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Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1

Page 11

by Harley, Lisa M.

  “I want to make you come, tonight,” I whispered in her ear. “I want to take you to my bed and lick every single inch of you.”

  Her lips parted and I smiled against her skin. I was almost embarrassed about my own bluntness. But what in the hell did I have to lose?

  I had spent too many nights over the last several years regretting every decision I had made when it came to Emma. And over the last four months, I had spent the majority of my nights playing the part of the responsible adult as Logan’s father.

  I didn’t regret it for one single moment.

  But tonight, Logan was with Emma and Jack, and I was tired of being responsible.

  My hand left her hip and I began pushing it toward her center. I wanted to take her on the dance floor. I didn’t care that people could see. Tabby’s head fell to my shoulder as I pulled her closer, my hard erection pressed into her backside, and I felt a slight groan leave her chest. I cupped her center with my hand and rubbed lightly.

  I felt like an animal. A wild one who fought against being tamed. I knew I should take her back to my place. She was a goddess, not the type of girl you fucked or made come on the dance floor in one of Chicago’s dance clubs. But I couldn’t stop myself. I felt her heat seeping through her tight dress. I cupped her and pulled her closer to me, two of my fingers began pressing and rubbing against her through the thin material of her dress.

  “I want to feel you lose it,” I said into her ear. She shook her head against my shoulder.

  “Can’t.” She also didn’t pull away, so I took it as a good sign.

  I nodded against her temple and I felt her hands reach around and cup my ass, pressing me against her. If I was any closer, I’d be in her. I couldn’t wait.

  “Sure you can, Tabby,” I told her, whispering her name because I had to say it. My fingers worked harder and I felt her gasping for breath. Our hips continued moving, my thigh and hands kept her braced against my chest. I felt her stomach muscles tighten, her thighs began to shake as I rubbed her clit through her dress and underwear.

  “Marcus,” she moaned, turning her head so she could say it directly into my ear. And then I felt her body spasm against me. I gripped her tighter and my thigh pressed up further, keeping her from falling over. I continued my ministrations on her clit while she shook and moaned into my ear as the smoke fell around us as she came, looking more beautiful than any woman I had ever seen in my entire fucking life.

  She was barely catching her breath, her ankles shaky in her heels, when I began pulling her off the dance floor.

  “We’re out of here,” I told Dean as soon as we hit the table. I hadn’t even asked her, but Tabby was gripping my hand like it was a life line and she didn’t argue with me. Instead, I saw her pick up a small purse and whisper something into Harper’s ear.

  Dean clapped my shoulder and grinned.

  Glad you came out tonight, aren’t you?

  Shut up, asshole. I told him back silently with a grin the size of Texas on my face.

  Chapter Three


  What in the hell had gotten in to me? I was never this girl. I was not the girl who picked up random men, let them give me an earth-shattering orgasm – on a freaking dance floor, no less! – and then end up at their apartment.

  Granted, it was a gorgeous place. Marcus had class. I could tell that from the moment I saw him walking up to our table in his designer jeans that fit his thighs like a second skin. And then there was the long sleeve dress shirt, which was casually rolled at the wrists but perfectly cut across his chest and upper arms.

  The man was sexy. He made me forget. I was going to owe Harper a case of her favorite wine for convincing me to get out of the sweatpants that I’d lived in for the last month since stupid, freaking Chuck Banter walked out on me after a four year, (and now I realized) dead-end relationship.

  But still…was it the best idea to be making out with some guy – an incredibly hot and skilled with his fingers and tongue guy – that I had never met before? I wasn’t sure what I thought of it. I was pretty sure what my mum would think of it. It wouldn’t be good.

  And yet, as I threw my hands into Marcus’s blonde hair and pulled him tighter to my mouth as we stumbled to his bedroom, I wasn’t sure I cared about what my mum thought. I was absolutely sure that I no longer gave a shit about Chuck Banter. Because in the four years that we were together, he had never made my spine feel like it was going explode with a simple kiss like Marcus Whitmore could.

  “Oh my –” I whispered as Marcus’s lips left my mouth and settled on my neck. I couldn’t finish my sentence. I couldn’t even remember what I was going to say. Or moan.

  His hands wrapped around my waist and he pulled me to him. “You taste amazing. Salty and sweet,” he said against my skin.

  I might have replied. Maybe not. I had no clue. His deep voice and hot breath on my skin had my head spinning, sending a jolt of unfathomable pleasure straight to my core. I ran my hands down his arms, feeling his strength right as his hands cupped my ass and he lifted me.

  Before I could blink, I was tossed onto his bed. Marcus’s body covered me instantly.

  “You are beautiful,” he said. He pulled back, his hands resting by my head, pressing into the mattress with his knees on each side of my hips. My hands were lying palms up right next to his on the bed. I was completely blocked in by this gorgeous blonde man with light blue eyes.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  He grinned. One side of his lips curved into a salacious grin and my heart skipped a beat. Or five. I gasped for breath.

  He leaned down and I watched as his slightly curly blonde hair, that went just past his collar, dipped down and shielded the sides of face. His head tilted to the right and headed straight for me.

  My hands flew to his chest. I had to stop this insanity. “I don’t want a relationship,” I told him. For a second, Marcus paused and pulled back. The distance between us was fractional, but it felt like a mile. My nails curved into his shirt and I pulled him closer. “Just tonight. That’s all I can give you.”

  His head dipped down and looked at my fingers curled into his shirt, holding on for dear life, and then he returned his gaze to my lips.

  “You’re even more perfect than I thought,” he murmured as his head dipped and his lips were back on mine. He pushed at my thighs with his knee so I widened my legs and let him fall in between.

  His belt buckle ground against my clit as he rolled his hips and I moaned into his mouth. He told me again that I was perfect. I wasn’t. I was a complete wreck. But I was willing to enjoy this incredible man for one night.

  Tomorrow, I’d go back to figuring my crap out. I’d figure out what I wanted out of life now that I’d been abandoned in Chicago, and in the United States, while my loser ex-boyfriend went back to Manchester.

  I squeezed my eyes tighter, willing myself to completely forget about Chuck, and it worked. With my eyes closed, all I could feel were warm and strong fingers lightly grazing the skin of my arms. Marcus’s lips left mine again and he slowly trailed his kisses down my neck, across my collarbone, and then down my chest. Each kiss, each swipe of his tongue, left a trail of fire in its wake.

  My hips shifted into his buckle and I reached for his shirt, desperate to forget and to get my hands on his skin at the same time.

  “Marcus,” I groaned, pulling his shirt out of his dark jeans and undoing his belt.

  “God that sounds so fucking sexy,” he whispered against my skin. “My name coming from your lips. I could come right now.”

  “I’m not there yet,” I warned him, thinking he was actually serious. His abs tightened and his shoulders shook once.

  With a sparkle in his eyes, he smiled at me, pulling back from where his lips were grazing along the top of my cleavage. “Don’t worry, Tabby. I won’t leave you disappointed.”

  I had no doubt. “I need your shirt off,” I told him, struggling to get the buttons undone with my shaking fingers. Marcus
pulled up on his knees and pierced me with his eyes. I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to move. Instead, I watched his fingers unbutton his shirt, and I fought to keep my mouth closed to prevent drooling as he worked himself out of shirt. Once it was thrown to the floor, I watched him rip off his belt. It snapped in his hands and my eyes flew wide open.

  “Come here,” he said, and reached for my hands, pulling me up to my knees so I faced him on his bed. “I’ve wanted you out of this dress since the second I saw you tonight.”

  “You’re very good at this,” I muttered, suddenly self-conscious as I raised my arms and let him pull my dress over my head. Marcus frowned at me, a question in his eyes, so I clarified. “Seducing women.”

  For a second, I saw a cloud drift across his eyes before he blinked it away. “It’s not a habit of mine.”

  I wasn’t sure I believed him. He really was too good at it. I also wasn’t sure that I cared. Not when he was in front of me, shirtless, with muscles defined into hard ridges, and a chest I couldn’t wait to drag my nails down while he pressed his dick inside of me.

  I must have nodded, or given some indication that showed I believed him and still wanted him because in a flash Marcus had rid himself of his jeans and his pants. I blinked and saw him.

  I couldn’t miss him. His hard cock was thick and smooth and holy shit, I wanted to feel him inside me. Without any help from Marcus, I wiggled out of my knickers and my bra. It left me naked and still kneeling on his bed while he stood on the side of the bed, hands on his hips, watching me like he had no clue what to do with me.

  I nervously fiddled with my hair and brought it forward, covering my breast. His hand came out and brushed back the hair I had just pulled forward, and his eyes went straight to my chest.

  “I have no idea where to start first.”

  I laughed once. Nervously. If he was expecting me to suddenly take the lead, he had another thing coming. Besides Chuck, I was completely inexperienced. And from the way my body had been reacting to Marcus all night, I was starting to think that experience with Chuck wasn’t much experience at all.

  “I want to lick you all over. Taste you. Sink my tongue and my fingers and my dick into you. Over and over again.” My breath caught on his words and then his hands were on my shoulders, gently laying me down.

  Marcus licked his lips and his eyes wandered all over my naked skin. With a boldness I didn’t know I had, didn’t even know where it came from, I slowly trailed one finger down my cleavage and stopped at my navel.

  “You can start here,” I purred.

  His lips quickly fell to my skin and he began kissing the trail I had just drawn. Every place he touched ignited. The places he didn’t touch ached with wanting to be touched. I was moving against him, shifting underneath him, and making incoherent sounds while his lips and tongue worshipped me.

  He didn’t stop at my navel. His lips continued down to my core. His fingers moved slowly, separating my labia.

  “So wet,” he murmured, right as his tongue hit my clit. He rolled his tongue over me and my fingers gripped his hair. I moaned in response and widened my legs at the sensations his fingers and tongue shot through me.

  “Delicious. Sweet, like I thought. So fucking warm and incredible.” He spoke against my skin, sending vibrations down my inner thighs. I had never been talked to like this. Never knew I wanted to be talked to like this. But man, it was hot as hell. I felt sweat beads on my hair line as Marcus began licking and tasting me. His tongue rolled my clit and then he bit it gently, pulling on it, and lapping at my wetness while I shifted and lost my freaking mind. He told me how good I tasted, how sexy I was, and how much he wanted to be inside me.

  “Yes,” I agreed. “Inside me.”

  “Not until you come for me.”

  I shook my head, my hair stuck to my neck and my cheeks, but I couldn’t brush it out of the way. I was too lost in his words and his touch.

  “I need you.” Oh my god, I was begging. I never begged. What was he doing to me?

  And then I knew, because my stomach tightened. I felt the burning fire begin in my lower spine and travel to the front. My thighs began to shake so hard that Marcus’s fingers left my body and both of his hands held them down, pressing them into the mattress. His tongue continued his assault on my clit and inside me. He fucked me with his tongue, taking small breaks to lick my clit.

  And then all the sensations combined into one massive ball of explosion. I wrapped my feet around his back and pulled him to me. I screamed his name, I thrashed against his bed, and I lost complete control of every muscle in my body while Marcus continued licking and flicking and tasting me until I returned from planet who-in-the-hell-knows-where-I-went.

  I laid there, gasping for breath. I tingled from my scalp to the tips of my fingers and toes.

  Holy shit. Best orgasm. Ever.

  Marcus slowly climbed up my body and rested above me. His hips dropped to mine and I felt his hard erection rubbing against my wetness.

  I shook my head. I couldn’t open my eyes, but I could feel him smiling at me.

  “Can’t,” I told him, still shaking my head. I pulled my lips into a lazy smile. Or a drunken one. That was how I felt, and it wasn’t from the liquor I’d consumed hours ago.

  His soft laughter against my throat caused the small hairs at the back of my neck to stand up. “I’m not done, yet.”


  “Gotta give me more than that word, Tabby.” His lips skimmed my throat up to the soft skin behind my ear.

  “Too good,” I told him. I couldn’t string together a sentence. I couldn’t think of a sentence to save my life.

  “I haven’t kissed and touched all of you yet,” Marcus whispered in my ear. And then I felt the weight in the bed shift right before he rolled my body over.

  “Oh my god,” I moaned again. I couldn’t stop myself as his hands began massaging my shoulders, his erection pressing into my backside. “Feels so good.”

  He kissed down my spine. I felt his lips turn into a smile against me. “So do you. And it’s about to get better.”

  His warmth left me and I turned my head enough to see him leaning over me, reaching into the nightstand. Then he moved again, resituated himself, and his hands lifted my hips. He pressed another kiss against the center of my back.

  “I’ll do all the work this time,” he said softly.

  I laughed. “I think you did all the work last time.”

  I felt the tip of his erection press into me. We groaned at the same time. I turned my head, looking at him over my shoulder, and watched his head drop back, his eyes closed. It was a mixed expression of pain and pleasure as he pressed into me. I totally understood. I felt the same way. He stretched me. Filled me. And kept filling me until I wasn’t sure I could take any more of him.

  My eyes rolled back into my head.

  “Shit, Tabby. I had no idea you’d feel so fucking good.”

  I said nothing as he began moving. He tightened his grip on my hips and my hands fisted into the mattress. The sounds of skin on skin and our pleasured groans soon filled the room. I felt another swell of pleasure roll through my body right as Marcus began speeding up. Thrusting into me completely and not relenting while he moved against me.

  Soon, I was crying out his name as he pushed into me a final time. I felt his cock throbbing as the walls of my pussy clamped around him. His head fell down, collapsing in between my shoulder blades, and I felt his fast, shallow breaths against my skin.

  It wasn’t until we had cleaned up and curled next to each other on the bed, that my mind began to race in to what could only be described as epic proportions.

  Did I stay? His arm that was tightly wrapped around my waist would tell me yes. But my old roommates always came home late after a one-night stand. No one wanted to do the walk of shame or the embarrassing morning after. I couldn’t believe I was twenty-three and this was my first one-night stand and I had no idea what to do.

  So I decided qui
ckly, before I passed out and woke up next to a man who didn’t want company in the morning. I had already told him I didn’t want a relationship, just a night. I threw on my dress and shoes and quietly gathered my bracelets.

  And then I high-tailed it out of there as fast as I could, hailed a cab, which wasn’t easy on New Year Eve, and quietly snuck into my apartment ten blocks away from Marcus without waking my roommate.

  Chapter Four

  Three Weeks Later


  “Hey.” I leaned in and gave Emma a kiss on the cheek in Logan’s elementary school’s office. “How are you?”

  Emma pulled back and smiled. Her blonde hair was loosely fixed into a pile on the top of her head and she looked as beautiful as always. Her cheeks were still pink from the cold. It wasn’t her natural beauty that gave me a jolt of surprise as she answered me and we began walking down the hall toward Logan’s classroom for his parent teacher conferences.

  It was the fact that for the last three weeks, I had been able to look at her and be the friend she wanted to be to me. Ever since I woke up in an empty bed, pissed that Tabby had given me a more memorable night than I’d ever had before, I was no longer jealous when I saw Emma. I hadn’t had to grind my teeth around Jack when he talked about Logan or Emma while we were at work.

  I hadn’t even gotten pissed when I saw a ring on Emma’s finger that was the size of Chicago and so sparkly you could see it from a mile away.

  In fact, I’d thought little to none of either of them. What had consumed my thoughts was the brown haired, pale skinned goddess who had left me without a phone number or a good-bye. It was true, apparently. The best way to get over a woman was to get another one under you.

  It worked. Connecting with Tabby had forced me to realize that if I could have that amount of passion with her, perhaps Emma had been right months ago when she said we’d be better off as friends. I had agreed with her at the time while silently cursing the friend-zone she had placed me in.


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