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Rogue Gentleman (The Rourkes, Book 8)

Page 13

by Kylie Gilmore

  The moment we leave the restaurant, I hug him. He wraps an arm around me. “What’s this hug for?” he asks with a note of surprise.

  “I’m just happy.” I give him a squeeze before pulling away.

  He takes my hand and walks with me toward the elevator. The moment the doors close, he pins me against the wall and kisses me breathless.

  He breaks the kiss, his eyes gleaming as he pulls me flush against him. “I got us a room.”


  He holds my jaw, his words running hot over my ear. “I wanted to have you in a real bed not on an air mattress.”

  “But I need to catch a flight tomorrow morning. I didn’t…” I trail off as his hand slides down my spine in a hot trail before landing on my ass. My breath catches. “I didn’t bring an overnight bag.”

  He gives me a squeeze. “We’re not gonna sleep here. It’s just for total Josie debauchery.”

  He’s so romantic! I grab his head and pull him down for a kiss. “Yes! Thank you.”

  He grins. “For a minute there I thought you weren’t on board.”

  “I’m always on board for debauchery. What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means I get to take my time with you. I get to make you scream my name. I get to make you forget every other man you’ve ever been with.”

  “You already accomplished that last part.”

  He presses his forehead to mine. “Josie.” His voice is tender, and so is his kiss. I’m falling in love for the first time, and I can’t worry about the future. Now is glorious. It’s like a little ball of sunshine lighting me up inside. Magnificent.

  ~ ~ ~

  The hotel door shuts behind me, and I wander in to check out the king-size bed with a fluffy white down comforter. I turn to Sean. “Looks comf…” My voice trails off. There’s something predatory in his eyes as he unbuttons his shirt, slowly approaching the bed.

  Goose bumps break out over my skin. “Sean?”

  “Take off your dress.”

  I flush hot at the commanding tone, but I’m just uneasy enough to hesitate. He pulls his shirt off and tosses it over the back of a chair before closing the distance between us. His arms wrap around me, his fingers trailing up my spine to the zipper of my dress.

  “Need some assistance?” he asks, the words hot against my ear. He doesn’t wait for my reply, simply unzips it, and pulls it off me. He tosses it to the chair and pulls me against him, his lips meeting mine in a hungry kiss.

  My limbs go weak, and I melt against him, sliding my hands under his undershirt, stroking the muscular heat of his back. His nimble fingers make quick work of my bra, tossing it before his hands caress my breasts. I close my eyes. He makes me feel so good, so relaxed and languid. I don’t know why he seemed predatory—

  “Ah!” I land on the bed with a bounce. He just tossed me here.

  He climbs over me with a grin. “Couldn’t wait.” He pulls my panties down and off. Then he shifts me, sliding the blanket out from under me and somehow managing to brush his stubbled cheek against my nipples at the same time. They dutifully come to attention.

  “How come I’m the only one naked here?” I ask with a mock pout.

  “Because it’s Josie debauchery night.”

  He kisses me, giving my lower lip a nip. I wrap my arms around him, but I can’t hold him for long as he kisses and tastes his way down my body, lingering on my breasts, which he sucks and bites, jolting me before moving down, down, down. My stomach tightens in anticipation.

  His big hands spread my legs as he shifts, settling between them and placing a gentle kiss on my sex. He shifts my legs over his shoulders, pushing me open wider. His gaze meets mine, both tender and possessive, and every part of me reaches out to that part of him. I want to be his. I want his tender love. There’s no question in my mind that’s what he’s offering.

  “Sean,” I murmur with all the warm affection that’s coursing through me in this moment.

  “Josie,” he returns with equal warmth. “Watch.” He dips his head and laps at me.

  My head falls back on the pillow, a sound escaping that’s half moan, half gasp. And then my hips arch at the intense sensation. His mouth is incredible. Wicked. All consuming. I could sing its praises in endless tribute to the highest mountaintop. And then his finger slides inside me and another. I grip the sheets as my world takes a dizzying spin of pleasure, my insides coiling tight and hot.

  “Oh my God,” I gasp out. “Don’t stop.”

  He doubles the intensity at my words, and I’m left panting, unable to speak, my hips rocking of their own accord, riding his fingers and mouth shamelessly. The room goes dim, everything narrowing down to the intense edge that he’s pushing me to relentlessly. Oh God, I’m so close.

  And then it hits me in a lightning jolt of pleasure, my entire body arching off the mattress as I cry out in pure exultation. A rush of pleasure rocks me on and on. He gentles, letting me ride out the aftershocks of a pleasure that never seems to end. Finally, he eases off, leaving me limp and languid.

  I cup his head, running my fingers through his soft hair. “Sean, you wonderful man, fuck me.”

  He nuzzles my inner thigh before lifting his head. “I want you so bad.”

  I lift my arms to him then drop them weakly to the mattress as he climbs out of bed and quickly strips down. He had a condom in his pocket, which he wastes no time rolling on.

  Then he’s on me, pushing slowly inside, his face over mine, his blue eyes smoldering with an intensity that steals my breath. He moves slowly, deliberately, each thrust bringing another wave of sensation. His hand slides under my hip, tipping me up for his next deep thrust. My head arches back at the intense sensation of him filling me to the hilt.

  “Feel so good,” he says hoarsely, his big hand cradling my jaw.

  “You too,” I say on a gasp as he thrusts again.

  Our eyes lock as we share a breath and then another, his thrusts rocking me, higher and higher. Time stops and there’s nothing but this—our intense connection, our passion, our love.

  I explode with a sharp cry, the orgasm sneaking up on me, going on and on as he thrusts hard and fast. Suddenly, his head arches back, the cords of his neck pulled tight, and he lets go with a guttural groan, collapsing on top of me.

  My sweet Sean. I hug him, and he nuzzles into my neck, murmuring something that sounds like praise.

  I can’t make out his words, but it doesn’t matter. Deep down, I know. He cares for me just as deeply as I do for him. I love him. And I think he loves me too. Tears prick my eyes at the overwhelming feelings coursing through me. It finally happened for me with the most wonderful man in the world. I never want this feeling to end.

  But how can I hold onto it, to him, with our diverging paths?

  ~ ~ ~


  I close my eyes, euphoric and relaxed. I hear a sniffling sound and look over to find Josie wiping tears. I prop up on an elbow, alarmed. “Why’re ya crying?”

  “I’m just happy.”

  My brows scrunch together. She never cries after sex. “What’s going on? Did Winnie say something about me?”

  “Nothing bad. Don’t worry. I just felt so happy it sort of bubbled over into a few happy tears.” She climbs out of bed. “This was amazing. Let’s get back though. I need to run my lines.”

  I watch as she dresses quickly, still feeling like something is off.

  “Come on,” she urges, taking my hand and trying to pull me out of bed.

  I help her out and roll out of bed on my own. “Sure you’re okay?”


  I’m not convinced, but I let it go. She’s got a lot going on with all that’s riding on this audition. Not to mention Winnie barging in right before I whisked Josie away to dinner and hotel-room sex. It’s a lot for one night.

  The moment we get home, she says, “Thanks for the endorphin boost,” gives me a kiss, and races up to her fourth-floor room.

  I settle on the couch to wai
t for her. Our days here are numbered. I don’t want to stop living with her. I’m going for it. I don’t care if it’s fast. When she gets back from her trip, I’m going to take her to see my new apartment and invite her to move in. I think about what I’ll say. I want her to know we have a real future together. We get along so well, and we already live together.

  I scrub a hand over my face. That’s dancing around the truth. The fact is, I’ve fallen for her. I’ve done everything in my power to resist her, but it was an impossible task and, once I stopped fighting temptation, it was easy to love her. She’s amazing. A beautiful person inside and out.

  It gets late, and I go up to see if she’s done rehearsing yet. She’s asleep on the floor, script pages under her cheek. My Josie, uber-talented actress. I want her to get her big break and, at the same time, I don’t. I want her to be happy with me here.

  I scoop her up and carry her downstairs to my bed, carefully setting her down. She lifts her head, murmurs, “Night,” and goes right back to sleep.

  I settle in behind her and spoon her, stroking her hair. Suddenly I don’t want her to go. It’s just a week, but it feels like more. What if she doesn’t come back? What if she crashes on a friend’s couch out there and goes on even more auditions there instead of here? My arm tightens around her waist. Now that I finally let her in close, I’m having trouble letting go. Like she’s leaving me for good. It’s just traveling for work. She’ll be back.

  Odds are, she’ll be back.

  Chapter Twelve


  I did it. It’s Saturday night, and I finished the renovation an hour ago. Inspector will be here Monday morning. I’m exhausted, and it’s not from work either. It’s because Josie still isn’t back, and I’m having trouble sleeping without her. I even tried spooning her pillow, but it’s no use. I can’t believe I got used to her so much that I can’t sleep without her. Eventually I fall asleep, but it’s not until I black out around three a.m. Insomnia sucks.

  At least it’s for a good reason. Josie did so well on her screen test they asked her to extend her stay. There’s a callback audition on Monday with a short list of five candidates for the lead role. Still not great odds, and I feel guilty for being glad for it. I know that’s wrong. If you love someone, you should set them free when they need to be free. Only it feels like shit. What if she gets it? She’ll be thousands of miles away in Vancouver for six months. That is not a short flight either. We should cut ties before then. It’ll be too painful to drag it out. Long distance never works out. She’ll meet some hot idiot on set and forget all about the construction worker she once knew in Brooklyn.

  My phone vibrates, and I pull it from my pocket. It’s my younger brother Jack. Hey, I need a wingman tonight. Sam’s too pussy whipped to go out.

  Jack’s best friend Sam recently got engaged and basically ditched his guy friends in favor of his fiancée. Lame.

  I text back. Sure. Where?


  I’m in. That’s a bar in Williamsburg, a happening neighborhood, where they serve up beer in giant chalices.

  Cool. Meet me there.

  Jack lives in Williamsburg, so he’ll probably be on his second beer before I get there. Subway trip’s about a half hour or so.

  When I get there, the place is crowded. The bar has a dive feel to it in a cool way—exposed brick, copper ceilings, and a long black-painted brick wraparound bar with black and red vinyl seats. There’s a pool table in back I hope we’ll play. Jukebox is playing Judas Priest, and there’s a noisy crowd out on the patio. I text Jack that I’m here.

  Jack: At the bar.

  I spot him around the corner of the bar, and he gestures me over to where he’s flirting with two pretty brunettes. Ah, hell. Was this a setup? Leave it to Jack. He could’ve told me. I thought he just wanted a wingman while he cruised the bar.

  His dark brown hair is neatly parted on the side, longish on top in a tousled look that definitely took some product to achieve. He’s got a neatly trimmed beard going on too, dressed casually in a white V-neck T-shirt and faded jeans. He flashes a smile at my arrival and slaps me on the back before turning to the ladies. “This is my brother Sean. Sean, this is Sherry and…sorry, I forgot your name.”

  “Jane,” she says drily, the silver stud piercing on her tongue catching the light. I’m not into piercings. “I know, such a tough name to remember.”

  “Get to know Jane,” Jack says to me before turning to Sherry.

  Jane huffs, Sherry giggles, and I grit my teeth. I clap a hand on Jack’s shoulder and take in both women. “Nice meeting you both. Jack and I are gonna play pool now. Have a good night.”

  I incline my head for him to follow, not bothering to wait. The pool table has a game going, so I lean against the wall, watching. Jack appears at my side a few minutes later with a chalice of beer in each hand. The women have already moved on to flirt with a couple of guys farther down the bar. Saturday night bar cruise. I don’t miss it.

  Jack hands me a beer. “I forgot you were still burnt from you-know-who.” He takes a long swallow of beer, already over anything he might’ve had going with Sherry at the bar. “Ya really need to get back out there.” I debate telling him Josie and I are now a thing. He’s notorious for pulling pranks, so I’m cautious what I give him for ammunition.

  “I don’t like being set up.”

  He gives me a sideways look. “You work day and night. No woman for almost a year now. No wonder you’re cranky.”

  “I’m not cranky,” I snap.


  “I’m cranky right now because you set me up.”

  “I didn’t. Those girls started talking to me, and I just included you. I didn’t ask ya to come here for that.” He takes a sip of beer and turns back to the bar. Sherry blows him a kiss over the shoulder of another guy. He winks and turns back to me. “Forgotten already.”

  I snort. “Easy come, easy go.”


  The game ends, and I’m about to ask if we can join the next game when the three guys move on. Jack and I get our cues from the wall rack.

  “Let’s make it interesting,” he says, pulling a coin from his pocket. “I’ll give you this ancient Roman coin worth five large if you win. If I win, I get five hundred cash. How ’bout it?”

  “Yeah, right. Does your ancient Roman coin squirt water?”


  “Electric shock? Leak ink?”

  He flips it through his fingers, weaving it in and out. “Have I ever steered ya wrong?”

  “Ya think I’m an idiot?”

  “Geez. One prank, and you’re forever branded as untrustworthy.”

  “More than one. Excuse me if I’m suspicious that you’re walking around with a rare five-thousand-dollar Roman coin in your pocket.”

  He flips it in the air. “Your loss. It’s from the Italy of the desert.”

  I set up the balls and break. “What’re ya talking about?”

  “The Bellagio, or was it the Palazzo? It was an Italian name.”


  He sets up for his shot. “Where else?”

  I shake my head, laughing.

  He straightens. “Hey, I just remembered you have a woman roommate. Is she the reason you’re not into the bar scene?” He studies me for a moment. “Still pretty cranky, though. I’d wager ya didn’t close the deal.”

  “I’m only cranky because I haven’t been sleeping well.”

  “Because you’re tossing and turning, wishing you could get with her? I’ll tell ya right now, never hook up with the roommate. The moment things end, you’re in a living hell. Suddenly, there she is in the kitchen, in the living room, all up in your space. Really bad move. Happened to a buddy of mine.”

  I shake my head, take a sip of beer, and set up for my next shot. “She’s a temporary roommate anyway.” And I want her to be permanent. I keep that to myself because I’m starting to realize a future with Josie isn’t at all a sure thing.

>   “So you did get with her. Then why’re ya so cranky?”

  It’s still my turn, so I set up for the next shot. “Ya talk too much.”

  “Text her and tell her to meet up with us. I wanna meet her.”

  I exhale sharply. “She’s in LA for a callback audition for a major movie.”


  “I guess.”

  “You guess?”

  I miss the shot by a mile. “If she gets it, she’ll be away for six months.”


  I don’t bother to answer, focusing on my beer. I know it’s wrong to want her to stay, but I can’t help it. Why did I let myself get close? I knew it would always come to this. My place is here. Hers is all over the world—LA, Vancouver, wherever else they film stuff. What the hell am I doing with someone like that? I knew better, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. I rub my temple at the headache forming there.

  Jack makes his next shot and turns to me, a knowing look in his eyes. “Ya fell for her, didn’t ya? I give ya credit for getting back on the horse. Sure, I wouldn’t have gone for my ex’s cousin slash roommate slash future movie star, but ya never did have much sense when it comes to women.”

  I bristle. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He cocks his head. “It means ya fall hard, and it’s not always for someone in your league.”


  “Bro, Winnie was high class, all uppity, calling you gentleman all the time, taking you shopping for a new wardrobe. Hell, she made ya think you belonged in that ritzy neighborhood. You don’t. That’s for the money. She left you for money too. An actress about to make a major movie is not in your league either. You’re always reaching above yourself, and you’re never gonna be satisfied that way. Just sayin’.”

  “Fuck you. I’m not confined by my circumstances.”

  He shakes his head. “Look around. This is the kind of place we belong. Not a fancy art gallery, a money neighborhood, or mixing with the Hollywood set.”

  He takes his next shot and misses. A sick sense of victory goes through me. Jack is wrong about where we belong.


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