  A small desk lamp cast a soft glow around her.

  Brunettes were never my speed, but Bess Geary had gorgeous dark hair, she wore it up. I’d never se
en it down, except in my imagination. Her long legs were crossed at the ankle under the desk, she was always the lady always dressed for work.

  I walked up to her, my boots hitting the floor made her look up.

  “It’s late. What are you doing here,” She asked, and Bess’s chocolate eyes scanned me. My biker exterior couldn’t be more of a contrast to her classic beauty.

  Everything about her was sexy to me. I loved those pencil skirts she always wore, the gray streak at her temple, and her passion. I wanted to be inside that energy and heat that came off her in waves. I craved it.

  “I was looking for you. You didn’t show up. I got worried.” Lately, if I didn’t know where Bess was, I couldn’t focus. Her presence or lack of it was becoming a central part of my existence.

  Bess took off her glasses and leaned back from the pile of papers she’d been hunched over.

  “That’s new. I normally do the worrying.”

  “Yeah. Time to clock out. I’m taking you out of here.”

  “I can’t. I have work.” I stepped closer to her desk and gripped her chair from behind. I slid her chair away from her desk.

  God, she smelled so good. It wasn’t perfume, it was her.

  I leaned over her and switched off her light. I closed the file.

  I watched her chest move up and down. It wasn’t just me that felt the attraction when we got close.

  She’d been pretty damn insistent she wasn’t interested. She was old enough to know that the president of an MC came with complications. But I’d had enough. I’d waited too long. I wanted her. Now. Consequences be damned.

  I put both hands on her shoulders and eased her out of her chair. She was still as a statue but for her breath. There was a half second that she could have pulled away, said something funny, put up a wall. But she didn’t.


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