The Invisible Line
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Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Kent, Leita Montgomery
Breathitt County
Civil War in
Clay County
coal mining in
corn in
feuding families in
Floyd County
founding families of
free blacks in
frontier violence in
intermarriage illegal in
Johnson County
Jordan Gap
mountain wedding in
oil in
Pike County
postwar poverty in
race restrictions in
racial violence in
Ragamuffins (Fifth Kentucky Infantry, C.S.A.) of
raid by Morgan’s Cavalry in
Rockhouse Creek
salt drilling in
slavery in
statehood of
state militia
white supremacy in
women in Appalachia
women’s rights in
Ku Klux Klan
LaBach, William
Langston, Arthur
Langston, Caroline Matilda Wall “Carrie,”
children of
and John Langston
Langston, Charles:
as abolitionist
and John Price’s capture
and Price’s rescue
and trial resulting from Price’s rescue
and voting rights
Langston, Chinque
Langston, Frank
Langston, John Mercer
and black troops
and Caroline
and Freedmen’s Bureau
and Howard University
in later years
law practice of
and Negro Exodus
public offices held by
and son Frank
and Wall family
Langston, Ralph
Laufer, Berthold
Laurens, Henry
Lee, Custis
Lee, Robert E.
Lincoln, Abraham:
death of
at Old Soldiers’ Home
as president
and race issue
reelection of
and threats to Union
Little, Mary
Looney, George:
and brother’s death
in the community
lawsuit against
Spencers called Negroes by
Looney, Henderson, shooting of
Bayou Black (near Tigerville)
postwar poverty in
race riots in
racial ambiguity in
Reconstruction in
restrictions on blacks in
river levees in
secession of
segregation in
sugarcane farming in
summers in
Terrebonne Parish
volunteer regiments of
white supremacy in
see also New Orleans; Tulane University
Love, Richmond
Lyautey, Marshal Hubert
Lyman, Ansel
Lynch, John R.
Marshall, Fielding
Marshall, Humphrey
Massachusetts, black Civil War regiments from
Winward family in
maternal status, rule of
McConnell, James
McGowan, Frank
McGowan, Lillian Gates
early years of, see Wall, Isabel Irene
McKee, T. John
McKinlay, Whitefield
McSwain, M. S.
Mayo, John C. Calhoun
Mercer, John
Miller, Kelly
Milly (slave)
Minus (slave)
Civil War in
Gibson family in
slavery in
Wall family in
Mississippi River
Mitchell, Richard
Morgan, John Hunt
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan’s Cavalry
mulatto, designation of
Murphy, Patrick (Roscoe Orin Wall and Russell Gates)
Murphy, Thomas
National Emigrant Aid Society
Native Americans:
descendents of
encounters with
racial designation of
definitions of
see also African Americans; race
Negro Exodus
Nettleton, Alvred Bayard
New England, cultural ferment in
New Haven
New Haven Lyceum
New Orleans:
race riots in
racial ambiguity in
Randall Gibson in
rebel veterans in
White League in
New York City:
descendants of O.S.B. Wall in
Hart Gibson in
Preston Gibson in
Randall Gibson in
Tammany Hall in
Nicholls, Francis Tillou
North Carolina:
Gibson family in
Richmond County
slavery in
Wall family in
Oberlin, Ohio:
abolitionists in
college in
Rescuers from
slave-catchers in
Oberlin-Wellington Rescue
Oertly, David
black troops from
free soil of
influx of blacks in
race question in
Union Party in
Ohio Anti-Slavery Society
Ohio River
Page, Thomas Nelson
Palmer, Gideon S.
Panic of 1873
Paris, France
Parker, Theodore
Pavlova, Anna
Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company
Phillips, Wendell
Pitts, Helen
Plessy v. Ferguson
Pomeroy, Samuel
Potomac River
Powell, George Gabriel:
and backcountry court system
and Gideon Gibson
at St. Helena
Preston, John
Preston, Moses
Preston, William
Preston family
Price, John
capture of
as prisoner
rescue of
Purvis, Charles
Pütz, Wilhelm
as abolitionists
and Wall children
race, races:
becoming white
beliefs in absolute differences in
“bright line” drawn in
codes of conduct
community as judge of
court judgments on
definitions of
enforcement of lines
fighting words about
fixed expectations about
and intermarriage
and interracial relationships
invisible line of
laws about
libel and slander cases regarding
myths and stories about
one drop of blood (“one drop rule”)
one-eighth African ancestry
passing for white
principal ethnographic classifications of
racially ambiguous communities, names for
rule of maternal status
sources of authority on
tolerance vs. intolerance and
trials regarding
white supremacy
racial ambiguity:
community judgment on
names for
racial purity, beliefs about
Ragamuffins (Fifth Kentucky Infantry)
Rainey, Jose
ph H.
Rankin, Jeremiah
Ratliff, Glenn
Ratliff family
and Democratic Party politics
and disputed election of 1876
Hart Gibson’s essay on
and James Madison Wells
in Louisiana
promise of
Randall Gibson’s views on
in South Carolina
see also Freedmen’s Bureau
Republican Party:
and jobs
and Wall
Reyburn, Robert
Rice, A. L.
Richards, A. C.
Richardson, Tobias Gibson
Riddle, Albert Gallatin
Ridout, John
Ritter, W. M., Company
rivers, changing course
Rodin, Auguste
Rody (slave)
Rogers, Will
Roosevelt, Alice
Root, Elihu
Ruffin, R. D.
Saxton, Rufus
Semple, Ellen Churchill
Seymour, Horatio
Shaler, Nathaniel
Shepherd, Alexander Robey “Boss,”
Sherman, John
Sherman, William Tecumseh
shoemakers, radical politics of
Short, Will
Slave Power
debates about
Fugitive Slave Act
market value of
necessity of
North vs. South on
and states’ rights
in western territories
white supremacy protected by
and Civil War
freed, see African Americans
market for
owners sued by
prices of
as property
revolts of
slave uprisings
Smith, James
Smith, Reuben S.
Snell, William B.
birth records absent in
Black Codes in
codes of racial conduct in
Confederates restored to power in
cotton plantations in
diversity of life in
Jim Crow laws in
land confiscated in
racial purity laws in
and Reconstruction, see Reconstruction
and secession
segregation in
violence against blacks in
white supremacy in
South Carolina:
backcountry of
Black Codes in
community as judge of race in
Gibson family in
Mars Bluff
Negro Act (1740)
O.S.B. Wall in
Pee Dee Militia
Reconstruction in
Regulators in
Sea Islands of
slave trade in
Spencer, Alafair Yates:
children of
marriage of Jordan Jr. and
move to Home Creek of
Spencer, [Andrew] Jackson (Old Jordan’s son)
Spencer, Andrew Jackson [Jack] (Jordan Jr.’s son)
Spencer, Arminda Justice:
and education
and lawsuit
marriage of George and
Spencer, Benjamin Franklin
Spencer, Christopher Columbus
Spencer, Elizabeth
Spencer, George (Jordan Jr.’s son):
and education
lawsuit instituted by
Looney’s rumors about
marriage of Arminda and
Spencer, George Washington (Old Jordan’s son)
in Civil War
Spencer, James Madison
Spencer, Jordan, Jr.
children of
land farmed by
and lawsuit about race
marriage of Alafair and
move to Home Creek of
Spencer, Jordan “Old Jordan”:
aging of
children of
in the community
hard work of
as horse breeder
land owned by
lawsuit about race of
Letcher Davis’s rumors about
and Malinda
move to Johnson County
in poker game
racial classification of
in state militia
Spencer, Joseph
Spencer, Liengracia
Spencer, Lydia Margaret
Spencer, Malinda Centers:
children of
and Jordan
and lawsuit about race
move to Johnson County
Spencer, Mary
Spencer, Melvin
Spencer, Minerva
Spencer, Paris
Spencer, Polley Ann
Spencer, Sylvania
Spencer, “Tobe” (John)
Spencer, Virginia “Virgie,”
Spencer, [William] Jasper
Spencer family
in the community
descendents of
and racial classification
Spencer vs. Looney
Stanton, Edwin
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strong, Captain Bill
Strong, Hiram
Strong, Thomas
Stuart, A. T.
Sumner, Charles
Supreme Court, U.S.:
Dred Scott decision
and segregation
and violence against blacks
Syphax, Theophilus John Minton
Taft, William Howard
Tammany Hall
Taney, Roger B.
Terrell, Mary Church
Terrell, Robert
Tilden, Samuel
Tod, David
Tulane, Paul
Tulane University
Turner, Nat
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
Underground Railroad
Vallandigham, Clement
Vance, Zebulon
Vanderbilt, Reginald
Buchanan County
coal mining in
definitions of race in
emancipation in
free blacks required to leave
Home Creek
lynchings in
segregation in
slaves restricted in
timber in
Virginia Geological Survey
Virginia Supreme Court
Voorhees, Daniel
Wack, Chauncey
Wadsworth, Oliver
Wall, Albert
Wall, Amanda Thomas
activism of
children of
death of
in later years
marriage of O.S.B. and
and O.S.B.’s health
as teacher
Wall, Benjamin Franklin
Wall, Caroline Matilda
Wall, Edward
Wall, Ethel
Wall, Henry
Wall, Isabel Irene (Stephen’s daughter):
appearance of
birth of
as Isabel Winward
as Lillian Gates McGowan
as Lillian Isabel Gates
name change of
and questions of race
Wall, Isabel Irene [Bel] (Mrs. Gotthold Otto Elterich):
childhood of
The Girl of the Golden Future
and husband’s death
in later years
and mother’s death
and the theater
Wall, John
Wall, Laura Gertrude
Wall, Lillie Slee:
background of
death of
as Elizabeth Jane Gates
marriage of Stephen and
and racial classification
r /> Wall, Mial
Wall, Napoleon
Wall, Orindatus Simon Bolivar:
aging of
assassination attempt on
black troops recruited by
and Civil War
at congressional hearing
death of
debts of
descendants of
freed by father
and Freedmen’s Bureau
health problems of
law practice of
and limits of the law
marriage of Amanda and
name of
and Negro Exodus
in Oberlin
and Price’s capture
and Price’s rescue
property owned by
public offices held by
public reputation of
recovery of
and Republican Party
as shoemaker
at trial for Price’s rescue
in Washington
Wall, Roscoe Orin
name changes of
see also Gates, Russell; Murphy, Patrick
Wall, Sallie (Helen Easton)
Wall, Sarah
Wall, Stephen (father of O.S.B.)
children of
death of
descendents of
slaves of
Wall, Stephen (son of O.S.B.)
arrested for operating a barroom
becoming white
birth and childhood of
children of
death of
and Government Printing Office
marriage of Lillie and
and mother’s death
name change of
other jobs of
and racial designation
Wall family
descendents of
freed by father
name changes of
passing for white
and racial classification
Wall vs. Oyster,
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, D.C.:
African American political activism in
Brookland neighborhood
civil rights in
congressional control of
corruption in
Hell’s Bottom
Howard Hill neighborhood
LeDroit Park
Negro Exodus from
Old Soldiers’ Home
poverty in
racial designations in
segregation in
social life in
street paving in
violence in
Watson, David
Weaver, Robert
Wells, James Madison
western territories:
opportunities in
slavery in
Whig Party, organization of
White, Andrew Dickson
White, Edward Douglass
White, George
White, James
White, Reubin
White, William
White League
Whitney, Eli
Whittemore, Isabel Wall (Isabel Wall Winward)
Wiley, Jenny
Windom, William
Winsor, Richard
Winward, Charles
Winward, Ethel
Winward, Isabel, see Wall, Isabel Irene
Winward, Isabel Wall (Isabel Irene’s daughter)
as Isabel Wall Whittemore